Book Read Free

Old Ladies Club 1

Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  “There’s nothin’ for you to be sorry about. We haven’t talked about more kids, but the more we have, the happier I’ll be.”

  “I’m not having a baseball team like Skylar and the guys. You can get that thought right out of your damn head!” I tell him. “Now, before Kenyon and Cory wake up, we have something else to talk about.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, sitting on the bed and letting me go. “I’m not sorry that we’re goin’ to be lookin’ in on that site. We just want to make sure that you’re all bein’ safe and these other ladies are who they say they are.”

  “I get that. But, it’s also about you guys controlling what we do. This is a way for us to talk to other women going through the same things we are, finding new ways to handle different situations when you guys are being pig-headed assholes, and meeting new friends. It’s not something for you to monitor and control,” I tell him, letting my bitch side out to play.

  “We don’t want to control you. We just want to protect you and make sure that everythin’ is on the up and up. Can’t you understand that we don’t want anythin’ else to happen to any of you?”

  “I can. But, Tank doesn’t need to monitor every little thing we do on there either. We’ve already told you guys that nothing club-related will ever be revealed. So, he needs to back off. Just like the rest of you Neanderthals do!”

  “I’ll never back off when it comes to your safety, and the safety of our children. However, if everythin’ comes back legit, then I’ll give you this. I’m not sayin’ that we’re not goin’ to continue keepin’ an eye on things, but we’ll back off. A little bit.”

  “Thank you!” I tell him, laying back on the bed and accepting his weight on me.

  Before the hot as fuck kiss he plants on me can lead to more, the twins start crying. Blade pulls back and rests his head on my chest. I hear him mumbling something, but I can’t make out exactly what he’s saying. I probably don’t want to know anyway. We get up and make our way into the nursery. Kenyon is standing up, holding on to the side of the crib closest to Cory while she plays with her blanket. I swear, Kenyon already acts like his daddy. He’s always watching over his sister.

  Blade has spent the day with us. There’s been no more talk about the site, and I trust that he’ll keep his word and back off a little bit when they find that everything is legit. He’s talked about the new baby and the twins, things he wants to do before I have this baby, and where he sees our family going. I’m happy to have the conversation not on the site for the time being and on positive things.

  Kenyon and Cory have just gone down for their naps, and I’m ready to lay down myself. Making my way into our room, I climb in bed with my e-reader and settle in to distract myself. I figured Blade would be heading over to the clubhouse, so I don’t pay any attention when he comes in the room and to my side of the bed. My e-reader is taken from my hands and placed on the stand by the bed, the blanket is pulled back, and Blade slides in next to me. I can’t even ask him anything because he’s already kissing me senseless.

  “I want time with my woman,” he says, making sure that I’m fully aware of what he wants.

  Kissing him back, I let my hands roam his body. I’ll never get tired of feeling my man and knowing that I’m the one that leaves him breathless and hard as a rock. I feel powerful and like the most beautiful woman in the world knowing that all I have to do is walk in a room or give him a certain look. Blade pulls my shirt up and over my head before kissing his way down to my chest. He knows that my nipples are sensitive on a good day, now that I’m pregnant, it’s even worse.

  As Blade pays attention to my tits, I pull his shirt up so I can touch skin and he pauses long enough to rip it over his head, throwing it over his shoulder. I pull him back in for a kiss as I arch up into his body trying to get as much contact as I can. My hands find his jeans and I undo them so I can reach in for what I really want. His cock is hard and I can feel pre-cum leaking already. I use my thumb to spread it around and down his shaft. Blade groans and kicks his pants the rest of the way off, having gone commando again today. My pants don’t last much longer and he literally rips my panties from me as a sense of urgency takes over for both of us.

  Blade makes sure that I’m wet and ready to take him before he lines himself up and plunges deep inside of me. I arch up into him and begin to meet him thrust for thrust. No matter how my man takes me, I love it. But, when he becomes uncontrolled and gives it to me hard and fast, I come unglued and find my release quick.

  “Michael!” I scream out as wave after wave of my release crashes over me.

  Blade doesn’t last long after I find my release, following me over the edge. We lay in one another’s arms, catching our breath, and coming back to reality. Every time we’re together, it just gets better and better.


  Cage and Joker are still on my shit list. All of the men in the club are, really. I get they want to make sure we’re safe and that these other women are who they say they are. I could tell them that I’m a twenty-something year old guy and they’d never know the truth unless we met. Or I gave something away. Predators are online every day and you hear stories about all the bad things that happen. Instead of looking into the site and the women we’re talking to, I get the feeling that they’re going to try to take over the damn site. This is not what I wanted when I came up with the idea to reach out to other old ladies.

  “Baby girl, are you still pissed at us?” Cage asks, walking in the kitchen.

  I’ve been in my sanctuary for days now. I bake and cook when I’m upset or pissed, it calms me down. This time, it’s not having the same effect though. I can’t keep the anger and resentment from continually creeping in my thoughts. So, instead of answering him and possibly starting a fight, I keep my mouth shut and continue to stir the fudge that I’m making. It’s done, really, but this is giving me something to do.

  “Skylar, I don’t want to keep gettin’ the silent treatment from you. Joker and I aren’t doin’ anythin’ wrong by wantin’ to make sure that you’re safe. We want to know that all of you are safe, our families are safe, and that these people are who they say they are,” he tells me, rubbing up against the back of me and pushing my hair to the side so he can reach my neck.

  “You think I don’t know that?” I ask, incredulously. “You guys aren’t just going to go in and check things out though, you’re going to take it over and it won’t have the same meaning.”

  “What meanin’ is that?” Joker asks.

  “It was supposed to be a place we could talk to other women. It’s hard to talk about certain things here with all the men and little ears around constantly. If none of the other girls are available, I want to be able to talk to someone else that’s not an outsider to the lifestyle. But, you can’t give us that. You have to come in, take it over, and make it so we still have nowhere to turn.”

  “That’s not what we’re tryin’ to do and you know it!” Cage says, pulling his sergeant at arms voice out.

  I used to be scared and intimidated when he did this. Now, I just find it annoying because he thinks that’s going to make me back down and let them have their way. Not this time. This is too important to me. It’s something I believe in and something I want to keep going. If our men scare off these other old ladies, I’m going to make sure that my men are sleeping on the couch for an eternity!

  “Dec, don’t you dare pull that shit on me. I’m not some club girl that needs to be put in line! I’m your wife and this is important to me.”

  “Baby, how about we agree to check it out, check the women out, and then only monitor it once in a while. Or when any new female makes an appearance on the site? Is that goin’ to make you stop freezin’ us out? ‘Cause I don’t know about Dec, but I’m tired of sleepin’ on the fuckin’ couch and not bein’ able to touch you.”

  “That depends on if you’re going to stick to your word and make sure that’s what happens,” I tell them, turning the fudge off and moving around
to pour it in the pans to put in the refrigerator.

  “We’ll stick to our word,” Cage tells me.

  “Fine. Now, take the kids out of here so I can relax,” I tell them. “I’m taking a bubble bath, uninterrupted, and then I might take a nap. I haven’t been sleeping so well.”

  Cage and Joker both kiss me breathless before taking off in search of the kids. I know it’s only going to be a matter of time before they join me in the tub. I’m not dumb enough to think that they’re not going to take advantage of the fact that they’re out of the doghouse. For now.

  Since the kids are sleeping, and I’m going to relax, I grab my tablet so that I can get on the old ladies site. I want to make a post and see if there’s anyone else online right now. I pull it up and wait for everything to load while I start my bath, add bubble bath, and then strip out of my clothes. It’s not going to be very long before my men are in here, just as long as it takes them to take the kids to Pops and Alice or to one of the girls.

  I type a post saying: My men are still kind of in the doghouse, but I’m done freezing them out. They’ve agreed to check the site, run a check on you ladies (I’m sorry for this), and then butt out. Except for the occasional monitoring or when a new lady joins us. My hope is that they don’t try to overrun us and take this away from us. I want to get to know other old ladies and try to help one another through difficult times or when we need advice.

  I’ve just put the tablet down and am sinking in the tub when the bathroom door flies open. Cage and Joker are standing there, already naked, and my mouth starts watering at their perfection. Honestly, I love these two men so much even though they drive me completely insane on a daily basis. No matter what they look like, they would look perfect to me. Cage is the first one to join me in the tub. He slides me forward so he can sink in behind me. His hands start roaming and exploring me like he’s never touched me before. Joker gets in and pulls my face to his. He kisses me breathless and I know that this is just a warm-up. They’re going to work together to get me so turned on, not like it’s a hard thing to do, that I let them have their way with me. Tonight is going to be a long night filled with all the love and passion a girl could imagine having and then some.

  Chapter Ten


  I’ve just gotten off the phone with Skylar. She and I got close while we were in Templeton, and I trust her input and advice that she always gives me. She’s never condescending and always stays judgement-free. I got some good perspective from her on how to handle the situation with the forum. She tells me to make sure to keep club-related information separate and trust my gut instincts. She’s right, my gut has never let me down before, and I doubt it will now. Everything within me screams out that I can trust these women. And from what I’ve read, they each are going through the same thing as we are where their guys are concerned.

  I feel good that Justice trusts me, but it’s the rest of the group that I’m worried will start things and I’ll remain at the bottom of the totem pole for the rest of my life. I didn’t ask for Justice to be forced to marry me for a truce between my father and the Rage Ryders. They agreed to that all on their own and I’m the one who wasn’t given a choice in the matter. I thought I’ve been handling myself with dignity and class given the situation.

  No matter how long I’ve been around for or what I do to prove myself, I still feel eyes burning into the back of my neck when I walk through a room. I won’t give these people any more of myself than what I already have. I do have some pride left after all, I swallowed a lot of it the day I walked down the aisle and married a man I didn’t even know. One I’m very grateful for, but nonetheless one who was forced to show up that day. That was all him and his loyalty to his club and in the name of brotherhood.

  Once again, I’m all alone in our house, so I decide to open up my laptop and see if there’s been any activity on the old ladies site. I see that Bristol’s been on and I scroll through the feed before I come across a post that captures my attention.

  The post is from Bristol, and she asks a question that has me rolling on the floor, tears flowing down my face. I gather control of my emotional outburst and read it again, surely my eyes were deceiving me.

  Bristol’s post: Does anyone ever feel like a dog on a leash when it comes to your man and his club?

  Oh, God. I did see it right, my mind is very imaginative, and I can visualize poor Bristol with a collar around her neck and a leash attached with Ghost holding the reign.

  I respond: Do you and your man indulge in some foreplay you’ve forgotten to share?

  I can’t help it, it was right there on the tip of my tongue. It warranted a further explanation in my mind.

  Bristol responds: Ooh, no... gross!

  I respond: Well, you know I wouldn’t judge you if y’all had that particular kink.

  Bristol responds: OMG! Stop saying that, now I can’t get the image out of my head! Go away, Lizzie.

  DJ responds: There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have our quirks y’know.

  Bristol responds: I’m going to kill you, Lizzie! Now everyone thinks I’m a nut!

  Cara responds: Nah, hon. Not a nut, just very enthusiastic. Foreplay is a favorite of my man’s and I. But even we aren’t that creative.

  Bristol replies: Can we change the subject please?

  I respond: What’s the matter? Are you getting indigestion or something?

  Bristol replies: Not funny! I’m not talking to you, Lizzie...go away.

  I reply: You just did.

  Bristol replies: What?

  I reply: Talk to me.

  Bristol replies: You’re a bitch, y’know that...right?

  I reply: Never claimed not to be. Then I insert an emoji of a devil with horns.

  Then I see Bristol has left. Guess I need to find something else to entertain myself with. Story of my life, a lonely houseguest stuck in a house that isn’t truly mine. At least that’s how it feels sometimes. Deciding the kitchen could use a good cleaning, I close my laptop and change into my cleaning clothes. Justice will be at work for another few hours, so I turn on the eighties rock station and get to work.

  “Lizzie, where are you, beautiful?” I hear Justice call out. Wow the time has flown, because I didn’t even realize what time it was.

  “In the bathroom,” I holler out, as I finish scrubbing the toilet.

  “In a cleaning kind of mood?” he asks me.

  “I was bored,” I state.

  “We need to find you a hobby,” he says.

  “Or, you could give in and let me get a job.”

  “You don’t need a job, baby, I like taking care of you.” I roll my eyes at that statement because it’s the same argument we’ve had from day one. Apparently, my father demanded I not get a job he would deem ‘beneath me’ which is every position out there.

  “You just don’t want to upset my father,” I tell him, as I brush past him, leaving the room which is already small, but with his large frame in there the walls begin to feel like they’re closing in on me.

  “Lizzie, wait,” he says following me.

  “What?” I ask, twirling around, ready for the same fight we always have.

  “Let’s not fight tonight, beautiful. I just want to spend a relaxing evening with you in my arms.” What can I say to that, that won’t make me sound like a complete and total bitch?

  “Let me shower and change, and then I’ll join you in the living room. I didn’t get a chance to cook so you may want to order a pizza,” I inform him.

  “Will do, hurry up.” Hurry up, shit, I’ll take my good sweet time if I want to. What’s he going to do, join me and wash me to hurry me along? Yeah, right.


  “Babe, we need to talk,” Wasp says, as he enters our bedroom. He looks serious, but I know I haven’t done anything wrong to be in trouble with him.

  “What’s up?” I ask him hesitantly.

  “Need to know why you are the way you are with Lizzie. The other Ol’
ladies take their cues from you, and you haven't been the most welcomin’ when it comes to her.”

  “I haven’t been that bad,” I reply.

  “Haven’t you, though? When a brother brings it up at one of our meetin’s it means it’s bein’ felt by more than just her.”

  “It got brought up at the table?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “It has, and as the president, I have to take these things seriously.”

  “I know, Wasp. I’m aware that my actions reflect on you. I just didn’t realize it was as bad as it is.”

  “Care to share why you don’t like her?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like her per se, it’s just that it’s hard to accept her. She was forced upon one of my boys, and I don’t like it or appreciate it. Not one bit, you know how protective I am of my boys.”

  “It’s not your place to judge her for that. That was her father's doin’, not hers.”

  “But, there’s a reason he wanted her inside, and that’s what I’m having an issue wrapping my head around. And now she’s jumped into the site head first with other club women that she doesn’t know. It just all seems fishy to me, I’m sorry if that’s uncalled for, but I have a right to feel the way I do, Wasp.”

  “You do, love, you do. But as the president’s Ol’ lady, you have a responsibility. You need to bury those feelin’s deep and stop lettin’ them out. I have enough on my plate as it is, and sticking up for you and your actions are adding to that. Get to know her, try to bring her in instead of pushing her away. If her father does want her here as a spy of sorts, how are we goin’ to figure that out if you keep her at arm’s length? You’re in the best position of any of us to figure out if somethin’ rotten is goin’ on around us.”

  I think about what it is he just said and agree with him. “Okay, Wasp. I’ll bring her into the fold and keep an eye on her that way.”


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