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Fleeting Passions: Forbidden Passions, Book 3

Page 5

by Crystal Jordan

  She grinned and repeated his words back to him from their first time together. “See something you like?” Had it only been two weeks ago? So much had happened since then.

  He straightened, his arms dropping to his sides. He nodded to where he’d been leaning. “Bend over the table.”

  Shock stopped her breath, and her eyes widened. Excitement twisted inside her like a wild thing. “W-what?”

  “Trust me.” A wicked grin pulled at his lips. “Bend over the table.”

  Her breath heaved out in torturous pants, and eagerness hummed in her blood. Oh, God. Her knees felt liquefied, as if they couldn’t hold her weight. She set her palms on the table to brace herself so she wouldn’t fall. She squeezed her eyes closed when she felt his heat wrap around her. He was right behind her, but not touching her. Her pussy clenched on nothingness, aching to be filled by his thick cock.

  One of his fingertips grazed her ass cheek, and she jerked in response. More. She needed more. Still he only touched her with the one finger, letting her know that he was in control of her pleasure. And his. He dipped between her legs, stroking over her swollen sex, her hard clit. “I love the feel of you, Cleo. Hot and wet for me.”

  “Yes,” she said on a soft breath. God, she needed him. That one finger was driving her mad. “Please, Adrian. I want more.”

  “No.” He withdrew his finger from her pussy and teased the insides of her spread thighs. She choked on the want clawing within her. “You’ll never run from me again, Cleo. You’re my mate. Mine. Do you understand me?”

  Her heart clenched at the quiet possession in his voice. Her breath shuddered out in quick gasps, and she fought to focus, to think. “I did what I thought was right.”

  “What’s right is us staying together. We’re mates. I can’t protect you if you run off.” A leopard’s hiss filled the room. He stepped close to her, the head of his cock brushing the lips of her sex.

  His hand settled on the small of her back, arching her as he slid all the way into her soaking pussy. Her eyes closed as the love she’d so recently acknowledged and the burning need for him these past weeks coalesced into something sharp and painful. “Adrian.”

  “Say that you’re mine, Cleo. My mate. Always. Mine.” He pulled out of her until the bulbous ridge of his dick caught on the edge of her pussy. Then he slammed back in. Hard and fast.

  “Oh, God. Adrian.” A moan tore from her. He set a deep, pounding rhythm that took her right up to the edge of orgasm, but didn’t push her over. She twisted in his arms, but the way his hips shoved her against the table caged her movements. He worked inside her, pushing her closer and closer. Taunting her with the glimmer of release.

  He covered her hands with his, pinning her down, surrounding her, dominating her. She couldn’t escape him. Oh, yes.

  He growled in her ear as he bent close. “Never leave me again, Cleo.”

  “I won’t.” She bowed her back and tried to push her hips back, tried to take him deeper, faster. Something. Anything to push her over the edge. She needed it, needed him, needed the surcease that only he could grant her. Her mate.

  “Swear it.” He shoved all the way into her. And stopped.

  A cry ripped from her throat. He couldn’t deny her now. Desperation slammed into her. She was so close. So very close. One more thrust of his hard dick and she would come. Her claws slid out to rake the table, the lioness within fighting for supremacy. She opened her mouth and hissed before she gave him what he wanted. Anything to make him move. “I swear. I’ll never leave you. I’m yours. Yours, yours, yours.”

  Turning her head, she bit his arm. Hard. He roared, his hands clenching around hers as he pounded forth inside her. She orgasmed, her pussy tightening in rippling waves. She threw her head back, and an animalistic scream erupted from her. Still he thrust deep, and deeper still. She was so full, and he was so big, that she came once more. Starbursts exploded behind her lids as he went wild on her, in her. Yes. She loved this—him working in her almost to the point of pain, where she skated the very edge of agony and ecstasy. “Yes. Adrian. Yes.”


  She collapsed on the smooth wood of the tabletop, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. Aftershocks of orgasm still ripped through her system. A soft sob escaped from her throat.

  Adrian’s hands went around her, his fingers pushing her hair back, running over her body. “I—I’m sorry. Don’t cry. Please. Did I hurt you, angel? I just…lost it and—”

  A watery chuckle slipped free. She turned in his arms to cup his handsome face. He looked so panic-stricken. She shouldn’t enjoy it, but it was nice to see him not so in control for once. It made her feel better, as if they were on the same level in this crazy situation that fate and a bottle of Jack Daniels had thrown them into together. “I liked it. I like that you’re not always in control. That I can push you into losing it. In fact, I love it. Let’s do it again.”

  She tugged him down for a kiss, standing on tiptoes to get closer. After a long moment of his mouth playing over hers in a dance of lips and teeth and tongues, he stepped away and blinked down at her. “Whatever makes you happy, angel.”

  “It does.” You do. She didn’t say it out loud, but it was there in every stroke of her fingers, every caress as she pulled him back to her. I love you. Don’t leave me. Be safe. I need you forever. I love you.

  Hours later they lay curled together on the couch. She was sprawled across his chest, panting from another round of sex. The man was insatiable. And that was just fine with her. Yawning, she closed her eyes. She shivered as the sweat on her skin chilled. He tugged a blanket off the back of the sofa and threw it over them.

  He chuckled. “Was it good for you too, angel?”

  She snorted and bit his nipple lightly. He jerked and snapped his arms around her, rolling her under him. She giggled until she saw the mask of rage that slid over his features.

  “It was great for me…angel. Thanks for asking.” Trevor’s voice sounded from across the living room. Horror streaked through her. No. God, no. Not him. Not here. Not with Adrian so close. How had she missed smelling or hearing Trevor’s approach? She was usually so alert, and the one time she’d let her guard down, let herself get distracted by love and sex, it might get Adrian killed.

  Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at his beloved face. “Adrian, I—”

  “Shh,” he whispered. “Later.”

  Only there might not be a later for either of them, but she said nothing more as he hauled them both to their feet to face the man who’d done so much to hurt her. She fumbled with the blanket, pulling it tight around her body.

  Trevor’s hair hung in dark, greasy strands down his back. He ran his tongue over his teeth. “My little lioness. It was so good to hear you purr, darling. Too bad it’s with him. You’ll be punished for that. Later. For now, let’s deal with this little…pussy.”

  “Touch her and die.” Adrian stepped in front of her, but she moved to stand beside him.

  “That’s a pretty bold statement for a stark-ass naked man with no weapon.” Trevor’s shaking hand clenched on a handgun, his finger poised on the trigger, and Cleo fought not to flinch. Please, please don’t let him shoot Adrian. It was her worst nightmare come to life. Her mate, the one man she was destined for, could die right here and now in a wash of blood and rage from the one man she’d thought she could escape.

  “We’re mated, Trevor. I know you can smell it on us. And you know I’m not talking sex. Mated. You can’t undo that.” Her heart raced. Cold sweat formed sticky and clammy on her scalp. Her stomach churned with a dread unlike any she had ever known.

  How could she stop this? What would make Trevor stop? She knew the answer to that question. Nothing. Nothing she had ever done, including run like hell, had ever stopped him.

  “Oh, that’s all right, Cleo.” His hand steadied the gun, aiming it at Adrian’s chest. Even werekind couldn’t survive a bullet to the heart. “I know just what to do to make your mate disapp
ear. A widow isn’t mated, is she, Cleo? A widow can be claimed again. Because we both know you’re mine. I was patient for years, Cleo. I was good to you.”

  “Good to me? How many times did you put me in the hospital, Trevor? How many times did you beat me until I couldn’t stand?”

  She balled her hands into fists. Fury exploded through her that he would even suggest touching Adrian. She would never let that happen. She needed to get him away from her mate. Stepping forward draw his attention, she made sure to stay just out of his arm’s reach. His eyes followed her as she made herself an open target. He swung the gun to aim it at her, but she didn’t think he’d shoot her. Not yet. Not when he took such pleasure in the sound of his fists hitting her flesh. He liked her fear and helplessness best, and beating her was how he savored it.

  “There’s a problem with your little plan. I’d have to claim you as mate too, Trevor. And I’d rather die.”

  “That can be arranged.” A rusty chuckle slid from him. “You still don’t understand, do you? If I can’t have you, no one will. Not him, and not some guy somewhere down the road. It’s me or no one.”

  Hate twisted with the terror inside her. The bastard had murdered her unborn child, and now he wanted to strip her mate from her. No. Hell, no. She was through running. She’d run and cowered before, and it hadn’t saved her, hadn’t saved her baby.

  Her heart tripped at the thought of her lost child. Don’t think about it, she ordered herself. Focus. She’d never have another chance for more children if she and Adrian didn’t make it out of this. And she’d be damned if she let Trevor win again.

  A low snarl exploded from her throat. “What are you waiting for, then?”

  She flicked a glance back at Adrian, but he wasn’t there. When had he moved? Her gaze scanned the room for him. Trevor seemed to notice the big wereleopard’s absence at the same time she did.

  Adrian dove for Trevor in his leopard form, his jaw snapping around the other man’s wrist. She hit the floor as the gunshot rang out. A sub-bass bear’s roar chilled her blood, and when she looked up she saw the two huge predators now circling each other. Trevor’s shaggy brown coat stood on end as he roared. Adrian snarled and swiped a paw out to claw Trevor’s nose. Blood gushed from the wound, and he charged the leopard. They went crashing through the front door and tumbled out onto the porch.

  Cleo grabbed the gun off the floor and ran after them. She danced around the fighting animals, trying to see a clear shot to Trevor, but they kept moving in a blur of dark fur. Damn, damn, damn.

  No way would she risk hurting Adrian.

  Adrian leaped on top of Trevor, digging his claws deep into the bear’s back. Trevor reared back, slamming Adrian into the porch roof. They both toppled sideways, and she couldn’t get out of the way fast enough to avoid them. She hit the porch railing hard and slumped to the floor, dropping the gun. Spots swam in her vision for a second.

  “Cleo!” Adrian appeared beside her, human once more, and his arms wrapped around her. “Angel—”

  She saw Trevor scoop up the handgun and point it at Adrian’s back. “No.”

  Lunging forward, she shoved Adrian out of the way as the gun went off. She couldn’t lose him. She tensed and waited for the hot pain of a bullet in her back. But Trevor missed. Adrian’s arms enfolded her, rolling them away from the spray of splinters as the bullet slapped into the wood. Trevor ran forward, the gun rising to aim again.

  “Adrian, behind you!”

  Adrian kicked out, catching Trevor in the knees. The gun rattled away and both men scrambled to get to it first. They wrestled for it, grunting as fists hit bone and sinew. They tumbled across the porch until they hit the railing.

  A single shot rang out, and then there was nothing but silence. No birds called. Not even the rain fell. Dead silence. She’d never understood the meaning of the phrase until just now.

  A scream of absolute agony ripped from her throat. “Adrian.”

  Her heart stopped for the longest moment in history as both men collapsed in a heap. She swayed on her feet, her whole world focusing on her mate.

  A sob of relief clawed its way free when he moved. Slowly, but he moved. He groaned and rolled to his feet as Nico sprang up the steps and on to the porch, a deadly looking weapon drawn.

  And the only thing she could think was Nico shouldn’t be here. He should be in Arizona. “H-how did you get here so fast?”

  Chapter Six

  “Nico.” Adrian nodded. His chest heaved as he stood beside the fallen Trevor. He looked to Cleo, assuring himself that she was all right. She scrambled for the discarded blanket and wrapped it around herself while he ignored his own nudity under the rush of intense relief. He closed his eyes for a moment. She was all right. Thank God. Thank God.

  “Adrian.” Nico jerked his chin at a massively tall man who walked up the steps behind him. His youngest brother. “You got him, Zander?”

  “Yeah. I always get stuck with garbage duty. Explaining this to the authorities is going to be a barrel of laughs. I could be home with my mate right now, but nooo, Nico’s got me running around in the rain.” Zander hauled Trevor’s body upright and flipped him over his shoulder before walking out into the night. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you people cats don’t like to get wet?”

  “Weakling.” Nico snorted, ignored him, and cocked a brow at them. “You two all right?”

  “You could have gotten here a few minutes earlier.” Adrian grunted, thrusting a hand through his hair.

  “You did just fine on your own.” Nico sighed and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “We were distracted when one of our men didn’t check in on schedule. By the time we found what was left of him, the gunfire had already started going off. We got here as fast as we could.”

  “There’s more of you?” Cleo’s gaze flashed to Adrian, her mouth hanging open. “You knew Trevor was coming. You set us up as bait.”

  He slanted a glance at his brother. “Give us a minute.”

  “This is going to be all over the werekind papers tomorrow. Adrian Leonidas disappearing after a secret mating stirred up a shit-storm already.” Nico bared his teeth in a feral grin. “That bear got here awful quick—maybe now you’ll listen when I tell you something’s going on. Dad, Celeste and now this. I’m not—”

  Lifting his hand, Adrian sighed. His brother was right—something deeper was going on here. Too many coincidences that ended with ugly consequences for his family. Too many questions left unanswered. But there were only so many fires he could put out in one night. “We’ll talk about this when I get back to Refuge.” He slanted a look at Cleo. “For now—give us a minute.”

  Nico shook his head as he looked from Adrian to his mate. “Weakling. Soft over a woman. All of you. Jesus,” he muttered under his breath as he stepped out the door, pulling it closed behind him.

  A few minutes of tense silence passed before the roar of an engine started and faded into the distance. They stared at each other, neither moving.

  The flap of giant wings reached him a second before the newcomer’s scent carried in on the wind. He snapped his head around to look. “Fuck. What now?”

  Cleo went rigid when an enormous bald eagle swooped down to land on the porch railing, and Adrian hauled her into his arms, his eyes pinned on the bird of prey. It shifted into a tall, regal woman with spiky blonde hair. She nodded to him as she stepped down onto the porch. “Leopard king.”

  He narrowed his gaze, a warning to come no further. “Leopards don’t have kings. Only the birds have royalty.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you call it, the truth is the same, cat.” She lifted a cool brow, her expression impassive. “I’ve come to speak to you about the problems that your family’s been having. Especially with the wolves.”

  He tilted his head, looking for tricks. Cleo stirred against him and addressed the bird directly. “Who are you?”

  “Ajax Petros. Commander of the Messenger Corps.” The words had no inflection. A statement of
fact to a question she’d been expecting.

  It raised his suspicions to new heights. Messengers lived a warrior’s existence and clung more fiercely to bird neutrality than anyone else. “Why are you here? Birds don’t involve themselves in the conflicts between shifter species.”

  “Except when they start the conflict.” A flicker of rage entered her eyes, the first sign of life he’d seen in her.

  He let go of Cleo, pushing her safely behind him as he stepped forward. “What are you saying?”

  Ajax swallowed, and he watched her wrestle with some emotion before she answered him. “Your father, the crash, the assassination attempt on your sister-in-law, even your mate’s werebear fiancé. I’ve been investigating all of these problems on my own. Quietly. I’ve only been able to come up with one answer. None of it was an accident. Worse, I think one of my own is behind it all.”

  “Who?” His fists clenched. Here it was, the answer to all the mysteries, all the dangers.

  “I don’t know who or why, but I intend to find out.” The look on her face left no doubt in his mind what would happen to the traitor in the bird clan when she rooted him out. Good. “I refuse to let my people become embroiled in a war, or to start one between other shifter clans. It occurs to me that you have as much or more interest vested in ending the danger to you and yours. If necessary, can I count on you for support in this?”

  “Yes.” He wanted to see the threats against his family ended once and for all. He wanted to know the truth. If this woman could give him that, he’d do everything in his considerable power to help her.

  “Expect to hear from me in the future.” An ironic smile twisted her lips. “Congratulations on your mating, leopard king.”


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