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The Baby Maker

Page 59

by Tia Siren

  Dad described how he found it hard to believe that Cam would even be interested in me and my wild-child nature. I broke down and explained to Dad that it was not the real me. I was just rebelling against him and the situation with Mom.

  I was actually a daughter that he would be very proud of, and it was Cam who had made me realize that I did not have to be wild to have fun. That feeling could be achieved with simple things, good things, like love. Emmy has put a spring in my step, and I was excited to simply be with her.

  “I went to another party and got stranded. It was Cam who, once again, came to my rescue when I needed him, without question,” I said, staring at my father in the face. He had to understand my side of things.

  Cam had been good to me from the start, and only had my concern at heart. He was not the type to hurt me.

  “I see that it has been a torrid affair, if you ask me. Yet, it shows that you’re now looking for something a little more serious than just casual dating,” said Dad.

  “Yes. I would be over the moon if things progressed. I can see there may be a future for us after all. I know all about the age difference, and it was only the party yesterday when things got to me, when everyone began staring and whispering about us.

  “Well Katie, now that you have explained all that, I think you should go and get your things together and get your ass back home. I think there has been enough excitement for one day,” Dad said to me.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Don’t leave it too long. I have to talk to you some more later,” he added.

  Dad looked from the garden wall where he was sat and looked in Cam’s and Emmy’s direction. I could see that he wanted to have a word with Cam, yet he was going to save everyone the embarrassment and wait until the office on Monday morning.

  Cam came down with Emmy again.

  “Cam, don’t think you’re getting out of it that easy. I know you nearly lost Emmy, so I will see you in the office first thing on Monday morning before you start work,” Dad said to Cam.

  “Yes sir,” Cam replied.

  “I have a lot to say to you. So spend the rest of the weekend thinking about everything that has happened and how you see your future here?” Dad explained in a commanding tone.

  Shit, Cam is really in for it if he's going to have him in the office on Monday. That means it is by the book.

  I watched as Dad left us standing in the street. I noticed that the throngs of people, who just thought they would stick their noses in, started to return to their homes.

  Go on fuckers, the show is well and truly over. Get back to your cereal and juice and enjoy the rest of your life.

  I could hear a few whispers as we walked up toward Cam's house for me to grab my things. I was not worried about them. Everything was now in the open. We strolled up the street and Cam held Emmy's hand. He also held mine. We opened the door and went inside.

  I stood close to Cam and put my arms around his waist.

  “Cam, I’m so sorry for what has happened, I truly am,” I said and filled up with tears again.

  Cam looked back into my eyes. “It may be wise if you go home, before there is any more trouble.”

  Chapter 31


  I had woken up early as it was Monday morning and the Admiral had summoned me to his office early after Saturday. I wouldn’t want to be late. Firstly, I had to take Emmy to daycare, and it was Katie’s first day on her new job, so I was hoping to catch her there when I dropped Emmy off. It had seemed forever since Saturday morning, and I had just spent time with Emmy, explaining why it was important to stay where you know people and not to talk to strangers.

  I had woken Emmy up, and she had again asked where Katie was. I said she would be at the center and Emmy was overexcited at being with Katie for the whole day. She even jumped in the shower with no qualms and started to wash herself.

  “Quick Daddy. Katie will be waiting,” Emmy said as she wrapped herself in her towel.

  I dressed her in her clothes and we had breakfast, a large bowl of her favorite loops. I watched her in amazement. She could now use her spoon properly, which had been something else Katie had taught her to do. Emmy grabbed her coat and her bag and we headed out of the house.

  I held Emmy's hand, and we walked down the street until we finally reached the center. Emmy ran into the classroom and hung her coat as always. She came back to the classroom door and asked where Katie was. I was surprised that she was not here as she had become so excited about starting, especially when she knew that Emmy was going to be here.

  “Emmy, I have no idea where Katie is. She wouldn’t miss being with her special friend, no way José,” I said to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Maybe she will come a little later.”

  “Okay, bye Daddy, see you later,” Emmy replied. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss.

  “Bye now sweetie, have a great day!”

  I left Emmy in the classroom and asked a couple of the teachers if they had seen Katie this morning? They informed me that she had not shown up. I thought it was strange that she had not come in, but I did not have time to really dwell on it as I had my appointment with the Admiral. I was nervous as the dinner interrogation had been bad enough. And now, everything was out in the open. I was nervous as hell. Fuck, the Admiral could finish my career without breaking a sweat.

  Cam, this could be your last day as a SEAL instructor.

  As I walked across the base, I thought about Katie. I had missed her since Saturday. I had spent the day with Emmy, and it is the first time ever that it just didn’t seem right. I played with her, and we enjoyed it, and she repeatedly asked what time Katie would arrive. I had made excuses to Emmy, and I felt bad for doing it. But after the events of the morning with the Admiral, maybe it was for the best. I really should have known better than becoming involved with the Admiral’s daughter.

  I approached the Admiral’s building, and I could see his car was already there. It would only be a few minutes before I faced a verbal firing squad. I had seen the Admiral when he had let loose on somebody, and he was intimidating. He was highly intelligent and remembered every little detail, so fuck knows what he would unleash on to me.

  “Morning Cam. The Admiral said to go straight in once you arrived,” she said.

  Holy fuck, he's going to lash into me straight away!

  “Thanks,” I replied and opened the door.

  The office was empty and I could hear the Admiral in his private chamber. I stood to attention and waited for him to enter.

  The Admiral came into his office, and I saluted and held my position, until he told me to stand at ease and take a seat.

  I had not expected this much hospitality. I expected to be marched in, fired at and marched straight back out again. And now he has offered me a seat?

  I sat in silence as I watched the Admiral shuffle a few papers and move them to the side of his desk. I sat with my clammy hands gripping each other. I was not entirely sure what he would say to me. It was a new situation, not just for me, or him, but for the base.

  The great Cam Cross does it again. The first and only person to fuck the Admiral’s virgin daughter. And then he was fired.

  The Admiral sat and leaned on his desk, staring directly into my eyes. I had no idea if I should speak or remain silent, so I thought it better to keep my mouth closed until I was told to open it.

  Keep the information to a minimum and just answer the questions.

  The Admiral sat and stared at me. I looked directly back at him. I felt uneasy and just focused on keeping my composure. I could quite easily crumble and beg for forgiveness, yet that would show me as weak. And, in the end, I’m sure the Admiral wouldn’t entertain a cry baby.

  As the Admiral stared at me, thoughts rushed through my mind, and they were about Katie. Why the fuck was I so hard on her? I had known she had not meant to let Emmy out of her sight. She would die first before she would let anything happen to her, and I knew it. I just didn’t want
her to get away with what had happened.

  Katie was much younger than me, so she wouldn’t understand things the same way. I hated myself so much for the way I had treated her. It was not right, but what was a concerned and upset father supposed to do in that sort of situation.

  I couldn’t just put my arms around her and say everything was okay. I mean, had it not been for the Admiral finding her, who knew where she could have ended up? I had been put in a situation where I was not able to control it. It was totally out of my control, and I had become scared. It was one of the very few times in my life that I was really scared.

  Even the Admiral was protective of his daughter, and he still was. That was the reason my ass was so firmly stuck to a chair in his office. He would do anything to protect Katie, even if it meant something happening to me. War hero or not, I had become involved with his daughter, and he would do anything in his power to protect her.

  “Right, Cam. It’s a new week, so no bullshit. Let’s talk man to man,” the Admiral said in a very commanding tone. “I need a few answers about what has happened in the past few weeks.”

  “Okay, Sir,” I replied.

  Just answer the questions.

  “Forget the Sir. This is personal and much more important than the Navy. This is my daughter we are talking about her,” he demanded. “Mano a mano?”

  Fuck, that means one on one combat. He’s going to slaughter me.

  “Yes, umm...,” I started to say.

  “What I want to know, Cam, is your intentions? I mean, what do you have planned for my daughter and yourself?” he asked, leaning against his desk.

  Fuck, I never realized he was so big.

  “Well, to start with, I never expected anything to happen. We have just grown closer together over time. I used to look at Katie as a rebel who just wanted to play with Emmy. And then, the more we chatted, the closer we became. My home started to feel alive, and I had emotions flowing that I had not felt since my wife died,” I explained.

  “And the future?” he asked. “It’s not a quick summer thing, is it?”

  “No, of course not. I have very strong feelings for Katie, and I can see a long-term future for the both of us. A summer romance never even crossed my mind. I have no intention of raising Emmy in that sort of environment,” I said.

  “So, how long has it been going on between you two?” the Admiral asked.


  “Is it recent? Or has it been a long time?” he said before sighing heavily.

  “Well, things started to happen on that night of the party. Katie made advances toward me, but I pushed her away as it was all new to me. Sir, I had no intention of becoming involved with anyone, never mind Katie,” I explained.

  “A little more detail,” he demanded.

  “Well, you know about that creep Peter. After that we left, and she was too drunk to bring home. Katie did a bit of drunken flirtiness, and I took her to Dicky Mee’s for a burger to sober her up. We had a real good time, I just wanted to sober her up. But I found her funny and charming, and most of all, sweet. I was really surprised,” I added.

  “So far, that is what Katie said happened. And the next part? Keep going,” he added.

  Fuck, the Admiral already knows what I’m supposed to be saying. Katie must have told him.

  “After that, she started to come around to mine to sit with Emmy, and things just progressed from there without any real intention from the both of us. And then, she went to the second party and got stranded, so she called me to get her,” I explained further.

  “It sounds somewhat similar to what Katie had said. So I guess you both feel the same way about each other. Sex?”

  “Um, yes, we have been intimate, but not on a large scale. Like I said, we have only just come to realize our feelings for each other,” I said, feeling a little awkward.

  We have not had as much sex as we would like. I struggle to keep my hands off your daughter. Sir!!

  “And what are your feelings towards her? And be careful of your choice of words, soldier” the Admiral said. His persona was so cold and collective, that I was starting to sweat.

  “I’m head over heels in love with Katie. I tried to ignore it, and stop anything from happening, but I had not been able to. She just makes me feel alive. And she has helped me so much in breaking down the emotional defenses that I had put around myself,” I added in detail.

  “Cam, I’m glad you answered that way. You know how heartbreaking it is to hear your daughter sobbing her heart out for two days solid, saying she’s in love with someone?” he asked.

  “I have no idea how it feels. But in a few years, I probably will,” I said with a grin.

  “I can tell you right now what it feels like; it is horrible. It’s like your heart has been ripped out and stamped on. That is what I have suffered from since Saturday morning. Katie has been telling me of her love for you. God, and her tears haven’t stopped. I had no idea one person could cry that much, to be honest,” the Admiral sighed.

  Katie loves me. It’s not a game to her.

  “Wow, I had no real idea she felt so strongly for me. I knew she had feelings, but wow,” I said.

  “Yes, wow indeed.”

  “And, like I said, I’m head over heels in love with her. So, to find out that she feels the same way? Wow,” I said. My heart continued to race in my chest.

  “There is one slight downside to all of this though, Cam. It should not be taken lightly.”

  “What’s that, Sir?” I asked as if I didn’t already know the fucking answer.

  “Your age difference. It is not one or two years, it is a bit more substantial than that,” the Admiral said with concern.

  “I can understand that, Sir. If it causes you a problem, I will end the relationship with Katie, even though it would be hard for the both of us,” I commented.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary. Just be aware of it and respect my daughter and her age. Period.”

  I nodded. “Of course, Sir.”

  “Changing the subject… Your Emmy is so smart for her age. She was quite chatty with me when I gave her a drink,” he said with a smile. “She told me her full name and address and who her dad was.” He chuckled. I was quite shocked that the conversation we were locked into was going so damn well.

  “I must profess, I have nothing to do with that. It’s all thanks to Katie. She’s smitten with Emmy, and the feelings flow both ways.”

  The Admiral smiled. “I do believe it, Cam. I can see it. I understand why she feels that way.”

  I looked at the Admiral, and for how big and burly he was, he seemed to care about his daughter. More than I would expect from an asshole like him. It seems I’d judged him wrong.

  “Yep, I know it. And, I just can’t bring myself to stop Katie from being deprived of her dreams. I know our relationship has been rocky, yet I know when there is something that she desires more than anything. She has never asked for anything in her life. So this, it is just too big for her. I have to let her reach for her dreams, and Cam, it appears you’re one of them,” the Admiral added with a smile.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Sir?” I asked.

  “Yes, Cam. I’m handing the responsibility of Katie over to you. And you have my full blessing, all three of you do,” he said with a broad grin.

  I held out my hand. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you for everything,” I stated as the Admiral shook my hand.

  “No, Cam. Thank you. Now, I think you have somewhere you need to be?” he added.

  “Yes, the cadets will be here any moment,” I replied and saluted the Admiral.

  “Not the cadets. There’s something much more important for you to do,” he added with a huge grin.

  I left the office and quickly grabbed my cell phone. Shit, the battery is nearly dead.

  I quickly called Katie before the battery died altogether.

  “Katie, my battery is nearly dead. Where are you?” I said quickly.

’m at home. I couldn’t show my face at the daycare center after Saturday morning. I felt ashamed and unworthy,” Katie replied.

  I looked at the phone. Shit, two percent. It was going to die on me.

  “Wait there. I’m headed you way now. I’ll be there soon,” I said as the battery hit zero percent and I stood looking at a black screen.



  I tried to return Cam’s call, but the line was dead. Fucking cell phones. His battery must have died, and there was no way I could warn him to not to come around. I had sent a text to warn him, and if he got his phone on charge, there could be a chance he saw it before he started to come this way.

  If Dad found out, he would be outraged that Cam had come to see me after what had happened at the weekend. It was bad enough finding out that you daughter is sleeping with one of your own Navy SEALs, but having the whole street find out at the same time, geez, that must be a living nightmare.

  Fuck, if Cam gets here and Dad finds out, what will he do to him?

  My nerves were torn to shreds. Would he turn up or would he get the message?

  I sat in the window, watching the road. Time stopped, and it seemed like an eternity. I checked the clock; it had been five minutes.

  Shit, this is too much, Katie, Katie did you deserve all this?

  I glanced back at the clock. Ten minutes. Is that God-damned clock broken or something? It was taking too long, and I still had no way of knowing if he would come or not. Next, I heard a noise and looked out of the window. Cam had just jumped out of a jeep and started to walk up the driveway.

  Fuck, Cam, go away, please.

  I opened the door and Cam had his finger almost pushing the doorbell button.

  “Sixth sense or what?” he said.

  “Cam, you should not be here. It is not safe for you,” I said, glancing down the street for Dad’s car.

  “Relax, everything is under control,” Cam said with a smile on his face.

  “Stop laughing, Cam. I’m serious. If my dad comes, he will give you some real shit,” I said.


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