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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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by Melody Heck Gatto

  With her arms still pinned above her head, she arched her hips into him, driving him even deeper inside her. She gasped as he filled her completely. Kaden covered her open mouth with his, tracing her lips with his tongue before teasing at hers. He rocked hard inside her until she screamed with pleasure into his mouth. God, that’s hot.

  His own release was building to the point of no return. When her body shook with utter pleasure, and her muscles tightened around him, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Spilling over into the condom, he made her cry out again.



  The alarm buzzed at exactly seven in the morning. It was still somewhat dark outside her window, which made her body long to stay cuddled up in her soft bed. Alison needed to get up and moving soon. But maybe not quite yet. The pet salon opened at nine, so two hours was plenty of time to shower and have coffee.

  She turned off her alarm and rolled over, right into Kaden’s arms. Her body warmed as she cuddled into his side. She loved this. She loved having him here. Snuggling in closer, she knew how lucky she was to have met him all those months ago at the ice rink. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought a wild night of drinking games in a college bar, and an even wilder sleepless night would’ve turned into this. Every moment she spent with him, she fell harder.

  His warm, strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close into his nakedness. She liked how her body felt against his. He buried his face between her hair and her shoulder and placed small kisses along it. “Good morning, doll. Did you sleep okay? I know I did.” He let out a low growl as he nipped at her skin.

  “Mmmhmm, I sure did,” she said breathlessly. His teeth on her skin did things to her insides. Heat ran through her veins, while chills tingled up her spine. When he moved his kisses to her back, the chills increased in intensity, and goosebumps appeared on her arms.

  “You don’t have to get up yet, do you?” he asked between kisses.

  “I should.” I really should. But that thought changed when his hand reached around and found her nipple. With a small gasp, she added, “Maybe.” And once his mouth concentrated to sucking on that place right where her neck met her shoulder, she closed her eyes and changed it to, “I can be a little late.”

  “Good, that’s what I was hoping you’d say,” Kaden said in a sexy, gruff growl. His stiff cock teased against her ass.

  “What exactly did you have in mind?” Her body already hummed for him, so whatever he was thinking, she was game.

  “Well, I definitely want to send you off to work in a good mood.”

  “Oh yeah?” A grin filled her face, and she raised one eyebrow in playful curiosity.

  “Yeah.” Rolling her onto her back, Kaden crawled on top of her.

  His sinful smile and messy morning hair ignited the fire in her belly and made her toes curl. But when he kissed down her body, stopping to give much desired attention to each nipple, and then continued down until he reached between her thighs, she immediately became wet.

  Hooking her knees over his shoulders, he positioned himself between her thighs and kissed her. The kissing turned into lapping, then sucking. She tried to hold back the moan that formed in her throat. But when he sucked at her sensitive nub, the moan slipped out loudly. She was still a bit sensitive from last night, but not enough to spoil her enjoyment of this.

  “Oh, Kaden, yes.” She arched her back and bucked her hips closer to his face. Forcing herself to open her eyes, she looked down at him between her thighs. The visual of his mouth on her was almost more of a sexual stimulation than the actual act. But the way he sucked on her nub is what put her over the edge. Her stomach burned and muscles tightened as she thrashed against his mouth. He held her tight and didn’t pull away until she was relaxed and basking in the sexual workout he’d just given her.

  Kaden did a push-up, lifting himself up before he crawled up her body. The air hitting her wet center was cool and a bit shocking. She preferred him on her rather than not.

  “You like?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Oh yeah, I like.” Her body pulsed as she recovered and recharged. He left her body aching for more.

  “Good. How about another one?” The wicked grin reappeared on his face before he kissed her neck.

  His scruff brushing against her skin sent tingles over her skin. He didn’t usually have facial hair, but he hadn’t shaved yet. The sensation warmed her lady parts again. Her eyes squeezed shut as he sucked at her neck, and her body shook as he wound her up again. His hard dick pushed at her opening.

  “Kaden, the condoms are in the drawer.”

  Before she’d even got the whole sentence out, he had the foil package out of the drawer and was rolling one on. “No worries, love.” Stopping at her opening, he added with a devilish look, “Ding, ding, ding. Round two.”

  His eyes didn’t leave hers as he slid his hard erection into her. Alison fought to keep her eyes opened and focused on him, but the feel of him pushing inside her was almost too overwhelming. The fire in her belly reignited as he moved methodically. The friction of his every movement burned against her already sensitive nerves. He was hard and filled her completely, and he still buried himself deeper.

  His groans got louder and his eyes fluttered shut. Pumping harder into her, he grunted and bit his lip. Hitting just the right spot sent her spinning toward her second orgasm, nodding and whispering “yes” to let him know she was ready. She knew he was on the verge, too.

  Only a few more hard thrusts sent her screaming, with fireworks shooting off behind her eyelids. Kaden followed close behind her with a loud groan and lots of growling as he came. Collapsing onto her, he rolled to his side, taking her with him.

  Her body was worn out, her muscles exhausted. Curled up against him was the only place she wanted to be. His heart thudded against his chest, lulling her into a state of complete relaxation. Nothing else mattered as her breathing evened out and she slowly drifted…

  “Hey there doll, no sleeping.” Kaden gently shook her awake. Straining his neck, he looked at the clock. “I’d better apologize. You might be late now.”

  A yawn crept up on her. “What time is it?” She rubbed at her eyes. She must’ve drifted off. But who could blame me after that morning workout?

  “Eight o’clock.”

  “Shit. Guess I’d better get moving.” She didn’t want to get out of bed. She pulled away from the covers and stood in the chilly April air, but it was leaving his side that left her cold. Glancing back at Kaden made her wish she had someone else opening the salon this morning. “I’d invite you to join me, but…” Inviting him into the shower would lead to making her way too late for work.

  “Don’t worry about it. If I got in there with you, well, all I can say is you wouldn’t make it in to work today.”

  Even with her body aching, she couldn’t help but wish she could. “If only I had someone else to open the shop, I’d take you up on that.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you another time. Promise.” He pushed out his bottom lip into a faux pout before drawing a pretend cross over his heart with his finger.

  * * * *

  “Hailee? What are you doing here?” Alison asked with a confused squint, surprised at her friend showing up at the shop this morning. While Alison continued to hastily get everything in order for her first grooming appointment, her hands shook and a yawn threatened. She was exhausted.

  “You alright?” Hailee walked through the salon door and set her things behind the counter.

  Alison only nodded as the yawn took over. After a long night of very little actual sleep, she was doing her best to focus.

  “You said you were short-handed this morning. I don’t have anything to take care of at the gallery until later today, so I thought I’d stop by and give you a hand.” She gestured to Alison’s ponytail. “What’s going on here? You rarely put your hair up.”

  Alison forgot mentioning to Hailee that she’d be
shorthanded. Focus wasn’t her only issue this morning; memory seemed to be a thing, too. “Oh, I was running late this morning. So this was easiest. I didn’t get to have my coffee, either.”


  The bell over the door rang, and Kaden walked in with two coffees in hand. Her knight in shining armor, with her much needed caffeine fix. Her heart soared at the sight of his sexy, inviting smile.

  “Kaden! I thought you left already,” Alison said, forgetting for a moment that Hailee was right there. As the words left her mouth, she looked over at her friend who was grinning wildly like she knew a great secret. She sighed, too tired to deal with her humor this morning. Let the ‘I know what you did last night’ remarks commence.

  “Oh, I see, that’s why you were running late…”

  “Cut it out, Hailee. We’re all grown-ups here.” It’s not like his popping in here was something new. Kaden stopped by almost as often as Hailee did. “Besides, you and Dom are always running late, and I’m betting it’s for the same reason.”

  Hailee smirked. “You’ve got me there. Enough said.”

  “Hey, doll.” Kaden dropped a kiss on Alison’s lips. “Ali, I thought you might like a coffee.” Handing her the cup from the coffee shop, he grinned at Hailee. “Hey Hail, I didn’t realize you’d be here, or I would’ve brought you one, too. Do you want a coffee? I’d be happy to run over and get you one.”

  “No thanks, Kaden, I’m good. But nice of you to offer.” Hailee looked back and forth between Alison and Kaden. Apparently, she couldn’t help herself. “So nice to see you two kids this morning with big bright smiles on your faces. Must’ve been some night. Your girl here can’t stop yawning.”

  “Well, Ali’s bed is my favorite place to be.” Kaden teased Hailee before she could get any more comments in. “Anyway, I have to get going to practice. Time to go make your fiancé look bad.” He turned back to Alison. “Ali, talk to you later?” Taking his sweet time, he pressed his lips to hers, giving her a long, slow, sweet kiss, then a quick peck on her forehead. Glancing to Hailee, he waved. “Have fun washing dogs, Hailee.” His eyes moved back to Alison as though he couldn’t help taking one last look before leaving. “Oh, and by the way, I like the ponytail thing,” he added with a smirk, motioning to Alison’s hairdo on his way out.

  Warmth flooded Alison’s body at his compliment. She watched him walk out the door, and sighed, not caring that she had a silly smile on her face.

  Hailee took off her jacket and slid a pink smock over her head. “Glad you’re so happy. But don’t expect a ring from that one.”

  A ring? I’m not thinking that far ahead. Am I? Hailee’s comment landed like a stone in her stomach. “Why do you say that?” The words flew out before she stopped to think. “Not that I’m looking for a ring or anything.”

  She searched through some paperwork, acting like she was uninterested in this topic, but in reality, Hailee’s words ate away at her gut. Just yesterday Hailee was teasing about me being next in line to be engaged, and now she’s saying this?

  “What?” Hailee’s eyes were wide with confusion.

  “Just… Why would you say that now, after teasing me about being next in line for marriage?” Hailee’s comments didn’t make any sense, and not that Alison was looking for a ring any time soon, but it still niggled at her. She did want to be a wife someday.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it, really.”

  “Hailee…” Now her stomach was in knots, and she wasn’t in the mood for this. Her teeth gritted together as aggravation rose inside her. She loved her friend, but she just wanted a straight answer.

  “I don’t know. I just want you to be next in line for the altar after me. You two are so perfect together, and he’s so damn sweet. I think you found your Prince Charming. It’s just that stupid rumor about him and marriage, that’s all.”

  Alison gave her a confused look, as that warm feeling she’d carried all morning began to turn cool.

  “Oh, you didn’t know about that?” Hailee’s face crinkled up in an Oh shit kind of look. “I don’t know the whole story. I just know that they say he vowed off ever getting married.”

  Alison released a deep shuttered breath.

  “Oh Ali, don’t look so worried. Boys talk, you know? I’m sure it’s all bullshit. And even if it isn’t, maybe you can be the one that changes his mind. You can be his game-changer. And the way he looks at you, I don’t doubt it. I honestly just opened my mouth before I stopped to think, so forget I said anything about this stupid rumor.”

  Vowed off marriage? Alison wasn’t looking to get hitched any time soon, but… Okay, so maybe the vague idea of that future had crossed her mind. Once or twice. What would make him think that way? “Wait, what? Why? Who says that?”

  “You know, they do. I don’t know who, exactly. Ali, relax. You know how he is, and that doesn’t sound like him. Like I said, I’m sure it’s all bullshit and nothing to worry about. I’m positive you’ve got him all to yourself.”

  Alison stared at Hailee, her heart feeling smaller. She knew her friend was saying anything she could think of to make things right again.

  Hailee babbled on. “Dominic said there were no stories to tell, not like before. Oh god, remember New York, yeah, that was just bad…” Hailee shook her head at bringing up the topic of Dom and Kaden taking pictures with various bunnies while in New York last season. “I don’t even want to talk about that…” Hailee trailed off, her eyes widening as she no doubt realized she had just made things even worse.

  Alison was sure there was more to this than Hailee was saying, but before she could explore the topic any further, the first customer of the day strode in the door, followed by a walk-in customer. A busy day was a blessing and was the best way to keep her mind occupied.



  Coach Walker blew the whistle loudly and tapped a stick on the boards as he skated around to center ice. “Zanetti! Looking good. O’Conner—are you sleepwalking out here? Get your ass in gear or ride the bench! Morris, partner with Luc, and Kris, you partner with Hall.”

  Kaden stood at his net, sprayed water on his face and then into his mouth. His eyes stung from the sweat dripping into them, and his muscles ached. Coach was right; he was moving in slow motion today. He had no one to blame but himself. His legs were fatigued from so much off-ice activity the last few days.

  “Laps!” Coach blew the whistle

  Ugh, Kaden groaned. I need to focus a little more on taking care of myself and a little less on getting laid. This shit isn’t working. He wondered if it was possible to just sleep next to Ali sometimes. He’d rather try that than not be beside her at all. An empty bed was cold and lonely and not something he looked forward to.

  “C’mon O’Conner! Laps mean you, too,” Coach beckoned.

  Kaden joined the line circling around the outside of the rink, falling to the back of it with Dom. It wasn’t easy to skate laps with all the heavy goalie equipment on, but speed wasn’t a concern. He just had to do it.

  “I hate these fucking laps,” Dom grumbled through his mask.

  “I know. If I took these pads off, I’d run circles around these fools,” Kaden teased.

  “Hey, who you calling a fool?” Tyler surprised him from behind, giving him a soft tap on his leg pad with his stick.

  “You up for lunch after this, K?” Dom asked.

  “Sure, if I survive!”

  “Bunny keeping you up at night again, Kaden?” Harrison, one of the younger guys commented smugly as he skated by.

  “Hey, watch your mouth!” Kaden snapped. Ali was not a bunny. And for the first time in his life, he didn’t want the guys to get the wrong idea.

  “Relax hot-shot, your rep precedes you, so I just thought…” The young player shrugged and offered a weak wince of regret before taking off to race one of the other guys.

  “Ali isn’t a bunny.” Kaden grunted, sure his comment disappeared into his mask.

  “Ignore them,
Kaden. Those young guys are new to this. They don’t know anything about you and Ali. And they don’t know when to keep their mouths shut.” Dom rounded the end of the rink, with Kaden following behind. They joined the other guys at the bench and took a breather.

  Kaden turned and was face to face with Harrison who had made the “bunny” comment.

  “Look, O’Conner, I didn’t mean nothin’ by that comment. I just thought, I mean, I’ve heard the stories and seen the pics…”

  “I really don’t care what you meant. And I really don’t give a shit what you’ve seen. I’m done with bunnies. Got it? And it’s none of your damn business, anyway.” He wanted to say more, defend Ali’s honor or something, but practice continued.

  “Line up, ladies! Scrimmage time.” Coach blew the whistle and the team dispersed.

  As much as Kaden tried to ignore the comments from Harrison, they got to him. The younger guys avoided him as much as possible the rest of the morning, which was for the best. According to the rumor mill, Kaden had a temper; they’d obviously heard that about him, too. Damn rumor mill was going to cause him issue someday, but not today. He was just happy the young-guns were backing off.

  * * * *

  Kaden grabbed his hockey bag and stick, and paused at the door to wait for his goaltending partner, Dom, before leaving the locker room. Tyler and Kris trailed behind them.

  “Hey, O’Conner. Seems like the family men are outnumbering you. When are you going to nail down that special lady?” Team captain Tyler Kidd called out with a chuckle. Tyler was married to the Renegades PR assistant, Paige. Sam was happily married to Trina. Kris was married, and Kris’s cousin, Patrick, was married now as well. Dom was the next in line to the altar, but everyone had seen that coming.

  Kaden waved his teammates off. “I’m good for now, thanks. You guys can take care of being the family men.”


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