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Maddie Graves and Nick Winters are officially living together. Life couldn’t look much brighter. They have a week off to spend together, and Nick’s idea of a relaxing vacation involves staying home and doing absolutely nothing.
That all changes when Nick’s mother reminds him of a longstanding family camping trip, and before Maddie and Nick can comprehend what a change in their plans really means, they find themselves mired in a Winters family reunion that goes wonky.
It was supposed to be campfires, ghost stories and kayaking. Instead, trouble is stalking the family, and it’s coming from multiple directions.
Between Nick’s sister Kelly, who doesn’t believe Maddie is back to stay and holds a bitter grudge, and the cries Maddie keeps hearing in her dreams, the couple’s vacation is starting to feel a lot like work.
Maddie is determined to win Kelly over, but when a shadowy figure sets his sights on Nick’s niece Hayley, all bets are off.
Maddie, Nick, and Kelly are going to have to work together to save Hayley, and when the truth is finally revealed, everyone will see a side of evil they never knew existed.