Limelight (Hollywood Stardust)
Page 40
STEVEN waves.
WILLIAM lifts his chin.
We were hoping to find you here.
ROXY hides slightly behind Charles.
I meant it when I said I was sorry.
Well, then I need to add my apology to yours.
ROXY moves further behind Charles.
I didn’t realize I wanted a princess until I put all the games in motion.
ROXY cries, a tear falls down her cheek, and she gives Steven a hug.
WILLIAM goes to her side.
I should have stood up for what I wanted. I made it too easy for you to waiver.
ROXY lets go of Steven and hugs William, then steps back to Charles.
Maybe loose ends are better.
And ending the games.
Maybe it’s time for all of us to look forward.
ROXY pulls a college pamphlet out of her pocket and hands it Charles.
That’s exactly what I’m doing.
Wait, you’re leaving?
We have the summer to figure it out.
ROXY looks between the three of them and puts her nail in her mouth.
I’m going to take all my memories with me and see what happens.
ROXY smiles and turns.
Chapter Thirty-Two
WHEN DREW DECIDED to find Erin and reenter his life, he snuck onto this exact studio and into a set decorated to look like the never seen interior of the Hollywood Stardust theatre.
In search of Erin once more, he walked toward the famous façade of the Hollywood Stardust theatre. For the first time, he would be photographed in front of the intricate set piece. This was the scene of the finale of the movie, the location where Logan proposed to Ivy the first time, and the place where they were now having yet another media event to announce the new cast. Pass the baton, so to speak.
No matter what, he promised himself he would talk to her today. Good or bad, they had a movie to get through. They had to talk, be adult, and not make a scene. Yes, they needed to be mature and have a conversation. He wasn’t the man who made these huge gestures, ran on high emotion, she knew this. They had to be civil and figure out what to do about their relationship.
Hell, he just needed to talk to her… or see her. At least see her. A glimpse.
Once he made his appearance, the gathered crowd of select spectators and media applauded. At last, he was recognizable, due wholly to Erin’s social media efforts. If he didn’t want to be in the limelight, he should have told her she couldn’t post their pictures.
“Drew.” Logan flagged him over behind the set.
Was Erin back there or was she lurking about, avoiding the confrontation? Not sure which option he wanted, his heart sped. He gave the public another wave and went behind the set only to be met with Logan, Ivy and Ryder, a couple of studio executives and that one bitch, Cora Caine. Where was Erin?
“Look, do you remember this?” Logan took his arm and dragged him over to the hidden panel they once scrawled their names on and wrote their future occupations, thinking it was this grand gesture.
Drew quickly glanced down the list. First came Ryder who wrote rock star next to his name. The man had enough bravado to pull it off. Erin went next, and his chest tightened at her big bubbly script. She put actress. Drew was next in line back when he wanted to be an astronomer. Lastly, Logan signed his name and chose director as his chosen line of work. In many ways, the man succeeded except in the traditional sense.
“I would have made an awesome rock star.” Ryder hit him in the arm.
Drew continued to stare at Erin’s name. She was the only one who called her own future. She was always an actress, always would be an actress. She knew it and so did he. Then why did he want to change her? He knew what he got when it came to her.
“What do you think?” Logan elbowed him.
Before he had a chance to come up with an answer other than what he really thought, the low mumble of the crowd amplified. Applause vibrated around them.
He turned with enough time to watch Erin approach.
Like every time he saw her, his breath caught. The jewel among the three of them, she swooped in wearing a form-fitting white dress, her hair curled and bouncing with her every step, and bright red lips curled up in her signature smile. She was Hollywood personified.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I had some things to attend to.” Her perfume wafted around him, but without a pause, she bypassed him and walked right to Logan. “Should we get started? There is quite a crowd.”
“Yes, I think the time for reminiscing and lollygagging has passed, let’s get started.” The crone of a woman, Cora Caine, turned on one heel and walked away, leaving the two studio people rushing to catch up with her.
“Lollygagging?” Ryder shook his head. “That woman needs a gag all right.”
“We better do this.” Logan gave them a thumbs-up. “A quick press conference, some Q and A, and an announcement of the new cast. We have not only the traditional media here, but is covering this and some other notable bloggers as well.”
Taking Ivy’s hand, Logan went forward and Ryder followed. Now was his chance. Before she had a chance to scurry away from him, Drew caught her arm. “Erin.”
She gasped and stopped. “Drew.”
“We need to talk.” He didn’t let go of her.
“Right now?” Her voice shook.
“Yes, we need to talk, right now.”
“Between our last night together and this moment, the only time you have to talk to me is right now, before a press conference?”
“You walked out of the lab.” He lifted his chin.
“I believe you practically chased me out and then locked the door behind me.” She raised his lifted chin by jutting out her jaw.
“Come on!” Logan yelled for them.
“I actually can’t believe you’re here. Are you going to be all right? There are big scary video cameras out there.” With her shot fired, she flipped her hair and headed to the front of the Hollywood Stardust set.
A fire blazed through him like never before, and he rushed after the rest of them, but as luck would have it, Ryder ended up between him and Erin.
“I want to welcome everyone here today.” Logan began his speech. “This movie has waited twenty years to be made, and we’re very proud to be the ones helming the ship.”
Drew shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Though he vowed they would not make a scene, he also promised he would talk to her. What he had to say could not wait. He reached around Ryder and tapped her.
“What are you doing?” She leaned back and spoke through clenched teeth.
“At least the cameras here I know about.” There, he said it and he punctuated his statement with a snide chuckle.
“Shhhh.” She hissed. “What I did, I did for us.”
No one was going to tell him to be quiet. “If there was an us in that sentence then I should have known about it.” Why was this so hard for her to understand? In case she didn’t hear the emphasis he put on the most important word, he spoke a little louder while still remaining under the radar.
“Calm down, buddy.” Ryder patted him.
“Hollywood Starburst is filled with the magic that made Hollywood Stardust the film of a generation.” With narrowed eyes, Logan glanced over at Drew.
“The media is here.” Erin shook her head and looked out on the crowd once more.
All right, maybe he didn’t exactly remain under the radar, but he was definitely a minor blip. A blip who would not be stifled by the media. “So, now who’s afraid of the camera?�
“What?” She spun toward him. “Why are you even here? Don’t you have a disappearing act to pull off?”
Logan cleared his throat into the microphone and spoke louder. “We felt it only right that the originators of the roles that made them famous, help choose their predecessors.”
“You go get him, Wren.” Ryder chuckled.
“I told you I would never leave again.” His efforts to keep his voice lowered were failing miserable. “I was young, and what you said killed me.”
“Killed you!” Erin shoved Ryder out of the way.
It seemed as if the entire audience let out a collective gasp.
“Erin?” Logan barked her name into the microphone.
“Go on with your speech already!” Without even bothering to look back at him, Erin waved Logan away.
She slowly inched toward Drew. “How many times do I have to pay for the stupid things I did? Was waiting for you for twenty years not enough? Or maybe it was how every day since you came back into my life, I’ve been afraid you were going to leave it. I’m terrified one day I’m going to wake up and you’ll be gone again and even twenty years won’t bring you back. That’s why I didn’t tell you, because I’m afraid that poof, you’ll be gone.” She snapped her fingers.
He flinched as if she slapped him.
“You were my strength and my safety and you made me feel smart. With you, I feel like I’m a part of something and not just a decoration. Maybe I did what I did because I wanted the world to see that, or maybe I was a has-been and was searching for anything so you and the world wouldn’t see me as a failure and not want to be with me.” Tears freely streaming down her cheeks, she stomped over to him. “I don’t think you ever loved me.”
Through the gasps and rumble of the audience, he only heard her admission. On automatic, he reached out for her. “How can you say that to me? I spent my life loving you. I loved you even when I hated you.”
As if protecting herself, she wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
Not caring that the entire event stopped to focus solely on them and their display, he decided to make his own confession. She deserved it. “You make me feel like a man, and every morning when I wake up and see you there I can’t believe you’re with me. You make me laugh, and believe it or not, I crave the dramatics you bring with you. We are the most incredible team and maybe I wanted to keep you all to myself and be selfish.” He put his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “I have always loved you. Always. No matter what happens, I will never leave you again.”
“I love you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You belong to me.”
The crowd burst into applause.
“Always.” He bent her back in a picture perfect kiss, making sure the photographers got their best angle.
* * * *
“MAY I HAVE MY OFFICIAL job as Marketing Director back?” Erin wiped the lipstick off of Drew’s lips, but then went in and kissed him again only tinting his lips once more. They now stood off to one side of the Hollywood Stardust façade, but she didn’t care where they were, or if the cameras were rolling, or what tabloid she ended up on, she had her life back.
“Of course, but since this will be playing out in front of the world on our reality show, I think a name change may be in order.” With his thumbs he wiped the last remnants of her tears away. “I know you have to go by Erin Holland, but do you think you may want to hyphenate that to say Erin Holland-Fulton?”
Her heart swelled and along with her tears, the anxiety that traveled with her as an unwelcome companion left as well. “Well, there’s only one little problem.”
Drew’s eyes narrowed and he tensed. “What might that be?”
“I turned down the reality show. If a part comes along that is spectacular like Roxy, we’ll talk, but other than that, I’d rather just have the role of Mrs. Fulton. No hyphen required.” Once more, she kissed him.
“We may be able to pull that Roxy role off.” Logan said as he and Ivy joined them.
“Is the press conference over?” Drew never took his eyes off her.
“I’m not sure it ever started. I didn’t even get to say half of what I wanted.” Logan shook his head.
“What were you saying about Roxy?” Erin gave Logan a quick glance and then kissed Drew once more.
“There will be a third movie.” Rather than Logan, that nasty woman, Cora or Coral or whoever, intruded into their circle.
“That was what I wanted to say.” Logan groaned, and Ivy patted him.
She tightened her hold on Drew. “What?”
“After hearing your critique of Starburst, we had a meeting. There will be a third movie, Hollywood Stardom. It’ll take place twenty years after Hollywood Starburst ends.” At last Logan smiled the smile that got him the role of Steven in the first place. “We’re all going to have our roles back.”
“Make no mistake. The shenanigans you all played out the first time will not be tolerated this time. The studio is putting a lot of money behind you.” Cora encroached into their circle further and then pointed at her and Drew. “Also, the two of you should make a reality show. All of you should. You have that exact right dose of crazy. I may just write it into your contracts.”
“If you own a website, why are you involved with us?” Ryder was the only one of them brave enough or stupid enough to confront the battle-axe.
“I am CEO of a multi-faceted media company. Do your research better, Mr. Scott.” She leaned in to him and just as abruptly pushed passed them.
They all seemed to hold their collective breath while they watched the woman storm away.
Ryder shrugged. “I’ll do my research all right.”
“Do I really get to finish Roxy’s story?” Still reeling from the news of getting her role returned to her, Erin’s knees went weak, but Drew was there to hold her up.
“We all get to finish their story.” Drew pulled her in for a hug. “This is a role I will be honored to reprise with you.”
She melted into the man she waited twenty years for, a small amount of time compared to what they had ahead of them. “I got my Hollywood ending.” Now it was time to give Roxy hers.
The End
Dear Reader,
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Kim Carmichael
My Husband – You were worth waiting for.
The Sons – Thank you for letting my characters share me.
The Fur Balls – Everyday you make me smile.
Tamara Eaton – My sister-editor, you make me better, what else can I say?
Emily Smith-Kidman – You always have my back and you always make me look great.
Teresa Neeley-Martin – My proofreader you are the person who gives my stuff its starburst!
Vicki Rose – Love how you think outside the box.
Traci Hyland – You are incredible, and I thank you for everything.
Julia Clare – When someone loves your work and then jumps in, the results are amazing!
Marissa & Laurie – Looking forward to seeing what you can do with this!
Sneak Peeks!
Here are some sneak peaks into the other books:
Typecast –
A Hollywood Stardust Novel
Available now from Amazon
What’s Your Fantasy?
Twenty years ago, the movie Hollywood Stardust defined a generation of teens and changed the four actors’ lives forever.
Typecast as the villain both in front and behind the silver screen, Logan Alexander has purposely allowed his star to fade. Now with the 20th Anniversary of the movie on the hori
zon, he is the only one fit to step into the spotlight, deal with the unwanted publicity, and make sure that things meant to be left on the cutting room floor remain there.
Ivy Vermont has always longed to be a leading lady, yet her paralyzing stage fright has relegated her to stay behind the scenes as a fact checker for’s entertainment webcasts. However, when her one-time poster-boy crush walks in to the studio demanding only she be in charge of his story, she knows she must take advantage of her big break.
Now, Logan tightropes between old loyalties and new love, while Ivy struggles to stay in reality with her ultimate fantasy.
An Excerpt
“There is absolutely no way I am going out there and interviewing some B-list has-been bad boy.” Julia Davis, the lead entertainment reporter for crossed her arms. “Your little fact finder screwed up again. Seriously, Craig, how can I be expected to work this way?”
Heat encompassed Ivy Vermont, but she met Julia’s crossed arms with a set of her own and glanced between Craig Stockton, her boss, and Julia. “Technically, Logan Alexander is not a B-lister. He doesn’t even act anymore.”
“Your ridiculous details mean nothing.” Julia’s nostrils flared.