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Virus-72 Hours to Live

Page 6

by Ray Jay Perreault

  "Good night, I'll see you tomorrow."

  Abby felt miserable while she tried to get something done. The evening dragged on and at 9:15 local she had enough. I quit, she thought to herself. She walked across the living room and checked in on Beth. She seemed Ok although her breathing sounded a little too deep, "Maybe she is just bone tired," she said to herself as she crossed the hall to check on David. She found the same response and thought, boy jet lag is really hitting all of us, time for bed.


  Admiral Lester Monson was sound asleep in his quarters when his comm unit woke him. Reacting partly due to shock and instinct, he found the unit and accepted the call.

  "This is Monson."

  The voice of his chief medical officer broke the silence, "Sir, this is Commander Pearl. I thought you'd want to know that 40% of the crewmen due for the morning shift have turned up sick at first bell."

  The Admiral glanced at his watch, he worked to focus on the face and it showed 04:40 AM.

  "40 %?"

  "Yes, sir. They're showing similar respiratory distress and none of them are fit for duty. Sir, the symptoms are similar to what popped up in the Russian Caucasus yesterday."

  The admiral sat for a moment processing the thought. Then his eyes exploded open. "Say that again Commander Pearl."

  "Sir, they are showing the same symptoms as the virus that is occurring in the Russian Caucasus." By the time, the commander had finished the sentence the admiral was already moving and getting dressed. "Commander meet me on the flag bridge in five."

  "Yes, sir."

  The hatch almost broke off its hinges when the Admiral exploded into the flag bridge. Commander Pearl and Captain Mann were standing there waiting for him.

  "Commander, what's happening?"

  "Sir, I've spoken with each of the infirmaries in the Task Force and they're all reporting similar results. Large numbers of sailors are reporting for morning call sick and unfit for duty. What we're seeing are symptoms very similar to what we heard about happening in the Russian Caucuses. They're showing respiratory distress and their condition is deteriorating rapidly."

  "All of them?"

  "Yes, sir."

  The admiral turned away and walked in a circle for a moment, then yelled, "Mann, lock down the fleet. We're going into Biohazard operation."

  Captain Mann, snapped to attention and, even though, his eyes were big he said, "Yes, sir." He rushed to the comm panel and transmitted to the entire task force, "Task Force 50, Task Force 50. This is an immediate change in operational tasking. Execute Biohazard attack procedures immediately. I repeat Execute Biohazard procedures immediately." Alarms throughout the fleet sounded and lock-down began.

  All crewmembers hurried to their bio lockers and were issued protective clothing after the announcements were spread among the task force. From then on they would conduct their daily duties wearing protective suits. Hatches remained closed and air filters would be serviced more often and tested for contaminates.

  "Commander Mann, check with our home base at Manama and pass word to the other task forces. I want to know the status of the 5th. Also, send a flash message up the command. Tell them we may be under attack."

  "Yes, sir."


  "Sir, I just spoke with Manama and there is a problem."

  "What's their status?"

  "Sir, they're having similar problems. A large percentage of their staff hasn't reported for duty. They're calling them as fast as possible and many aren't answering their phones. The duty staff is getting sick and doing their best to keep the base operating."

  "Direct all ships that are able to get to full power and leave the port. I want the navy on the water, not in dock."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Have we heard anything from Central Command?"

  "Sir, there has been sporadic information coming down. I'm not sure how much of what we've sent is going up the chain. It appears that all levels of command are having similar problems."

  Great, I might be under biological attack and command, is out to lunch, the Admiral thought. "Commander Mann, maintain fleet ops and monitor the crewmen in the dispensary. I don't want this to get out of hand. Give me a summary of sick and how many we have at their duty stations. We've still got a fleet to sail."

  "Yes, sir," said Lt. Commander Peal as he gave a quick salute and went to work.

  Friday 7/7/51

  Date – 2051.51265 (6:46 AM)

  “Good morning Termen,” SIMPOC said politely as the engineer walked into the room.

  “Good morning SIMPOC,” Termen responded and continued, “What did you find last night?”

  “I found out much about how the regions of the planet communicate. Throughout all of the information, some fundamental controlling forces emerged. Depending on the area, one or more of economic, political, technical, religious or ethnic drivers dominate each. Apparently the more drivers that were present and their diversity drive the number of human conflicts.”

  "SIMPOC, those are all examples of one group of people trying to influence or control another group."

  "Termen why is it that humans wait for others to solve their problems. There is little effort to identify a problem before it becomes significant."

  "Excellent question SIMPOC. People assume that no action will allow the problem to go away or solve itself. If a person says, a problem exists then they are responsible for the solution. If their actions are successful, they're a hero, but in most cases the result isn't clear and they'll be blamed."

  "Human interactions are complex."

  "Yes, that appears to be a good summary."

  "Most of the conflicts have no logical or historical reason to continue, yet they do. It appears that people plan tomorrow based on what is happening today. To them, tomorrow is based on how they perceive events that happened yesterday. They appear to be locked in endless cycles of repeating the same problems, and progress to solve them is very slow."

  "Yes, SIMPOC your analysis appears to be accurate. In many cases, allowing the conflict from yesterday to continue is easier than making the difficult choices to solve it. Continue monitoring your information sources. I have other things to work on. If you find anything interesting just let me know."

  "Yes, Termen."


  Life on the Machelhany wasn't pleasant. Performing all the necessary duties in full HAZMAT gear was a pain in the butt. However, the personnel did their jobs. Admiral Monson wasn't comfortable. He was used to leading the action, not reacting to it. The viral outbreak put the entire 5th fleet on the defensive and he didn't like being in that position. He was getting little information from the command structure and that concerned him less than the effects the virus had on his fleet's operation. Command staff had their job and he had his. He could still lead his fleet whether the command staff was there or not.

  The last six hours were a nightmare. Many of his crewmen had fallen to the virus. Across the fleet, the losses were staggering. In total, estimates were the 5th had lost 67% of the personnel. The spread of the virus happened so fast there was little that anyone could do. Putting the entire fleet on Biohazard Alert was the best he could do, and it appeared that the action saved the remaining 33%.

  His only option was to find a way to keep the fleet afloat and protect the remaining crews.

  The 5th had been on the water for 24 days prior to the virus outbreak. According to his med staff that was longer than any incubation period that made sense. Someone they were in contact with prior to departure couldn't have spread anything, the crew caught. The virus broke out on all the ships at once and none of the crew had moved from ship to ship. None of the onboard air filters showed any contaminants and they were too far at sea for a spread from land or aircraft.

  Leaving the remaining crew in hazmat gear seemed counterproductive so he called Commander Pearl into his office.

  "Doc, this virus isn't making any sense. From what you've
told me, there is no way my people caught it from shore. We haven't had any fly-bys to spray us and we're too far out to sea for something airborne. Besides that, it has popped up at the same time on all of the ships. What the fuck is going on?

  "Sir, I can't explain it. I don't think it's airborne and I don't think we got it from land. If there were an incubation period, then it would have popped up on shore before now."

  "Doc do you have any problem with storing the hazmat gear?"

  "Admiral I don't think it will make any difference. I'm isolating the sick and leaving the med people in hazmat gear. Following that procedure seems to reduce the rate of spread. I think that is our only defense."


  The door to the Oval Office opened. President Patterson was shaking the World Trade Fund President's hand. "It was good to see you again Pierre. I hope we can find a way to increase trade to that area."

  "Yes Mr. President that may be possible, but we have to deal with those other issues first."

  "I agree, I think we'll be able to solve those."

  After the WTF President had left, Judy stuck her head in and said, "Mr. President I moved the meeting with the Minority Whip until later so we could fit the CDC in. The Director has called in from Atlanta, would you like to speak with him now?"

  "Get Eddy in here; then plug him in."

  "Roberto, I want you to stay and hear this. Also, have your office follow-up up with the WTF and make sure they go through on what we just discussed."

  "Will, do."

  After a moment, Eddy was able to rush up the hallway and enter just as Judy was connecting the director of the CDC.

  "Good afternoon Mr. President."

  "Paul, how are you, Joy and the kids doing?"

  "Excellent Mr. President."

  "Well, what is happening?"

  "Mr. President, I wish I had a complete answer for you. The CDC got involved about 10 hours ago and we are throwing all necessary resources at it until we understand what is happening. I've sent our top epidemiologist to the area and we are waiting for her to call in and give us an update."

  "The preliminary reports suggest a very high mortality rate, a very short incubation period as well as being airborne and highly contagious and infectious. Any of those pieces of information is alarming. I suspect it isn't as virulent as these early reports suggest, but we are moving as fast as possible."

  "Paul, we heard it is breaking out in multiple areas spontaneously, is that correct?"

  "Again Mr. President we are far from having all of the information, sometimes reporting is skewed. The reports all surface at once making it appear that it is occurring simultaneously in multiple areas. Again let's hope it is a reporting anomaly. A virus doesn't spread like that, so I'm very suspicious of the information we're getting. Virus' spread and go from one person to another. They don't start in multiple places all at once."

  "Ok, Paul please stay on top of this and if anything changes call Eddy immediately."

  "Yes, Mr. President."

  "Good-by, Paul."

  "Eddy stay on top of this, there is something about this virus that worries me. Please keep Roberto and me current."

  "Yes sir."


  Dmitry Kovalenko was a perfect baby, he was a perfect toddler and he was a perfect pre-teen and teenager. Dmitry was also a perfect young adult and mature adult. He knew he was perfect and he wasn't interested in what other people thought. They didn't understand him, they were dirty, they didn't listen, and they didn't care about what he cared about. They were wrong and irrelevant to him.

  Dmitry was 6 ft. 2 inches tall and had dark wavy brown hair. To everyone who looked at him, he was attractive and had a killer smile. He learned early, a smile, a laugh, and even a tear occasionally would get him what he wanted. If it didn't, then the dark of the night would be his ally and when he struck, it was violent and he left no doubt, as to whom it was from. He was smart enough not to leave evidence, just fear and pain, which he could use to his benefit another time.

  Dmitry cared about others for only one reason, because he could get them to do what he wanted. They did what he asked and if they were afraid of him, that was their weakness not his problem. He only hurt them when they didn't do what was important what he wanted to be done.

  There were 14 men who were within his sphere of influence. They were weak but regardless of what he wanted, they complied. Petty theft, prostitution, drugs all helped move money from people who didn't deserve it to Dmitry. Running pimps only gave dirty people, disgusting satisfaction; why shouldn't Dmitry help them destroy themselves. Drugs accomplished the same thing. Selling drugs to dirty people only helped to move their money from them to him; after all they didn't deserve the money, he did.


  Abby woke up at 5:30 AM and intended to do some more prep work. It seemed like a good time to get some exercise done before breakfast, but her body said no. She did something she rarely did and she punched the snooze button to get another 15 minutes, then she pulled her blankets up over her head.

  After the alarm had intruded into her sleep once again, she got up and putting on her robe took a lot of effort. She walked through the living room towards Beth's room and when she entered, Beth hadn't gotten out of bed. "Hey, kiddo how are you doing. It's about time to get up, don't you think?"

  Her little girl rolled over and said, "Mommy I don't feel well."

  "What's the matter," the worried mother asked forgetting about her own bad feelings.

  "When I take a deep breath, I make noise."

  Perhaps it was an allergy or reaction to the smog in Paris.

  "Ok, you can stay home today. Let me tuck you in then I'm going to check on Dave."

  "Ok, Mommy."

  After a couple of hugs and kisses, it seemed like Beth went back to sleep, so Abby moved out of her room quietly. When she entered Dave's room, it was a mess. He had thrown his clothes all over the place. In a way, it made her feel like home.

  "Dave, how do you feel this morning? Beth doesn't feel very well."

  Dave wasn't moving in the bed, which wasn't much different from a normal morning wake-up.

  "Honey, wake-up," she said in a gentle voice.

  Finally, she saw some movement under the blankets and she wasn't sure which end was his head. She got a muffled, "Whaaat?"

  "How do you feel, Beth doesn't feel well? I'm letting her stay home today."

  Dave didn't answer immediately, but she did hear a muffled cough, which sounded like something, was going on.

  "Ok, it sounds like you've got the same thing. You're staying home also."

  She didn't get a response and didn't expect one. Abby left the room and noticed it was getting close to 6:00 and she had better get dressed for the breakfast meeting with Evette. Getting dressed seemed slow and indecisive. Abby felt dizzy a couple of times and noticed she had trouble taking deep breaths. I wish this trip wasn't so important or I'd grab the kids and head home. But I've got to make it through.

  The doorbell rang and there was a waiter with a cart with two breakfasts on top. The two secret service guards were standing next to him and they had likely already checked the cart and food.

  Abby tried to speak and had trouble getting the first word out. "Thanks, you're bringing up the other two breakfasts at 8:00 for the kids?" she asked with a definite gurgle in her throat.

  "Yes, mam. The other breakfasts will be delivered at 8:00AM. I'll make sure although they are a little short on the kitchen staff this morning."

  "Thanks and pass thanks to the kitchen staff."

  "Thanks, mam," the waiter said as he left the suite.

  Evette wasn't escorting the breakfast in as she usually did, "Do either of you know where Evette is?" She asked the two secret service men.

  "Here she comes mam," one of the agents said as Evette slowly turned into the doorway.

  "Evette you don't look very well. Maybe we all have the same thing. Dave and
Beth are both sick and I'm canceling their day. How are you doing?"

  "Not very well. Let's eat and if it stays down, maybe I can make it through the day."

  "Evette, I don't know what I'd do without you. Let's get this over with so we both relax a little."

  It seemed like the breakfast took forever. Abby or Evette would talk a little then they would do their best to get some breakfast down and sip a little coffee. It was obvious they weren't doing well and the lack of detail discussed made that evident.

  "Evette, I'm not feeling well. The longer I sit here, the worse I feel. Would you please cancel everything for us today? I think we need a day to rest and recuperate. You look like you need some down time too."

  "I'm sorry, but I think you're right. When I get back to my room, I'll send for a Doctor and let the White House know what's going on." Evette tried to laugh a little and continued, "If I can make it."

  "Don't forget to let the French delegation know that we're canceling the activities today and give them a typical sick mother and sick child explanation. It has nothing to do with them."

  "Yes, I almost forget them. I'll send them a fancy note giving them our regrets."

  They both smiled a little and ended the breakfast.

  "Evette, I'm going back to bed and the kids are both asleep. Please check on us in a couple of hours and maybe we can talk more then."

  "Ok, I'm heading to my room right now. Suddenly I feel worse."

  "Evette, take care of yourself," Abby said as she saw her friend walk down the hall. She closed the door and stumbled back to her bed. It sounded like a good plan to nap for a little while then check on the kids.


  Arnold Patterson was enjoying a few minutes in his relatively small study right beside the Oval Office; he was mentally going over the main events of the day. The president's study hadn't changed much over the last couple of presidencies. It was a small office beside the Oval Office. The 'day-to-day' business was done in the study, but when the president needed to appear 'presidential' he worked in the Oval Office. When he had time between meetings, the study was a great place to be quiet and think.


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