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Fleeting Passions: Forbidden Passions, Book 3

Page 6

by Crystal Jordan

  With that, the woman stepped off the porch and shifted midair, winging away as quietly as she had come. Nico would want to know about this as soon as possible, and he’d never let Adrian live it down that he was right about everything. But that could wait. Adrian had to finish dealing with his mate. He turned to Cleo standing in the shadows of the porch. She pulled in a deep breath, and he couldn’t help but stare for a moment at the way it lifted her lush breasts. His cock hardened. Would his reaction to her ever ease? He hoped not.

  “Well, then. I’ll put together a press release about Trevor and…our m-mating…when we get back, try to minimize the damage.”

  He blinked, and blinked once more. Anger bubbled up inside of him, rolling to a slow boil. After everything that had happened tonight, after what they’d been through since they’d mated, that was all she had to say? Even without the new puzzle of the wereeagle’s visit, his hands were still shaking from seeing her ex hold a gun on her. Shoot at her. A centimeter to the left and he would’ve lost her. It hit him again like a fist to the gut. He hissed. “You think I care about the damn media? Are you all right?”

  “I—yes, I’m fine.” Confusion spun in her amber eyes. A strange blankness settled over her face. Shock, he realized. “Are you?” she asked. “You look…fine.”

  Two strides took him to her side, and he cupped her shoulders in his palms. She trembled in his grasp, her pupils huge as she stared up at him. He shook her lightly. “Talk to me, Cleo.”

  Tension ran through her muscles, and she jerked away.

  “I was so terrified, and you set him up. You used us as bait. And you didn’t tell me.” She drew back her hand and slapped his chest. A sob heaved her chest, and she hit him again. And again. He pulled her to his chest. She tried to hit him once more, but he caught her wrists, pinning her to him. She broke, collapsing against him, tears streaking down her face to dampen his chest. “I was so scared, Adrian. I thought he was going to kill you. I can’t—I c-can’t—”

  He buried his face in her hair. “Shh. I have you. It’s all right.”

  She sniffled and pulled back, smacking his chest again. Fire blazed in her amber gaze. “You used us as bait, damn you.”

  “I did.” He couldn’t deny it. Once he’d found her, he knew Trevor would keep coming for her. And he wasn’t a man to run and hide. “You couldn’t run forever, Cleo.”

  “You could have been killed.”

  “You damn near were,” he growled. Remembered terror speared him. He’d forever have the image burned into his memory. His mate in danger, helpless to save her. His jaw flexed.

  “You think I care about the danger to me? You could have—I was almost responsible for—” A low whimper of pain pulled from her throat, and she closed her eyes.

  He knew that pain. He felt it himself. For her. Lifting his fingers, he tangled them in the strands of her hair. He needed to touch her, to make her understand what she meant to him. Remorse bit deep as he thought about losing her without her ever knowing what she’d come to mean to him in the past few weeks. No matter how fast their mating had been, he’d never regret it. Never. “I care. I care about the danger to you. I’m sorry, angel. I’m sorry you almost got hurt. Jesus, I’m so damn sorry.”

  She threw herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him.

  Yes. Oh, yes. He needed to touch her, feel it to his bones that she was unharmed.


  “Cleo.” He picked her up, cradling her slim form to his chest. Walking into the house, he mounted the steps, carried her to their room and laid her on the bed. He dragged in a slow breath, pulling her scent to him. Soft, feminine woman. Feline. His mate. Aroused for him.

  She arched her body under his gaze, letting her blanket fall away. She reached for him, her fingers brushing over his chest. Her nails raking his nipples lightly.

  His breath tangled in his chest.

  “Please, Adrian. I need you now. I need you so much.”

  He groaned, lowering himself over her. He wanted to be gentle, to cherish her. To show her what words could not. She’d had enough words from Trevor. For years. Nothing he said could prove what he felt. He wasn’t even certain he could put the depth of it into words. He’d never felt something like this for any woman. Only Cleo. Bracing himself on his elbows above her, he leaned to the left to raise his right hand and run his fingertips over her hip. Her breath caught, and her thighs parted as she arched herself in offering. A hot smile curved her face, and she bit her bottom lip. His chest banded tight in emotion just looking at her.

  Only Cleo.

  She twisted under him, groaning when he slipped his hand up to cup her breast. His lips brushed over hers, and she opened for him. Their tongues stroked together. She moaned into his mouth, and a punch of lust hit his gut. She bit him, her fangs sliding out to scrape his lip. The tang of blood in his mouth drove him wild, her taste shoving him over into feral need. His cock had been hard the moment he touched her, but her excitement fed his. His cock was rigid, full to bursting. He wanted her. Craved her.

  Trailing his hand down her torso, he pressed his fingers between her legs. He stroked over her hard clit. She cried out and clamped her hand over his wrist. He pulled back to look down at her. “Something wrong, angel?”

  “Not a thing.” One side of her mouth kicked up, and she shoved his fingers deeper into her pussy, into the hot channel. He groaned, his cock jerking.

  “Damn, angel.” Heat slammed into him, tightening his gut as he moved his hand on her. Her wetness coated his fingers. The musky scent of her arousal sent him skating to the ragged edge of his control.

  Her hips squirmed, working his digits inside her. He thrust in, angling his fingertips until he—ah, yes. That was the spot that made her scream. An animalistic shriek ripped from her throat. Her pussy flexed on his fingers, and she closed her knees over his forearm. He stroked inside her over and over, loving the clench of her inner muscles on him.

  “Adrian.” Her voice caught on a soft sob. “I love your hands on me. I love the feel of you. Make love to me. Please.”

  He needed no more encouragement than that. Yes. Oh, yes. He growled low, all the pent up need inside him ripping free. Moving over her, he settled between her thighs. The silk of her flesh slid against his hips as she wrapped her legs around his flanks and made him groan. Guiding his cock to the wetness of her core, he sank to the hilt within her. Her sweet warmth clenched on his dick. He swallowed and closed his eyes to savor this moment. The band around his chest tightened further.

  Her claws slipped out to curl into his back, raking down his skin. Oh, God. His hips bucked hard, slamming home. She screeched and arched to rub her nipples over his chest.

  “You feel so good, Cleo. So good . . .”

  “Yes. More. Please.” She lifted her head, offering her lips to him.

  He took her mouth hard, thrusting his tongue into the moist cavern. Desperation rode him hard as he ground into her. Her scent, her hot skin was too good. Too much. Her soft, excited moans into his mouth drove him on. He felt as if his head were going to explode.

  Her hand moved to cup his jaw, a smile on her lips. “So perfect.”

  Oh, yes. Perfect. Sweet relief wrapped around his soul that she was safe, and she was here, and she was his. Something inside him loosened and broke free at the knowledge. He needed her. He couldn’t live without her. He opened his mouth and finally found the right words for it, this emotion that slammed into him like a tidal wave when she was near. “I love you, Cleo. I’ll always love you.”

  A tear streaked down her cheek as she bowed in his arms. Her sex fisted on his cock rhythmically. “I love you too. My mate. My Adrian.”

  “Yes.” He clenched his jaw to fight the orgasm, to draw it out for her, for them. Slipping his hand between them, he worked his fingers over her clit. His fangs slid out as control spun from him. Only Cleo. Only Cleo could strip him bare. He threw back his head and roared, jetting his come within her soft body.

bsp; Her pussy flexed on his cock so tight that he could feel the deep contractions. The lioness within her shrieked as orgasm took her, calling to his leopard. He loved watching her come, the hot flush of satisfaction on her face. He shuddered, held her close when he collapsed on top of her him, and rolled so she lay on his chest. Her arms curled around his shoulders, and she buried her face against his neck. They panted together, just holding each other as they came down from the rush.

  “I love you, Adrian.” Her body relaxed, and her eyelashes brushed over his skin when she closed her eyes.

  Within a few moments, her breasts moved against his chest, lifting in the deep rhythm of sleep. Good, she needed to rest. His hand cupped the back of her head, and he turned to lower her to the mattress.

  He stroked her golden locks away from her face. She was so lovely.

  His chest tightened with that almost familiar band of emotion. Now he knew what it was.

  Love. Deep and lasting. Mated love. Yes. It was so right. It shook him to the very core.

  He had no control with her, and it scared the hell out of him. But he wouldn’t walk away from her for anything. Ever. He’d learn to cope with the fact that she made him crazy. She’d thrown herself in front of a damn bullet for him. Fitting his body to hers, he lay beside her, steeping himself in her scent, in the feel of her silky skin.

  She curled on her side away from him, her back pressed to his chest. He sighed, contentment winding through him. He closed his eyes, letting relief wash through at the knowledge that she was all right, that she was safe.

  He’d set them up as bait, but Trevor wasn’t meant to get past Nico. The werebear was never supposed to be near Cleo. Adrian swallowed hard. Losing her would be more than he could handle. He’d never survive it. Needing her so much terrified him, but there was no denying it now.

  How had his brother survived? Jason had lost his mate, and he’d watched the soul leech from his brother. Now he knew why. And he knew there was one more thing he needed to do tonight. Rising silently from the bed, he scooped up his cell phone and punched in the speed-dial for his brother in Florida.

  “Hello?” Jason’s deep voice boomed through the phone.

  “Hey, Jason.”

  “Adrian?” His brother’s tone sharpened. “Is everyone all right? Lyra and the baby?”

  “Yes. They’re all fine. Lyra’s not due for another couple of months.” He swallowed, uncertain how to put into words what he was feeling. Things had never been easy between him and his older brother. A natural rivalry had turned into an inability to connect, to communicate somewhere along the way. “I—I’m getting married. I mated to a werelioness. Her name is Cleo.”

  There was a long pause on the phone, and Adrian thought his brother might have hung up. Then he heard a sigh crackle the phone line. “Congratulations.”

  “I didn’t call to tell you that.”

  Jason grunted. “No? Well, get it said, brother.”

  A chuckle pulled from Adrian’s throat. That was Jason. No patience, just the facts. “I wanted to say…that I’m sorry.” He blew out a breath. “I thought that you were weak for leaving after Celeste died. Or we thought she died. I didn’t understand why you left, why you walked away from everything.”

  His gaze landed on the smooth curves of his mate lying naked in his bed. Her soft breasts rose and fell in the slow rhythm of deep slumber. He sighed. Was there anything sweeter than watching your woman sleep? The thought of losing her, of how close he had come to the grief his brother had known for so long, almost drove him to his knees.

  His voice came out a harsh rasp. “I’m sorry, brother. I didn’t know what it could do to a man—loving a woman.”

  Jason snorted. “It’ll rip your heart out. And that’s if you found the right one.”

  “I did.” A small smile curved his lips. “I want you and Celeste to come to the wedding.”

  Another long pause greeted that invitation, and Adrian swallowed. Regret pierced him. Too much time had passed, too much had come between them for his brother to ever come back home. He reached out and curved a hand over Cleo’s silky hip. Just touching her was a comfort.

  “We’ll be there.” He started at the sound of Jason’s voice. A soft feminine murmur sounded in the background. Celeste. His brother’s mate. Jason chuckled in response to whatever she had said. “I have to go. Celeste…needs me.”

  Sure she did. Adrian grinned. “Tell her I said hello. And have fun filling all of her…needs.”

  “A man’s work is never done.” Jason’s voice took on a long-suffering tone. Celeste sounded an obvious protest at that, but it dissolved into a giggle. “Bye, brother.”

  “Bye.” He clicked the button to turn off his phone, and Cleo sat up in bed.

  A small smile curved her lips, and she reached for him. “Come back to bed.”

  He slid in next to her, pulling her into his arms. She cuddled up to him, dropping back into sleep. Contentment wound through his chest. Perfect. He let himself go, let himself enjoy this one quiet moment with her.

  His life stretched out before him, open to incredible possibilities that weren’t even there two weeks ago. Thanks to Cleo. He never would have imagined anyone like her as his mate, never would have allowed himself to touch her if he hadn’t gotten drunk that night.

  He shook his head and smiled. Life was one hell of an amazing thing that way.

  He closed his eyes and drank in the scent of her.

  His mate, his heart, his soul.

  About the Author

  Crystal Jordan began writing romance after she finished graduate school and needed something to fill the hours that used to be eaten away by homework. Currently, she serves as a librarian at a university in California, but has lived and worked all over the United States. She writes paranormal, futuristic and erotic romance.

  To learn more about Crystal please visit Send an email to Crystal at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Crystal!

  Look for these titles by Crystal Jordan

  Now Available:

  Wasteland: The Wanderer


  Forbidden Passions series

  Stolen Passions

  Unbelievable series

  If You Believe

  Believe in Me

  In the Heat of the Night series

  Total Eclipse of the Heart

  Big Girls Don’t Die

  It’s Raining Men

  Crazy Little Thing Called Love

  “I will always love you.” Not just a figure of speech when you're undead.

  Big Girls Don’t Die

  © 2009 Crystal Jordan

  In the Heat of the Night, Book Two

  Six months ago, Andre St. James committed the ultimate one-night-stand party foul by turning Cynthiana into the spawn of Satan…also known as a vampire. He insisted he knew they were meant to be together forever and ever, so why wait for her to be on the same page with him to suck the life out of her?

  What. Ever. The only thing the two of them share is chemistry that blasts off the charts. So she drop kicked him out of her life and told him to never come back. He listened. Until now.

  Andre knows Cyn has trouble dealing with his take-no-prisoners approach to life, and that turning her against her will was a mistake. But he’s got patience born of centuries of immortality, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get back into her good graces and stay there forever. Including wait until she has no choice but to turn to him.

  After all, no one understands forever like a vampire. He’s loved her from the moment he saw her…and he always will.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Big Girls Don’t Die:

  My hands clenched on the steering wheel. I had to get to my cousin. That’s all I could think. Please, please let Desi be okay. I loved that little girl so much. I was going crazy right now. Worry gnawed at me like a hungry werewolf. One quick l
ook at the speedometer told me that I was about ten miles over the speed limit. They wouldn’t pull me over for that, would they? I pushed my convertible Mini Cooper a little faster.

  Flicking a glance down while I punched the speed-dial, I tried to get Misty on the phone for a progress report on Desi. It was a few hours to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, but if I hurried I could be inside the hospital before dawn. Something else to get pissed at Andre for. No reflection, no sunlight.

  My stomach rumbled. Oh, yeah. Cravings for blood. Another lovely side effect. When was the last time I had fed? I meant to have something substantial before I went to Eclipse, but Andre had sort of interrupted that plan. I’d barely taken any blood from him, so my stomach felt as if it was digesting itself right now.

  “Hi, this is Misty and Desiree, leave us a message—”

  “Damn it.” I huffed out a breath and tossed my cell phone on the passenger seat.

  My gaze swept the barren landscape along I-15. There wasn’t anything for as far as I could see except dirt and stars and a few ragged Joshua trees. When I glanced back at the road, a large white jackrabbit hopped in front of my car.

  “Shit.” I jerked the wheel and swerved to miss it, but the crunch of bone sounded as it bounced against the underside of my car. “Oh, that is just nasty.”

  And then my tire blew up. Rubber popped. The Mini Cooper’s back end spun out. My heart stuttered as my pretty little car made grinding noises when the metal of my tire rim hit pavement.

  “Shit, piss, motherfucker. Oh God. Oh God.”

  Skidding off onto the soft shoulder of the road, the car finally came to a stop. I sat there and panted while my heart rate galloped. My knuckles showed white on the wheel, and I had to force myself to relax my grip and reach down to shift into park. My hands shook on the door handle when I hauled myself out to go look at my tire. I walked around the car to the passenger side and kept an eye out for crazy-ass drivers who might be too blind or stupid to see the emergency flashers on my car and hit me. Oh, yeah. That was the flattest tire I’d ever seen. Little bits of rubber hung off it and flopped on the ground.


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