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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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by Melody Heck Gatto

  “Because you love me.” Alison smiled the cheekiest grin that she could muster.

  The door to the shop opened up, letting in a breeze of cool air. It was mid-March in Pittsburgh and the weather couldn’t make up its mind; was it ready to turn into spring, or was it still winter? The forecast predicted a warm front over the next few days, and she couldn’t wait. The freezing temps at night left her feeling miserable in the dreary and cool mornings. Ironic as it was, since she was an ice skating instructor, she preferred the warmth of the sunshine.

  “Yeah well, maybe just a little.” Hailee laughed. She grabbed a doughnut out of the box on the desk. “You’re lucky. I come here just because I like these doughnuts.” She teased.

  “So, how are things with Dom?” As if Alison didn’t already know. Hailee had been non-stop smiling since they got back together. The couple even got new, matching tattoos.

  Hailee wiggled her ring finger and stared at her sparkly diamond before answering. “Wonderful.” She narrowed her eyes at Alison and tilted her head. “What’s up with you? You’re in a good mood this morning. Little early for that, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. No reason.” She batted her eyes as innocently as she could.

  “Liar. You’re beaming. I assume you were with Kaden again last night?” Hailee grinned. “I just love you two together. I still say you’re going to be next.” Hailee had a thing about Alison being next to get engaged.

  “Whatever.” Alison was in no rush, but she sure did love being with him. Just talking about Kaden made heat rush to her cheeks. “Dinner and a movie.”

  “I’ve been told he makes a mean pancake as well.” Hailee broke another doughnut in half and devoured it. Wiping the powdered sugar off her face, she grinned a sugary grin while looking out the front window.

  “Hailee, what are you— Oh.” Kaden was at the front door, juggling thermal coffee mugs and a bag.

  “Pancakes, anyone?” He sat the coffees on the counter, and unpacked the bag. “Coffees for you and Hailee. There are also two containers of mini pancakes for your staff, and a cup of syrup to dip them in. Of course.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” Yeah, this domestic thing looks real good on him.

  “I know. But I’m just great like that.” He kissed her nose and continued. “There’s also a container of pancakes especially for Hailee, to make the legend of my pancakes a reality, and a container of mini pancakes for you. I know you already ate, so spare me the ‘Oh, Kaden you shouldn’t have’. I wanted to make sure, in case your day got too busy, that you still ate something.”

  “He’s so awesome,” Hailee said, with her mouth already full of pancakes. Alison raised her eyebrows. “I actually meant, these are so awesome.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Dom that you’re falling in love with my man over his breakfast.”

  Kaden chuckled. “Please, I haven’t got anything on Dom when it comes to cooking. He’s the one who taught me. I had to learn to cook to survive when he moved out.”

  “Yeah, we have Dominic’s mom to thank for his mad skills in the kitchen,” Hailee added between bites. She jetted her lip out in a pout. “Speaking of my fiancé, and seeing you two all lovey-dovey, I miss him. Since you’re not at the arena yet; I bet he isn’t either. I’m going to go to the break room and call him. You two kids behave.” She winked at Alison before leaving.

  Alison snuggled into Kaden’s strong arms. “You didn’t have to do this. But it was sweet of you. Thanks.”

  “I did want to make sure you had a snack, and of course, feed Hailee. But I really came by to ask you to dinner tonight.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.” Being with him is always better than being alone. Flashbacks of last night left her body warmed and excited.

  “We don’t have a game tonight, so how about I pick you up at seven?” He ran his knuckle down her jawline, causing chills along her spine.

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  He took her face in his hands and brushed his lips against hers. “Great. See you then.” He yelled to the back room, “Later Hailee!” A wink in Alison’s direction before he left had her body humming again. She already missed him.

  Hailee returned from her phone call. “Lover-boy gone?”

  “Yeah, he’s got to get to practice.” Just seeing him had her longing for more of last night and this morning.

  “Let me say, he’s a definitely keeper. To-go pancakes for breakfast and coffee delivery? And not fast food coffee, either. Kaden knows how to score points.” Hailee nodded while eating.

  Alison shrugged. “Is it really that big of a deal? Dom does stuff like that for you. Don’t say that he doesn’t spoil you…” Her voice cut off as her phone suddenly buzzed in her pocket. It was a text message.

  Kaden: Hey doll. Miss you already.

  “Aw, is that Kaden?” Hailee asked with a smile that stretched wide across her face.

  “Who else would it be? Duh. You’re the only other person who texts me, and you’re here.” Alison’s stomach tingled like a schoolgirl reading a note from her crush.

  “He’s got it bad for you.” Hailee snickered.

  “You think?” Alison’s feelings ran deep for Kaden. They had connected almost the very moment that they met at the skating rink. At first Alison thought it would just be a fun one-nighter, and that would be the end of it.

  But along with the fun, they had talked that whole night away, and by dawn they were already making plans to see each other again. They’d been almost inseparable since. Her heart warmed every time she thought about him. Yeah, I have it bad for Kaden.

  “You’re blushing.” Hailee pestered.

  Her face was hot; yes, she was blushing. “Enough about me.” Even after almost a year of dating, a morning like she’d just had with Kaden made her feel so giddy she couldn’t sit still. Her feet tapped and her fingers moved nervously. “How is the new house coming along?”

  Hailee was busy moving her stuff into the house Dom had bought for them. Hailee’s dream had come true when she finally opened her art gallery, and the Valentine Gallery had taken off better than they had expected. Local artists couldn’t wait to get their art on her walls.

  Alison wondered if the fact that Hailee was engaged to one of the Renegades’ star goalies had an impact on that interest. But nonetheless, business was good. So good in fact, that Hailee had hired her first employee, which allowed her more time with Dom, and to get ready for their wedding.

  “Now that I’m finally all moved in, I’m just trying to get it all organized. Dominic might be the neat one, but I’m the creative one.” Hailee smiled wide. “You should definitely come over for dinner soon.”

  * * * *

  Alison’s stomach was full of fluttering butterflies as she took one last look in the mirror. It was still chilly out, so she decided on off-white dress slacks and a matching sweater. Her new gold heels stood out as she did a twirl to check out all angles of herself. Kaden never said what they were doing for dinner, so she went with casual-dressy, just to be safe.

  Her buzzer rang, and the butterflies went from fluttering to full-on break-dancing. She grabbed her matching purse and hit the intercom. “I’m on my way down.” Alison pulled on a leather jacket before exiting the loft.

  Kaden was leaning against his white Corvette, with his arms folded across his chest waiting for her. His dark blond hockey-hair—that’s what the messy shaggy cut was known as—hung practically in his eyes. His snug blue jeans clung to him, molded to the muscles in his legs. His tennis shoes were impeccably white like always, as if they’d come right out of the box. She didn’t think he owned a pair with dirt or scuffs on them.

  “Hey there, doll. You look amazing.” He gently dragged her close to him until she was in his arms and holding on to the lapels of his jacket. His warm lips brushed against hers.

  Kaden always looked like he’d just stepped out of a magazine. Perfectly put together, not a wrinkle to be seen.

  “You look handso
me, as always. So, where are we headed?”

  He took her by the hand and walked her to the passenger’s door. “I was thinking of trying that new pizzeria. Sound good to you?”

  “You and your pizza.” She laughed as she situated herself in the low seat. “Yes, sounds great.” Kaden loved his pizza. When Dom lived with him, they’d practically lived off it.

  “So how was your day?”

  “Oh, you know. The usual.” She laughed and threw in some humor. “Nothing short of glamorous. Like a model at a photo shoot, except I’m no model, and I spend the day washing dogs.”

  “Cute. And by the way, you’re much sexier than any model I’ve ever seen. I’ve been busy trying to make my loft not look like someone moved out and took half the stuff. ’Cause that’s exactly what happened! It feels so empty now, I don’t know if I need more stuff, or just have to be better at reorganizing it all.” His hand ran up her thigh, and he glanced across at her. For a moment, Alison caught a hint of something in his expression, but it was gone before she could identify it. He smiled. “Maybe it just needs more of you there.”



  Kaden finished off the last piece of pizza that he could possibly eat before he thought he might explode, and then waved to the waitress for a take-home box. He thanked her, before turning to Alison. “So, doll, what do you say to renting a movie and relaxing at home?”

  He’d spent enough time sharing her with the general public tonight. Now he wanted some time alone with his favorite girl. He didn’t care if it was at her place or his, as long as he got some up-close and personal private time.

  A small grin stretched across her luscious lips as she tilted her head at his suggestion. “Sounds good to me. Your place or mine?”

  It was a dumb cliché saying, but coming from her lips, it made his dick spring to life. Watching her speak was hot. Damn, I love those lips. “Lady’s choice.”

  “Okay. Mine. Since we brought your car. And because I do like you in my bed.” Her voice had a purr to it that made him hard with anticipation.

  He pretended to be shocked. “Wow. A bit presumptuous, don’t you think? Who said anything about getting me in your bed?”

  “Please, you know you were thinking the same thing. I saw that twinkle in your eye.”

  With his hand on her back, he hurried her out of the pizzeria, quite enjoying the view in front of him, and yet wanting to get her home quickly. His eyes lingered on the sway of her hips and her perfectly rounded backside in those pants. She had no idea how sexy she was.

  The drive home consisted of his hand on her thigh as high as she’d let him move it. The goal was to tease her, but touching her only made him harder.

  When they arrived on her block, Kaden helped her out of the car. As he lifted her out of the low seat and brought her close to him, he gazed deep into her eyes. He gently ran his knuckle along her jawline and pinched her chin between his finger and thumb. Tilting it up towards his face, he brushed his lips gently against hers. She tasted of sauce and cheese, and he savored every bit of it. A soft growl formed in his throat. Two of my favorite things, pizza and her.

  Ali’s mouth moved against his, matching his kiss with the same softness, and traces of want. Her fingertips raked through his hair, then trailed down, and she cupped his cheeks in her hand. Soft moans echoed from her into his mouth. He couldn’t explain why, but he loved when she did that.

  Realizing they were still standing in the street, he pulled back, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. But it was after dark, and the streets weren’t busy at all. The people around were too busy with their specialty coffee drinks or cupcakes to care what Kaden and Alison were doing. After shutting her door, Kaden nodded towards her place, took her by the hand, then led her up to the loft.

  Alison’s loft was on the second floor above her pet grooming business, which was now closed for the night. The streets in this neighborhood were always well lit and impeccably clean. He never worried about her living alone here; besides being the cutest little part of town he’d ever seen, it was also a low crime area.

  Hailee’s gallery was across the street, and her loft, which was now her office space, was also above her storefront. That meant Hailee and Dom were around a good bit, easing whatever doubts he had that lingered about Alison being alone here.

  Ali tossed her keys on a nearby table. “You want something to drink?” she asked, and started for the kitchen.

  “Actually, no.” Kaden lightly wrapped his fingers around her wrist, stopping her abruptly and pulling her back towards him. Picking up right where they left off in the street, his lips covered hers. His kiss was slow and deep, as he slid his tongue between her lips. Her sweet scent surrounded him, and he greedily took in everything about her. He didn’t want a drink; he didn’t want anything but Alison.

  “What do you say we take this to the bedroom?” Having Ali in his arms was all he needed. Kissing down her neck, he stopped to nibble.

  She bit at her bottom lip before she stood up and led him by the hand to her room. Standing in front of her bed, she lifted off her sweater and dropped her slacks to the floor, then slowly stepped out of them.

  “Beautiful.” She was stunning, standing before him in only her bra and underwear. Simple. Lovely. Warmth gathered in his chest, and something expanded, swelling with an emotion he didn’t have time to assess. He just needed to have her.

  He quickly shed his own clothes and surrounded her body with his. His naked, muscular frame towered over her. Her stare was intense and her eyes dark and full of want. Tilting her head up, he met her lips with a soft kiss. The slow, methodical movements of their lips grew with need and desire until he couldn’t get any closer to her, and his tongue had taken over her mouth.

  Pulling back a little, he bit at her bottom lip. As he nibbled and licked, the moans that escaped her told him she liked it as much as he did. Kaden slid his lips down, pausing where her neck met her shoulder, to suck softly at her skin, coaxing another moan out of her.

  Reaching around her, his fingers made quick work of the hooks on her bra, freeing her perky breasts as it dropped away to the floor. Everything about Ali was beautiful. Being an ice skating instructor, she was in great shape. Her blue eyes and light blond hair made her the picture of innocence, but he knew better.

  She could be wild and wicked in the bedroom, and he loved it. But her soul matched her appearance. It showed through in how much she cared, how genuine she was and how she loved. She made it so easy to love her.

  Covering one of her nipples with his mouth, he gently swirled his tongue around it, sucking and nipping. His actions had her arching her back and pushing her body into him. Kaden grabbed the backs of her thighs, hiking her up onto his hips, and settling her right onto his stiffie with a soft groan when she rocked her hips against him.

  “These panties are in the way,” he said with a growl, before setting her onto the bed and dragging the silky fabric down her legs.

  Her feminine aroma filled his senses and he wanted nothing more than to take her and make her his. Instead of jumping on her like he wanted to, he took his time, dropping light kisses up the inside of her thighs, until her reached their apex. Looking up at her, he saw her watching him with heavy-lidded eyes, her face flushed and hair messy.

  He licked up the top of her leg, and around her pussy. It was warm and wet, anxious for him. When he eagerly tasted her center, lapped at her delicious bits, she tossed her head backwards and moaned noisily into the air. “Kaden…”

  Her muscles tightened as he slid in a single finger, then added a second, preparing her for things to come. Her fingernails dug into the sheets as he toyed with her just long enough to wind her up. And he retreated, before putting her over the edge.

  Crawling on top of her, he couldn’t wait to get inside her. The fruity scent of her body spray filled his nose. Looping one of her legs over his shoulder, he positioned himself between her legs. His ready cock nudged at her entrance.

nbsp; “Kaden, wait.” Her voice cut through the lust-filled mood. Slight concern filled her shortened question. “Condom?”

  She didn’t have to say any more; his mistake was obvious. How could he forget a condom? He knew better than that. Easy enough to remedy.

  “Oh, right. Of course.” Reaching over the bed, he pulled his pants off the floor and took his wallet out of the back pocket. Quickly searching through it, he found what he was looking for. He tore through the foil packet, and then tossed the wrapper as close to the garbage can as he could in the dimly lit room.

  Sheathed and ready, he cradled himself between her legs again. “God, Ali.” He groaned as he slowly moved himself inside her. She was warm and tight. He kept his movements slow as her body adjusted to him, then filled her more. She bit at his shoulder each time he slid deeper inside.

  With each sensation of her teeth on his skin, his desire grew, making him eager to drive harder and fuller inside her. His hips moved more rapidly as she matched his rhythm with each thrust.

  Ali’s arms wrapped around his neck and she wove her fingers through his hair. Goosebumps covered his back as her fingernails lightly ran along his scalp, then down his neck, causing chills across his skin even though sweat dripped from his brow.

  Need ran through him like fire. This was not one of his better performances. All he wanted to do was come, as that fire built higher inside him. After he made her come, of course. Quickly, he moved her arms up over her head and pressed them firmly to the mattress. The grin on her face told him that his actions were okay with her, and the moan that escaped her lovely lips when he slammed into her was a definite ego boost.

  “Mmmhmm, just like that.” She moaned.

  She felt so good, and he was too close to the edge to stop. Lust surged through his veins as he continued to thrust deep into her, and he picked up speed while keeping the good rhythm that would get them both there.


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