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The Baby Maker

Page 60

by Tia Siren

  “Nope. Your father and I are like this,” he said and held up his crossed fingers.


  “Best of buddies,” he added.

  “Have you lost your mind, Cam? I mean, you know what he said on Saturday,” I commented.

  “Katie, just relax for a moment,” Cam said calmly.

  “Yes, but you k….,” I started to say.

  Cam grabbed my wrists and pulled me into his embrace; his lips firmly planted on mine. I could taste his breath and smell his body. I melted into his arms, but I was worried. I stood back from Cam, slightly confused.

  “I have already spoken to your dad. He has given us his blessing. And we can be together,” he added.

  “Seriously? No fucking way.” I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I gave him the biggest hug and kiss, right there at the front door of my dad’s house.

  Stuff the neighbors. We are legit. My SEAL is here.

  “Yeah, way.” Cam held me tight and walked into the house. He flicked the door closed with the heel of his foot. “Where is your bedroom?”

  “Up the stairs,” I said and kissed him deeply.

  Cam slowly walked up the stairs. He held me close to his body. I felt safe and protected, just as I had always. Cam had saved me from myself, and he was going to set me free.

  We reached the top of the stairs. “Turn right and right at the end of the hall,” I whispered in between kisses.

  Cam carried me down the hallway, his muscles moving under his skin as I gripped him tightly with my legs. He opened the door and chuckled. “Wow, this is really… well it is rather feminine. As demanding as you are, I’m a little surprised by this.”

  “Cam, have you not noticed? I’m all girl,” I giggled and slid down the front of his body, pulling off my t-shirt from over my head.

  Standing in front of him, I ran my fingers down his pressed shirt, loving the way he felt beneath my touch. I fumbled with his stripes and ran my finger over his name badge. I took the brass buttons and popped them open, one by one. I held my lip between my teeth and shoved his shirt off his shoulders.

  His arms rippled and he raised them above his head. I pulled his tank top free from his pants and raised it up. I threw it on the floor and caressed his broad chest. My fingers brushed across his nipples as he slowly fumbled with his belt buckle. He whipped his belt from his waist and slowly tugged at his zipper. His pants loosened and he let them drop to the floor.

  Cam stood in his white shorts and watched as I reached behind my back and fumbled with the clasp of my bra. I dropped it on the pile of clothes by our feet. I ran my hands over my belly and up my chest. Cupping my breasts, I tweaked my nipples between my thumb and forefinger.

  I grabbed the zipper on my skirt and slowly pulled it down. I watched Cam slip his hands inside his shorts and pull them to the floor. My panties slid over my ass and my hands flicked them to the floor. We both stood naked. He stepped forward and pulled me closer. He smelled so fucking good.

  He ran his hands over my shoulders and through my long hair. My budding nipples rubbed against his chest. I lowered my hand and caressed his cock.

  His dick hardened as I wrapped my hand around it and started to stroke him gently. His manhood pulsed and increased in size. My fingers loosened their grip and I ran my hand down the length of his shaft. I massaged his balls and stroked his cock calmly.

  He became erect and I dropped to my knees. I held him tight and drew back my hand. The head of his hardened cock became taught. I guided my tongue and flicked it over his sensitive slit. Cam put his hands on my shoulders and his body trembled; his dick hard in my hand. I wrapped my wet lips around his girth and slid him deep inside my mouth.

  My head rocked back and forth as his cock slid deeper into my mouth. He gripped the back of my head and forced me closer to his shaft. I stood in front of Cam and he prized his fingers into my wet pussy. I widened my legs and revealed my clitoris. He slid his fingers deeper inside me as I stepped back to the bed. I placed my hands flat and lifted myself onto the bed and spread my legs.

  Cam rubbed my clit and leaned his head forward; his tongue darted against me and slid inside my wet pussy. He placed his hands on my thighs and spread my legs wide. He stood and rubbed the head of his cock against my pussy.

  My lips spread and parted as Cam slid himself deep inside me. I raised my legs and placed them over his shoulders, my pussy tingling. He drove his cock deeper inside me. My pussy gripped him, and each stroke pulled more to suck his seed from his body.

  “Cam, I love you so much,” I said as he placed his hands on my breasts and tantalized my hardened nipples.

  He squeezed my breasts and my breath deepened as he bore his weight down on my legs. My body doubled, and quivers of passion flowed through my belly.

  My pussy ached as Cam drove his cock deeper into my wanting pussy. My belly was filled with the fire Cam had ignited within me, and waves of passion washed all over my body. I looked at Cam, and his eyes locked on mine as he drilled his massive cock deeper inside. My legs trembled, and my pussy throbbed under his touch.

  I lowered one leg and Cam wrapped his arm around the one over his shoulder. I raised my head and watched as he gripped me. His belly tensed as his cock slid in and out of my pleasured, hot pussy. I caressed my breast and placed one hand on my clit and rubbed it to the rhythm of Cam’s as he pushed his manhood harder inside me. I pinched my nipple and the pain flashed through my breast and lurched into the pit of my stomach.

  The sensations of our lovemaking melded into a cauldron of passion. Cam stirred my desire, lifting it to new heights within me. I lowered my leg and rolled on my hands and knees. Then, my legs spread and my pussy ached for Cam's hard cock to slide into the warmth inside me.

  He gripped my ass and squeezed and drove his fingers into my flesh. My cheeks spread as he shoved harder and deeper. His body was a temple of lust that wanted me to pray there.

  “Oh God, fuck me Cam. Shove your cock inside me harder, yes,” I screamed.

  Cam increased his tempo. He knew exactly what to do, and how to take me like a man; in passion, in lust and in love. He gave it all to me, and my body was so satisfied.

  “Come on Cam, make love to me harder. No sneaking. Just let me have it,” I yelled.

  Cam thrust harder and faster as his balls slapped against my pussy. His cock was long and hard inside me. His thrust again, driving me to sexual oblivion, a place where I had never been before.

  “Cam, I want to look in your eyes as you take me to my limit,” I whispered.

  He slowly withdrew his cock and I rolled onto my back. I placed a pillow under my ass as Cam rubbed the length of his cock against my wet pussy. I moaned and groaned while his cock slid between my pink lips and spread me to the limit. Cam hunched over me. As his hips heaved and fell, his cock dove deeper inside the warmth of my passion. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  I had him now, and I was never going to let him go.

  Cam pummeled my pussy and his shaft throbbed and twitched as it slid back and forth. He grabbed my hands, and he held them tight as he pinned me to the bed. His hips thrust faster and faster. The animal had been released, and his body was preparing to explode. My hips rocked along with Cam's rhythm, and my pussy longed for him to be deeper inside. The flames of passion ignited and turned into a raging inferno of pure lust.

  My pussy screamed with pleasure, and my belly filled with sensations that only Cam could bring me to experience. I rocked my hips and pushed my pussy up toward his driving cock. Our hips clashed, and the war of passion commenced.

  Cam was close to his limit. His beautiful body tensed and his stomach showed the extent of his chiseled features.

  Cam sucked in a sharp intake of breath. “Shit Katie, I’m gonna come,” he murmured as his ass clenched and his balls released his potion of love deep inside my exploding pussy.

  I could feel the fire of passion welling up inside, and it was turning into a
wild bushfire. My legs wobbled and I gyrated my hips. As Cam released himself inside me, I thrust my hips forward and my clenched pussy sucked his seed of love from his loins.

  “Cam, Cam, I’m going to come, fuck me,” I moaned as my belly quivered and fire washed throughout my body.

  Cam's heaving body slumped as he rolled onto the bed. I gasped for air; the power of my orgasm had taken my breath away. My heart raced and slowed down to normal as I breathed deep and slow. I rolled towards Cam and wrapped my leg and my arm over his depleted body. He held my arm and placed one around my shoulder. He pulled me close to him and held me tight. He would protect me and keep me warm at night.

  I rubbed my hand across his chest and his belly, and I sensed his body had shown a genuine extent of his lovemaking as had mine. We lay there together, and our bodies entwined as we had become a single unit, partners in crime.

  The sensations of my orgasm slowly subsided, and my body had stopped quivering from the excitement and the stimulation. Cam had fully regained his composure, and his body had again became like a coiled spring, ready to spring at a moment’s notice.

  I looked into his eyes, and I could see that all his demons and hang-ups had finally been washed away. He had become fully happy with the situation he was now in. I too had matured, and again Cam had shown me what it felt like to be a real woman. I now knew the old Katie had gone forever.

  Our lovemaking had been the most satisfying experience yet. We had been able to let our true feelings be known, and our bodies had responded. I had finally given my all to Cam, and he had given his all to me. Our souls had merged and we had become one. We lay on my bed and embraced the effects of our lovemaking. Our relationship was now out in the open, and we were free. We were free to show and express our love, not just to each other, but to the world.

  “Katie, trouble maker, tease, wild child and flirt, whatever traits you have, I accept them all. It is what makes you so unique, and I just have one thing to say to you,” Cam said.

  “What is that?” I asked as I rolled over to look into his eyes.

  “I’m so in love with you. Yes, and I would like you to move in with me. That way you can be with Emmy all the time. As far as the job… you really should take it. There’s nothing for you to hide from now,” he added.

  “Well it is funny you should say all that, Cam Cross; the living legend, the breaker of virginity and savior of lost souls,” I said with a giggle

  He laughed at me and pinched my ass hard.

  “I will take up the job, and I no longer care what people think. Let them talk the talk, and I will walk the walk. Being with you is all that matters,” I said.

  “And?” Cam asked.

  “I accept everything, and I’m so in love you too.”

  “I’m happy you want to move in with me,” Cam said.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll go down in history as the only one who tamed the mighty Cam Cross.”

  We held each other in love, and our passion ignited again. We wanted a long engagement, so that Emmy could enjoy the wedding too. We were happier than ever, and we tried to help Owen with his dating. He needed as much help as he could get.

  There were lots of fun times. He loved dating lots of women, and Cam and I laughed about it. It was wonderful. Our life together was going to be what we made of it; the friends, the good times, and the times with Emmy. Even the Admiral had started to date again! It was so good seeing him go out and do his hair. He did the hilarious comb-over thing, and I teased him when he got smitten over the ladies. I loved him more than ever. And now he was Emmy’s granddad too.

  As for Cam and I, we could wake up in each other’s arms. That was what heaven was; to find that special someone that needed you. Just like I needed Cam. We could talk for hours and make love all night long (as long as he didn’t need to work the next day). I loved him, and he loved me.

  But most importantly… we loved Emmy. She was our perfect little girl. And we made a pact to help her through the world, for as long as time would allow it!



  Big Bad Daddy: A Single Dad and the Nanny Romance

  Does the single-dad billionaire want to pay me to take care of his daughter’s needs or to satisfy his own dark desires?


  Saying that life has dealt me a lousy hand would be an understatement. I barely escaped an abusive ex-husband, only to end up starting over in a crappy apartment with a crappy job at a convenience store.

  But now I’ve been dealt a good hand for once.

  I’m to become the live-in nanny to the daughter of Jackson Ritter, the rich, hunky best-selling author who can make me blush with his eyes and melt at his touch.

  But the way he looks at me tells me that he wants something more, something hot and steamy. Something… dirty.

  I can’t sleep with him. I won’t. Otherwise my ex-husband’s right. I’m just a whore who f*cks her boss for money.

  But I don’t know what to think when Jackson calls me his muse… and what do I do when my ex-husband threatens any chance I have at happiness?


  My publisher is pressuring me for another best seller, but I haven’t written a word since my wife died in a car accident with her lover, my best friend. Being a single dad isn’t easy either.

  I’ve got 2 weeks to hand in a full draft, otherwise I stand to lose everything. But I just can’t get past this writer’s block.

  So hiring a nanny to look after my daughter is my last hope.

  The minute I see her standing at my door, I know that I have to have her. She’s young, pretty, innocent, utterly delicious…

  I want her in my bed… naked, willing, eager, begging for more…

  But I’m not ready. What if I end up giving my heart to the girl who’s supposed to be here for my daughter but instead becomes my muse?


  CHAPTER ONE: Amy Lynne Beck

  Sometimes I just sat and wondered how I got here. I didn’t mean how I got here as in how I got to my crappy apartment in the rundown section of Rosewood Heights. I meant how did I get here-here, to this point in my life where I was sitting in my crappy apartment thinking about how crappy my life was.

  I wouldn’t say that this was the lowest point of my life.

  I was only twenty-three after all. I had my whole life ahead of me. I was sure I’d have much lower points to whine about if things kept going like they were.

  Let’s just say this was about as low as I’d come so far.

  You know what they said, when you hit rock bottom there was nowhere to go but up?

  Well, I’d pretty much hit rock bottom and then some, so I guessed it was all sunshine and roses from here. Not!

  I hadn’t always been like this: a Debbie Downer who saw the world as a cold and lonely place. To the contrary, I used to be so upbeat and positive that I would get on your nerves. I believed with all my heart that people were generally kind and good. I was fun to be around and did my best to make the world a better place.

  Then I met him.

  Randy Beck, my ex-husband.

  The man who would change my life forever in every way you could imagine. If I’d ever been lower than I was now, it was during the year I was married to Randy.

  Randy was good looking, with blow-dried, sandy brown hair and a little moustache he kept trimmed neatly above his lips.

  He had a quick smile and easy way about him that made you like him at once. His eyes were his best feature. They were deep set and blue. They sparkled when he looked at me.

  He would gaze into my eyes and swear that he loved me, and, for a moment in time, my world was consumed by the bliss of young love and the fire of unbridled sex.

  I believed I was truly happy the day I married Randy two years ago. I recalled that happiness lasting about a week.

  Our wedded bliss started to crumble the first time he slapped me.

  By the end of our first year of marriage, I found myself
in a place so dark that I didn’t think I would ever escape it.

  I met Randy when I was just twenty, during my second year of community college. I was going to get a degree in physical therapy. I loved helping people, and ever since I was a little girl, I’d wanted to be a nurse.

  Then my mom reminded me that the mere sight of blood made me faint, so perhaps I should pursue a career that didn’t involve the insides of people, only the outsides.

  Physical therapy seemed like a perfect compromise.

  I received federal grants to pay for part of my tuition. I managed to get a part-time job working at the FoodMart on 10th Street to cover the rest.

  That was where I met Randy.

  He’d been, and still was, the manager of the FoodMart.

  He wore a tie and walked around like he owned the place.

  He’d been flirty during the interview and seemed genuinely interested in my situation.

  He respected me for going to college to better myself.

  He would be happy to help me out by giving me a job.

  He hired me as a night-time cashier.

  My shift was Monday through Friday, from 6 p.m. to midnight, which was perfect since all of my classes were in the daytime.

  Looking back now, knowing what I know, Randy had all the earmarks of an abusive, manipulative asshole from the start. I was just too naïve to see it.

  He was six years older than me and far more mature.

  He flattered me with compliments.

  He always brought me little gifts.

  He’d brush the hair from my cheek with his fingers as we talked.

  He often stood a little too close and would “accidentally” brush his arm against my breast or his crotch against my ass as he was “sliding by” behind the register where I worked.

  I was a foolish girl. A shy, aloof virgin. I’d never been with a man. I didn’t know what to expect or how to respond. If it wasn’t for my medical books, I wouldn’t have even known where all their man parts were located or how they worked.

  I didn’t date much in high school, and by the time I met Randy, I guessed I was starting to think that something was wrong with me. My mom bounced from one bad relationship to another. I was determined not to follow her example. When I got married, I’d make it work, no matter what it took.


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