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Old Ladies Club 1

Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  Ty begins to back up and turns his back to me to exit the bathroom. “Whenever is good for you, blondie,” he tells me before he pulls the door shut behind him.

  Oh my goodness, my heart is beating to the rhythm of a Native American war-dance, I think. I can’t believe how empowering that felt. Shit, I need to hurry and get out so I can text Jenalyn and find out exactly what’s going on. Crap, she’s probably asleep by now. I know she sleeps when Leo sleeps. Well, I can at least check out the site. I mean, what’s all this fuss about? My curiosity is out of control and I’ve got to know.

  After I dry myself off, I quickly put my boy-shorts and t-shirt on. I proceed to go back into Jenalyn’s text and click on the link. What I read intrigues me, so I create my username and proceed to see if anyone else is on.

  Vanna: Hi, girls. I’m Jenalyn’s sister-in-law. Not sure about any of you, but apparently, we, and by we, I mean Jenalyn have already stirred up quite the hornet’s nest by chatting on here. Our men already know and are having meltdowns. Anyone else? By the way, this is a brilliant idea! Jenalyn, if you’re reading this, just know that I didn’t text you back right now because I didn’t know if you were sleeping or not. By the reaction I got when your brother got home, and the text from you right before, I’m assuming my own brother is completely losing his shit. I’d say I’m sorry, but you married him. Hehehe.

  Jenalyn: Fucking finally! Yes, all hell broke loose around here before I could butter his bread and work my magic as I slid the idea his way. So typical. I just got done feeding the baby.

  Vanna: Sure hope you’re talking about my nephew and not my brother!

  Jenalyn: Oh, please, trust me if your brother had let me feed him I wouldn’t be in near the dilemma I’m currently in. No worries, though. I just need a little more time. You know I always get my way.

  Vanna: Don’t remind me, TMI. I don’t know, Jenalyn. You might have a tough time convincing him on this one. Even your brother tempted fate when he tried to get a tone with me about it. They’re worse than a bunch of gossiping girls. Word sure did spread fast! Naturally, I had to see what you’d gotten us into, and I have to say I’m loving the concept. The convincing part will have to be on your end considering my brother’s ranking in the club. So, good luck with that. Hope you’re able to pull a rabbit out of your hat because you might need it with this one. Although, I don’t see the harm. Looks to me like we all have a ton in common and this could turn out to be extremely therapeutic. Going to spend some time with my man. We’ll talk later. Night.

  Jenalyn: Night, Vanna. Don’t you worry about your brother, he just needs a little more time and some sweet talk. If that doesn’t work, I have plenty of other avenues to test. This will be a ‘go’. You know he can never resist me for long. I’ll talk to Tess and Stormie tomorrow and see what they think. Love ya! Night!

  Chapter Eight


  Laying in bed entwined with Braxton, he says, “Sweetheart, you girls need to be careful.”

  “We’re being cautious, Braxton. What else do you want?”

  “Just...exercise caution until Bandit has finished checking everyone out.”

  “I don’t understand what the big deal is, I mean, I know that not everyone who posts on the internet is who they say they are, but from what I’ve read so far, these women are legit. Who in their right mind would go to extremes to infiltrate a bunch of old ladies?”

  “People who are out to hurt others, baby. Doesn’t have to be any more of a reason than that. And I’d kill someone if anything happened to you.”

  I look at him, this beautiful man I’ve been blessed with and sigh. When I first met him, he was so.... imposing and if I’m honest, just a little bit scary. Once he set his sights on me, though, all bets were off and he became an overprotective alpha male. Granted, he’s not as bad as I know others can be. In fact, none of the men are totally over the top if I’m being honest with myself. They us and want to protect us. Reaching out my hand, I stroke his face before leaning in and kissing him.

  “Thank you for always putting those you love first and foremost. I’m one lucky woman to get such an amazing man to call my own,” I tell him.

  “Cara, you and our children will always be my top priority, nothing else in this life matters more than y’all do,” he says leaning over to return my kiss and from the look in his eyes, take it further. Cue the twins crying, which causes me to want to join them. We never get a second to ourselves these days, or so it seems. Nan took over Braxton’s old apartment, so we have no outside help at night time. “I’ve got the bottles,” he informs me.

  Oh yeah, of course he does, because that’s the easy part of the job. I get up and go to their room and get diapers and powder and butt cream ready for application. Then I grab Landon, because he’s the fussiest when left in a wet diaper the longest. I get him changed, powdered and go set him in his swing that we leave in the room to occupy one while dealing with the other. Next is Layne’s turn, I grab her and she’s full of smiles. People say it’s gas, but I know my babies are happy when their mother is holding them in her arms. I get her changed and am ready to grab Landon from the swing when Braxton comes into the room with two bottles in tow. I tried breastfeeding, but my milk couldn’t keep up with the demand of two babies, so we switched to formula. Not only did my poor abused nipples cheer in triumph, but the babies started sleeping better and we were all happier all the way around.

  I take one rocker with Landon and Braxton takes the other with Layne. We talk about small stuff while feeding the babies, it’s been an agreement of ours that we wouldn’t be around any of our children and speak about tough topics or things that have caused tension between us. Something that has been good with Lily and Luca so we’ve kept that same tradition up with these two bundles of joy as well. Which is why we’re talking about anything other than the elephant in the room. I know our conversation isn’t on hold for long, but I am ready to take this fight on with him. DJ and these other women have a good thing going, we all could use a sounding board and friends to speak with on matters that have us stumped one way or the other.

  Once we have the babies back in their cribs, we check on the other two then make our way to the bedroom to prepare for the night.

  “We still need to talk about this, Cara.”

  I sigh...loudly... before I say, “I know we do, Braxton, give me a second to unwind, would you?”

  He nods his head instead of speaking and heads to the bathroom to take his nightly shower. I’m personally too tired and have little to no energy to hop in and join him. Instead I go in and brush my teeth, comb my hair and apply my moisturizer. He’s getting out of the shower as I exit the bathroom. I hear him growl out in frustration which causes me to smile.

  Cara - 1

  Braxton - 0

  That however doesn’t last long, he’s no sooner in the bed before his mouth starts running. “What is it that this site gives you that you’re missing in life, Cara?”

  “Nothing is missing from my life, Braxton. It’s just a place for old ladies to connect and vent a little. Nothing for any of you macho-men to be so freaked out over. While we’re on the subject, care to tell me why my activity is being tracked? I feel like a dog who has a GPS lodged in its neck.”

  “That’s not the comparison I’d personally use,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the headboard. I hope he doesn’t think this display of his dominant nature has any effect on me. He can stow his president’s hat as far as I’m concerned. I’m not one of his minions!

  “Really? And how exactly would you define it then?” I can’t help but ask, as I scoot so I’m against the headboard. I too cross my arms over my chest, to show him he’s not phasing me in the least.

  “I can’t think when your boobs are all scrunched together like that,” he says, and I notice his eyes are glued to my chest.

  “Oh, grow up, Braxton. Not everything is about sex, we need to have a serious convers
ation here.”

  “Fine, I’ll make you a deal.” I nod my head for him to continue. “You let me keep Bandit on top of this site and let us check these ladies out, and I promise to step back...some.”

  “Deal,” I hold out my hand for him to shake. If nothing else, Braxton is a man of his word and I know he won’t take back what he just said.

  “Deal,” he says shaking my hand. “Now, onto the next part of our night,” he says, practically throwing himself at me. I start to giggle, because I love the playful side of his nature. “Woman, don’t laugh when a man is trying to get him some.” That statement throws me into full-blown laughter. That is short- lived however when his lips find mine.

  “I love getting my way,” I tell him when his lips detach from mine.

  “I love giving you your way, the rewards are astronomical,” he says, making his way down my body. He doesn’t go after my breasts. Even though my milk’s dried up, they’re still sore and sensitive. He begins at my breastbone and works his way between my breasts, using his tongue and lips to cause goosebumps to spread throughout my skin. He slowly begins to remove my underwear and I arch my hips to assist him.

  “Want my tongue on your pussy, Cara?”

  “Yes, please, Braxton.”

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” he says, once my underwear are completely off.

  “I can’t wait for you to taste me, lick me and suck me,” I tease him. I’ve found that if I play the game with him, as far as dirty talk goes, he loses his control. And I love an uncontrolled version of him in the bedroom. I come so hard when he doesn’t stop and think about how he wants to caress me and love me. Once his tongue hits my clit, all rational thoughts leave my mind. He slips his tongue between my folds and shoves first one, then two fingers inside of me. He circles that special place inside of me that makes me weep in desire. Then he becomes erratic in his pursuit of getting me there and goes to town on my pussy like a man who’s starved. Lights burst behind my eyes, my head is thrown back in ecstasy and I come hard. I open my eyes to find him face to face with me, my juices clinging to his beard. He doesn’t even wipe them off before he slams his lips on mine, which is a first, but I crave him so much, that at this point in time, I don’t even care. His kisses are intoxicating and consuming, I feel him line himself up and in one thrust, he sinks inside of me. Slowly, oh so slowly that I almost beg him to take me as roughly as he can.

  “So fucking tight,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Please, Braxton. I won't break, more.”

  “You want it fast and hard, baby?” he asks me.

  “Yes! Show me how much you love me,” I pant out. His pace begins to quicken, his thrusts become harder and stronger, and I watch his face as he takes me. Love and lust are shining in his eyes. I express my love and devotion to him with my own, because right now he’s taking me so hard there’s no way words could leave me.

  “Only you, Cara, always only you,” he says, as his eyes pinched closed. I can tell he’s concentrating on not finding his own release until I’ve found mine. I snake my hand between us and let my fingers linger where we’re joined, fascinated with how far he’s got me stretched as well as the power behind his thrusts. Hearing him moan, I look and see his head is now thrown back and he grits out between clenched teeth, “Touch yourself, babe.” The minute I touch my juice-covered fingers to my clit, I can feel myself clenching around him.

  “Braxton!” I cry out, my orgasm crashing over me again and again. I can feel him thrusting almost erratically by now and the motion is keeping me going. With a shout, he stills and I can feel him filling me.

  “I love you, Cara,” he says once he’s twisted us so we’re face-to-face on our sides.

  “Love you, too,” I reply. He pulls out and I moan, earning me a smirk from that handsome face before he leaves the bed and heads into the bathroom. That’s one thing about my man, he always makes sure he’s cleaned me up when we’re done. It makes me feel spoiled, if I’m telling the truth. Once he’s done, he tosses the wet cloth to the side and crawls back into bed, pulling me close.

  “D’you want a nightshirt?” he asks.

  “Well, tomorrow’s Saturday so the likelihood of the older two bursting in is better than good.” He nods and gets back out of bed and grabs me one of his t-shirts. Silly man, he feels like he has to claim me even in our sleep!




  “We need to talk, baby,” he whispers, pulling me close. He’s on night shift right now and comes in early in the morning, a few hours before the girls have to be up. Good thing Shelby still takes a nap sometimes, because I want to be up with him whenever possible.

  “What’s going on, Turk?” I ask.

  “What are you women getting yourselves into?”

  I sigh because this has become a broken record based on what I saw on the site earlier. Each of our men has turned into some sort of over-needy neanderthal or something. “We’re doing this, Turk. We need this outlet. Yes, we have one another, but these women may offer a fresh perspective on things that we’ve already talked to death. We’re being careful, I promise.”

  “Bandit’s checking into it, Trin. Please be careful, I can’t lose you,” he states.

  “I would never do anything to put either our family or club in danger. You need to learn to trust us women the way we trust you men,” I tell him.

  “It’s not that we don’t trust you, it’s that we don’t trust outsiders.”

  “You don’t even know them to not trust them.”

  “Kinda my point here, sweetness. None of us know them, so we need to carefully tread waters here.”

  I wanna roll my eyes at him, but that’s somewhat juvenile, right? He can’t stand it when something isn’t in his control, but if I’ve learned anything, it’s that we need to grab life by the horns and enjoy the ride. You never know what tomorrow will bring, and I want to live. Not necessarily wild and free, but I want to experience things that I haven’t been able to up until now. I wasn’t sheltered growing up, but I wasn’t free to learn and explore like your typical teenager does. Then again, I’ve been wilder since Turk came into my life than I ever imagined possible. That man! He’s sex on a stick. I just have to watch him enter a room and I’m ready to climb his body and throw him down. Considering I was a virgin when I met Turk, I think that frame of thinking shows how much he’s taught me. And I love it when he teaches me new things and shows me different ways to understand things that I only saw in black and white. Now my life is full of color and I am seeing things clearer than I ever have.

  “So, are you completely freaking out?” I ask Turk.

  “I am a little bit, but I’ll attempt to back off some. But you girls are my life and I can’t sit idly by while something harmful may come your way,” he says. And the seriousness in his voice has me questioning the sanity of all of us women. Are we possibly bringing danger to the club? To ourselves? To our children? I need to talk to DJ and Cara and bring forth my new concerns to them. Could these women be out to hurt the ones we love?

  “I see on your face that you now have some concerns,” he states.

  “Just some things I need to talk out with my girls,” I tell him.

  “I think maybe you should make a day and discuss these things with them. Someone needs to be the wiser one in this situation, and unfortunately, sweetness, that’s going to be you.”

  “We done talking, big boy?” I ask, my hands running down and lightly gripping his dick.

  “Yeah, baby,” he says, pulling me close.

  And then we lose ourselves in each other.

  Chapter Nine


  Waking up this morning, I decided that I was taking the day off. I’m not even entering my office unless I have to grab something I left in there. Today is going to be about the kids and chilling. Yeah, there’s shit I need to be doing, but I can’t be bothered by it. I need to have a few different conversations with Blade and I have
no clue how I’m going to have any of them. I’m still getting used to the idea that I’m pregnant, and not knowing how he’s going to respond to it.

  “Kitten? Where are you?” Blade calls out, coming back in the house.

  “I’m in the bathroom,” I answer, having made a mad dash there before I could really do anything else.

  “What’s going on? This is days now that you have been gettin’ sick. Do I need to take you to the doctor?” he asks, concern lacing his voice.

  Catching my breath, I turn to face the man I love. The only thought running through my head is that he’s going to leave me because he’s not ready to start all over again with a newborn. Hell, I honestly don’t know that I’m ready, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I make my way to the sink and brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water. This buys me a minute or two, but I know Blade is going to be losing his patience very soon if I don’t start talking to him.

  “Um… we do need to talk about something. I probably should go to the doctor, but it’s not the kind you think,” I tell him, walking into our room to make the bed. I need to be busy while I’m having this conversation.

  “Keira, stop!” Blade demands. “Sit down and talk to me. I can’t deal with thinking that you’re mad at me. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  “I’m not mad. Well, I mean, I don’t exactly like that you’re all butting into our business with the old ladies site. We’ll get to that in a minute. I took a test at Skylar’s house and I’m pregnant.”

  Blade takes a minute to look at me. I swear he’s looking at me like I have two heads or something right now. Then, a smile takes over his handsome face and he buries his face in my neck after pulling me into his body. Lowering himself to his knees, Blade starts kissing my stomach and wrapping his arms around me.

  “Are you serious, kitten?” he asks.

  “I am. I know we haven’t talked about more kids, but it happened. I’m sorry!” I cry out, still not believing that he’s happy about this.


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