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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

Page 22

by J. E. Parker

  Home. I’d never had one of those.

  The only things I had were dungeons and prisons. But that would change when I had my baby. It didn’t matter what I had to do, I’d give him everything that I never had.

  A home. Love. Safety.

  But first, I had to escape.

  I had to survive.

  My back hit the wall as I continued to retreat from the man who had hurt me in the most sickening ways. “Mama, do something!” I don’t know why I was pleading with her for help. She’d never lifted a finger to help me before. Hell, she’d attempted to sell my body for dope when I was sixteen. She didn’t give a shit about me.

  I glared at Damien with hate-filled eyes. “You’re supposed to still be in jail!”

  He smiled over at Mama. “Looks like your mama is good for something after all, beautiful. She helped pull a few strings, greased a few gears, to get me released early.” He smirked. “She may not be much to look at now, but I guess all the dick she’s sucked over the years finally came in handy.”

  No. I shook my head wildly back and forth. This can’t be happening.

  My own Mama, the woman who’d birthed me, had done this. She’d helped the man who’d hurt me, who raped and beat me, get out of jail.

  And it was all because she hated the child that I carried inside of me.

  “You stupid bitch!” I shouted at her. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done, you stupid whore? He’ll kill me and my baby both!”

  At that, Mama’s eyes widened, and a look that resembled concern flashed across her features. “Now wait a minute.” She held up an outstretched arm and stepped in front of Damien. “What do you mean, he’ll kill the baby?” She turned to Damien. “This is not what we talked about, D!”

  Damien planted a large hand on Mama’s upper arm and shoved her to the ground. Hard. I heard what sounded like a bone snapping in two, half a second before she screamed in pain. I closed my eyes at the horror.

  “Get out of my way, you junkie whore.”

  My eyes popped back open.

  “Shelby.” Damien lifted his hand and curled his fingers in a come here motion. “It’s time to go, beautiful.”

  My nostrils flared, and my heart thundered in my chest.

  I froze in place, completely rooted to the spot. I knew I needed to move, to run, but I simply couldn’t. My muscles wouldn’t contract, my legs wouldn’t budge.

  But then, right on cue, my baby moved inside of me, reminding me of everything that I had to fight for, to live for. Fiery determination flooded me, and my muscles responded at once.

  Shooting Damien a look of pure hatred, I yelled, “Go to hell, Damien!”

  It was either the bravest or the stupidest thing I’d ever done.

  Not wasting another second, I made a break for the door. By some miracle, I was able to burst through it before he caught me.

  Jumping down the steps, I took off running for my truck that was at the end of the trailer, less than thirty feet away.

  If I could just get inside, I could lock the door and start the engine before he busted the window and pulled me out. My keys were on the seat along with the emergency bag I’d packed months ago in anticipation of this moment.

  I was only five steps away from reaching the driver’s door when he caught me.

  One arm wrapped around my waist and my feet left the ground. “You, stupid bitch,” he growled in my ear as he covered my mouth with his free hand. “You’ll pay for running from me.”

  Damien carried me to the opposite end of the trailer, furthest away from my truck and closest to the woods. Swinging me around, he slammed my back into the trunk of the dogwood tree that sat next to my bedroom window. Upon impact, all the breath left my lungs in one quick swoosh.

  Even though I couldn’t breathe, I still tried my best to fight him.

  I hit. I kicked. I even tried to bite his hand that covered my mouth.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  No matter how much I tried or how hard I fought, I couldn’t escape him.

  He was too big; too strong.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, my little pet,” Damien ran the tip of his nose down the side of my face. His tongue peeked out of his mouth, and he tasted my damp skin.

  Disgusting monster!

  “You’ll be punished for all the trouble you’ve caused.”

  I screamed in fear from behind his hand because I knew exactly what he meant by that. He was going to make me bleed. Just like he always did when I stepped out of line. “But first,” he paused and licked his lips, “we need to take care of one little problem.”

  When his free hand dropped to my stomach, and his fingertips skated across the place where my precious baby was kicking, I froze in place for the second time. “I told you I wouldn’t share you with anyone, Shelby Ray.” His fingers continued to circle my belly. “And I won’t. Especially not with this.”

  That’s when I snapped.

  Raising my leg, I kneed him in the balls as hard as I could. He didn’t release me like I expected him to. Instead, he held me tighter as his face turned red and his eyes flashed fire. “That was a big mistake.” He wrapped a hand around my throat and squeezed. “Huge damn mistake!”

  After that everything happened so fast.

  I saw the glint of the silver knife in his hand.

  I felt the sharpness of the blade as he pressed it to my belly and dragged it across my flesh.

  “Damien!” I screamed in pain.

  How I spoke at all as his big, meaty paw clamped down on my throat, I don’t know. “Please… stop!” I fought against him and the blade he was using to carve my skin.

  The cuts were shallow but agonizing.

  Giving it my all, I resisted with everything I had, but like before; it wasn’t enough. Overwhelmed with pain and gasping for breath, I begged him one last time, “Damien…let…” He ignored my pleas as he pulled the knife across my skin faster. My legs shook as my muscles weakened. “Me…”

  Vision tunneling, my head grew light.

  Please, God, I prayed. Please send an angel to save me.

  Damien didn’t look at me as he whispered, “Shhh, beautiful girl. It’ll all be over soon.” His voice was dripping with lust.


  Blackness crept in and chill bumps broke out along my skin. The ability to move, speak or fight disappeared. Shock set in. “My baby…”

  They were the last two words I spoke before everything went black.



  I held on tight as Shelby sobbed in my arms uncontrollably.

  “I woke up on the ground. Damien wasn’t there, but I could hear him inside the trailer with Mama. Knowing I needed to move, I made a run for it. I went through the woods and came out on State Road 430. A car stopped to help me.”

  Shelby’s entire body trembled.

  “It was Maddie driving the car,” she cried. “She saved me. Her and Evan both. They both stayed with me at the hospital. Then they brought me here. Maddie helped me get my GED, gave me a job. She helped me find somewhere to live.”

  More sobbing, more tears.

  “The first few months after Lucca was born, I could barely afford to pay the bills. Maddie stepped in and bought diapers, bought clothes. She babysat so I could sleep through the night once a week. She did everything for me.”

  Tilting her head back, Shelby looked up at me. “But above all, she believed me about Damien. She believed me when no one else did.” Her hand rested on my cheek. “Don’t you see, Tony? Maddie was the angel that I asked God to send me. She was my saving grace.”

  It looked like I owed Maddie Davis a hell of a lot.

  “Did none of you call the police? Report what Damien did?”

  “No,” she said, choking on a sob. “Maddie tried to, but I wouldn’t let her. I just wanted to get away. It was stupid, but I wanted to disappear. I knew that if I reported the incident, Damien would likely go back to jail, maybe even prison. But I also knew that hi
s family would come after me. The moment Lucca was born, they’d take him. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t allow him to be raised by those monsters.” Shelby was in hysterics. “I wouldn’t let them rip my baby away from me, Tony. I just had to run and hide. And I had to prepare for when he came back.” She gasped, barely able to breathe. “Because he’s coming back.”

  “Shh, baby.” I kissed her cheek and rocked her back and forth. “Nobody will ever take Lucca from you. I’ll sure as hell make sure of that.”

  I gave her a few minutes to calm down before asking, “Is that everything, sunshine?” I pressed my lips to her forehead where they lingered.

  Still cradled in my arms, she nodded her head. “Yes.”

  Thank Christ.

  “But I’m so scared. It’s all I ever think about. I can’t sleep without having nightmares and the panic attacks they—”

  “Shhh, gorgeous,” I whispered, cutting her off. She didn’t need to say anything else. I understood. “Hold on tight, baby.”

  Standing up, I carried her out of my bedroom and up the stairs.

  On the second floor, I pushed open my office door with my arm and carried her around my desk. I sat down and placed her on my lap. Picking up the black desk phone, I asked her, “What’s the name of the city the attack happened in.”

  Wide-eyed, she shook her head. “Tony, you can’t—”

  I dropped the phone and took her face in my hands. “No.” My tone was firm. “You don’t get to argue with me. Not now and not ever when it comes to your safety. You said he’s coming back. Well, I’m about to handle that shit.” I hardened my face; stilled my features. “So give me the city name, Shelby.” I paused. “Now.”

  “Which attack?” She asked, her voice small.


  “Mama lives in Cooper Creek. Damien and me lived in Tuscaloosa.”

  I dialed the phone. “Toluca PD, Records Division.”

  “This is Anthony Moretti, Homicide, Badge number 83721. I need a complete file pulled. Names: Shelby Mason and Damien Black. Cities: Tuscaloosa and Cooper Creek, Alabama.”

  “We’ll have it ready for you within the hour Detective Moretti. Would you like me to put it on your desk?”

  “No. Email it.” My eyes met Shelby’s. “I’m spending the day with my fiancée so I won’t be into the station unless needed.”

  I hung up.

  Shelby looked at me like I was crazy. “What are you doing?”

  My arms tightened around her. “Figuring out a game plan.” I pinched her chin between two fingers and forced her to look me directly in the eyes. “I want you to listen to me, baby. He will not get to you; he will not get to Lucca. I’ll murder that son of a bitch with my bare hands before he gets within forty foot of either of you.” She sucked in a breath. “As for what I’m doing—I’m protecting my future wife and son.”

  I expected her to balk or toss a handful of attitude my way, but she didn’t. Instead, she leaned closer. Tilting her head to the side, she trailed a finger down the side of my face. “You want to know something?”

  I nipped at her finger with my teeth. She smiled, and it was a beautiful damn sight. “Yeah, sunshine, I do.”

  Leaning forward, she looked me directly in the eyes. “If you keep this up, I’m going to end up falling in love with you, Detective Moretti.”

  I fisted my hand in her hair. “You want to know something?” I parroted her question back to her and moved my lips closer to hers.

  She nodded in reply.

  “That love thing you just mentioned? I’m already there, sunshine.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to respond before crashing my lips against hers.



  It was a little after nine a.m. when I walked into work.

  Carrying a box of freshly baked jelly filled donuts in one hand, and a half gallon of whole milk in the other, I hoofed it down the hall that led to my office.

  When I was halfway there, Hope rounded the corner, pulling a yellow laundry trolley overflowing with unwashed linens behind her. She smiled and quirked a perfectly shaped brow when she saw what I was carrying. “Morning, blondie,” she said in a sing-song voice. “Hungry today?”

  “It’s these dang pregnancy cravings—”

  Before I could finish, she came to a complete stop and released an excited shriek while clapping her hands together. “Oh, my gosh! You're pregnant already?” Her smile grew. “Detective Moretti sure does work fast.”

  I couldn’t tell whether she was picking on me or if she was serious. “What? No!” I huffed out a disbelieving breath. “There are these great little inventions known as condoms. I hear they work great. At least, I hope they do because I am not ready for Tony’s swimmers to meet my egg. Capiche? ”

  Her smile dropped. “Yeah,” she replied, disappointed. “Guess I’ll have just to pray one breaks or something.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. “Excuse me?”

  Shrugging, she blew a bubble with the pink colored gum she was chewing on. “I think it would be nice to have a little Shelby running around here.” She winked. “Maybe you should get to work on that.”

  She has completely lost her godforsaken mind!

  Evan chose that moment to round the corner. Coming to a stop behind Hope, he wrapped a muscular arm around her belly and pulled her back into him. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he looked at me with wide eyes. “Hell no, we don’t need a miniature Shelby running around here.” Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him and waited for him to continue. “The last thing I need is some bossy ass little girl running around, calling me names, and flipping me off.” He almost looked distraught at the thought. “No offense, blondie, but we got lucky with Lucca being a calm, normal kid. I don’t know if we should chance fate a second time, Shel.”

  This jackass! He did not just say that to me! Time to make him squirm.

  A sneaky smile spread across my face. “Speaking of kids… I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Hope.” Evan’s eyes were full of suspicions; Hope’s were full of curiosity. “I think it’s time you found you a man.” I swear to God I heard Evan growl under his breath.

  Just poke the bear why don’t ya, Shelby?

  “And I’ve got the perfect man in mind. His name is Cooper. He’s a Narcotics officer down at Toluca PD.” Lies. All of it. I didn’t know an Officer Cooper. I was just stirring the pot and trying my best to make Evan jealous. “He’s a real cutie pie and from what Anthony told me he’s ready to settle down and have a couple of babies. I bet y’all would be cute together. Could you imagine—”

  “Fuck that,” Evan growled, cutting me off. His face reddened, and the veins in his neck bulged. “Nobody is getting their dick anywhere near her, much less knocking her up.”

  Oooh, would ya look at that temper!

  Hope spun around and placed a hand on her hip. The move surprised me. Hope wasn’t known to be combative nor confrontational. If anything, she was meek and shy.

  “Listen, big guy,” she hissed in a pissed off tone causing Evan’s brows to rise and his eyes to harden. “I want to get married. I want to have babies.” She stepped closer to him, bringing her chest to within an inch of his stomach. “And unless you’re planning on putting your ring on my finger and your baby in my belly then stay the heck out of my business!”

  Oh hell.

  Evan leaned down, bringing his face closer to hers. His eyes dropped to her pink, glossed over lips. “Heed my words, little bit… You are not having another man’s baby.” For a moment, it looked like he was about to kiss her. “If I so much as catch wind of another man sniffing around you, I will fucking bury him.”

  I nearly choked at Evan’s words. I’d known he’d be irritated at my shit stirring, but I hadn’t expected this sort of reaction.

  The big guy has it bad for my little muffin.

  I expected Hope to shy away, but she didn’t. Instead, she pushed right back. “I don’t belong to you, Evan.” Her little shou
lders tensed. “And I’d appreciate it if you quit acting as if I do.”

  Pinching his bottom lip between two fingers, Evan replied, “We’ll see.”

  Exasperated, Hope placed her hands against his rock-hard chest and attempted to shove him backward. Evan, however, didn’t move. “Just leave me alone.” Her voice cracked on the last syllable. “I’m about tired of your games.”

  Grabbing the laundry trolley one more time, she took off down the hall without uttering another word. My heart broke for her. As much as I loved Evan, Hope didn’t deserve what he was giving her. Like Maddie, Hope was nothing but sweetness. The only thing she deserved was pure happiness.

  Shooting a death glare his way, I said, “Evan, you know I love you, but you need to get your shit together.” His eye twitched. “Either love her or let her go. Because this half in, half out stuff you’re doing,” I paused for emphasis, “is tearing her apart.”

  “You don’t understand, Shelby,” he replied, running his hands over his short-cropped hair. “It’s complicated.”

  “Well,” I replied in a snippy tone, “then I suggest you uncomplicate it.”

  Evan didn’t reply.

  Blowing out a breath, I continued. “Fine, play the part of a mute. Whatever. Just remember what I said. Love her or let her go. She deserves a hell of a lot better than what your sorry ass is giving her right now.”

  I didn’t wait for him to reply before walking away.

  Inside my office, Maddie was sitting on the chair situated behind the large, oak desk that we shared. Arms on the desk, her head rested on a makeshift pillow she’d made using a rolled-up towel. Her breaths were deep and steady, a clear sign that she was fast asleep.

  Not wanting to wake her, I sat the donuts and cold milk on the desk where she’d see them when she woke up as gently as I could. Then, I went to the metal linen rack by the door and pulled a thin blanket off the top shelf.

  After draping it over her sleeping form, I bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re going to be an amazing mama, Madelyn Grace.” Kissing her one last time, I grabbed my job sheet and two-way radio off the desk and headed for the door. Once in the hall, I flipped off the office light and quietly closed the door.


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