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The Baby Maker

Page 9

by Tia Siren

  “Some things never change!” I said with a grin.

  “That they don’t,” she replied. Then the expression on her face changed.

  “Are you okay?” I asked puzzled.

  “I was just thinking about the whole baby thing. So far, I’d not even thought it.”

  “Shoot, what do you want to ask? I’ll see if I can answer it.”

  Come on Piper, make sure it’s nothing deep or complicated. I don’t want to have to lie to you. Again…

  “How many clients do you actually have now?” Piper asked. She leaned forward on the table with wide eyes.

  “That’s a question I shouldn’t really answer. You know with the whole confidentiality thing. So, let’s just say, it’s better to not talk about that, for all concerned.”

  She looked troubled.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Well, you seem like the old Evan, but there is something different. Who are you really?” Her eyebrow lifted. I could see why she would be concerned. There was no way in hell I’d date a woman who was making babies with other men. Date? Was I thinking about dating? Fuck. Isn’t this a date?

  “I’m still the same old me. It’s just this thing is business. Maybe that’s why I seem different?” I tried to ease us into the conversation. There was no way I was getting out of it. I made babies for a living for fuck’s sake.

  “How do you do it, though? I mean, is there no moral standard that you live by?” Her expression tightened. No one would understand my business, least of all the girl who wanted to wear my ring years ago.

  “Well, as you know, there is a strict selection process. So, not everyone can be selected. It’s like the best of the best. I also have to detach myself from any emotional connection, present company excluded.” I shrugged, trying to remain laid back and noncommittal about it. It was just business. Period.

  “It just seems a bit, well strange, that there are others as well as me,” Piper said.

  “That’s not exactly true now. And since the first time I spoke to you, I haven’t actually seen any of my clients.” What was I doing? I wasn’t giving up my business for anyone, not even Piper. I’d play the game, but I knew that tomorrow I’d be sinking my cock deep into a few new clients. The thrill was weaning on it, but it was still my main source of income.

  Piper smiled at that answer, but she had not accepted my full explanation as sufficient. For her, it didn’t seem to completely justify my actions. I knew the faces she made when she didn’t believe me, and she was making the exact same face now.

  “Well, forgetting all that talk, the decision is down to you,” I said. So, have you changed your mind about proceeding with the process?”

  “I’ve thought about it, and I have come to a decision,” she replied. She smiled again.

  “I know you, Piper, and that expression means you have something positive to say.”

  “Yes,” she said jubilantly.

  “And the answer is?” I asked. I leaned on the table to hear her.

  Piper moved from her side of the table and came to sit next to me. Then she linked her arm through mine and held me tightly.

  She looked deep into my eyes. “It’s simple,” she said. “Yes, I want to have your baby.” She kissed me on the cheek with sexy breath.

  I laughed at the way she held my arm tightly. This time wasn’t going to be a wham-bam thank you ma’am. It was Piper. I was going to live it up for all it was worth, ‘cause chances are that when she was finally pregnant, she’d disappear out of my life like she had all those years ago. And like then, it would be my fault all over again. Fuck.

  “You never know,” I said. “Maybe you already are!”

  Chapter 14


  It was all confused, or at least it was in my mind. Even after all that we’d talked about, I was still Evan’s client. Regardless of our past history with each other. God, he had gone as far as to say he would waive the fees to help me. But this still made me a fucking client, just a non-paying one.

  Do you know what is going on with yourself, Piper?

  The biggest problem I could think of was not the situation between us. Realistically, if we had no outside interference, we could work things out. We always could when we were in school. I was still unsure; I’d smiled at him and held his arm and all that. But deep in my mind, was I trying to convince myself everything was okay?

  “Evan, I’ve thought about it. It feels wrong if you do your services for free. I’m uneasy. I ‘m not looking for charity. I should pay you like everyone else.” I slipped back onto my side of the table.

  “That’s your choice, and if that makes you feel better, who am I to argue? You just have to settle the bill for last night!” He winked.

  I could feel the color drain from my face. Last night had been different, or so I’d thought. I was not expecting him to add that one to my tab.

  Fuck, he is like a taxi. Everything is on the clock!

  “Nah, I’m only joking with you. Last night is not chargeable. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” He was more serious again, now.

  Is he trying to duck out of it? God, Piper, you know he could always read your face. Maybe he realized?

  After that weird moment, I sensed the atmosphere had changed slightly. Money really was the root of all evil, and it had made it awkward between us now. I felt like just another paycheck to him now.

  Was that how he saw me?

  “I’m finding it really difficult here,” I said. “My head is up in the air. I have yearned for you. All the years we were apart, I thought of you. And now, it’s difficult for me to separate my feelings for you and what’s happening now.”

  Did I explain that to him correctly? Have I made myself clear?

  “Piper, I understand exactly where you’re coming from. Our time apart has not been easy for me, either. You wouldn’t believe how often I’ve thought about you, also.”

  I heard a voice from off to the side. “It’s you! I thought it was you!”

  I looked up to see a woman glaring at Evan. She looked pissed. I glanced at Evan, and he looked highly uncomfortable.

  “You arrogant dick,” she snapped. “You rescheduled me, not once, but fucking twice. How dare you?”

  “Calm down,” Evan said, hating this woman more than I wanted to hate another human being.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down. Do you have any idea who you’re messing with? The people I know? You’ll be sorry.” She looked like she was ready to physically attack me. She’d gone off the deep end. It was rare, but the shit happened. In my business, it was rather expected.

  “Susan, take it easy,” Evan said apologetically. “We are in public.”

  “I don’t give two hoots where we are,” she said. “I just wanted to see what you had rescheduled me for. Bah! You turned me down for this?” She pointed at me like I was a cockroach on the floor.

  “Now, there’s no need for that,” Evan growled. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You have gone too far this time!”

  As I looked on, the friction between them reached a fever pitch. I had no understanding of the things being discussed. She had to be a client, but why was her attitude like this? She shouted at him like she was entitled to have him. If this was a client, she acted well outside the rules of the contract.

  Fuck, she is head over heels for him. Very fucking clingy, and jealous, too.

  Evan stood up and faced the woman. He towered over her, but she didn’t seem to care.

  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This woman’s fury is off the fucking charts.

  “I’ve already paid for my time with you,” she yelled. “What sort of business does this to people? And all the time, you said it was some personal matter, you liar!”

  People looked our direction. This conversation was way too loud. If it got any worse, the management would ask us to leave.

  Fuck, I wish I could leave right now. This is fucking awkward.

you’ve gone way over the top,” Evan said. “Just look at yourself. You’re overreacting.” He moved to place his hand on her arm.

  The woman snarled, and spittle flew from her gritted teeth. “Don’t you fucking touch me. Not now!”

  Evan shook his head, sighed, and took a deep breath. Then he glared into the crazy woman’s eyes.

  “You have left me no option,” he said. “I should have done this a long time ago, but not like this.”

  “Go on then,” the crazy woman snarled. “Spit it out.”

  “It’s over. You’ve broken the contract for the last time. As of right now, our agreement is null and void.”

  It’s all about the business. How much of his life revolves around the business?

  The woman opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. Evan’s words finally sunk in. Her whole persona changed instantly. She went from a vicious tigress protecting her cub to a tame kitten that wanted its belly tickled.

  “You don’t mean it,” she said.

  Go on you fucker, you’ve just realized, haven’t you? Hell yeah!!

  The expression on the woman’s face changed immediately. It went from anger to a look of desperation and hope. The angry tone of her voice softened to extremely timid. It was like she begged for forgiveness. She backtracked, but the damage had been done. Even in the old days, no one fucked with Evan and got away with it. If someone tried to back him into a corner, he stood tall and came out swinging.

  “Your money will be refunded as soon as possible,” Evan said. “Yes, once the banks are open, I’ll get it sorted.” I loved his commanding tone.

  The woman lifted her shoulders and sighed. “Forgive me. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re too damned late for sorry,” Evan said, still with a deep voice as anger burned across his handsome face.

  “Please forgive me, I’ll make it up to you. I promise I’ll be a good girl.” She begged, and my stomach turned sick.

  “You should have thought of that earlier,” he replied forcefully. “You’ve never respected the agreement. This was always going to happen.”

  The woman stepped closer to Evan and placed her hands on his chest.

  “Can you re-consider?” she asked, her voice desperate. “Don’t turn me away now. We’ve come so far together.”

  “I think you should leave now Susan,” Evan said. “You’ve caused too much of a scene already. I’m not going to change my mind. Not after the way you’ve just acted.”

  The shoe is firmly on the other foot, lady. Who’s sorry now? Consider yourself well and truly dumped, bright eyes.

  “We can sort it out, can’t we?” she asked, now in a pitiful, sorrowful voice.

  Evan shook his head in disgust. “Get out of here, and leave us alone.”

  The woman slumped and turned. Then she walked directly to the exit and left. Evan sighed and lowered himself back into his seat.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said embarrassed. “She’s a bit on the wild side, even for me.”

  “Well, from the look of her, there wasn’t much you could do about it. I take it she’s a disgruntled customer?”

  “She’s always been trouble from day one. She thought the rules didn’t apply to her. I should have told her we were finished a long time ago, but I wanted to hold up my end of the deal and give her a child.”

  Just another client. Good or bad didn’t matter. She’s just another name on your list. Like me. Ugh!!

  “I’m just totally amazed she went off like that,” I said. “She was pissed. I thought she was going to hit you.”

  “Ever since you sent me your picture, I’ve been putting her off and avoiding her. Maybe she that gave her the right to be angry, but nothing gives her the right to go off on me in public like that. It’s a complete violation of the agreement. I’m just glad she’s gone.”


  “All that matters right now is being with you. It’s been too long since we’ve been together.” He raised his head and gazed into my eyes.

  A big cloud of uncertainty positioned itself over my head. I’d just witnessed one of his clients going off on him. There had to be more clients out there in the world. How many were there like her? How often is he going to bump into a client who recognizes him? It was a lot to take in, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle it.

  “I’m sorry Evan, but after all that, I’m not sure. I mean, is this going to happen again? We come out for dinner or something and one of your clients interrupts? Is that what life with you is like?”

  “She’s the only one whose ever been a problem,” he said. “All the others have been fine.”

  “That’s my point Evan. There are others. So many others. I can’t see myself carrying on. I’m sorry.”I stood from my chair and looked at Evan. I smiled sadly. “Goodbye.” My heart stayed in the chair I’d left.

  I stood outside the restaurant and leaned against the wall. Cold night air and the smell of honey and chicory filled my lungs. I rested my head against the wall, and tears streamed down my face.

  Fuck you, Evan. Why does this always happen to me when you’re involved?

  I regained some of my composure and moved across the parking lot toward the street. The bell from the restaurant door chimed, and faint footsteps sounded behind me.

  “Wait!” Evan called.

  I kept walking. My head swam, like I was in a dream.

  “Piper, hold up,” he called again.

  I was almost to the street now. A cab approached. I raised my hand to get the driver’s attention. Evan grabbed my arm and spun me toward him, with force and passion.

  “Piper, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do now,” he said, breathing heavily.

  I raised my arm again, and the cab pulled to the side of the street.

  “There is nothing to do. I’m trying to figure out how to be okay with all of this, but I can’t. And it’s not fair to interrupt your life. Honestly.” I turned back to the road as a million needles stung my heart.

  I’d started the evening confused. Our night had been cut short, and I was even more confused, now. The interruption by the crazy client had ruined everything. It added to the confusing feelings stirring inside me. I had no idea which way my emotions were going to take me. My mind was on a joyride, destination unknown.

  “Piper, tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it,” Evan said, “Anything, no questions asked. Just tell me how to fix this, please.”

  “I don’t know, Evan,” I said. “I really don’t know.” The cab stopped in front of me and relief flooded my system. As much as I didn’t want to run from the only man I’d love, I had no choice.

  Maybe running wasn’t a good idea. Maybe figuring things out was better. Susan popped into my head, her brand of crazy not unique at all. Evan was every woman’s wet dream. This sort of crazy bullshit was going to happen all the time. It wasn’t just me and Susan purchasing his services.

  He had other clients. They were out there. It would never be just me. That thought hung around my neck like a noose. I placed my hand on the door of the cab and opened it.

  “Piper. Just tell me what you want. I don’t want to lose you. I just got you back.” He reached out, but I avoided his touch. How had this gotten to this point? What fucked up fate fairy had sent him back in my life only to rip him out again? Why the hell was life so unfair?

  I turned to Evan. “I can’t see myself sharing you with anyone. You have to understand that.” I paused as tears burned my eyes. “Would you share me?”

  “Never,” he whispered softly and moved back, his handsome face a mask of pain. “Not in a million years.”

  I climbed into the cab, my heart lost and broken. I couldn’t look back to watch him standing on the side of the road, I couldn’t see him there. Not now.

  Not ever again.

  Chapter 15


  I did not set the alarm; I had no need to today. I laid in bed, and my eyes opened. A strange feeling washed over me. For once, I had
nowhere to be. Normally, I had some sort of schedule, but not today. My plans went no further than my daily session in the gym. Then after that, nada, nothing. It showed how little I had going on in my life, apart from living the high life.

  I swung my legs from the bed and dressed in my regular clothes for my morning gym session. I made my way to the gym and stepped on the treadmill. Headphones on, I hit the switch and the treadmill began to roll. I stared out the window and slowly began to jog as the treadmill gradually increased its speed. The music blared in my ears, and I let my mind wander. Susan had been dropped, as she should have. Her money would be refunded and good riddance to her. I had no clients pending at all. It dawned on me. I hadn’t been in this situation very often. I was alone.

  After Susan’s episode, I didn’t even have Piper, or the chance of being with Piper, it seemed. She had seemed distant, and I felt sure that she wouldn’t be proceeding. I would have to see how that one panned out. It had unfortunately happened before. When it came to Piper, my behavior always seemed to disappoint. Could Piper be the thing that changed this? No. I had lost the opportunity to be with her all over again.

  What if she became pregnant? Have you thought of that scenario, Evan? Fuck!

  That thought had not made itself known to me until now. Piper had not actually signed any contract. So, if she did become pregnant, I had no disclaimer in place. Her (our) kid would be an heir to my estate. I would have an “actual” child of my own. If that happened, it would mean my whole life of being careful had turned completely upside down.

  Life’s a lottery, and your success rate is ninety-nine percent. What are the chances she has conceived on the first attempt? Shit!!

  The one time I thought a woman shouldn’t be pregnant was right now. I had never wanted children. Not just because of the money aspect; I just didn’t want them. This feeling could have come from many places. I mean, it could be the fact I was adopted, or from the fact that there are many women who are single. This means there is a whole host of kids walking around who have no real person to call dad. And it’s only the mother who will have that memory of me. Not the kid.


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