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His Dirty Bargain

Page 13

by Fiona Murphy

  “What the hell is with the stove?”

  “You don’t like it? It’s gorgeous. How can you not like it?”

  “It’s gold.”

  “It’s hardly blinged out; the handles are gold, the rest of it is cobalt blue. It’s a statement piece. This is a top-quality stove, each one is made only upon being ordered.”

  “Then how the hell did you get it so quickly?”

  “The home Dominic intended it to go into was sold before he had it installed. Tony says it’s worth every penny.”

  He goes still, his eyes hard. “You talked to Tony and Dominic? When did this happen?”

  I blush from embarrassment as I remember all over again Dominic’s words from that night. “Monday, I went to pick out everything. The place Ray referred me to, Fine Finishes, is owned by Dominic. He was waiting when I was done, I had dinner with Tony and him.”

  Now I know what Enzo looks like stunned. “You had dinner with Tony and Dominic?” Nodding, I can’t take my eyes off him. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because it was embarrassing. Amazing food and wine, and over three hours later I’m told I’m a bad person and it’s a good thing I’m not interested in getting involved with you because you deserve better than me.”

  He sighs. “I apologize for my cousin and uncle. They should not have contacted you.”

  Shrugging, I turn away. He doesn’t disagree with them. “They care about you. Give the stove a chance. If you don’t like it once the kitchen is completed, we can take it out.”

  “I don’t like it now.” The words are hard, rapping against my skin.

  “Tough, you told me to handle all the buying so I handled it. If once everything is done you don’t like it, then change it yourself.”

  “Or maybe I can just fire you now and hire someone else who will do what I tell them to do.”

  “If you fire me you’re still paying me, so please do, because I have better things to do with my time then deal with an asshole like you.”

  “Doing what exactly? Oh, that’s right, picking out a sperm donor because you’re a control freak who won’t let a real-life man close to you but that’s good for them, saves them from freezer burn.”

  I close my eyes against the pain his words cause in my chest. When I open them, he’s gone.



  Clenching my jaw tight against the apology I know I owe Chloe, I get the fuck away from her before I say something else I’ll regret.

  In the car, I pull out my phone. “Enzo, how are you?”

  “Stay the fuck away from Chloe, she’s completely untouchable. Do you understand?”

  Tony’s chuckle is unrepentant. “An old man’s attempt at meddling. I see it worked. You’ll thank me later.”

  “Dominic made her cry.” She didn’t say it but I could see it in her eyes.

  “Don’t go breaking noses. Your Ms. Hutchins, as most beautiful women are, was a little too sure of her hold on you. Dominic simply placed a doubt in her mind. Reminded her other women might be willing to give in to your endless attractions.”

  The wave of red washes away. “You had no right to interfere.”

  “I regret nothing. Some people don’t know what they have until it’s gone; she was simply reminded of that.”

  “She’s out of bounds until I say otherwise.”

  “As you wish. Good luck with her, she’s a beautiful woman and a good match for you.”

  Hanging up, I shake my head. Even though I still want to pound Dominic’s face, the anger is gone. They’ll stay away from her; for now it’s enough. I should be thanking Chloe for not repeating the completely and utterly stupid thing I did. Christ, even now thinking of it I can’t believe I did it.

  I have no idea what led me into the store on the way back from Che’s house, only once I was there, instinct kicked in. Marrying Chloe made perfect sense. The plan was to wait until after the house was finished, but standing there with her in my arms, it felt right. Even as everything she said made sense, it was all I could do to keep from lashing out at her in anger for daring to refuse.

  My first thought once my head cleared was to fire her ass, sell the house and wash my hands of the whole stupid interlude. Only pride refused to allow me to take a bath on the house. The place had sat on the market for over two years. From a business standpoint, which was all it represented now, the best thing to do was to complete the updates it desperately needed. Turn it into the home Chloe proclaimed it could be, then turn around and sell it at a profit, which I know I can do.

  I was sure I could work with Chloe, but I was wrong. Every time I see her, I want her even more. At this point she’s a fire in my blood. I’m unable to sleep, or focus on anything but how much I want her. I’m not going to try and change her mind; she’s so stubborn she’ll only dig in her heels. She doesn’t want me, she’s made it more than clear too many times. It’s time I started listening to her.

  Pulling up her number, I begin sending texts. I want updates every day, in the morning and in the evening. I want pictures of all the work every morning and in the evening. She needs to send me an accounting of everything spent, as well as her planned spending by the end of the day. Starting now, every week she needs to send a report to me by noon Monday, and what has been spent by noon on Friday with any updates on projected spending.

  I’m at my desk before she responds.

  Payment starts now.

  Hell, no.

  Payment starts week two. Or you can quit at any time and what you earned will be paid.

  No response. She’ll quit, soon. I’ll make sure of it.



  I hate him. I hate him. Oh my god I hate him so fucking much. So quit, just quit. Except I can’t walk away from Enzo.

  At work I have an issue with two agents fighting over a commission. Figuring it out takes almost two hours with a demand to take the issue to Dante to settle, and thank fuck Dante backs my judgement.

  I have an hour to get together everything Enzo demanded. Tabatha is a huge help, she sends everything over in an Excel spreadsheet I use to add the other expenses. I’m proud of myself for getting it in only a few minutes late.

  I’m wondering what I want for lunch when I get a response to the email I sent Enzo.

  Do it again. This doesn’t have the labor or the cost of the plumber or carpenter.

  I text Ray for the hours for his men and ask if he has the information on the plumber and carpenter. Ray takes a few minutes to respond with his secretary’s number so she can get me the hours for his men, he thinks she has the info on the plumber but he isn’t sure about the carpenter. Fair warning though, she’s on lunch until one thirty.

  I call her and leave a message pleading with her to get me the information as soon as possible because I have Enzo demanding it. With a sigh I respond to Enzo’s email, letting him know I can’t get the information until the woman is back from lunch. As soon as I get it, I’ll send him everything.

  His response is quick.

  Warning you now. Every time you miss a deadline you’re dinged ten thousand. This is a warning, from here on out you start losing money.


  You don’t get to start making up rules out of nowhere to cut my pay. Three hundred and fifty thousand, three months, that was the deal. So you aren’t a man of your word like your brothers always proclaim a Sabatini to be?

  No response. Fucker. Closing my eyes, I fight the anger welling up inside me. A few deep breaths and I open my eyes to see a response.

  Fine, but if you can’t meet the deadlines then you aren’t meeting my terms and you will be fired, and I will not pay you anything more than what you have earned. Three more times and you’re gone.

  I don’t bother responding. I totally hate Enzo Sabatini’s guts. Before I do or say something I’m going to regret, I grab my purse and get the hell out of the office for lunch even though I’ve lost my appetite.

  When I get back to
my desk I find everything I need from Ray’s secretary, a woman named Mara. I call her to thank her profusely and let her know I’ll need the information at the end of every week at the beginning of the day. She’s understanding and assures me she’ll get it to me.

  It only takes a few minutes to update the spreadsheet then send it to Enzo. This time there is no response.



  I explain Enzo’s new demands to Ray, and consider slugging him when he laughs. He assures me he’ll help out any way he can.

  I take pictures of the work done throughout the house. Wandering the rooms, I shake my head. If Enzo did buy the house for me, why did he care about the wood floors in the basement or the stove in the kitchen? Maybe like Dominic suggested, Enzo will find another woman to fill this home with the family he wants so badly. The very thought of Enzo with another woman in this home is a blow to my solar plexus, leaving me gasping as I sag against the wall. My legs refuse to work.

  Oh god, Enzo and another woman. Enzo’s children running around the house, playing in the backyard. There have to be three or four, loud, with ink-black hair and dimples with big brown eyes. He wants them; despite what he said, he hasn’t given up on them. A man like Enzo won’t let one setback keep him from his goal. I slide down the wall to the floor, and my head goes back. I told him not yet, but all he heard was no. I had sent the ring back and not heard a word from Enzo about it.

  Closing my eyes, I refuse to let the tears that have built fall. No, we’re beyond tears now. You did this. What are you going to do now?



  I’m exhausted. Sunday I slept late then took a nap, which meant I wasn’t tired until around three in the morning. So when my phone starts pinging with texts at eight while I’m still lying in bed, trying to decide if I’m actually getting up, it’s the last thing I want to hear. Without looking I know who it is. When I snatch the phone off my bedside table, I’m not wrong. Two texts: Don’t forget the report due by noon. The pool people will be at the house today at nine thirty and I need to meet them.

  Do you wake up wondering how you can annoy the fuck out of me?

  Fuck. This is what I get for getting on my phone before I’ve had coffee.

  No. I wake up wondering how much money I’m going to make. As hard as it may be to believe, you don’t factor into my thoughts. If I annoy you it’s only a happy coincidence.

  I don’t know why the hell I’m laughing, and now I’m annoyed at him and myself. Ass.

  Let me guess, you aren’t out of bed yet.

  He thinks he knows me so well. It’s even more annoying that he’s right.

  I’m out of bed now. Leave me alone.

  I also know him, he won’t leave me alone, which is why I’m leaning against my kitchen counter ignoring my coffeemaker while I wait for him.

  Because I texted you. Great. You’re one of those grumpy people who hate mornings until you’ve had your coffee.

  Rolling my eyes, my thumbs fly over my phone.

  Great, you’re one of those morning people that literally no one likes. It’s none of your business but I had a late night. I only got about five hours of sleep, no one is happy with only five hours of sleep.

  His response comes fast.

  If you aren’t going to meet your commitment to me because you couldn’t put down the book you were reading, it is my business. Don’t think I don’t know you stay up all night reading. Bethany told me.

  He really never forgets anything. Man, that is going to be a problem, because I forget everything except when something pisses me off.

  Didn’t Bethany also tell you I always meet my commitments even when I’m dealing with insufferable jackasses? How do you think I lasted so long with your brothers?

  I need mental help because I’m disappointed when no response comes through. Just as I toss my phone on the counter, it pings.

  Bethany told me many things. I’ve also learned a lot myself. As much as you say you hate bossy men, all the others bore the fuck out of you. I take my coffee with one spoonful of sugar and a small splash of cream.

  He’s not even here and I’m blushing.

  Maybe. The same way you don’t like agreeable women as much as you thought you did. I take my coffee with two sugars and two big splashes of cream.

  I’ve almost given up when he responds.

  I sleep naked.

  Lord, I blush like an idiot at the idea of Enzo naked.

  I sleep in panties and a T-shirt like a civilized human being.

  His response is much faster.

  Civilized is boring. I’ve always thought Santa and the tooth fairy were stupid. My father never did the tooth fairy thing. He just took the teeth and saved them in our baby books. My favorite food is lasagna.

  I remember Dante mentioning his father as the primary parent, his mother too busy with affairs to be present in her children’s life, which made it even harder to reconcile their love for their father with the person who killed their mother, then himself.

  I never had a baby book. My mother never did the tooth fairy, Santa wasn’t an option because when we were in the shelter there was no such thing as Santa. My favorite food is cacio e pepe, it was the first meal Nonna made me when we got to her home in Milan.

  My stomach sinks when no reply comes through. As I push away from the counter my phone pings.

  Walking into a meeting. My favorite color is gray.

  His answer leaves me with a smile and hope that we could maybe get this right.

  I make it to the house more than ten minutes late, traffic was a nightmare. The pool guy, Garrett, is understanding. He actually got here almost thirty minutes ago so he could take the time to assess the space and Enzo’s demands. A heated pool available for use year-round. He asks me if Enzo wants it lit. I tell him every upgrade available, consider it something Enzo wants. Garrett stakes out the sizes of thirty-six, thirty-eight, forty, and forty-two feet. I’m surprised by Garrett saying it should only take two weeks to install, then he explains they’ll be using a prefabricated fiberglass shell. He promises he’ll have the estimates before noon. The one thing I’m concerned about is the backhoe getting into the backyard to dig. I ask if there is any other way.

  “Sure, but it will cost more.”

  “That’s fine. I don’t want to tear out the fence set in concrete.” I thought I would struggle more with all the money I’m willing to spend on the remodel. Then again, it’s Enzo’s money, and his demands for forgetting cost over value makes sense.

  “Not a problem. Here’s my card, call me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.” His smile is a little too wide. Interesting, he has a dimple in his left cheek just like Enzo. All I can think is he needs to shave.

  I don’t return his smile. Taking the card, I nod. “I’ll talk to Enzo and email you back. Have a good day.”

  Without another word, I go into the house to talk to Ray.

  “Bad news, they pushed us back to Wednesday for inspection on the half bathroom, so I can’t close anything up until then. It gives you time to get over and pick out a sink and toilet.”

  “I’ll go over to Finishing Touches from here before I go into work.”

  “I have one guy down here finishing the tile backsplash, the others are moving upstairs to start the bathrooms. Pick out the finishes on those too. I sent over the measurements to Tabatha already. I’m hoping we can get everything done to get them approved at the same time they come in on Wednesday, it might work to our benefit.”

  After confirming the design of the backsplash with the different tiles, I leave. In my car I check my messages, hoping there isn’t anything I need to get done at work. My email box is bare.

  It takes forever to pick out the tile for the master bathroom. Since he was so picky about the steam shower, the multiple jets in the shower that is half the size of the entire bathroom, and the jetted extra-long tub, I send Enzo pictures. He responds he doesn’t care. Annoyed, I send hi
m one of pink quartz. Two seconds later he sends back he wants the second one I sent him.

  It’s almost eleven before I’m done. Tabatha promises she’ll have the cost of everything waiting for me in my email by the time I get to work.

  Once I’m at work it only takes twenty minutes to put everything into a spreadsheet and send it to Enzo. I shoot him another email asking him which pool size he wants to go with.

  His response doesn’t really surprise me: the biggest one. I sigh. Then respond I don’t think it’s the right one for the size of the backyard.

  He comes back asking why there wasn’t any quote for an enclosure of the pool. Heated or not, without an enclosure it isn’t year-round.

  I call Garret to ask him.

  “We don’t do enclosures. I’m emailing you a link for a company we work with who does.”

  It only takes ten minutes on the site to pick out two enclosures I like and send them to Enzo. In the email I remind him again, going with the midsize pool will allow for the room of the enclosure without making the backyard feel overcrowded.

  His response is an email he cc’d me on to Garrett, going with the thirty-eight-foot square pool.

  The rest of the day I complete two reports for Dante and spend time going over a listing with an agent who is getting depressed at no interest after six weeks.

  I’m almost done for the day when my phone goes off with a text.

  You were supposed to send pictures with your report. You didn’t. Per our discussion before, you get three times before you’re out. This is one.

  Closing my eyes, I exhale until there is no air left in my body. Allowing my head to fall into my hand, I take a deep breath, then another until the desire to find Enzo and kick him repeatedly in the balls until my foot hurts has left me. It doesn’t matter he’s right, it doesn’t matter he warned me. What does matter is he’s an asshole of epic proportions, and I’m questioning my sanity for still wanting him. After this morning’s texting I thought we had found, I don’t know, some semblance of peace between us. It hurts to find out I was wrong.



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