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Old Ladies Club 1

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  “Thank you, love.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Wasp. I love you,” I say to him.

  “I love you, too.”

  Lizzie may not be doing anything wrong. She may just be here because she was forced to. But my children, grandchildren and men whom I see as my sons, are all affected by her if she’s up to no good. If she is here because she’s trying to get inside information to share with her father, I’d hate to be her. Because I will protect those I love with everything I have.

  Deciding to send an olive branch I text her.

  Me: Lizzie, I’d like to get lunch with you tomorrow and talk. I want to start over with you, I know I haven't been the most welcoming and have been harder on you than I should have been. But I really would like a fresh start and to get to know you better.

  Lizzie: Can Bristol come?

  Me: I don’t see why not.

  Lizzie: Fine, send me the time and place and I’ll meet you there.

  There, the seed’s been planted, and now it’s time for me to see what she’s truly made of. I’m not a cruel person, and I’m sure I’ve come across to her as if I am. I’ve dealt with twenty-years of pain and suffering at the hands of my man’s brother. I won’t let anyone else, myself included, get shoved down that rabbit’s hole again. I just pray that she isn’t here to play us and her intentions where Justice is concerned are true and honorable. I’d love to have that be proven to me. I have a hard time just freely giving my trust away, that used to not be the case. You live and learn, and I for one have taken all of life’s lessons to heart, and vowed a long time ago that I would never fall victim to someone else’s games.

  I’m too old to deal with a young hen’s game, but I know how to shoot a rifle as good as any of the men here. I’ve been known to take down a few young birds in my time. Okay, more like in my imagination, or a video game. But I’ve had enough lessons from Wasp and my protective instincts will win out in the end...regardless of the consequences it would bring to me. As long as it doesn’t end up hurting any of the men or my family members.

  All’s fair in love and war.


  I’m not stupid, she’s up to something. I’m not going to fall victim to her charms. She may have everyone else fooled, but she doesn’t me. I’m not one bit taken in by her motherly ways. Maybe I should ask the girls if they have anyone like this to deal with in their clubs. Through private message of course, since most of the Rage Ryders’ Ol’ ladies are in the forum and can see every single thing I post. I need good solid, someone, anyone. I don’t know how much more I can take before I eventually snap.

  Chapter Eleven


  The next morning I’m awakened by the tiny tingling sensations running amuck throughout my right hand. Pulling my arm out from underneath the soft cushion of my pillow, I both struggle to open my eyes and gently massage away prickly annoyance. I look over and notice Justice is already out of bed and most likely has left for work. Turning my head toward the baby monitor, I notice Leo and Cami aren’t in their cribs, so I bolt out of bed and begin to sprint through the kitchen headed to their rooms.

  “Say hi, Mommy,” Clara says, holding up Leo’s hand to wave in my direction.

  “Momma,” Cami’s sweet little voice grabs my attention next and I look over and see her eating some pieces of fruit from her highchair.

  Relief washes over me and I walk over and give Leo a kiss before I go to Cami and give her both a kiss on her soft cherub-like cheek and a hug. “Morning, my sweet girl. Mommy loves you.”

  “Justice has requested that after breakfast I take the kids out for a few hours,” Clara informs me.

  Puzzled, I ask her, “Why would he ask that? I’ve got a few things Tess and I need to go over for our website, but it shouldn’t take too long. I’ll call him and let him know.”

  “Not necessary,” Justice orders from the top of the stairs where his office and my art studio reside.

  I look up at him quizzically. “What…wait, I thought you were working?”

  His steely-blue gaze is locked firmly onto me, and I know in this moment he’s wanting to finish our unsettled business from last night. He briefly switches his stare onto Clara. “It’s fine,” he begins, before he gives her a head nod to go ahead and proceed with his orders for the day. Looking back at me, he motions me with his hand to come upstairs. “Jen, you and I have a few things that need discussing,” he finishes, before turning his back to me and heading out of my sight.

  Has he bumped his head? Surely he knows by now how this relationship works, right? Yeah, I’m his and he’s mine, but his antics are beginning to remind me of the old days. That shit didn’t work then, and it isn’t going to work now. I slow my thoughts before I get too carried away, although with each breath I find myself already geared up to stand firm in my decision.

  Clara walks over to me and I give Leo another kiss. The smell of his baby lotion and soft delicate skin is a reminder of just how innocent my babies are. “Mommy loves you so much. You be a good boy today,” I tell him. Sometimes, I’d rather give up art and working altogether just to spend every moment with them. Other times, I count down to the very minute I will be relieved by Clara’s presence. Walking over to Cami, I notice several pieces of cantaloupe she’s thrown on the floor and sigh. My mom did tell me this was completely normal because I was beginning to wonder if I was the only parent of what can sometimes be an extremely messy child.

  Bending down, I kiss my daughter on the top of her soft and silky blonde locks. “Love you, my Cami-bear.” I pull away and rub the top of her head that I just kissed. “Even if you are a messy handful most days. You’re my messy handful,” I tell her with a smile. She grins widely back up at me causing a giggle to break free from my throat.

  “Ahem!” Justice’s attempt at annoying and interrupting me catches my attention and I turn back to the top of the staircase. He points to his wristwatch. “It’s time for my own messy handful to make her way up here as previously requested.”

  I give Clara my appreciation and begin my half-dreaded march upstairs. Once I reach the top, I hear Justice shuffling through some papers in his office. Taking a deep breath in, and slowly exhaling, I mentally prepare myself to deal with whatever he throws my way.

  Standing in the doorway, I rest my hands on the doorframe. “Yes, you beckoned?”

  He’s sitting in his black leather office chair and with one swivel, he’s facing me. “Don’t use big words to try and distract me, Jen,” he says.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I reply, “I both resent and refute that notion, Paine.”

  His palm crashes down onto the filing cabinet next to him causing me to jump somewhat. “Dammit, Jen, I’m in no mood for games and you know damn well what I’m talking about. How about this one?” he asks, hesitating as he looks down and back up at me, “Your meager attempt to slight me will only prove to be redundant, so get your ass all the way in here and close the door behind you.”

  My man’s not lacking in intelligence by any stretch of the imagination, but he’s never spoken to me using such words. I have to be honest with myself here and admit that it is a bit of a turn on. I can almost feel my panties trying to break free from my body and just fall to the floor beneath me. Inwardly I chastise myself for even contemplating allowing him to nearly seduce me with his newly-applied verbiage. This situation is mine to control.

  Shutting the door behind me, I lean my back up against it. “Well?” I begin, “get on with it, warden. I mean, that’s what you’ve basically appointed yourself. Now, not only do you tell me who I can and cannot make friends with, but you decide just how much of a mother I’m allowed to be to our children during the day?”

  Unexpectedly calm, he remains silent and alarmingly still for a moment just staring at me as he entwines his fingers together while eyeing me as if I’m his prey to devour. I catch myself swallowing and with that escapes an audible gulp. “I’ve already told you I’m not playing your li
ttle games today, Jen. When you’re done with your verbal tantrum, I’ll still be sitting right here,” he says, as he pulls one leg up by his ankle and rests it across his knee. “I have absolutely no set time to be anywhere, so this can take as long, or as little as you like,” he pauses, “you will decide how long this takes. For now, I’ll wait. Nothing you say will provoke me, and that’s the last time I’m telling you.”

  “Fine,” I let out, “I just don’t want to fight, Jus. I’m exhausted, and I do still have work to get done.” So much for having control. Never thought the day would come where I cave so easily to him. Nah, this is just exhaustion speaking. Whatever he has to say today can always be revised when I’m feeling more mentally energized.

  “So,” he begins, “Vault has run a check on every IP address that you’ve been commiserating with online. It turns out these women, if that’s who they truly are, seem to be connected with several real MC’s. Looks like it started with one that’s connected to the Wild Kings' MC.” He gestures with a tilt of his head. “I don’t see where we’ve ever had any beef with them or any of their affiliates. Next, we’ve got the Rage Ryders MC…pretty much the same deal where they’re concerned. Finally, we’ve got the Rebel Guardians MC, and I’ve not yet decided how that one sets with me. You see, it appears they are mostly on the up and up if ya know what I mean? Right down to having law enforcement within their club.” He pauses to gauge my reaction as I absorb and process the information he’s just given me.

  “Well, we do have Burkes,” I remind him, “so they might be making the same assumption of us, Jus.”

  “No, Jen. Burkes isn’t a club member. He’s in our pocket to keep any other law enforcement or government agency off our backs. They have an actual patched member who is, if I believe I heard correctly, the damn chief of police. So, yeah, red flags are popping up.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh and am met immediately with his rebuttal. “Don’t start to pout just yet. It’s a sixty-forty decision so far not in favor on my part of this little gossip group continuing on yours and Vanna’s part.”

  The scream of frustration building inside me is about to combust before I remind myself that I’m a woman, his woman, and pussy controls him…my pussy controls him. I might be mentally and emotionally not geared up, but I’ll be damned if I don’t use my greatest asset to my advantage. All I have to do is remind him subtly of what he misses out on if he pisses me off.

  I notice a fallen paper laying on the floor just past him on the other side of the desk. “You’re right, Jus,” I tell him as I begin to walk toward the piece of paper. I’m only wearing one of his white t-shirts and a thong. “I’ll just have to heed your warning and go with what you decide,” I say in a low near-breathless tone as I bend over in front of him, showing my mostly-bare ass. I make sure that my effort is slow, giving him enough time to catch an enticing view, which will definitely result in a hard-on from him. The large shirt of his I slept in falls forward as I bend over and as I raise my body back up, it falls down my shoulder so far it nearly exposes my bare breasts. Oh, this couldn’t be more perfect, and to top it off, my nipples are already hard.

  Turning around with the paper in my hand, I say, “Looks like you might’ve dropped something.” Extending my hand as I walk toward him, he begins to take the paper as his eyes never part from mine. There’s a certain darkness that bounces around in his eyes when he’s mentally undressing me, and I watch as it unfolds and celebrate inside. Glancing down, I see the fruit of my labor so far as it’s grown beneath his denim pants. As his hand takes the paper from mine, I grab a hold of his wrist, and he yanks it back toward him, which forces me to come with, and fall into his lap. He sets the paper down on the desk. I begin to remove his cut and he quickly stands, forcing me to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He turns me around and sets my bottom onto the desk. “Not today, Jen. Maybe you don’t have as much control as you claim to have. I mean, that is what you told my sister, and those other ‘Ol ladies, right?”

  Fuck! Snooping and using my own words against me? This shithead has some balls. He smirks at me before turning his back and walking toward the door to leave me in here. Frustrated, I run my hand along his desk, sweeping all the papers onto the floor. Justice stops and turns around with his smoldering glare. Rushing up to me he grabs my arms tightly, but not too intense and pulls me into a deep, firm kiss sucking the air straight from my lungs. He yanks his lips from mine and says, “You stubborn, stubborn woman.” He grabs my waist, lifts me up and again places me on the desk. My heart begins to race, and my body begins to heat as I pant at the thoughts that race through my mind of the various ways he’s about to make my body his playing field. Parting my legs as much as he needs with his knees, he slides my thong to one side and begins to circle my clit with his thumb. Balancing myself with my hands on the desk, my back begins to arch during his glorious assault. He slides first one finger, then two inside my pussy and slides them in and out. With my back arched, my panting increases as his rhythm increases. My lips part and he leans over me capturing my mouth with his and permission already granted as his tongue slides into my mouth to meet my own. It’s aggressive, but I’m already enjoying the start of our encounter. During our kiss, I remove my shirt, only parting our kiss momentarily and fully exposing my breasts for him to feast on. A growl escapes him as he breaks our kiss and looks down at my tits before he takes his free hand, cups one of them and draws it up and into his mouth. Justice licks, sucks, and tugs on my nipple all while bringing me to ecstasy with his fingers in and out of my pussy. The combination is exquisite, and I can feel the wetness my orgasm has created escape my pussy, creating the perfect playground for his cock. “Oh, Jus, keep going. I’m going to come again,” I say, breathlessly. Freeing his mouth from my breast, he unzips his jeans, and pulls his rock-hard cock through the open area.

  “So wet, so ready,” he tells me before he stops playing with my clit. “Do it, Jen. You want control? Control your next orgasm,” he orders, as he grabs the base of his dick and begins stroking it. I gulp at how extremely hot it is to watch my man stroke his own cock while wanting me to masturbate alongside him. I’m watching him as he’s watching me, and as I bring myself closer to letting go, I can’t help but listen to the begging of my body as I want to feel him inside of me. “That’s it, my everything, let go,” he tells me, “you’re trying to hold onto it…don’t.”

  My moans both beg for my release, and my need for him to drive his cock inside me. “Jus, please…” he stifles the rest of my verbal request by placing his index finger onto my lips.

  “Release, Jen,” he orders me, and upon his request and the fact I can no longer contain it, I do. Still stroking his dick, he moans out in unison with me. “Yes. That’s my girl.” He lines his cock up with my slick opening and begins to rub the head of his dick up and down my slit, grazing my already throbbing clit, sending tiny jolts of electricity throughout my entire body. I grab his back and slightly sink my nails into it, letting him know I’m more than ready as I try to pull his body even closer to mine. My subtle, unspoken request is granted, and he slams himself inside of me, which forces a pleasure-filled groan from the both of us. The pacing of his thrusts in and out of me switches from hard and fast, to slow and easy as he devours each breast separately, giving each one equal time and pleasure. He grabs the length of my hair from behind and tugs until my neck is arched. He slithers his tongue up from my breasts to my neck before he begins sucking and nipping at it. He slowly begins to ease his hold on the back of my hair as he glides his tongue the rest of the way up my chin, eventually landing on my lips. He traces my lips with his tongue until I part my mouth as I begin to feel my release building yet again. Taking advantage of my now open mouth, we both simultaneously pursue a meeting between the two. His pacing becomes more erratic and I know he’s getting close to his orgasm, so I slide my fingers down my navel until I find my clit and begin to rub and play with it. “Yes, that’s it, Jen,” he says, as he
looks down to watch as I help along my own liberation. “So fucking sexy,” he tells me, as he begins to push himself further and deeper inside me.

  “I’m about to come, Jus,” I inform him as I can feel my walls begin to pulsate from within.

  “Do it, and do it now,” he orders, “I’m about to come all inside of you, “and he does, as my release meets his.

  We’re both sweaty and out of breath as we both lean into each other.

  After pulling himself out of me, he grabs the shirt I was wearing and hands it to me to wipe myself up. I do so and slide my thong back over. “I know you haven’t eaten, so why don’t you go shower and I’ll make you something to eat.”

  “Aren’t you going to join me in the shower after…well, after you clean off my come from your desk?” I ask him confused.

  He grabs the shirt from my hands, wipes his dick off, and tells me, “I think I’ll be wearing you and all that control you seem to have over me for the rest of today.” He slips his dick back into his pants, smirks, and zips his jeans up.

  Sliding off of the desk, and a bit perturbed at his statement, I narrow my eyes at him and begin to walk away. The sting of his palm as it connects to my bare ass startles me and I let out a yelp as I turn around.

  “What?” he asks mischievously. “That’s called a love-pat.” His last statement is followed by a wink.

  This man. I could just slap him, fuck him, and strangle him on repeat most days. Yet, I’m the handful? I call out downstairs to make sure Clara’s already gone before I just walk out completely naked. After I get no response, I know it’s safe to go downstairs and have my shower.

  After I shower and get dressed, I smell maple syrup and walk into the kitchen to find Justice has just finished making us French toast and scrambled eggs. He sits down on a barstool and pats the one beside him, so I join him. “This looks delicious, Jus. Thanks.”


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