Loving Annabelle

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Loving Annabelle Page 22

by Priscilla Melinda Visser

  “Sure… Not a problem… You looked near death and I need you alive if we are going to pass our last assignment of the year” She says and smiles at me brightly. I return her smile and feel my heart swell with a feeling I can’t place right now. She walks across the street and waves at me as he gets into the car. I wave back and I watch her drive away. My mind is completely blown and I can’t believe I had just spent three hours with the most amazing woman I had ever met. I was falling for her and remember her giving me her details. I will contact her tonight. I smile and start walking home and feel the life returning back to me.

  The next week that followed had really been rollercoaster and I almost ended up losing her again. I think I was coming on to strong. I need to keep in mind that this is a girl who has never had a boyfriend or anyone showing interest in her, so this was all new to her. I will have to be patient and give her time to deal with everything and maybe fall in love with me. I stop and look at myself in the mirror. What are you doing James? She is leaving for London in few weeks and then what? You’re right where you were with Chloe. I shake my head and still my conscious. I was just going to enjoy this for as long as I can. Yesterday we shared a kiss, the most amazing kiss I had ever had in my life. I felt like I could kiss her forever, but I knew that that was not where it was going to end. I would want more and I know that she would not be able to give me more and it would be jerk-ish of me to push her. I mean she has never had sex before and even though I felt her lust for me too, I could not take advantage of her like that, she wasn’t sure what was happening to her and it would be wrong to ambush her like that. Well then again she must have sex sometime in her life and if it’s with me why not. No! I don’t want to have her for one night or a week or a month… I want her forever. I sigh and take a deep breath. I get a sinking feeling in the pit of stomach. She was going to leave and I will have to let her go now that I’ve finally found her, held her, and kissed her. I take a final look in the mirror and head out.

  Town is over crowed but tonight I was lucky to find parking close to the main areas. I walk around looking for my so called friends but I can’t find anyone. I think the music was too loud for them to hear their phone. I head into one of the clubs and walk towards the bar. Before I could get my thought in order I see her. She is wearing a tight blue choker dress detailing ever curve on her body. I feel my mouth goes dry as I see her leaning over the bar exposing the outline of her thong and I see her dress pull up around her thighs. My heart starts beating hard in chest. Her hair was loose and she throws it over her shoulder. It was hot inside and she was even hotter. I start walking towards her my heart beating uncontrollably. I take a deep breath as I see her bend down slightly to pull down her dress and her hair fall to her face. She flips it over her shoulder again and I’m lost. I walk up against her resting my head in the crook of her neck taking her in and smelling her sweet scent. Shit! This woman was going to drive me crazy. Completely off my head. “This is the worst kind of torture you can put a man through” I slide my hand around her waist holding her in place as I whisper the words in her ear. I feel her shift her hips against me trying to find a comfortable position. I smell her hair and swallow hard. She turns her head to me and our eyes lock. I know that it was now or never and lean in and our lips meet. Soft and sweet. Savouring each other at first and then she turn her body around to me and I lean in hard against her and we kiss with more passion my heart could hold. I taste her tongue on mine and it tastes amazing and sweet from the drink she had I feel her touch my side and moves her hand up my chest and then she moves her hands up my cheek and strokes my jaw… Oh God her touch was like honey. Then she pulls away for me and I see her eyes are hazy. I see her stumbles on her feet and I frown. Suddenly she pushes pass me and starts running outside. I follow her quickly and then everything she had to eat and drink was lying on the pavement in front of us. I see her stumbling on her feet and I grab hold of her before she hit the ground.

  “Hey… Annabelle look at me” I say as I see her eyes rolling around in her head. Shit what was going on? I pick her up and see that her dress was dirty and full of vomit. Shit! I carry her back to my car and I see her eyes are dead in her skull and she was unresponsive. Fuck! I put her on the back seat and get inside and drive back to my place.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I’m not sure what to do; do I take her back to my place or do I take her home. I take her back to my place and carry her inside. My brother was out and I’m glad we are alone. I doubt that she would want anyone seeing her like this. I take her into my room and take her pulse she was still alive but she looked like a zombie. I put her on my bed and then I see it. She was drugged. Someone had drugged her! I stand looking at her hard in put my hand to my mouth. Who would want to drug her? I know this was a crazy time and you get a lot of fucking chancers out there who pry on innocent girls and date rape them. But I would think that Annabelle is not the type of girl who would allow herself to be drugged. I look at her and run into the bathroom and get a cold cloth and wipe her face. I look at her and start taking off her dress. She looked dead really and I feel my heart break. Someone wanted to hurt her. I feel the anger and rage heat up inside me. Her naked body wasn’t even turning me on all I wanted to do was protect her right now and keep her safe from all the sicko’s out there. I dress her in one of my rugby shirt and then I cover her with a blanket and hope she falls asleep quickly. I take my phone and send a message to Peter telling him that she was with me. I get no reply and shake my head. Shit I can’t believe this just happened. Nothing about her wanting me earlier was real. It was a result of the drug. I bet if she was sober she would have given me a piece of her mind. Though the other day when we kissed I felt something coming from her side she was attracted to me to. Maybe she just didn’t want to get attached because she was leaving soon, that was understandable. I look at her again and I see her shaking slightly. It pains me to think that she was almost a victim of some sick bastards plan to rape her. Losing her virginity like this would be devastating. I pull the covers tighter under her chin and then I see her shivers slow down and her eyes become droopy. She was becoming drowsy so the drug must be wearing off. I get up and walk out of the room and head to the kitchen. I open the fridge but I don’t know why really because I wasn’t hungry. My mind was all over the place, thinking about what if I hadn’t been there where would she have been right now? I feel my phone ringing in my pocket and I take it out hoping that it was Peter but I read the name and push the reject button. I wasn’t in the mood for this right now. I feel it vibrate again and I shake my head. “What Chloe?” I say and she goes quiet on the other line. “I just wanted to know if you were okay… I haven’t heard from you in a while” I hear her say and I narrow my eyes. “Why… You don’t want me anymore so how I’m doing has nothing to do with you anymore Chloe I’m not your problem” I say and then she goes quiet. I feel pissed off and I really didn’t need her bullshit right now. “I still care about you James… I know this can’t be easy for you and I just want to make sure that you’re okay” She says and I loose it. “You know what you can do Chloe… If you really cared about me which I doubt because all you care about is yourself… Leave me alone. You don’t want me and I get it now. Just leave me alone. Forget about me and go on with your life.” I say and look into the kitchen light above me. “James… You know this is not easy for me too. I mean we had a very wonderful life together and our future…” I stop her before she can continue. “No Chloe… I was a fool all this time. Allowing you to manipulate me and make me feel like shit because you’re a fucking whore who fucks any man with some kind of title. You know what you’re really doing me a favour Chloe… I’ve got a very bright future ahead of me and I see it now because I don’t have you around anymore convincing me that you’re life was more important than mine. Goodbye Chloe… Please don’t call me again. Its over” I say and hear her wanting to say another thing than I hang up. I take deep breath and close my eyes for a second and try to still my shaking ha
nd. I walk back to my room and watch her sleep and walk out again. I know that she was going to feel shit tomorrow and I know it’s going to freak her out knowing that she was drugged. “No no NO! I hear her screaming and I run to the room she was sitting in the corner of the bed against wall. Her eyes were wild and her body was shaking. I climb onto the bed with her and then she pushes me away hard. She looks like a wild animal and try to take her hand again but she pushes it way. “Leave me alone!” She shouted and I know I need to try and calm her down. “Annabelle it’s me James babe…” I Say and then I see her trying to focus on me again but it was like nothing was registering in her mind. Then she starts crying. “His going to kill me… His going to come for me and his going to kill me” She says and I see her breath getting caught. I feel helpless as the tears roll down her face. I reach out again and take her hand. She looks at me and finally it looks like she was recognising me. “You have such beautiful eyes… I love you” She says and reach out and touches my face. Her hands are cold against my skin. My heart skips as I hear the words coming out of her mouth. “Come babe… comes get some rest” I say and pull her out of the corner and towards me. She is still shaking and then she crawls onto my lap and I hold her close. “I saw him…He was there” She says and I have no idea what she was talking about but I rub her hair and try to make her relax. Suddenly she looks up at me and then she smiles softly. Then I see her eyes flutter and then they close softly. She sleeps again and I let her lie on my chest. I think about her words again. I love you. It breaks my heart that tomorrow she will wake up and not remember anything about what she had said to me and I don’t even know if she meant it. It would be naive of me to take it to heart. I push her lower down on the bed and I feel her holding on to me tightly. I close my eyes and feel the tired taking over my body.

  I wake looking into her eyes and we stare each other for a long while before I shift trying to re-adjust my neck to still the sudden pain I was feeling. I look over at the clock on the wall and see that it’s almost eight in the morning. I wonder how long she had been awake looking at me like this. I can’t lie it was an amazing waking up like this even though it wasn’t under the best of circumstances. She closes her eyes and then she sighs. “Good morning” I say breaking the ice and I she keeps lying with her eyes closed. “Good morning” She says and then she tries to sit up but her head was still too heavy for her body to keep. She lets out a little yell and puts her hand to her forehead. I shift quickly and she falls back onto the pillows and she looks like she was in great pain. I put my hand on her stomach and then she opens her eyes quickly and takes my hand off as she glares at me. I feel stupid for allowing myself to be so comfortable beside her. “What happened?” She asks and my heart rate quickens and I don’t know how I was going to tell her this without it sounding suspicious and without her looking at me like I was some kind of an opportunist. “I know I was at the Fest with the Summer and the guys… And I saw Garett… But we had a fight again and I left to find everyone…” She says as she tries to piece her night together and I listen to her waiting for my part in the night. “I started feeling strange and hot and my head felt dizzy… I was thirsty and…” She says and then she looks at me her eyes wild with horror.

  “And then I wake up in your arms… I can’t remember what happened… I feel like I’m going to be sick” She says and I take her hand and lead her out of the bed to the toilet where she throws up and I hold her hair away from her face. She gets ups and her legs are still weak. I help her to the bathroom where she washes her face and rinses her mouth. She looks at me again and I see her weakness and I hate the person who wanted to hurt her. We walk back to my room and she looks at me questions flying across her face and I know that I will have to tell her the truth. “I saw you at the bar at the Raj… You looked amazing and I went up to you and then we kissed” I say and I see her eyes widen. “I don’t remember that” She says quickly and I don’t know if its fear or disappointment spread across her face. “Yeah… Suddenly you started feeling sick and ran out. I ran out after you and you threw up and before I knew it you passed out” I say and she frowns at me and I know she is trying to remember everything but that was it. “I brought you back here and cleaned you up and let you sleep” I say and then I see putting two and two together. “But didn’t drink… I can’t remember drinking anything at all” She says and looks at me for answers. “You were completely out of it Annabelle… You were unresponsive and you looked like you were in a trance.” I say and I see her lips starting to quiver.

  “I think that you were…” I see the tears glisten in her eyes and feel my heart break for her. “I think that someone drugged you” I say and then a sob escapes her lungs and then the tears roll down her face. I pull her into my arms. “I’m sorry… I know it’s terrible to think about but there is no other explanation for your behaviour and if you say that you had no alcohol to drink than someone must have spiked your drink somewhere. You did say something of someone being there… Someone you saw” I say and she pulls away from and looks at me hard. I see the wheels turning in her head. “You said that he was going to get you… Said that he was going to kill you” I see the horror in her eyes and then she starts breathing rapidly. “It was him… He drugged me… He was going to…” I see her looking at me desperately. I feel confused; I wish I knew what she was talking about. “Annabelle what is going on?” I ask and see her looking like she was in a mental mind block. “Annabelle?” I say and put my arms around her. She looks at me and I see the fear in her eyes. “If you hadn’t been there… He would have…” She says and I feel like shaking the life back into her. “Annabelle what is going on? Who is trying to hurt you?” I ask and pull her into my arms. “I don’t know… I just know that he isn’t going to stop” She say and she starts crying again. We sit like that for what seems like forever and my mind is running away with me. “Can I get you anything? Coffee? Something to eat?” I ask and pull away from her and get up. She looks at me broken and wounded. I bend down in front of her and take her hands and kiss it gently. She smiles at me. “Thank you” She whispers and I break. I can’t be without her another day. “Coffee will be fine thank you” She says and smiles at me. I see her looking around the room as I get up. “Where is my phone?” She asks and walks out of the room and gets her bag from the kitchen. She takes it from me and I walk out to the kitchen. I see her come walking in and then she points the phone at me. “It’s dead… Do you perhaps have charger… I need to let my parents know where I am before they freak out and send the police after me” She says and I take the phone from her and plug it in. She come standing next to me and I feel uncomfortable under her stare. She looks amazingly hot in my shirt and her hair is sexy and messy. She looks exhausted and wishes it was because of something other than drugs that she felt that way. I feel my heart pounding hard. “You undressed me?” She says and I feel the heat burning hot on my cheeks. I remember her naked body and how she felt under my fingers. I remember her smell and how my hands grazed the strap of her thong when I took off her dress. I remember the swell of her breast in her bra and how my fingers grazed her nipples when I pulled the dress over her head. I remember how close to her lips mine was when I finally got it off. But there was nothing in her eyes when I looked in them; they were cold as ice and dead. “I couldn’t let you sleep in that dress…I washed it and put it in dryer… It should be done by done” I say and try to think of something else since my manhood starts stirring in my pants. I finish the coffee and she says nothing but takes the cup from me and turns to walk away. I feel relieved and know I wouldn’t be able to survive about interrogation by her. “You live here alone?” She asks as she walks through the apartment and looks at everything attentively. “I live here with my brother. He is a med student too” I say and she sighs. “I wanted my own place too but my parents wouldn’t budge so I had to stay in Res…” Then she pauses. I see the fear return to her eyes and I wait for her to say something else. “Where is your brother?” She asks and turns t
o look at me. I look around. “He goes to his girlfriend over the weekends… And kind of gives me the place to myself a bit” I say and she smiles. I walk to her and look at her hard. She looks at me and I see her lips part a little and I swallow hard. I don’t know if I should…It would be weird with everything that happened… This will only confuse her more, confuse me more. I look at her lips and I look in her eyes and I see her swallow. Then I see her sigh and then she takes another sip of her coffee and walks back to the kitchen. I shake my head and lick my lips. This was going to be hard. She finishes her coffee and put her cup in the sink. I finish mine too and walk to the sink as she keeps standing there. I put the cup inside and stand next to her. I let out a little laugh at how ridiculous this feels but I know I would be a fucking pervert if I made a move on her now. “Maybe you can get me my dress and I can get cleaned up before I go home” She says and I shake my head in response and walk over to the dryer. I take out her dress and walk back to her and hold it out to her. She takes it from me but I hold onto my end and she looks up at me and I can’t resist anymore. I pull her to me and she looks up to me and I bend down and kiss her softly. I feel a surge running through my body and then I kiss her again and she kisses me back. I put my tongue in her mouth and taste the coffee on her lips and then I take her in deeper. She opens up to me and I push her back against the sink and the dress falls to the floor. I kiss her softly and she returns my kisses. I feel her chest lifting and falling as she takes me in with every kiss. I put my hands on her hips and pull her close to me and she moves without resistance. I feel her hands on my hips and then move up my back and I arch to her as I savour her lips more. Something inside moves and I stop kissing her. She looks at me and read the lust in her eyes and I taste her readiness on her lips. I don’t know if I should; was it even her wanting me now or just the situation making her vulnerable. I bend down and pick up her dress and hand it to her. “You can use my toothbrush and facecloth” I say and close my eyes for a second and blow out a big sigh. “Is there something wrong?” She asks and I know what I say next might just make or break her. “No Annabelle… Not with you” I say and she looks at me frowning. “I have dreamed of this day for a long time…Being with you… and believe me I want you… That I know you know…” I say and see her staring at my pants and my erect muscle. “But not like this… You’re vulnerable right now… I know you think you want me too, but you’re just afraid and feel attracted to me because I saved your life… But it can never work like this” I say and then I remember what she had said to me in her drugged state. She said she loved me and look at her wonder if it was true and if she had really meant it. She looks at me and I can’t read her face. She looks sexy and hot and I rub my hands over my mouth and I try to convince myself that I shouldn’t do it, that it was wrong that I was a terrible person for taking advantage of a girl who clearly is lost and is only looking for comfort. I walk to her and pull her close to me and press my forehead against hers. She closes her eyes and lets out a little gasp. “I fucking want you so badly… I…” Then she kisses me again and I feel myself fall and I feel her hands slip around my waist and she arches her back to me as our kiss deepens and intensifies. I pull away from her and she looks smouldering and I see her lips swelling from my assault to it. I kiss her softly again. I lift her up into my arms and she puts her legs around my waist and she kisses me again. I carry her back to my room and stop just inches from the bed and she looks at me not saying a word. I lower her onto the bed and our eyes are still locked on each other. I take off my shirt and I see her eyes move over my chest and down to my belly button. I see her swinging her leg open and close exposing her inner thigh and giving me glimpse of her swollen sex. I see her nipples harden under my shirt and I can’t wait to be inside her. I bend down over her and we start kissing her again. She touches my chest and I run my hand up her leg and around her inner thigh grazing my index finger over her sex. She moans into my mouth and I take her lips again rough and hold her in place as I graze her sex again but this time harder and noticeable. She shifts under my touch and I know this need to be special. This needs to be a day she will never forget no matter where she goes. Then it hits me she was leaving for London. I stop and she looks at me surprised. I feel my heart pounding hard and I feel torn again. I can’t do this and let her go into the world and share this wonderful thing with someone else. “What is wrong?” She asks again and I close my eyes. I can’t do this. “Nothing…” I say and kiss her again and then trail my kisses over her cheek and down to her neck and kiss her throat. I put my hand on her stomach and feel it tingling under my touch and I hear her moan. She wanted me but I can’t do it; but I can make her never forget me. “Trust me…” I say and I see her close her eyes and I feel her stomach moving up and down and then she smiles. “I trust you” She says and I bend down and kiss her softly. I lift my shirt over her head and she lays in front of me only in her thong and bra. Her hair spread all over the bed and it feels like a dream. I take in her beauty and for a second I feel overwhelmed. This might be our last few moments together before she realizes that his was a mistake and that she wants nothing to do with me and ends up leaving for London without saying goodbye to me. I kiss her again and she arches her back to me and I put my hand on her side holding her down and in place. I kiss her neck again down to the swell of her breasts and hear her breath rushing in slowly. It fucking turns me on that she wanted me so badly. I kiss her breasts and then graze her nipples with my teeth softly and she lets out a little yell. Her body was so sensitive and I know that was partly because of the drug, but it was so sensual and sexy I could not help but love how good she felt. She puts her hands on my shoulders and rubs her palms hard on my forearms and she shift hard under my touch. I put my hand on her stomach holding her down and I see her biting her lip as I expose her nipple and take it in my mouth. I move my hand down her tummy to the base of her sex and snap her panty seams hard to her skin and she jolts with pain and then smiles sexy and hot. I feel myself throbbing hard against my pants and loosen my pants and pull it off allowing myself some freedom against the pain. I slide my hand over the silk of her thong right down to her core. The silk is damp with her wetness and I feel an urge growing inside me. I want to taste her… I move up to her mouth again and our eyes meet. I push her leg open and slide my hand in her thong and she gasps as I touch her. Her pleasure button hardens under my touch and I roll my index finger around it softly I see her nipples harden again and I feel her lips moving under my touch. I know it’s not going to take much for her to climax I feel the devil of pleasure coming alive inside me and I start rubbing her harder and then I move down to her nipple again and begin my assault on them. I hear her panting harder and harder. Her hips are moving more harder and harder under my touch and then she lets out a little yell and I her feel twitch under my touch and I move to her lips and take in her panting gasps and she smiles into my mouth. “Oh God…”She says into my mouth and I pull her thong down and start kissing her stomach and make my way to her wet and orgasmic heaven. I put my lips on her button and she gasps again and grabs my hair tightly. I rub my hand along her stomach and then she relaxes before I start sucking on her softly at first and then more firms. She moves her body with me and I use my tongue on her wetness. She moans and I know she is close again. I take my middle finger and enter it slowly. I feel her tighten even hard around my finger and I can’t believe that this the first time she is experiencing anything sexual in her life and it was with me. I arch my finger to her inside wall and she jolts then I take her button in my mouth again and begin my journey on my love taking her to a place far beyond her wildest dream and ultimate bliss. When she reaches her final climax I feel my breath coming in short and then I climax. Wet and warm in my underwear. What! I could not believe that had just happened. I had never climax without being inside of someone. I lie on her stomach panting listening to her breath coming hard as well. This was amazing. This was heaven. I want this forever. I put my head to her stomach and kiss her
softly and feel her hands in my hair as she holds me close to her. I lift myself up onto my elbow and look into her flustered face. She looks at me and suddenly she is embarrassed. Then she starts laughing and I feel a little silly. “We didn’t have sex did we? You did something else to me… Something out of this world really” She says and I smile at her brightly.


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