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Grave Concerns

Page 20

by Lily Harper Hart

  “You can’t let him get a deal,” Maddie said, moving to Nick’s side and slipping her hand in his. “He’s a sociopath. He’s trying to manipulate this situation. He’s just as guilty as Howard.”

  “I know,” Nick said. “We’ve made the troopers aware and John is taking a personal interest in the case. We’re all going to have to testify against him. Still, he’s seventeen. He’ll most likely be tried as an adult but … I just don’t know right now, Mad. We’ll have to keep an eye on the situation.”

  “Do we know who they really are?”

  “It wasn’t hard to track down their real identities,” Nick replied. “Howard Jurgenson was questioned in his wife’s accidental tub drowning five years ago and the police thought he was suspicious, but there was nothing they could do about it because they didn’t have enough evidence. He got sole custody of his sons and moved from the Upper Peninsula not long after Penny Jurgenson’s estate was settled.

  “Since then he’s lived mostly off the grid,” Nick continued. “Apparently he’s stayed in the state for most of that time, although Kyle said they visited Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin for camping stints. They’re going to be questioned about a series of disappearances at state camping grounds involving young girls, which seems to be Howard’s favorite target.”

  Maddie grimaced. “How many?”

  “At least eight.”

  “Oh, Nicky.” Maddie’s stomach twisted as Nick slipped his arm around her waist. “They can’t do any further damage, love. They’re done. We can’t change the past. They won’t be ruining anyone else’s future. We have to take solace in that.”

  Maddie wasn’t sure if that was possible. “What will happen to Kevin?”

  Nick shrugged. “He’s fifteen. Odds are that he won’t be tried as an adult. He seems to have some … mental deficiencies, though. Hopefully that will be enough to keep him locked up in a state ward for the rest of his life.”

  “What if it’s not?”

  “I don’t know,” Nick admitted. “There’s always the possibility that Kevin isn’t a danger, even though he was the one who lured Hayley away. We have no idea what kind of mental conditioning Howard foisted onto the kid and we’re not trained to help him. That will be a job for the state psychologists.”

  “Well, that’s something at least,” Maddie murmured, shifting her gaze from Kevin to Nick. “I was worried you weren’t coming tonight.”

  “I’ve got your back, love. You know that.” Nick pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “How could I possibly abandon you now that I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted?”

  “Howard said you were cuddling up to Sydney on our blanket.”

  Nick scowled. “You don’t honestly believe … .”

  Maddie held up her hand to silence him. “I know you would never cheat on me. I was just teasing you. I was actually starting to worry that Sydney didn’t tell you that I went after Hayley. I knew my mother would find you, though. I was just stalling for time until you got here.”

  “Olivia always finds me,” Nick said, rubbing his thumb against the small of Maddie’s back. “Not that I want to belabor the point, but did you consider coming to get me before you went after Hayley?”

  “Hey, I had no idea that Kyle and Kevin were killers,” Maddie replied. “I thought I was interrupting her date. I had no idea it would be dangerous.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll let it go this time,” Nick said, giving in. “I really don’t want to argue about it.”

  “Not even if we can make up?” Maddie asked, her eyes twinkling.

  “Not even,” Nick said. “At least not tonight. If you still want to fight tomorrow, I can probably be persuaded. I need a good night’s sleep first.”

  “Deal,” Maddie said, rolling up to the balls of her feet and planting a loud kiss on Nick’s cheek.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat behind them caused Maddie and Nick to swivel in unison. Kelly’s smile was warm when it landed on Maddie.

  “I can’t thank you enough for what you did tonight, Maddie,” Kelly said. “I … you saved my daughter. You’ve done that twice now. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  “You don’t need to repay me,” Maddie replied. “I would’ve gone after anyone in the same set of circumstances. To be fair, I had no idea what I was walking into.”

  “You saved my daughter’s life and made sure I had a chance to make things better for her,” Kelly charged. “I will never forget that.” She threw her arms around Maddie’s neck, taking her by surprise. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  “Holy crap,” Nick said, cracking his neck. “Maddie said you were nice to her and you two made amends, but I never would’ve believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Kelly said, separating from Maddie and wiping a stray tear from her cheek. “You always have to be a pain in the butt, don’t you?”

  Nick smirked. “I do my best,” he said. “What are you going to do now?”

  “Now I’m going to go and put Hayley to bed,” Kelly replied. “She doesn’t want to be alone and asked if she can sleep in my tent. Then, tomorrow, we’re starting a new life and it’s one where I’m going to try to be a little less bitter and a lot happier.”

  “I’m glad,” Nick said.

  “Me, too,” Maddie echoed.

  “What are you two going to do?” Kelly asked.

  “We’re going back to our cabin and going to bed,” Nick replied. “Then tomorrow we’re going to have a big fight because Maddie is dying to get it out of the way because she wants to know what makeup sex is like.”

  Maddie was scandalized, her cheeks burning as Kelly smiled at her. “Nicky!”

  “That sounds like a perfect day,” Kelly said, squeezing her brother’s hand before moving away. “Make sure you make him beg before you forgive him tomorrow, Maddie. That will make everything that much more fun.”

  “I hate you sometimes,” Maddie muttered once it was just the two of them. “I can’t believe you just said that in front of your sister.”

  “You’ll live,” Nick said, tugging Maddie under his arm as they started walking back in the direction of their cabin. “Do you know what I have decided this week, though?”


  “Our next vacation is going to be just the two of us, love,” Nick said. “It’s going to be you, me, and a really big bed. There will be no tents. There will be no bonfires. Most importantly, there will be no crazy killers.”

  “I think I can handle that,” Maddie said, grinning. “Do you think we can still have s’mores?”

  “Your wish is my command, Mad. Your wish is my command.”

  Up Next

  Summer isn’t the only thing heating up in Blackstone Bay, and Maddie Graves and Nick Winters are struggling to deal with both the weather and another murder.

  While out for a run with her friend Christy, Maddie stumbles upon a ghost near a local lighthouse. When Nick and Maddie go back to check the scene, they find an abandoned body belonging to a missing mother.

  While and Maddie and Nick are determined to solve the murder – and put a tortured soul to rest – the rest of the town is focused on something much more important: the senior beauty pageant.

  Maude Graves and Harriet Proctor are going head-to-head in Blackstone Bay’s version of a popularity contest, and the town is a virtual shooting gallery as they work against each other to gain allies.

  Maddie’s attention is diverted by the murdered women’s daughter, a lost soul in her own right, and her grandmother’s constant antics. Between Maude and her new friend – and the danger lurking around every corner trying to stop Maddie from discovering the truth – mayhem is the name of the game.

  Can Maddie survive another close call or will Nick lose the one thing he’s ever truly loved?

  Grave Discovery is available here.

  Author’s Note

  I’m a romantic at heart. A true romantic. I love the idea
of a happy ending, so much so I have trouble writing a sad one. The world is sad enough. I like escaping in fiction. That’s just me. I like sarcasm and snark – but I’m not sure a sad ending is in me. If you’re looking for an edge like that, you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Just FYI.

  If you’re interested in upcoming releases, follow me on Facebook and Twitter. I do not spam. I don’t believe it and, as a reader, I find it annoying. Only new release information and special sales promotions will be posted.

  This book is available for lending. Please do so.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  Books by Lily Harper Hart

  Hardy Brothers Security

  Deadly Intentions

  Deadly Intuition

  Deadly Illusions

  Deadly Proposal

  Deadly Prospects

  Deadly Ever After

  Deadly Honeymoon

  Deadly Questions

  Deadly Addition

  Deadly Vacation

  Deadly Secrets

  Deadly Storm

  Deadly Dealings

  Deadly Christmas

  Deadly Desperados

  Deadly Arrival

  Deadly Rivalry (April 2016)

  Deadly Memories (May 2016)

  Deadly Adventure (June 2016)

  Deadly Reunion (August 2016)

  Deadly Conflict (September 2016)

  Deadly Payback (October 2016)

  Deadly Waters (November 2016)

  Deadly Forever (December 2016)

  A Maddie Graves Mystery

  Grave Homecoming

  Grave Insight

  Grave Delight

  Grave Misgivings

  Grave Concerns

  Grave Discovery

  Grave Decisions (June 2016)

  Grave Seasons (October 2016)

  Grave Holiday (Coming Soon)

  An Ivy Morgan Mystery

  Wicked Days

  Wicked Dreams

  Wicked Times

  Wicked Places (March 2016)

  Wicked Warning (July 2016)

  Wicked Fog (November 2016)

  Wicked Seasons (Coming Soon)

  Wicked Winter (Coming Soon)

  A Harper Harlow Mystery

  Ghostly Interests

  Ghostly Issues

  Ghostly Deceits (May 2016)

  Ghostly Worries (August 2016)

  Ghostly Images (December 2016)

  Ghostly Wrecks (Coming Soon)

  Ghostly Asylum (Coming Soon)




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