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The Baby Maker

Page 8

by Tia Siren

  “Not as nervous as me,” I said. “It’s been a long time.”

  I pulled at the buttons on Evan’s shirt. He was so sexy that my pussy was already aroused. I ran my fingers over his defined chest. The muscles rippled under my soft touch. Evan looked down at me and slipped my blouse from my shoulders. Next, he removed his shirt, and his god-like body just oozed with sex appeal. Just like when we were in school.

  I pulled at the zipper on my skirt. Evan unfastened his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. The bulge in his shorts caught my attention. I stood face-to-face with the Baby Maker.

  I stood in my bra and panties, and my body trembled slightly. I was inches away from Evan, and I could feel the warmth from his body embrace me. He placed his hands on my arms and gently ran them up toward my shoulder. Then he reached around my back. He fumbled with the clasp on my bra, and it fell away, exposing my breasts to him.

  “You have turned into a remarkable woman, Piper,” he whispered. He caressed my breasts. His touch was heaven. “I love the way you look. It’s been a part of my fantasies more times than I care to admit now.”

  I slipped my fingers inside the elastic of his shorts and pulled them down toward the floor. I marveled at the size of his cock. He had really filled out since I’d last seen him naked like this.

  Evan lifted me and placed me on the bed. I lay with my hair cascading over the pillow above me. I marveled at Evan’s muscles. He laid at my side and ran his fingers across my silken body. He cupped my breasts and rubbed his thumb against my nipples. They budded from his warm, sensual touch. He leaned into my body, and his tongue darted across the tip of my nipple. Then his large hand squeezed my breast, his mouth enveloped my whole nipple, and he sucked on me. His tongue flicked my nipple. The warmth of his mouth spread into my body. He lit me on fire, and he hadn’t even entered me yet.

  “Oh, Evan. I’ve missed you. You know where all my spots are.”

  I ran my hand through his cropped hair. His hand caressed me, and I raised my belly up to his manly touch. He placed his hand on my leg and ran his fingers up my inner thigh.

  My mind drifted back to how we met again after all these years. Things had gone wrong for the second time, but he was here with me now, where he should have been for all these years. It was the only thing that mattered to me at this very moment. Evan had come home to me, even if it was just for a limited time.

  He was perfection again, but better. Evan ran his tongue over my breast and down the curves of my body toward my sex. I arched my back and could feel my pussy moist and ready for him. His fingers brushed up my thigh, and he reveled in the soft, velvety skin of my wanting pussy.

  I sighed with excitement and ran my hands across his broad back. Oh God, his tongue ran down my belly. He kissed me, and his head moved closer to the warmth of my pussy.

  Evan had taken my virginity all those years ago. The experience had been mind-blowing. I still believed it was the main reason we had something truly magical between us. Our relationship had gotten better and better until he’d left for college.

  I was so nervous, I felt like he was going to take my virginity again. But under his touch, I felt both wanted and safe. All my emotions were invested again, and all the other things a woman intends to feel from their dream man were there.

  Evan’s head dipped lower. His tongue brushed over my warm pussy lips. I bit my bottom lip and took hold of my breasts. I squeezed and teased my nipples. Evan ran his tongue over and inside my desire. He lay between my legs and placed his thumbs against the soft skin. He spread me open and flicked his tongue on my already throbbing clit.

  I wriggled my hips and pushed his head into me. His tongue slid inside me, and I squirmed in ecstasy. His thumbs opened me, and I moved my hips down to his breathless face. Evan darted his tongue in and out of my wetness, and I felt the warmth build up inside me.

  “Evan,” I whispered and pulled on his arms.

  Evan lifted his head from my pussy and rolled on his back. I kissed him passionately and tasted my juices on his sweet mouth. I ran my hands over his rippled chest and stomach, then ran my tongue over his abs. My head lowered, and I eyed his cock, already hard and huge for me.

  My fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft, and my tongue danced over the slit in his head. Evan murmured my name and raised his head to watch me take it fully in the warmth of my mouth.

  “God, Piper. Fuck that feels good.” He placed his head back on the pillow.

  His huge cock stood before me. I grasped the head of it and sucked hard. Then, I slowly slid my hot, wet mouth down the length of him. My head bobbed slowly, and he filled my mouth. It touched the back of my throat, arousing me. My mouth spread wide, and I swallowed him deeply. I’d wanted it for so long.

  I bobbed my head quicker and faster. Evan’s shaft thrust deeper inside my mouth. I took him in, and he groaned. I tightened my lips and sucked harder. He moaned loudly, like he’d been touched for the first time.

  I slowly lifted my head from his erection. I wrapped my fingers tightly around his shaft and began to stroke him. My breathing quickened. I knelt beside him and rested my hand on his chest. His finger slid into my wetness, and he drove me wild. His fingers probed deep inside me, and I moaned loud. I gyrated my hips as Evan’s finger fucked me. I bowed my head and my hair cascaded over his body. I felt like a princess being taken by a knight. I grip his hard cock and caress it. The warmth made me want to sit on it. Evan lifted his hips and fucked my hand with his strokes. His cock stood hard and proud, tempting me.

  Ten fucking years you have waited for this.

  I wanted Evan to take me. I wanted him to fuck me like he used to. I wanted my body set on fire by him.

  “Evan, take me, make love to me, fuck me.”

  My clean cotton sheets had quickly become a crumpled mess. The duvet had been kicked to the floor, and the pillows had been scattered around the bed. I rolled onto my back and watch Evan. I wanted to look into his eyes as he comes inside me. I wanted to see his expression while his body released everything inside me, and see if he is telling the truth during that moment of innocence.

  I rested my head on a pillow and looked at Evan. I ran my hands inside my thighs and spread my pussy; I offered myself to his manliness. We’d both had our inner animals caged within us for so long. He knelt before me and held his massive cock in his hand, my pussy wanting and waiting for him to take me entirely.

  I licked my lips. I waited for the sexual animal to pounce and caress my pussy, fueled by my desire. Evan rubbed the head of his cock against my lips in lust, and my clitoris throbbed. I pushed my hips forward, desperate for his dick to fill me.

  He supported himself over me, and his cock began to slide into me. Then slowly, he gently lowered himself deeper inside. I sighed with a deep breath. He filled my pussy well. His hot erection stretched me to the extreme with a warmth I’d longed for.

  I grabbed the bedsheets and tugged at them. My pussy screamed, and the flames of passion burst into a roaring inferno. He thrust harder and faster. I threw my arms around him. My nails dug into his skin, and I pulled him closer to my body in awe of the passion that overcame him.

  The fire inside him delved harder, and my passion began to take control of my body. I raised my legs, wrapped them around his body, and gripped him tight. I pulled him close and looked deep into his beautiful bedroom eyes.

  Evan drove himself deeper into me and groaned. He rammed into my body, and my wetness slapped against his thrusting hips. I could feel him bringing me close to my moment. He rammed with furor, setting my sex on fire. My body warmed and my back arched. I was reaching the final crescendo point of no return. This orgasm had been ten years in the making. Evan thrust harder and faster. I gripped him with my legs and looked deeply into his eyes.

  His face contorted, and he thrust shorter and faster. He released himself deep inside me with a quiver. My hips thrust forward, and my pussy let go, my body awash with the warmth flooding from deep within me. I was still in lo
ve with him.

  I pulled Evan close to me and placed my lips on his. I kissed him deeply and hugged him tightly. Our bodies slumped, relaxed from our lovemaking. My mind cast back to how it used to be. The magic had returned, and I found I was satisfied beyond anything I had expected.

  Piper, he does this with all his clients. He comes and goes. You are a silly girl.

  I mentally slapped myself, and the reality of it all kicked in. This was Evan’s career choice, and he did this with every woman he serviced. I shouldn’t kid myself; there would be more after me. If he continued, there would countless others in exactly the same position. And they would scream and squirm like me as his cock spread his seed into the world.

  We laid on the bed and Evan said something I didn’t expect to hear.

  “Piper, we have a lot to discuss, and I was wondering if you would join me for dinner tomorrow?” he asked.

  This couldn’t be a part of his contract. It seemed he’d broken one of his own rules. So how many would he be willing to break?

  Jules would tell you not to go. Listen to her. Don’t be a fool.

  I looked into his eyes again, deeply. Then I ran my finger up his muscled arm.

  “Yes. I’ll go. We have to eat, right?” I forced a smile that I didn’t feel like giving. What the fuck had I done?

  You’re such an idiot!

  Chapter 13


  Things with Piper had gone better than expected. It started with me trying to put things right between us, which I should have done many years ago. Then we ended up having some of the best sex I’d ever had since, well, since the last time we’d been together.

  It had been better than I expected it would be.

  I’d arranged to meet my “favorite client,” Susan Reynolds. For her (hopefully) last session. It was her fourth and final one. If she went past this, it would be me servicing her for free until she became pregnant. It had actually crossed my mind that she’d been taking a contraceptive pill to prolong her sessions with me.


  I also received a message from the couple who had come to see me. They had decided against proceeding. That was a shame. I would have liked to fuck his wife. She would have been nasty in the bedroom.

  I’d come to a not-so-regular dip in business. But this could be a good thing. I could focus on the apps I should be working on, and I could hopefully spend some more time with Piper. It would also give me a chance to catch up on some well-earned rest. I’d been overdoing things slightly, and there were clients still begging for me to help them.

  It is all about the clients. They are always right, and I always put them first.

  The problem was, even though there was a lull in new customers, I still had obligations to my other current clients. The damn contracts had to be upheld. These couldn’t be neglected. As I thought of contracts, Susan came into my mind again.

  She’d become too possessive, and although it was her final session, she would push it too far. If she did one more thing that pushed close to the line, she would void the contract with me. It would be worth refunding her money just to get rid of her and save the aggravation. Or at least a proportion of it that would cover services rendered so far.

  I sat in the suite and pondered over the events of the past few days. It was almost time to leave to meet Piper for dinner when the phone rang.

  “Hello, Baby Maker?” a female voice asked excitedly.

  “It is. Who is calling?”

  “I’m sure you remember me from the shower,” she said sexily. “You are a naughty, horny boy.”

  Ah, now I remember…

  “Of course, I do. I was only teasing you.” Fuck, there were too many names for me to remember.

  “I have good news, and I couldn’t wait to tell you,” she said. She had a marked jubilation in her voice.

  “Go on then, put me out of my misery!” I said jokingly.

  “I’m finally pregnant, and I just called to say thank you for everything you have done for me,” she happily explained.

  “Well, that is fantastic news. I’m so happy for you. Now, just remember the last part of the contract.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t forget. And as soon as I have given birth, I’ll finish it off for you.”

  The final part of the contract was for each woman to send me a sealed picture of their newborn baby. These photos had never been seen by me. They were just locked away in a box which was hidden from view. I had no intention of knowing who my offspring were. I just had their picture as a form of insurance.

  I hung up the phone and was excited to have another success with a client. My percentage was still in the ninety-nine percent range. So, from that side of things, I had nothing to worry about.

  I glanced at the clock. It was time for me to head off and meet Piper for dinner. I’d arranged to meet her at a local grill restaurant Bar B’ Cue. I’d been using quite a bit of energy recently. A good bit of steak would help to boost my protein levels back to what they should be.

  When I arrived at the restaurant parking lot, a few cars were already parked there, but it wasn’t overly busy. Piper and I would be able to talk without shouting.

  Heading across the lot, I could see Bar B’ Cue was in full steam with their grilling. Smoke billowed from their roof exhaust and blew in my direction. The smell of hickory and honey wafted over me, and it smelled good. I walked into the grill and glanced around; there was no sign of Piper. I asked the waiter for a quiet table for two. He sat me by one of the windows that looked out over the river, which spread out into the darkness. Just the lights of the high-rises shone, like tiny angels in the distance.

  While looking through the menu, I heard the chime from the bell on the door. I looked up to see Piper arrive. I stood and waved to catch her attention. She made her way to the table.

  Piper, as always, looked breathtakingly stunning. She was dressed ultra-casual, but she was still a knockout. It could be her auburn hair and blue eyes that made her special. Natural beauty like hers was relatively rare.

  She’d opted for slim fit jeans and an old sweatshirt which I was sure had been one of my old ones from school.

  “I’m glad you could make it!” I said smiling.

  “Me, too. I wouldn’t miss it. Even though it does feel kinda strange.”

  “It’s taken us ten years to reach this point, and it was all my fault,” I said, wondering why the beautiful woman in front of me would waste time on me. I wasn’t worth a minute to her. She was far too good for me, and for the first time in a long time, I felt humbled by it.

  I was embarrassed I had let her go. What a jerk I’d been.

  “It was, and I have no more to say on that subject,” Piper said, grinning. “Otherwise, we’ll be here all night.”

  I hold my hands up… it has all been my fault.

  “I would be happy to sit here all damn night chatting,” I replied. I sat opposite Piper and constantly had a smile on my face.

  She laughed and her hair fell across her eyes.

  “So, tell me about your design business. How has it been?” I leaned in, wanting to get a little closer, but only subtly so. She couldn’t know how much I wanted her in my life. It would be too fast and almost creepy.

  “Oh, you know. It was hard work in the beginning. Then Jules did a couple of murals on a project. Since then, my work just exploded. I’ve done some big commissions over the years.”

  “So, you’re rich then?” I asked.

  “I’m comfortable, and I have no need to work if I decide not to. The business can support itself with the staff that I have.” She shrugged. Always humble as I remembered.

  “You talk a lot about your friend, what’s her name? Jules, is it?”

  “She’s a typical artist. Crazy as anything, but damn good at what she does. I met her at art school, and we have been friends ever since.”

  “Well, from what I saw, she’ll be really well known one day,” I said plainly.

  “You’ve had a smil
e on your face since I got here. What’s that all about?”

  Crap, I’d been smiling because of the news I’d received on the phone. The client had become pregnant, and I was overjoyed for her.

  “I’m just super happy to be spending time with you, even though you’re wearing a ten-year-old sweatshirt,” I said, smiling.

  She won’t believe you.

  “Nice. I wanted to see if you would remember it. Do you remember the last time I wore it?” She smiled sweetly and my body ached with remembrance. I hadn’t forgotten any of our times together. She had to know that.

  “Of course, I do. It was the night we had some fun in the barn. And you did that sexy dance on the blanket and then jumped all over me.” I grinned.

  “I’m sure it was the other way around! You couldn’t keep your hands off me.” She smiled, too, her eyes filling with mischief.

  “I could never keep my hands off you. You were so god damned tempting.” My grin was huge now.

  “And now?” she asked. “How do I look now?”

  Damn, I could fuck you over this table right now. A goddess of beauty.

  “Well, give it time. We still have three sessions to go, but you’ve still got it! You’re as beautiful as ever. You have to know that.” I glanced around. “Every man in this place is checking you out.”

  “They are not.” Her cheeks burned pink, but she kept her eyes on me. She didn’t give two shits about the other guys in the restaurant. She cared about me. Why she did was a complete mystery, but there she sat, expression and gestures giving her away.

  I’d only seen Piper twice, and I’d already lied. That was a hell of a start. But there was no way I could tell her one of my clients had become pregnant. Christ, it would be like rubbing salt into a wound. It wasn’t a big lie, just enough to keep her from asking too many questions.

  We chatted more through dinner about the past and about what we’d been up to. And apart from the Baby Maker project of mine, the conversation went well. Well, almost. I watched Piper finish her ice cream sundae. She’d always tried to lick the bottom of the glass and get every last drop.


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