Page 35
19 Joe Gore, “Inside the Peppermill,” Guitar Player, 4.95.
20 Navarro and Strauss.
21 Karen Schoemer, “The New Allure of Heroin,” Newsweek, 8.26.96.
22 Ibid.
23 Navarro and Strauss.
24 Gore.
25 Navarro and Strauss.
26 Alan di Perna, “Beyond Addiction,” Guitar World, 2.94.
27 Spitz.
28 Roy Trakin, “Jane’s Addiction: Addiction by Subtraction,” BAM, #347, 11.30.90. Profile and interview.
29 Di Perna, “Beyond Addiction.”
30 Snow.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Babcock.
34 Bruce “Screamin’ Lord” Duff, “In Deep with Jane’s Addiction. Rad Rockers Make Big Splash,” Music Connection magazine cover, 5.18.87, pp. 14-15.
35 Ibid.
36 Lawrence Livermore and Al Kowaleski, Flipside fanzine #52 Spring 1987. Excerpted in its entirety by consent.
37 Di Perna, “Beyond Addiction.”
38 Ibid.
39 Livermore and Kowaleski.
40 Spitz.
41 Ibid.
42 Ibid.
43 Ibid.
44 Ibid.
45 Steve Hochman and Jeff Spurrier, “Renaissance After Hours,” L.A. Times Calendar Section, 4.5.87, pp 64-65.
46 Spitz.
47 Schoemer.
48 Ibid.
49 Trakin.
50 Dean Kuipers, “Cashing In,” Spin, 6.91.
51 Ibid.
52 Snow.
53 Trakin.
54 Duff.
55 Alan di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered,” Guitar World, 3.96.
56 Babcock.
57 Ibid.
58 Spitz.
59 Ibid.
60 Ibid.
61 Ibid.
62 Ibid.
63 Ibid.
64 Navarro and Strauss.
65 Snow.
66 Spitz.
67 Ibid.
68 Snow.
69 Kuipers.
70 Spitz.
71 Ibid.
72 Marilyn Manson and Neil Strauss, The Long Hard Road from Hell (New York: ReganBooks/HarperCollins, 1998).
73 Spitz.
74 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
75 Spitz.
76 Ibid.
77 Ibid.
78 Ibid.
79 Navarro and Strauss.
80 Ibid.
81 Spitz.
82 Jennifer Brannon, excerpted from Ben Is Dead (defunct fanzine; see www.benisdead.com).
83 Excerpted from Ben Is Dead fanzine.
84 Spitz.
85 Ibid.
86 Kuipers.
87 Spitz.
88 Snow.
89 “In Brief,” Rolling Stone, circa 1990.
90 Spitz.
91 Snow.
92 Trakin.
93 Spitz.
94 Alan di Perna, “Shock Exchange,” Guitar World, 11.97.
95 Spitz.
96 Ibid.
97 Simon Reynolds, “Jane’s Addiction and Lollapalooza: A Woodstock for the Lost Generation,” New York Times, 8.4.91.
98 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
99 Spitz.
100 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
101 “Yoko Ono & Perry Farrell Talk About Fame,” Mondo 2000 magazine #16, ca. 1996, pp. 90-97. With extra special thanks to RU Sirius, Heide Foley, and Yoko Ono.
102 Mike Ross, “Rejoining the Cult. Legendary Band Together Again, Promoting Strong Comeback Album,” Edmonton Sun, 10.13.01.
103 Dee McLaughlin, “Exclusive Interview. The Cult: Still a Force to Be Reckoned With,” www.virginmega.com 8.8.01.
104 Spitz.
105 Kuipers.
106 Reynolds.
107 Spitz.
108 Ibid.
109 Trakin.
110 Spitz.
111 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
112 Spitz.
113 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
114 Sirius, Foley, and Ono.
115 Spitz.
116 Ibid.
117 Ibid.
118 Ibid.
119 Ibid.
120 Ibid.
121 Ibid.
122 Ibid.
123 Ibid.
124 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
125 Navarro and Straus.
126 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
127 Ibid.
128 Ibid.
129 Ibid.
130 Navarro and Strauss.
131 Sirius, Foley, and Ono.
132 Spitz.
133 Crandall.
134 Babcock.
135 Crandall.
136 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
137 Reynolds.
138 Manson and Strauss.
139 Sirius, Foley, and Ono.
140 Snow.
141 Ibid.
142 Andrew Wallenstein, “Jane’s Addiction Frontman Discovers His Roots,” Forward magazine, 3.19.99.
143 Ibid.
144 Kuipers.
145 Wallenstein.
146 Ibid.
147 Spitz.
148 Di Perna, “Red Hot & Bothered.”
149 Navarro and Strauss.
Afrika Islam
After Image
Aguilera, Christina
AIC. See Alice in Chains
“Ain’t No Right” (Jane’s Addiction)
albums, Jane’s Addiction
Live at the Roxy
Nothing’s Shocking
Ritual de lo Habitual
Alice in Chains (AIC)
Allin, G. G.
Al’s Bar
alternative rock
Alternative Tentacles
Altruda, “Tupelo Joe”
drugs and
L.A. goth scene and
Porno for Pyros and
Scratch magazine and
Ament, Jeff
Animal Dance
A Perfect Circle
Appetite (Guns N’ Roses)
Arm, Mark
Ash, Daniel
Brit-Goth and
ENIT Festival and
Good God’s Urge and
Jane’s Addiction touring and
Strays and
Astbury, Ian
Atencio, Tom
Eric and Perry fall out and
Gift and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Lollapalooza and
MTV awards and
Ritual de lo Habitual and
Atkinson, Terry
Austin, Kimberly
Ava, Agent
Avery, Brian
Avery, Eric Adam
bass line of
Deconstruction and
drugs and
early life of
Farrell, Perry and
Jane’s Addiction, early days and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction re-formed and
Jane’s Addiction style and
Jane’s Addiction touring and
Lollapalooza and
MTV awards and
New Music Seminar and
Avery, Rebecca
early life of
Eric and Perry fall out and
Farrell, Perry, on stage antics and
Jane’s Addiction, early days and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Jane’s Addiction touring and
Navarro, Dave, early life and
Perkins, Stephen and
Azoff, Irving
Babylon Warriors
Bainter, Jane
Avery, Eric and
Blue, Xiola and
drugs and
Jane’s Addiction, early days and
Jane’s Addiction re-formed an
Jane’s Addiction style and
“Jane Says” and
L.A. goth scene and
Psi Com and
Wilton House and
Baker, Steven
drugs and
Eric and Perry fall out and
Farrell, Perry and
Gift and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Jane’s Addiction record labels and
Jane’s Addiction style and
Jane’s Addiction touring and
Lollapalooza and
Nothing’s Shocking and
Ritual de lo Habitual and
Seattle music scene and
Soul Kiss video and
Bakersfield Wedding
BAM magazine
Barber, Jim
Barrett, KK
BauhausSee also Love & Rockets
The Beatles
“Been Caught Stealing” (Jane’s Addiction)
Be Live show
Bell, Jula
Ben Is Dead magazine
Bernstein, Al
Bernstein, Farrell
Bernstein, Perry. See Farrell, Perry
Bestall, Fred
Biance the Hooker
Big Time Records
Bing, Leon
Black Flag
Black Radio show
Blood on the Saddle
Blood Sugar Sex Magick (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Blue, Ruben
Blue, Xiola
The Blue Magoos
Boccara, Jean-Pierre
Bowie, Angie
Bowie, David
Box Boys
Bozulich, Carla Chaney, Chris
Avery, Eric bass line and
drugs and
Farrell, Perry, drug abuse and
Jane’s Addiction, beginning of, and
Jane’s Addiction, early days, and
L.A. punk scene and
Psi Com break up and
Wilton House and
Brannon, Jennifer
Brauer, Andrea
Brave Dog
Brinkman, Chris
Brooks, Joseph
Brown, Charley
Avery, Eric, overdosing and
Eric and Perry fall out and
Farrell, Perry, on stage antics and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Jane’s Addiction record label and
Jane’s Addiction style and
Jane’s Addiction touring and
Live at the Roxy and
Lollapalooza and
MTV awards and
New Music Seminar and
Nothing’s Shocking and
Seattle music scene and
Bruce, Jack
Bruce, Lenny
Bundy, Ted
Burning Man Desert Rave
Butthole Surfers
Byrne, David
Cagle, Christina
Camp Freddy
Cantor, Karyn
drugs and
Live at the Roxy and
Scream and
Soul Kiss video and
Wilton House and
Capitol Records
Cathay de Grande restaurant
Cathedral of Tears
The Cathouse
Cave, Nick
Celebrity Skin
Chaikin, Matt
Chamberlin, Jimmy
Chaney, Chris
Charlatans U.K.
Charlie’s Obsession
The Cherry Club
Chester, Lisa. See Blue, Xiola
Christian Death
Circle Jerks
Clapton, Eric
Clark, Connie. See Club Lingerie
“Classic Girl” (Jane’s Addiction)
Clinton, George
Club Lingerie
Club 88
Cobain, Kurt
Cocteau Twins
Cold September
college radio
Contagion magazine
Cornell, Chris
The Cotton Club
Country Club
Crain, Jeanne
Crash, Darby
Crash Vegas
Cuffaro, Chris
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction re-formed and
Lollapalooza and
The Cult
The Cure
Curtis, Ian
Cycle Sluts from Hell
Damn Yankees
Dark Entries (Bauhaus)
Dayton, Jonathan
Dean. See Riccardi, John “Dean”
Death Cult. See The Cult
Deathride 69
death rock. See Goth
Deconstruction (Avery and Navarro)
Deep Purple
Def Leppard
Demolisten radio show
Depeche Mode
Desert Storm (1991)
Desolation Center shows
Diaper Guy
Dike, Matt
Dinosaur Jr.
Di Perna, Alan
Di Stefano, Peter
Doobie Brothers
The Doors
Dowd, Chris
Dread, Willie. See McNeil, Willie
Ducette, Andrew
Duff, Bruce
Duffy, Billy
Dylan, Bob
Earth, Sun, Moon (Love & Rockets)
Eastman, Rodney
Ebony Theater of the Arts
Echo and the Bunnyment
Eder, John
Einzurstende Neubaten
El Duce and the Mentors
Electra, Carmen
Elkins, Steve
Goth and
“positive punk” movement from
Reading Festival in
ENIT Festival
Eno, Brian
Ethyl Meatplow
Exrin, Bob
Ezrin, Bob
The Face
Faris, Valerie
Farrell, Etty
Farrell, Perry
Avery, Eric Adam and
Blue, Xiola and
childlike innocence of
drugs and
early life of
Etty and
Jane’s Addiction, early days and
Jane’s Addiction, early days, and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Jane’s Addiction record labels and
Jane’s Addiction re-formed and
Jane’s Addiction style and
L.A. goth scene and
Lollapalooza and
Morrison, Jim and
musical influences of
Niccoli, Casey and
religion and
sex and
on stage antics of
Wilton House and
See also Jane’s Addiction; Porno for Pyros; Psi Com
Faster Pussycat
Fetish Club
Fisher, Kurt
Fisher, Norwood
Flash, Grandmaster
Avery, Eric bass line and
drugs and
Eric and Perry fall out and
Farrell, Perry and
Good God’s Urge and
Jane’s Addiction re-formed and
Jane’s Addiction style and
L.A. music scene and
Navarro, Dave and
Nothing’s Shocking and
Psi Com and
Fleetwood Mac
Flesh for Lulu
Flower Quartet
Forrest, Bob
drugs and
Eric and Perry fall out and
Jane’s Addiction and Powertools and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Porno for Pyros and
Psi Com and
Four Way Cross
Frank, Modi
Frusciante, John
drugs and
Gift and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction sound and
MTV awards and
Porno for Pyros and
Red Hot Chili Peppers and
“Fuck the Community”
Gardner, Ted
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction management and
Jane’s Addiction sound and
Lollapalooza and
MTV awards and
Nothing’s Shocking and
Porno for Pyros and
Ritual de lo Habitual and
Seattle music scene and
Gathering of the Tribes
Geffen Records
Gehman, Pleasant
Geiger, Marc
drugs and
Eric and Perry fall out and
Jane’s Addiction break up and
Jane’s Addiction record labels and
Jane’s Addiction style and
Lollapalooza and
Nothing’s Shocking and
Gene Loves Jezebel
Geraldine Fibbers
Gittins, Rhian
Glam Slam
Gloria, Dayle
Goddard, Tonya
Good God’s Urge (Porno for Pyros)
Goldsmith, Goldie
Goodsall, John
Goss, Chris
Gossard, Stone
alternative vs.
England and
L.A. punk ideology and
in Los Angeles, Cali.
punk rock and
rockabilly and
Grateful Dead
Great White
Green River
Guitarlos, Carlos
Guitar World magazine
Gun Club
Guns N’ Roses
Hackman, Gene
“Had a Dad” (Jane’s Addiction)
Hanoi Rocks
Haskins, Kevin
Hawkins, Taylor
“Head Like a Hole” (Nine Inch Nails)
Hell’s Angels
Hendrix, Jimi
Heur, Peter
Hollywood Palladium
Hook, Peter
Human League
Husker Du
Ice Cube
“Idiots Rule” (Jane’s Addiction)
Iggy Pop
Independent Project Records
Indigo Girls
Iron Maiden
J., David
Jackson, Janet
Jagger, Mick
James, Ethan
Jane’s Addiction
aftermath of
awards of
breaking up of
darkness of
early days of