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His Dirty Bargain

Page 14

by Fiona Murphy


  I roll over, completely exhausted after all of four hours of sleep, intent on destroying my ringing phone only goddamnit, it’s Enzo’s ringtone and it won’t stop him.

  “What, for fucksake?”

  “Get your ass over to the house now.” Then he hangs up on me. Fucker.

  As much as I want to, I don’t bother trying to call him back and find out what’s wrong. Instead I’m out the door in less than twenty minutes.

  My heart sinks as I read the letters on the side of the van in front of the house: mold removal. Ah....FUCK.

  I’m not two feet into the house before Enzo bellows my name. For a heartbeat I consider just walking away. But that’s for pussies, and smart people, and I’m neither.

  He’s coming up the stairs. “How the fuck could you have missed the black fucking mold downstairs?”

  “Well, considering the construction crew didn’t even catch it until more than a week into tearing up floors and walls, pretty damn easily. Where is it?”

  It’s obvious he doesn’t like my answer. “In the downstairs bathroom. It wasn’t properly sealed. It’s in the bathroom and the bedroom next door, as far as they can tell. A week, it will take a fucking week to pull it all down and dispose of it properly. Meanwhile I’m going to have to keep paying the crew so I don’t lose them to another project.”

  Ray visibly relaxes behind Enzo. I roll my eyes. “There are issues with every project. A week isn’t that bad.”

  “That’s what you think. I accepted a cash offer on my place exactly twenty minutes before I got the call from Ray. They wanted immediate occupancy, I need to be out tomorrow.”

  Enzo is still walking and talking all the way up to within a few feet of me, aggression in every line of his body. I should be reassured by the large number of men around us—he wouldn’t do anything with them all watching, and they are all watching. “Thanks to your poor recommendation, I’ll be paying for a hotel and a crew that isn’t working.”

  “Hey, you were the one who picked this place. For once you showed some taste in picking a home. It was built in 1902, it’s 2019, there are going to be issues. The foundation is sound, the floors are in great shape, and even the plumbing has held up. One fucking week of putting the job behind schedule is nothing in a rehab. And I don’t get the big deal about being in a hotel, your place was so sterile you were practically living in a hotel anyway.”

  I turn to Ray. “Why don’t you get your guys out of here. We don’t want anyone getting sick. I’ll call you when we get the all-clear from the mold people.” Ray’s crew files out of the house like they’re abandoning the Titanic. There’s a tall, slim guy in white who perks up when I say mold. “Hi, I’m Chloe Hutchins. I’m attempting to manage all of this. Why don’t you give me the Cliff Notes on the issue?”

  Enzo doesn’t move, he’s inches away from me while the mold guy, Dennis, takes me through the process. His team will need at least another hour or two to make sure they’ve done a thorough examination. I give him my card with my cell to contact me. He tries to talk me through the whole process of cleanup. I assure him I trust him, Sabatini Real Estate has used his company in the past, and we’ve been happy with their work. A fast nod when I mention Sabatini Real Estate. The guy nods at Enzo, then flees down the stairs so fast he stumbles.

  I turn back to Enzo. “Feel better now that you yelled and scared everyone away?”

  He shakes his head slowly. Holy crap, there’s something in his eyes melting my entire body from the inside out. The door closes with a bang behind me. Enzo takes a step forward, pressing his hard body against mine, and every skin cell in my body jolts with electricity, with need. I cling to him, desperate to get closer, to melt into him, to slip into his skin so I can feel him all around me. Big hands come down on my hips and oh god the hard thrust of him against me sends a flood of hot, wet heat to my core in preparation for him. My back meets the door, but I barely feel it. All my senses are focused on Enzo, the feel of him, the smell of him invading every inch of my body. He’s teasing me, driving me crazy, his head is only inches from mine. Frustration makes me cranky, allows me to find my voice. “Quit teasing me, Enzo. You’re killing me here.”

  The asshole laughs, a small blast of air against my cheek. “I’m the tease? I seem to remember giving you the best damn orgasm of your life then going home in pain to jack off to the taste of your sweet pussy still coating my mouth. That sweet pussy I can smell dripping wet for me now.”

  Instantly my face flames with heat. My head goes down against his chest; I love how I can feel his chest moving with deeper laughter. “’re right, that wasn’t the best way to say thank you. I can think of another.”

  My hand slides down between us. Oh lord, he’s huge. Enzo sucks in air as his eyes go wide. “Don’t start something you aren’t going to be able to finish.” He growls low in his chest.

  The rumbling causes my breasts, already heavy and full, to crave more. I rub against him as I slide down on my knees. “I’ll make sure you finish,” I whisper as I lower his zipper. Much better to get to him. Wow, I cannot fit my hand around him. My mouth waters in anticipation; weird, I’ve given blow jobs in the past, but only when a man begged. I did it without pleasure, doing the best I could to get it over with as quickly as possible. Freeing Enzo from his silk black boxers, I’m glad I’m on my knees already, because there is no way I would have been able to stay standing. His immense ego is completely understandable now. I feel like a fucking king holding him in my hands.

  I shouldn’t be surprised he’s perfection, from his bold shining head to his thick shaft, but I am. All thought disappears and need takes over, the need to taste him, to learn him, to please him, to blow his mind the way he blew mine. My tongue tastes the weeping tip of him, salty, tangy yet sweet to me, and I’m greedy for more. Swirling my tongue, I suck lightly then deeper on the tip of him as my hands run up and down the length of him. Oh god, I want so badly to take more of him but a few inches are all I can manage, damn it. Enzo hisses in pain above me. “Sorry,” I murmur as I kiss then lick the spot, desperate to make amends.

  “Okay, it’s okay,” he mutters as his hands go into my hair, guiding me on him. “Tighter, grip me tighter, just like that.”

  My tongue is greedy though, and before long I’m running it down the length of him, needing to know every inch of him, to taste all of him. The soft sac against the back of my hand catches my attention. Delicately, gingerly I run my tongue over this new part of him, then gently suck once and then again. Enzo groans my name; no sound could be sweeter. I stroke him tighter as I suck gently on the sac, then he’s moaning. Not yet, not just yet.

  Teasing the weeping slit at the tip of his cock with my tongue, I suck harder and harder as I jack him lightly, barely grazing his cock. His hand tightens in my hair. I smile around him, continuing to tease him. I’ve never felt such power before, never had it fill me up to the brim with pleasure, with joy, knowing it was all because of what I was doing to him.

  Enzo growls as his hand tightens; he’s moving me now on him and I don’t dare fight him. I work to take him deeper, to push him over the edge. His cock thickens, he tries to pull me away, but I refuse—I want everything, I want all of him. In only seconds I find I should be careful with that desire as I struggle to swallow all he gives me. Before there was distaste, embarrassment; now there is only pride in the pleasure I gave him.

  A soft flood of Italian swear words pour from him as he wipes my face with his pocket square. His hands are gentle as he pulls me up from my knees. Wanting to help him, I tug up his pants as I stand with his help. From far away there’s a crash. I jump as I remember there are people downstairs dealing with the mold. Holy crap, I really did that. I went down on my knees and sucked Enzo off in a house with people in the basement in broad daylight. And I’m not ashamed, I’m proud as fuck for pleasing him, for putting the smile on his face. “You forgot they were there?”

  “You have a way of making me forg
et everything else.” His look is cautious. I hate it because I did that to him. Even after what just happened, he’s waiting for me to push him away again. “Are you really mad you bought the house?”

  He shrugs as he steps away from me. “After the updates it will sell for more than I put into it.”

  Panic hits me square in the gut. “You’re going to sell it?”

  Another shrug. “I didn’t want this place. I told you, I bought it for you. I’ll find something more to my taste.”

  “You can’t sell it.”

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want with it.” Enzo is opening the front door. Is he really just leaving?

  “Ask me again.” What? I don’t know where the words came from. He shakes his head without looking back. I grab his arm, turning him to face me. “Fine, you asshole. Marry me, help me fill this house with all the children we can bear, help me to turn this from a house into a home. Marry me and we’ll fill it with laughter and memories.”

  He doesn’t say anything; those black eyes of his run over every inch of me, seeing into my soul. I don’t blink, can’t blink. One step, his body is back against mine, his hands go to my hips holding me tight against him. How the hell is he hard again? “At least two kids, and ten years.”

  “I want six kids, and you get as many years as you earn.”

  “You have to sign a prenup.”


  Without warning I’m up in his arms. My hands go around in his neck, terrified he’ll drop my fat ass. Only faster than I thought possible we’re up the stairs, and he shoulders into the first bedroom off the stairs. Kicking the door closed, he sets me down on the bed. I miss his body the moment he steps back. All I can do is stare as he begins shedding clothing. Wow, his chest is thick with dark hair, yet I can see tattoos: across the right side of his chest a wolf, on the left side is a skull wearing a beret with the word “Ranger” above and a scary looking knife below. His right bicep is covered in a Dali image, I don’t know the name, the elephants with the long legs in the desert. Seriously, his whole body is a work of art from his wide, muscled shoulders down to the line of muscle along his calves. Even as I’m melting at the center of me to have him deep inside me, fear shoots up at how large he is.

  “I should mention, it’s been a long time since I’ve done this and no one has ever been so big and—”

  A hand goes into my hair, holding me in place as he steps between my legs. His kiss is rough, savage, stealing all the air from my body, yet when he tears his mouth from mine it feels painful. “I’ll fit. Your body will take every inch of me, and I’ll make sure you scream from pleasure while it’s happening.”

  Releasing his hold, he pushes me gently back onto the bed, then tugs my skirt and panties down my legs. “I thought I was dreaming when I smelled your pussy. You love sucking my cock, angel?” Blushing, I nod. Enzo laughs. “I love it. Blushing after you took me like a greedy woman who could give lessons on sucking cock.”

  With a growl he tears open the blouse he was having trouble unbuttoning. I thought black couldn’t possibly get darker; I was wrong. “I liked that blouse.”

  “I liked it too. I’ll buy you another one.” Head down, his lips graze the skin along the edges of the silk bra I’m wearing. A flick of his fingers and he undoes the clasp between my breasts. His jaw tightens, and fear builds within me as I wonder what he thinks of me, so different from the women he’s been with before. A thick finger teases around my areola, sending sparks along my skin, causing my nipple to tighten. “Beautiful,” he murmurs as his tongue slips out between his lips.

  Long velvet licks roam over me, followed by teasing flicks before he swallows my breast into his hot mouth. My breasts have always been sensitive, yet not one single man has ever driven me out of my mind the way Enzo is doing. His hand is teasing, gentle, flicking the taut nipple the same way his mouth is until I’m desperate, begging for more, for him to stop, for what I can’t put into words.

  Only it’s not just his tongue, or his hand; he’s brushing his body over me, working his knee between my legs, teasing my inner thighs. My whole body is on fire, my skin too tight, and my pussy is soaking wet to a level I have never known before. I would be embarrassed if Enzo wasn’t whispering how much he loves knowing how wet I am for him, how he can’t wait to taste me again.

  Deeper, Enzo sucks on my nipple until, no, please, stop, I can’t. I’m blinded by my orgasm, shocked to the core at the shaking of my body as the world explodes around me. Disbelieving it was possible, I’m in a daze as Enzo laughs above me, kissing me gently on my wide open mouth.

  The kiss is too quick, then his mouth is roaming down over my soft, fleshy stomach. Again I wonder if he’s comparing me to other women. Then all thought disappears as his velvet tongue runs over the heated mound of me. “I never expected you to be bare. The better to see you, the better to eat you.”

  I thought he was driving me crazy before, but no, oh no, not even close. His tongue is hell and heaven, and his fingers are demons driving me to sob incoherently for my orgasm, for forgiveness, for him to fuck me. My whole body is taut, on the knife’s edge, then he sucks my clit at the same time as his fingers rub against the sweetest spot in the entire world, and I crash down from the stars and break into a million pieces. Sudden fear at the intensity shakes me, and Enzo’s arms go around me, rolling me onto my side. He tucks me into his body as he murmurs soothing words against my brow.

  I’m not sure how long it takes before I calm down. Groaning in embarrassment, I hide my face in his neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, don’t apologize.” A large hand runs down my spine.

  “I’ve’s never happened with a man before. Maybe that’s why.” I try to find some reason.


  “No, it always took me too long. I’ve only even gotten wet with one guy before, but nothing came of it. He got tired, I got tired and we called it quits.”

  “Damn, no wonder you gave up on men.”

  “It was a pretty big reason, especially when they made such a big deal out of it.” I move and oh, he’s still hard. Without hesitation I reach down to grasp him. “You’re positive you’ll fit?”

  Enzo laughs as he rolls me onto my back. “I’ll fit. Are you protected? I’m clean. I want to start trying tonight.”

  Shaking my head, I blush at the way his words make me wet. “I’m not protected. I want to too, only it’s not the best time of the month.”

  “Sabatinis never back down from a challenge.”

  I laugh. “It’s not a challenge, it’s science but by all means, I won’t back down either.”

  “Good girl, perfect answer.” A small kiss becomes deeper until my head is spinning. Enzo’s knee presses my legs open, and I open wide for him. I gasp as two fingers slide over the slit of me before slipping inside me. Then he’s there, thick, blunt, so damn hot I swear he’s burning me. A gush of liquid floods me, did I come? No, what was that? I don’t have time to think, he’s pressing into me, gently yet inexorably. My body doesn’t dare deny him, giving way as he surges deeper into me. Breath tight in my chest, I exhale as he stops moving. We’re skin to skin, as deep as he can go and he fits, god does he fit to perfection, he was made for me or I was made for him I don’t know I don’t care, I just know nothing has ever felt so right, so true, as if it always was and will always be.

  His head comes down on mine, our eyes meet. He feels it too; it’s there in those dark, endless eyes. Those words from that day come back to me. When you know, you know. When it’s right, it’s just right. Shame and wonder fill me; how could I have missed it? When it’s perfect it’s utterly, exquisitely perfect. I almost say it but bite my tongue, I’m not even sure why, then he blinks and it’s over. Another kiss, this one gentle, so sweet he brings tears to my eyes, then he begins moving inside me.

  My arms go around him, wanting all of him against me. Slow, gentle he moves, only all too soon it’s not enough for either of us. I urge him on as my nail
s dig into the skin of his back and my legs wrap around his waist, oh wow, he’s deeper this way and grazing against that sweet spot. More, please, more, faster, I plead to deaf ears. Desperate, I grasp him tight from inside and a growl comes out of him, sending vibrations through my entire body. And that does it. Enzo is unleashed, surging hard and fast, deeper and deeper fuck yes, god yes. So close, so close, another attempt to clutch at him sends a rough hand into my hair, pulling my head back, baring my throat to him. His teeth find where my shoulder meets my neck, he sucks hard then nips painfully and holy fucking shit he thrusts hard into me, sending my whole body shaking into a bone-aching orgasm that has me screaming his name. Another growl, then I feel, oh do I feel him thicken, imprinting all of him inside me before spilling into me, flooding me with thick, hot come. I shiver at the sensation even as my body continues to tremble from my orgasm.

  Head down on mine, Enzo moans as my hands roam his back, then down to his ass. Damn, he is muscled absolutely everywhere. “No, don’t move, the better for everything to stay inside me. You feel so good.”

  “I’m too heavy and my bones are fucking mush.” With a press of his lips to my forehead he rolls onto his side, taking me with him. “Deal is sealed, you try to back out now, I’m just going to fuck you into submission from here on out.” His phone starts ringing before I can answer. He goes tense against me. Shaking his head, he squeezes me tighter. “I’ll let it go to voice mail.”

  That he’s willing to let it go to voice mail has me going gooey in my tummy. “You can check it. I don’t mind.”

  He shakes his head. “No, I—” The phone starts ringing again. “Damn it.”

  “Check it, Enzo.”

  I watch as he gets off the bed. Wow, just wow. I’m gooey in more than just my tummy. He catches me staring at him and smiles, until he listens to the message. Ending the call, he frowns. “I have to go.”

  “I figured as much.” I start to move off the bed to get dressed, only my body protests in the most embarrassing way.

  A large hand goes down on my stomach. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”


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