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Virus-72 Hours to Live

Page 7

by Ray Jay Perreault

  The carpet was thick and the walls had a couple of small bookcases. Past presidents, who wanted to impress visitors, had the bookcases full of famous novels. Arnold wasn't like that he filled his shelves with mementos of his presidency and past terms in the Senate. He was proud of what he had accomplished. It was easy for him to have pictures, baseballs, small toys from children, a hand painted rock and a hardened moose dropping from Wyoming mounted on a plaque. Many of them were serious and represented battles hard fought which he had won, but there were many that reflected the lighter side of helping people and how they tried to show their thanks.

  The window in front of his desk had the amazing view of the White House lawn and in the distance the towering spire of the Washington Memorial. Arnold swung his chair around and looked around the room as he thought. He noticed the stuffed lion, which Beth had left on a chair during her last visit. The lion was watching him; he smiled waiting for the faint roar from his daughter.

  There was the typical noise and activity of the White House. His life was quiet now that Abby and his children were in Europe, so the sound of his personal communicator buzzing startled him. Only a few people could reach him directly so it immediately got his attention.

  Glancing at it, he could tell who it was, "Yes, Eddy."

  "Mr. President I'm sorry to disturb you but there is something I've got to show you."

  "Ok, I'll let you in just this one last time," he said with a little humor although he suspected the subject wouldn't be very funny.

  Within minutes, Eddy walked down the hallway from his office, knocked on the door and swung it open. The president looked up at him as he strode across the quiet carpet to the president's desk.

  "Mr. President, if I may, there is an explosion of information on the net about this virus. The reports say it's popping in hundreds of cities, the WHO, and the world community is getting cranked up. The press is eating it alive and everyone is wondering what is happening."

  The president moved his chair and let Eddy approach, "Computer bring up Hovarti virus summary."

  "Yes, Mr. Purser."

  The curved computer screen presented a series of summaries and Eddy touched the ones he wanted to be left on the screen.

  The president glanced at the large screen and could see dynamic updating to the summaries. While he was looking at the images, Eddy's communicator buzzed and as he glanced at the display screen, "Mr. President it is Dr. Caster from the CDC, and he doesn't look happy."

  "Eddy, let me take it," the president said as Eddy handed him the communicator.

  "Paul this is the president. Eddy was just updating me on the Internet and news feeds, they are throwing out some dire predictions. Some of our allies are talking about travel restrictions?"

  "Yes sir, there is a concern. Dr. Powers, the epidemiologist we sent, should have checked in with us by now, and we are still trying to reach her. When she got there, she went to a care center immediately. Unfortunately, it was remote. As soon as we hear back from her, I'll pass the information to your office. The news that I'm getting is just as dire as what you see on the Internet. It does appear to be occurring spontaneously in a large number of cities. Unfortunately, it's also occurring in the US. We haven't been able to confirm all of the cases but they appear to be the virus. Sir, I can't explain it, this type of outbreak has never occurred before. "

  "What about travel restrictions in eastern Europe?"

  "Sir, I've heard some locals are restricting travel but I haven't heard of any of the nation's declaring it. They are talking about it, but I don't think they have made the declaration yet."

  "Is there anything we can do to limit the spread in the United States?"

  "Yes sir, we have the option of travel restrictions and quarantine centers also."

  "Paul, I don't want to panic the people, go ahead and start the process for quarantine centers. Let me know if, and when you need to make the announcement. We'll consider the travel restrictions."

  "Please put together a press release along with my office summarizing everything and try to get this under control before we have panic worldwide."

  "Yes sir, Mr. President."

  "Thanks, Paul, please keep us current. Call Eddy anytime 24/7 until we get this understood."

  "Yes, sir."

  The president handed the communicator back to his chief of staff.

  "Eddy check with Walt at the U.N. and see what he's hearing."

  "Yes Sir."

  Date – 2051.51325 (12:04 PM)

  "Judy, who is with the president? I've got to see him immediately," said Eddy.

  "Sir, he is with the Argentinian President."

  "Please interrupt him and tell him something of extreme importance is happening and he must be told."

  "Yes, sir," Judy said. Then she keyed the personal intercom to the president's desk, "Mr. President, I'm sorry to disturb you but Eddy says he has something extremely important."

  "Send him right in."

  Eddy jumped for the handle and swung the door open. "I'm sorry for disturbing you sir, and I apologize Mr. Perez, but I must speak with the president and I'm afraid it must be in private."

  "I'm sorry Juan; I'll have my staff work out the details with your people."

  "Yes, President Patterson, thank-you for the meeting and I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution."

  The moment, the Argentinean president, and his aid left the room, Eddy exploded, "Mr. President we have a worldwide crisis. That suspicious virus is spreading like wildfire and the numbers, we're hearing, are true. It appears to be a catastrophic pandemic. Word is spreading fast; financial markets are under a ton of pressure. Many Eastern European capitals are setting up quarantine centers. I got an email from Paul saying that he has to start setting up quarantine centers in our major cities. I sent back a video message saying we're in full support. I've taken the liberty of sending a message to the first ladies' flight crew to prep for immediate departure."

  "Have you been able to get through to Abby and tell her what is going on?"

  "Not yet sir, there is a lot of confusion and I haven't been able to get to her staff; none of them are answering their communicators."

  "Do whatever you have, but get my family out of there."

  "The problem is exploding here too. Many of the congressmen and their staffs appear infected. Sir, I think you should consider some form of operation Round Table. We've got to be concerned with the continuity of the government."

  "Roundtable is to lock us all down in the event of an attack. Locking up a bunch of healthy people with sick people doesn't make a ton of sense," pointed out the president.

  "Sir there is a variation of operation roundtable, where we separate groups of the government and use electronic communications. It was intended for biological attacks. In that scenario, we split Congress into groups and you go to Camp David with the key leaders."

  The magnitude of the situation suddenly occurred to the president, which was evident, by the way his expression changed. "I agree, warn the VP and Congressional leaders. If some of them want to go to their homes we, should allow that. Put those, who are on the designated leadership list and who are healthy in quarantine. We have to take care of the sick and separate them from the healthy. I don't want it spreading among our leadership. Before we fully implement Round Table, I want a nationally televised press conference. Have Roberto put some plan together to implement Round Table."

  "Sir, I also suggest, access to you is restricted to just your family, Roberto, Judy and myself. All others should be through phone calls or teleconference."

  "Lovely, don't let that get out, I don't want the people to hear I'm going behind some kind of barrier, it will only cause them to panic more.

  "Eddy, I'm not going underground until I know about my family. We won't go to Camp David until I know what's happening. Put together a plan to move the key leadership to the camp and a plan to manage the government the best we can from there. Once we're there, then we'll consider oth
er options. Before we jump too high, get my staff together on Videocon and let's make sure we know what we know."

  "Did Paul at the CDC hear back from his person in the area?"

  "No sir, the last message I got a couple of hours ago from Paul was a vid-mail and he said Dr. Powers disappeared right after she landed. There is chaos in a number of the cities in the region."

  "Tell Paul I want hourly updates from him."

  "Yes, Sir. I tried calling him just before I came here, but he didn't answer."

  "I did hear back from Walt at the UN, they're entering into 'panic mode.' The WHO is spreading out as fast as they can, and they're working closely with Ed's people at CDC. The WHO is doing the best they can, but they get most of their resources from countries and most of the countries are in panic mode and not supporting the WHO."

  The expression on their faces showed neither of them liked that answer. "Ok, just keep trying," said the president.


  "Oasis, this is OS210 requesting permission to dock."

  "Permission granted you're clear to dock on Alpha port. Welcome to our part of space," responded the operations center controller.

  "Roger, Alpha port. Sorry to say this, but one of our crew doesn't feel too well. Something just came up. We have Dr. Chevesky onboard and he's not sure what the problem is so I suggest we follow the contamination protocol and we'll stay separated until Chevesky and your medical staff give us a green light. We'll be docking in about 17 minutes."

  "Roger once you enter Oasis, go through CAT Delta to section A12 and we'll leave you in section A12 until you're cleared. I'll inform our med people to help out," said the operations center controller.

  "Commander Herl this is op center."

  "This is Joan, go ahead OC."

  "Be advised OS210 is docking in about 16 minutes and they have an ill person on board. Dr. Chevesky is with them with them and he is suggesting we follow the contamination protocol until he knows what is going on. I'm limiting them to section A12."

  "Sounds good, we sure don't want some miserable stomach flu or something worse going around the station. Go ahead and have section 12 sealed and put the Biohazard signs on both ends."

  What a pain, Joan thought. Having a restricted area means, everyone would have to go all the way around the station to go from section A11 to A13. Oh well, the exercise would do her good.

  "Will do," responded the duty officer.


  Abby opened her eyes, almost. She lay in her bed for a moment remembering where she was. Her body felt terrible and breathing took 'way too much' work. Deep breaths were almost too difficult.

  "Beth, Dave!" The thought of her children immediately woke her up. She tried to roll out of bed to check on them and she had a tough time. What time is it? Was the closest thing she had to a lucid thought. Glancing at the clock, she was shocked and confused when she read 8:35 PM. Had she slept all day? Oh my God, she thought.

  Where is Evette, She thought as she stumbled out of bed and found her robe? Did she call for a Doctor? For the next few steps, she had no other thoughts except for her children. Entering Beth's room, she immediately knew she wasn't doing well. She was breathing very hard. Abby stumbled to her bedside and stroked her brow. "Don't worry honey, I'll check on Dave then find out where the Doctor is. I'll be right back."

  Beth didn't answer but moved her head in acknowledgment. Somehow, Abby found the strength to take the steps necessary to walk across the hall into Dave's room and she found the same. Dave was buried under his blankets and when found his head she stroked it, saying, "Honey, I've got to find out about a Doctor. Go ahead and rest, I'll be right back."

  Somehow, Abby found the strength to walk to the front door of the suite and when she opened the door, she knew something was wrong, terribly wrong. Earl, who was the lead of her security detail, was laying on the floor. The chair, he was using by her door, had turned over and it was lying next to him. She didn't need to check him because she could hear his labored breathing and a weak cough. She bent to touch him and said, "Earl, hold on I'll try to find someone."

  He didn't move and Abby took almost all of her strength to stand and turning, she tried Evette's door on the opposite side of the hall. The door was unlocked, which seemed unusual and when she opened the door her heart skipped a beat. Evette was laying on the floor in the same clothes she wore that morning for breakfast. Abby knelt or almost collapsed and touched her friend's hand. It was cold and it hit Abby, Evette was dead; she had walked to her room after the breakfast and collapsed right there, Oh my God, Evette!

  The dire reality of the situation hit her like a brick. Beth and Dave could be dying. What should she do? Her little strength allowed her to almost fall across the hall back into her suite and she went immediately to Beth's room. "Honey, I want you and Dave to be together then I'll try to get help." She found the strength to pick up her 5-year-old daughter and carry her into her son's room. She placed her on the bed and covered her with one of Dave's piled up blankets. She turned on her communicator panel and tried to call for help, but there was no answer from the front desk. She tried the main operator and some of the other icons on the screen; no one answered.

  Her strength was almost gone, and all she could do, was to curl up with her children and pray.


  "Oasis; SC."

  "Go ahead, this is Oasis," said the on-duty Oasis control center controller.

  "Get Commander Herl online please."

  "Stand by...,"

  "Joan, I have a call from SC and they want to talk with you. Should I patch it through your comm or are you headed in this direction?"

  "I'll be there in a minute," she said as she moved out of the conference area. She looked at Tom and said, "Please continue reviewing the Desert Beach resupply inventory. I don't want those moon people to say we shorted them on something. I have to go to the center and talk to Mother."

  "Will do."

  "SC, Commander, will be here in a second," said the Oasis center controller.

  Joan entered the comm center a few minutes later and looked at the picture of Larry on the comm screen, "SC this is Joan, what have you got Larry?"

  "I doubt you've been monitoring the international news broadcasts but something unusual is happening. Yesterday a strange illness started in the southern part of the Russian Caucasus and for some reason, it is spreading across the world at an alarming rate. It's called Hovarti. The bad news is that it appears to be very infectious and contagious. It also has a very high mortality rate. I've checked with our medical staff and they are monitoring the situation closely. I don't know how serious this is, but it's getting my attention."

  "Ok Larry, I'm not sure what you're expecting me to do with this information."

  After a pause, "I heard the transmission from OS210, someone onboard wasn't feeling well. That, unfortunately, is how this virus starts. Just to be on the safe side, consider this serious until our medical staff understands what is happening. I agree with you following the standard contamination protocols until we agree. Please keep us posted how they do after the docking."

  "Will do, and likewise you keep me posted on any progress understanding that virus? I'm sure it's nothing and it will blow over in a couple of days. OS210 is due to dock in a few minutes and we've already separated area A12 for them. Larry... let's keep this between you and me. Oasis out."

  "Will do Joan, SC out."

  Commander Joan Herl leaned on a comm panel while she thought about the last transmission. The implications were unpleasant and even thinking someone was coming on board with a dangerous disease was a major concern. The contamination protocols were set-up for that exact reason, but no one ever expected them to be used fully. From time to time, a ship would dock and someone would have stomach flu or an occasional slight fever. In all of those cases, the issue was resolved in a short time and the hatches were opened. Of course, there would be a little ribbing and harassment
for the person who 'almost infected' Oasis. In this case, it could be very serious or even disastrous and she had to make sure before moving beyond the protocols.

  Joan suddenly stopped in her thoughts and remembered two of her maintenance crew personnel had reported late for duty at the beginning of the last shift. She turned to Lucy, who was the OCC duty controller. "Abram where is Lloyd and Dennis? Have you talked to them lately?"

  "Not for about an hour, they're on the inside of the ring with five SMUs servicing the positioning jets and working on sections B7 and B8."

  Joan switched her comm unit to external, "Lloyd, Dennis this is Joan Herl. How are you guys doing?"

  There wasn't an immediate response. Turning towards Abram, "Are Lloyd and Dennis somewhere where we might have interference with transmission and reception?"

  "Stand-by I'll check their beacons. It's near the end of the shift so they may be in the airlock," Abram said as he checked the onboard locator beacons. "Commander I've located them, Lloyd is in the mess hall and Dennis is moving towards his quarters. Apparently they quit shift a few minutes early."

  Joan switched her comm back to internal and said, "Lloyd Davis, Dennis Wilton this is Commander Herl please check-in."

  "Commander this is Lloyd."

  "Lloyd you were with Dennis?"

  "Yes, Dennis felt like crap and went to his bunk. I suspect he went off comm trying to get some sleep."

  Joan thought for a minute, "Lloyd, your beacon shows you're in the mess hall now. Where else have you been since the end of the shift?"

  "We came in through airlock 7A and came right to the mess hall. Then Dennis chucked his cookies and went back to his bunk. I'm leaving the mess hall now."

  "Lloyd you two are bunking together right?"

  "Yes, we're in RA11, he's in bunk A and I'm in B."

  "Ok, Lloyd, please check on Dennis and ask him to remain in your quarters until I clear him out. Also, I'd like you to remain there. I'll have Dr. Chevesky from OS210 give you guys a call."

  "Yes, commander. Why is Dr. Chevesky from OS210 talking with us? They haven't docked yet?"


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