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Nowhere to Run

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  “This information has been gathered from what I know as well as the Union Obelisk’s information. Both of us agree that the Invaders will not attack again from Andromeda. When they come again they will attack like they did when they invaded Andromeda; they will be coming directly here. We are also of the opinion that they will be coming with a massive number of ships and will not be scouting our galaxy before their arrival. Their ability to scan the jumping medium will be used to direct them to our civilizations.”

  There was silence and the First said, “Do you have an idea as to which civilization will be discovered first?”

  “The Kilper Common has been using jump drives thousands of years longer than the Union so evidence suggests that we would be found first. However, we only have a fifty nine percent probability of that.”


  “Because the Union is slightly closer to a direct line to their galaxy.”

  The First thought a moment, “Where are we in building defenses around our planets?”

  “The vast majority of our planets are not adequately defended but that probably won’t be a problem, unless we lose the initial contact with their forces.”

  “Tell me why?”

  “We have moved our populations off the former main planets but have left all of the reactors and electrical systems running. Those fifty thousand worlds give off a tremendous signal. They are also where the most jumps have been made in our civilization. We have had all of our warships jumping between them after the last battle so the jump signatures around them should be enormous. We have been moving populations to the other planets using our new FTL Drives when this danger was detected, so most of the other planets shouldn’t stand out on their scanners. The Obelisk and I both think the former main planets are the most likely place they will attack first.”

  “Have you decided on how to meet them there?”

  “Basically, we advise keeping all our ships away from those planets during the initial attacks.”

  Ian looked at Doc and saw he was just as shocked by the statement as he was. He turned and saw Dee nod. She saw something he didn’t.

  “Why would that be good strategy?”

  “The Union Scientist Cole Montgomery and our scientist Argel Newess have developed the Boson Beams and have installed them on orbital platforms above those planets. The platforms have also been installed above our other important planets here and in the Union. However, the main planets have more than a thousand above each of them. We are of the opinion that we should allow their fleets to be softened by those platforms before we intervene with our fleets.”

  “What if they go to the Union first?”

  “We are going to attempt to direct them to our main planets. We are going to jump all of our warships from the outer edge of our galaxy to one of the main planets as soon as we determine they are gathering ships to invade. Those massive trails would be hard to ignore.”

  The First looked around and said, “So you’re making sure we’re attacked first.”

  “Unless you have a better idea.”

  The First didn’t like the Invaders coming to his civilization instead of the Union. He stared at the ceiling and said, “How many other possible scenarios have you examined?”

  “More than six million.”

  The First was shocked. “What!”

  “Leading those ships to either of our civilizations is the last thing we want to do but survival is what we’re trying to ensure. We have to find a way to reduce their ship numbers in order to win this round. The closest scenario we’ve looked at involves meeting them at the edge of the galaxy and we estimate we’ll lose more than sixty percent of our ships in a direct engagement. Having them attack the main planets reduces that estimate to twenty percent.”

  The First forced himself to look at the current situation from the eyes of his allies. He looked up at the High Council and saw their concern. Then Ian said, “We are sending every ship the Union has in its inventory here to take them on and defend your planets. Our sailors will die fighting to defend you.”

  The First wondered if he would do the same. Would he send every ship? He looked up at the Council and smiled, “Then we’re just going to have to kick their bumps back to their galaxy.”

  Ian smiled, “That is our intention. Once that happens we’re taking the fight to their turf.”

  The First looked at Ian, “Why not go there first?”

  “We must reduce their numbers here first. I’m sure they’ll send every ship they can afford to release. These platforms in orbit at your main planets are ship killers extraordinaire and as I think about it, they don’t have to protect those planets. They only have to kill the invader ships. Those platforms are mobile and won’t be locked into a defensive orbit. They can go after the best targets.” Ian now understood why Dee had nodded.

  The First stared at Ian and Doc said, “We also know that some of the most powerful civilizations in that galaxy are not currently participating in the invasion. If we attack them first, they may join the others.”

  The First thought about the situation for a moment and then the Admiral said something that helped him decide, “We were locked in a system that would eventually collapse. The main planets with the building of cities on all their land surfaces were the path to eventual destruction. We could not continue to provide enough food to sustain them. Those planets need to be destroyed to stop any of our citizens from ever desiring to go back. We have to commit to our new direction.”

  The First smiled and looked up at the High Council and saw them nodding to each other. He knew that billions of citizens missed the comfort and luxury of their former lives and yearned for the past. The destruction of their former worlds would convince them the High Council was right to move them. He looked back at the conferees, “Then we will meet them here. Let’s make sure they don’t forget the welcome we give them.”

  The representatives began discussions and the First watched Argel answer many of the difficult questions about the new weapon technology. He also noticed that most of his engineers and scientists were out of their league. He called the lead scientist over, “Why is that female not on our staff?”

  “She is just a junior scientist.”

  “She isn’t anymore. She is now in charge of you and all your staff. Is that clear?”

  The Lead Scientist’s face showed his fear for a moment and said, “She has refused to leave her current post, First Councilor.”

  The First stood and looked at Argel. The rest of the room grew silent when they saw him stand and wondered what was going on. “Why have you refused to leave your current assignment?”

  Argel looked at the First and smiled, “The most important thing for a scientist is to learn and grow. There is nothing going on among our scientists that even remotely interests me compared to what’s happening in the Union. The real advances are taking place there and it would be a mistake to leave.”

  Cole said, “She has been critical to the success of our most recent developments, First Councilor.”

  The First stared at Argel and focused on the color of her ears. They were behind her hair, which she had pulled over them, but he saw enough, “Are you refusing to leave because of your feelings for the human?” Argel’s face turned a deeper rust color and she didn’t respond. The First smiled and knew that their civilizations were going to grow together over the years. Argel was the first proof of that. He smiled and said, “You may stay where you are but I insist you have one of our scientists working as an assistant to share whatever you discover with us.”

  Argel nodded and remained silent.

  • • •

  At the end of the conference Cole looked at Argel and said, “What did he mean about your feelings for me?”

  “Let it go, Cole.”

  Cole stared at her for a long moment and said, “No, I’m not going to let it go. What did he mean?”

  Argel sighed, “When my species is attracted to another, our ears change color slightly.�
� Cole reached over and lifted her hair and saw that Argel’s ear was slightly lighter in color than her face. He stared at her and she pulled her hair back over her ear, “Please, just let it go.”

  Cole smiled and slowly shook his head, “There’s a way to see a human’s attraction for another as well but I’m not about to describe it to you. However, I’m suffering from those symptoms as well.”

  Argel stared into Cole’s eyes and smiled, “We need to leave.”

  “Indeed we do.”

  • • •

  Violet watched her brother speak to Argel and could see what they were saying. When Cole took her hand and left the building, she slowly shook her head, “Why you ole son of a gun.”

  Ian looked down at her and said, “What?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” Ian furrowed his brow and Violet said, “It’s nothing to worry about.” Ian nodded and turned back to Dee.

  • • •

  Cole pulled up the coordinates and jumped his Theta Ship to them. He landed and lowered the ramp. He stood up and held out his hand to Argel who had remained silent during the flight. “Where are we?”

  Cole smiled, “This is where it all began.” He smiled and said in a soft voice, “Come with me.” She stood and took his hand. He led her out of the ship and she immediately saw several crashed starships about a mile away. She looked at him with a furrowed brow and he pulled her toward a large lake. He went and sat down next to a tree and said, “Please sit down.” Argel stared at him and then sat down next to the shore.

  Cole looked out at the lake and said, “My sister found this planet by accident attempting to escape the Royal duties that were going to be imposed on her. She brought me here and this is where I stole the jump drive out of one of those crashed ships and took it back to the Union. All of our major advances happened because of what we found here.”

  Argel looked out at the derelicts, “Those are some of our older ships.”

  The smaller ship was used by some of the species that you enslaved who managed to escape bondage. They lived here more than three hundred years but were discovered by your people. They forced the same species still held in bondage to come and kill this planet. They were successful but didn’t take the FTL Missiles back with them. We stole that technology as well.”

  “Why did you bring me here?”

  “I learned what your civilization had done and I hated your people. I was determined to do everything in my power to destroy your civilization and remove the cancer from creation that I thought you represented.”

  Argel stared at Cole in silence and he continued, “Then I met you.” Cole stared at Argel and then looked out at the lake, “Now I will defend you to my last breath. I have come to know your spirit and learned first respect and then, finally, affection for you. I know we’re two different species but I can’t bear the thought of you not being with me each day. I wake up looking forward to seeing you. I go to sleep missing you. I know I have no chance at having you in my life permanently but I try not to think about that and have tried so very hard not to think about the moment when you’ll leave.”

  Argel stared at Cole and slowly pulled her hair back from her ears. They were almost white in color. Cole saw her slowly smile and then he took her in his arms. Much later she said, “I’ll just have to stay.” Cole pulled her close again and she discovered how human males showed their attraction. She decided ears were better. Later, she decided she was wrong.

  • • •

  The Admiral entered the First’s office and said, “Argel has petitioned their King for Union Citizenship.”


  “It appears she is somewhat smitten by their lead scientist.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” The Admiral just stared at the First not saying anything and the First said, “Well, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t really think there’s enough difference in our appearance for this to be a real issue. The question is how different we are mentally. This indicates we are more alike than different.”

  “We need her here.”


  “What are you talking about? She’s obviously our best scientist.”

  “She wasn’t until she met their scientist. I think the two of them complement each other and bring more out of each other than they could alone. We have our best scientist working with them now and we’ll have access to anything they discover.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I think it would be better if you gave your blessing to her new relationship without her being forced to change citizenship. It might also be a good idea to give that Union Scientist dual citizenship and make him one of our citizens as well.”

  The First started shaking his head, “Sometimes I think you should be the First Councilor.”

  “Couldn’t do it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can only tell the truth.”

  The First started laughing and then laughed even harder. Finally he managed to say, “I’ll contact their King and approve what you suggest. And you’re right; you wouldn’t last a week.”

  The Admiral smiled and left the office.

  • • •

  Cole and Argel stood in front of the King’s throne and Cole asked for Argel to be granted Union citizenship. The King smiled and said, “You’re asking her to give up her Kilper Citizenship?”

  Argel said, “I belong here with Cole.”

  The King looked at them and said, “I can’t allow her to give up her Kilper Citizenship. It’s a difficult time and we are still trying to normalize relations with them. Taking their best scientist would cause too many issues.”

  “But I’m not their best scientist, Your Majesty.”

  “They think you are. It’s their perceptions that are important on this issue.”

  Cole looked at Argel and took her hands. The King said, “But I could allow you to become a citizen of the Kilper, Cole.”

  Cole looked up at the King and said, “If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it.”

  Argel started shaking her head, “No, no, this is your home.”

  Cole shook his head, “I won’t live without you.”

  The King smiled and said, “Cole please sign this document and Argel I need your signature on it as well.”

  Cole reached for the pen and said, “Why does she need to sign my document?”

  “Because both of you are being granted dual citizenship in the Union and the Kilper Civilization. You can work out where you live between the two of you.”

  Cole looked at the document and saw the King’s and the First Councilor’s signatures on it. The King said, “We both agree that we should do all we can to keep the two of you as happy as possible.”

  Argel stared at the King and then Cole showed her the two signatures. She screamed and jumped in Cole’s arms. He held her and turned a circle. He put her down and signed the document just as Ian and Violet entered the chamber. Violet rushed forward and hugged her older brother. Violet smiled, “I know Andi is smiling wherever she is now.”

  The King looked at Cole and shook his head slowly; love had found Cole again. None of them knew it at that moment but Cole and Argel’s union was going to have an impact that would shake the foundations of both civilizations.

  • • •

  Dee sat in Doc’s lap with her eyes closed and Doc felt at peace. He looked out of the viewport and saw millions of stars. He sighed. Dee said, “What?”

  “I was just thinking about how many more stars there are in M87.”

  “You could fit five of our galaxies inside it.”

  “It is big.”

  Dee closed her eyes again and after a few minutes she said, “We have to go.”

  Doc looked down at her and said, “Go where?”

  “We have to go and try to communicate with the Green Ships.”

  “Are you out of your mind!?! Those ships don’t communicate; they appear and destroy whatever’s around them.”

  “Doc, we
have to go.”

  Doc blew out a breath and said, “I’ll discuss this with Ian and see what he thinks.”

  “You’ll discuss it with no one; we’re just going to go and we’re leaving right now.”

  “Dee, you need to think this through. This is too dangerous.”

  “I don’t know why but I know we have to do it and we have to do it right now. We can’t delay.” Doc stared at her and saw she was serious. “You have to trust me, Doc.”

  Doc started shaking his head and started grumbling. After a moment he said, “Drey, do you have the coordinates where the Black Ships stopped just outside the Green Ship’s border.”

  Doc waited and after a few seconds Drey said, “I do.”

  Doc looked at Dee and said, “Load them in my board.”

  Drey said, “Is this a good idea?”

  “What do you think?”

  “If I thought it was a good idea I wouldn’t be asking you if it was.”

  Doc said, “We are too much alike big guy.”

  Doc reached for the weapons controls and Dee said, “Leave the force field off.” Doc stared at her and knew they were going to die. Dee said, “Drey, do you have the language used by the Invaders?”

  Doc actually thought he heard the ship sigh, “Yesss.”

  Dee looked at Doc and said, “Let’s go.”

  Doc had to force himself to push the jump control. Drey disappeared from normal space.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Green Ship’s Controller wasn’t comfortable sending the ambassadors to the Grey Ships. The head ambassador was the Sovereign’s son. No royalty of that rank should be placed in danger. But orders were orders. He nodded to his Subcontroller and he communicated, “We are launching the shuttle.”

  “We’ll be waiting for their arrival.”

  The Controller was surprised when he learned that the Grey Ambassadors were also very high ranking dignitaries in their civilization. These talks must be more important than he thought. He watched the shuttle exit the landing bay and move slowly toward the border. It went through it and suddenly a ship appeared right next to it. The pilot panicked and stopped the shuttle. The Commander knew he couldn’t fire on the intruder without hitting the shuttle.


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