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Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1)

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by Lee, Judith


  “Okay, what darlin’?” he whispered trying not to rattle her more than she already was, “I’m dressed and walking to the truck right now. I was up. I’m coming…give me your address.”

  She knew she was in shock and her voice was still quaking, “I... I can’t tell you over the phone. I just need to talk…talk with someone and get some help, some…some information. If you’re sure it’s okay to come, I live in the Durman Condos, unit 15. I just didn’t know who else to call.”


  It took him less than five minutes to get to her condo. No one was up so he broke a few speed limits to get there. He could tell by her voice that something was not right, and he was concerned.

  He rang her door bell, and she peeked out the window first, then threw open the door and jumped into his arms. Tears were rolling down her face.

  “I’m here darlin’…shhhh, it’s going to be alright.” He was holding her tight with one hand caressing the back of her head and the other around her waist. He kicked the door closed with his foot. She was shivering, and he was afraid she was going to collapse. He reached down and picked her up, carried her to a chair in the front room and settled her in his lap. He kissed her forehead, and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I’m here, you are going to be okay. I can help you.” He reassured her, gently wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “I…I need an attorney. I don’t know one here, and I need him quick. I need a restraining order on my ex-husband.”

  He tried not to show his surprise on his face. He had a feeling she was recovering from being hurt, but not by an ex-husband. It didn’t matter, he told himself. He reached into his pocket, grabbed his phone and with one hand searched through his contacts and connected with the number he needed.

  “You remember Mrs. Snodgrass? Her husband Bob Snodgrass is our attorney, a fellow rancher, too, so he’ll be up,” he told Tammy as he waited for someone to pick up.

  “Hey Bob, this is Cody. We need your help right now. I’m with Tammy Anderson at her condo on Durham Road, unit 15. She says she needs to talk with you and I’m thinking she needs to talk to you soon and in person. Okay, thanks, Bob, I appreciate it.”

  “He’ll be in about twenty minutes. Can I make you some coffee or tea, while we wait?

  “Aren’t you going to ask me what’s going on?” she sniffed.

  “There’s plenty of time, and I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready. When Bob gets here I’ll give you some privacy. I just want you to know I’m here for you, okay darlin’?”

  “Why are you being so kind to me? We haven’t even kissed yet,” she said in a confused voice.

  He laughed softly, “You need me, and I liked that you called me. Don’t worry about that kiss, its coming and when we kiss you won’t be distracted with worry.

  “Thank you Cody, I…I guess I should get dressed before Mr. Snodgrass arrives.” Cody had been studying her face so intently he hadn’t looked down. At her words he looked down at her well-developed long bare legs and noticed her short robe that was partially open displaying a tight fitting tank top and the edge of some lacy underwear. He looked up quickly and gulped. Now was not the time for his libido to flame to red hot. Use some control man, she needs you. He rose and lifted her gently to her feet, and went looking for the coffee pot.

  He looked back at her as she started toward the bedroom, and he asked her if she needed any help dressing. He raised his eye brows several times, trying to lighten the mood.

  She laughed through her tears, and told him he was… “Incorrigible. I think I can manage it now.” And she walked into the bedroom.

  When she came out a few minutes later she had on tight jeans, a sweat shirt which was several sizes too big for her and partially fell off one shoulder, and big fluffy bedroom slippers. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail that hung loose, curly and more to one side, with many of the curls escaping. He growled lowly under his breath. Damn how could she look so sexy under these circumstances?

  He handed her a cup of coffee. There was a knock at the door, and Tammy almost dropped her coffee mug, her hands shook so much. He grabbed her coffee and set it on the table and helped her sit down on the sofa. Cody looked out the window and opened the door and let Bob in. He introduced him to Tammy and said he would wait outside.

  “Cody, come sit by me. I don’t want to have to tell this story more than I have to.”

  “Are you sure Tammy?” she nodded yes. He sat quietly by her, and she reached over and she grabbed his hand with both of her hands. He liked that. He felt possessive about her and had the urge to put her back on his lap.

  Bob said, “Tammy, just take your time and tell us what is happening. We won’t interrupt you. Start from the beginning if you can.”

  “O’ Okay…My last year of college I met a professor. His name was Marcus Street. He courted me relentlessly through my senior year until after I graduated and then I finally went out with him. He seemed so charming and I was shy and I didn’t have a lot of friends. My mom said I was a late bloomer.” She smiled thinking how much she loved her mom and dad. In a soft monotone voice she continued, “I was always studying by myself and busy non-stop as I worked to help put myself through school. He bought me lots of gifts and convinced me he was in love with me and would take care of me the rest of my life.”

  Tears streamed down her face again. Cody reached over and gently wiped away her tears with his fingers. This was killing him. He had a really bad feeling about what was coming.

  “After a year with this onslaught of pressure, he talked me into eloping with him. I don’t know why I married him to this day. It hadn’t felt right. He just was relentless in his single minded goal of getting me to marry him. A few months after we were married, he started telling me I was useless and he didn’t know why he had ever married me. I couldn’t cook, I was terrible,” she looked down, “…in bed. Everything I did was wrong. If I tried to keep the house clean, or if I rearranged the furniture, or tried new meals, he would verbally harass me relentlessly. When I wanted to go to work, he wouldn’t let me, he said I should stay at home and take care of him.”

  “It escalated when he started drinking and then he would beat me. I should have left then. Actually I tried several times but he always found me and dragged me back with threats that he would blow up my parent’s home if I tried to leave him again, or if I told anyone. I found my cat bloody and gutted on my bed one night and that was it. I snuck out after he had drank himself to sleep, but as I started up the car he threw a brick through the window, dragged me out on the lawn and kicked me over and over again until I was almost unconscious. I remember him throwing me in the backseat of the car.”

  She had to stop and close her eyes. The pain Cody saw in Tammy’s face was almost unbearable, and if he could get his hands on Marcus he would show him what it was like to have a man kick the life out of him.

  In a tiny voice, she recalled, “I woke up in the hospital. I had broken ribs, a crushed lung, a severe concussion, and a broken arm. The police questioned me about why I had been drinking and driving and told me that I had severally injured a family of four. They told me Marcus had told them I was the driver. He was a college professor and they believed him and not me. I was devastated but I told them I hadn’t been drinking and I told them about Marcus beating me and that he had been drunk. They still didn’t believe me, but my blood tests came back clearing me and the forensic science proved I had not been driving. My lawyer, John Peterson in Laramie can tell you all about the case and the trial. I would have called him tonight, but I panicked.”

  “Marcus took a plea bargain and only got ten years, with the possibility of parole.”

  She stopped and looked at Cody, fear clearly in her eyes. She whispered, “I’m sorry I should have told you earlier, but we just met and it brings back such painful memories.”

  He squeezed her hand and told her, “It wasn’t your fault darlin’. Don’t blame yourself. Why were you s
o afraid this morning?”

  “He called me this morning, and said he was out and he was coming for me and he wouldn’t be stopped this time. I can’t remember what else he said. I think he said he was going to fuck me or something and he was coming for me.” She started crying really hard this time and Cody pulled her into his lap.

  He looked at Bob, “Can you get in touch with her attorney Peterson, and get started on a restraining order?”

  They discussed it for a few minutes and Bob asked Tammy a few more questions. Then he assured her he would get the restraining order. She might need to talk to the judge later that morning but he would try to give the judge as much information as he could with the help of her attorney in Laramie so she wouldn’t have to go through the whole story again.

  Cody could tell she was shutting down. Her eyes seemed glazed and she was shaking and starting to blur her words. He told Bob he was going to pack a few things and take her to his house so he and his family could protect her. Marcus wouldn’t have any idea where she was. Mr. Snodgrass took her phone. He didn’t want her using her cell phone or using any credit cards, and she was going to have to take a few days off work until they could find where Marcus was hiding. He had probably already broken his probation by just contacting her.

  I have an extra ranch phone I can give her so she can always call for help if she needs to.

  “I’ll bring the judge to your house Cody if I need to but I think it’s best if she gets some rest.” They shook hands, and Bob left to start the legal process rolling.

  She opened her eyes and looked at Cody, “Let’s go see Jenny’s bunnies before you take me home to meet your family.” She closed her eyes again.

  Cody smiled, kissed her forehead, and told her not to worry, that he’d send Dakota or Matt or Cameron to watch Jenny show her bunnies. It warmed his heart that she was more concerned about making sure Jenny had friends and family there to cheer her on. “Let’s get you to the ranch where I can protect you.”

  “Okay, whatever you want Cody. Thank you.” And she closed her eyes again as she leaned against his shoulder.

  If Marcus tried to get near her, he’d rip him to pieces. His family, even with the enormity of all their troubles right now, would stand up in force to protect her.

  Chapter Four

  While Tammy slept in the seat next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder, he called his dad and mom and told them what was happening. As he knew they would, his family said they were fine with him bringing her home where they could all look out for her. It was agreed that Matt would take Jenny to the fair while he got Tammy settled in.

  Tammy slept through the bumpy ride to the ranch. When he got there, he lifted her into his arms and started carrying her into the house. Her gardenia smell floated to his nose and he drew her closer. God this woman drove him crazy. She woke up briefly and told Cody she could walk. He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes again. “I got ya, darlin’. You just need to get some rest.”

  He carried her into Dakota’s room. Dakota and Cameron were going to be staying in the horse/camper trailer at the exhibitor’s lot because they were heading out to the next rodeo in the morning. Cody pulled back the covers and laid Tammy down. He slipped her shoes off and pulled the covers up to her chin. Her eyes drifted open and she smiled a sleepy smile.

  “Where am I?” She seemed confused and lethargic, and gripped his hand.

  “You’re at my house in Dakota’s room.”

  “Won’t he need his room?” she asked, and he could tell she wasn’t fully awake.

  “No, he and Cameron are heading out to the next rodeo in the morning.”

  “Won’t you be going with them?”

  “Tammy, don’t worry about that now. We’ll talk after you’ve had a little rest.”

  “Cody? Can we have that kiss now?” She smiled, with her eyes half closed, and a yawn following her words.

  “Oh baby we’re going to have that kiss, I promise, but I want you awake and totally with me.” He kissed her on the cheek, barely stopping the urge to lie down next to her and pull her into his arms. The thought of just holding her and protecting her while she slept was very appealing. His control would be gone if he did that, so he got up quietly and left the room.


  Later in the afternoon Tammy woke up and remembered where and why she was in the strange room. There was a bathroom attached, so she took a few minutes to wash her face and run a brush through her hair. She looked tired but she felt so much stronger than she had this morning. Tammy was upset with herself. Over the last three years, she had gone to counseling and worked so hard to get her confidence back. She had taken self-defense classes, and she felt she had made such progress. Then one stupid phone call sent her back to a full blown panic attack. She knew she had to get ahold of herself and face this demon head on, or she would never be normal again.

  She walked down the hall and stopped just outside the door as she heard Cody and his mom. Mrs. Tiller was crying. “Mom, everything is going to be okay. This will be over soon, and you don’t have to worry. I will be here. You knew I was going to retire soon anyway. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a few rodeos sooner than I planned.”

  On no! He can’t quit because of me. She backed up a few steps trying to decide what to do as she silently watched Cody hold his mother’s hand.

  Cody looked out the window. “Mom here comes Bob and the judge. Why don’t you go lie down and we’ll talk later. I’ll go see if Tammy is awake.”

  Tammy pulled herself away from the wall and entered the room.

  Cody looked up and smiled at her. He took her hand and brought her over to his mother.

  “Mom this is Tammy Anderson and this is Beth Anne, my mom.” He smiled kindly down to his mom.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Tiller. I’m so embarrassed to have caused all this trouble and I appreciate you letting me rest at your house.”

  “Don’t be silly, and please call me Beth Anne. We will love getting to know you better. I have heard so much about you from Jenny and Cody.” She hid her sadness with a welcoming smile.

  Cody opened the door just as they got to the porch and let the judge and the attorney in and made the introductions. “Tammy, you know Mr. Snodgrass and this is Judge Willis.”

  They sat at the round oak kitchen table. The judge asked a few questions of Tammy and had her sign some papers. Bob told her he had confirmed that if Marcus shows up within 50 feet of Tammy, he was indeed in violation of his probation agreement. The judge had issued the restraining order and the sheriff and police department would be on lookout for him.

  She thanked them for their help and asked if she could have a ride back to her condo.

  Cody stood up, and started to protest. “Tammy…”

  “Cody, please, I can’t stay here and interrupt your family’s life. I just had a terrible shock this morning hearing his voice again, but I need to get home. I appreciate everything you and your family have done for me, but I just need to go home. I can’t let him win. I have to stand up for myself.”

  He shook his head. He turned to the judge and Bob, and told them, after he talked to Tammy in private, if she still wanted to go home, he would take her himself and he would let them know so they could inform the sheriff’s office.

  They shook hands and left.

  Cody took Tammy’s hand, “Let’s go for a walk.” He looked over at his mom, “Go rest, the casserole won’t be done for a little while.”

  When he looked back at Tammy, she could tell by the expression on his face that he didn’t want her to go.


  Every time he held her hand, her heart started beating faster and it just felt so incredibly right. Nobody had ever held her hand like this, so positively and with such absolute confidence.

  They walked down to the corals and watched the new colts prancing around the arena. He told her a little about the ranch operations and how he’d be breaking those horses in soon. He talke
d about everything but the elephant in the room.

  Finally, Cody turned her toward him, “Tammy I would feel better if you stayed here. You aren’t being an inconvenience to me or my family. We like having you here. If Marcus shows up you can’t hope to stand up to a lunatic like him,” he pleaded.

  She ran a hand through his thick black hair that had fallen over his forehead and looked up into his eyes. He had the most brilliant blue eyes. I could really fall for you. No No No…where had thought come from?

  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but you probably need to get on to the next rodeo and I need to get myself together. I have worked so hard the last three years, to overcome both the mental and physical abuse. I also took self-defense classes and I learned how to shoot. I even have a special permit to carry a gun. I’m so ashamed of how I fell apart this morning. I have fought too hard to lose it from one phone call. I have to be strong. Damn I need to get it together. I can’t be dependent on you or anyone for the rest of my life. You have to understand how important this is to me.”

  “You are strong. You survived that asshole. Can’t you just stay for a few days until we have a better idea where he is?”

  “Cody, I heard your mom crying. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I heard how sad she was that you were retiring from the rodeo. You can’t do that. I can see the passion you have for it.”

  He rested his forehead against her forehead and sighed.

  “Darlin’, you have nothing to do with me retiring. And mom is crying for another reason I can’t get into with you right now. Truthfully, you would help me by staying at least for a few days or a long as you want. I wish you would trust me on this.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw pain. She was quiet for a few minutes.

  “Okay Cody, but I have to go work tonight at the Ag booth. I am in charge of the booth this year. It means so much to me. I worked so hard to get my job at the Ag Extension office, and I don’t want to run and hide, and not do my job. It would just put me back to where I was three years ago.”


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