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The Alpha's Domination

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You love to cook?”

  “Yes, and bake but my hips protest a little to that.” She rested a hand on her hip.

  Staring down the length of her body, Daniel couldn’t find a single reason to complain about the woman in front of him. She was sex on legs, and he wouldn’t change her for the world.

  “You’re perfect, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.” He reached out to touch her cheek. Cupping her jaw, he ran a thumb over her plump lips. “You’re beautiful, and I don’t give a fuck what others think. You’re perfect.” He leaned in close, brushing his lips against hers.

  She gasped but didn’t move away. He looked into her wide gaze as he teased her lips with his tongue.

  Neither of them said a word as he slowly slid inside her mouth, meeting her tongue with his. Wrapping his other hand around her waist, he pulled her close to his body, moaning at the feel of her curves next to his. She was perfection in his arms. He never wanted to let her go.

  She met his tongue with her own. The danced together, deepening the kiss, Daniel smelled the mating heat coming out of him. He wanted inside her with her pussy blooming beneath him.

  He withdrew from her before the mating need took over and he wouldn’t be able to control his actions.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked. Her hands were on his shoulders, gripping him.

  “If we don’t stop I won’t be able to stop what happens next. I need to claim you, Dawn. You’re my mate even if you don’t like the truth or believe it. There’s only so much I can take before I do something I’ll regret.”

  She released his shoulders. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I want to prove to you that we’re mated. I’m not going to do anything to destroy that trust.” His cock protested against the front of his jeans. Fuck, he craved her. All he wanted to do was bend her over the kitchen island and fuck her raw. She was aroused by him, which gave him some pleasure. “Start marinating the meat.”

  Dawn grabbed the strips of chicken and added them to a bowl while he started to add the spices to the mix. They laughed as he got most of the spices on her hands rather than the meat. He listened to her laugh, loving the change within her. In Kinkster’s she was always a little withdrawn. Inside his home, she was starting to open up and flourish. If he gave her enough time would she agree to his claiming? There was only so much his wolf could take.

  “Right, Chef, I’m rubbing the chicken. What do you need to do?” she asked.

  Her eyes glinted with humor. Charmed, he pressed a kiss to her nose then turned back to the stove. He put a pot onto boil adding noodles for their chicken. They started to boil, and he gave them a stir.

  Dawn washed her hands, coming to stand beside him while he heated oil. Together, they worked as a team to make food. She added food while he tossed it around with a spoon.

  Neither of them spoke, but his gaze caught the sight of her hard, erect nipples. Again, his cock started to pound at the sight. The vision of her naked on his bed wouldn’t leave his mind.

  Trust, this is about building trust.

  For the next ten minutes they cooked dinner, and the scents of the spicy chicken filled the air. His stomach rumbled with the need to feed.

  Sitting next to each other they ate in comfortable silence.

  “This is amazing,” she said, twirling some noodles onto her fork. “You know how to cook.”

  “You wouldn’t have thought that from my first attempt at spicy chicken noodles. I vomited for three days afterwards.”

  She chuckled, covering her mouth as she did. “You’re joking. I don’t believe you.”

  “I didn’t cook the chicken properly. I tell you, it was the worst couple of days for me.”

  “Okay, I can believe that.” They cleaned away their mess, and he put the spices away. When they were done, he led her out of the kitchen and moved toward the stairs.

  “I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow. For now I think it’ll be good if you get a good night’s sleep.” He took hold of her hand, gritting his teeth as his wolf started to pace within his mind. His wolf knew what he wanted, and that was Dawn.

  She followed him upstairs, and he decided to stay on the first floor rather than go up to the main bedroom on the fifth floor. The attic space was large, and he kept a lot of his ancestors’ belongings up there. He opened the door at the end of the long corridor that was next to his.

  “This is where you’ll be staying.” He turned the light on revealing the large four poster bed with white lace hanging from each post. “Here is the wardrobe.” He opened the walk-in space, showing the light switch to turn it on. There were a couple of sets of shirts and jeans. He had a tendency to buy clothes for his pack when needed. Daniel showed her the bathroom then opened the double doors onto the small veranda overlooking the garden. “In the morning you can watch the sunrise, and it’s a truly beautiful sight.” He closed the doors, locking them and pulling the drapes over the windows. “This is where I’ll be sleeping.” He opened the connecting door and turned the lights on.

  “How come you don’t have any of those clapping light things? My dad installed them in our house,” Dawn said. “It makes it much easier as you just clap your hands.” She showed him by clapping her hands.

  “I did get them installed, but my pack are, erm, very active with sex. The lights kept turning on with their smacking bodies as they fucked. They asked for me to switch back to this.” He flicked the switch letting the lights go off then on.

  She laughed. “I can see why you changed.”

  “If you need me in the night don’t hesitate to come to me. I’ll be happy to see you.” He closed the distance between them. Dawn tilted her head back, and he gazed down into the beauty of her brown eyes. “Tomorrow we’ll talk about you and discover what your pain level is.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “We’ll start with a run. The moon is a couple of weeks away, but going for a run can be just as fun.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Good night, Dawn.”

  She took a step back, closing the door behind her.

  Our mate is in the next room. Claim her, fuck her, take her.

  He ignored the wolf inside him, taking a deep breath to calm his body. He wasn’t going to be going anywhere to put his woman in danger.

  Leaving the scent of her lurking behind the door, he walked into his bathroom, closing the door. He grabbed a match and took it to the lavender candle he kept on hand for whenever he needed to bring focus to his thoughts and senses. The lavender helped to calm the wolf within him.

  The beast inside him calmed, finally listening to reason as he took deep breaths.

  She needs to trust us.

  He didn’t want a mate who was with him out of an obligation. The mate he wanted for himself was not going to be there because she had to. He wanted Dawn to fall in love with him, to be with him because they were a devoted mated couple.

  The fact she liked to be dominated eased his thoughts. One of his biggest fears was to find a woman who didn’t share his need for kink. She was not only submissive, but she liked pain. What Dawn didn’t know was he liked to give pain so long as it wasn’t the kind that emotionally or mentally affected the woman he was with.

  Take a breath, and delve into it tomorrow.


  Sliding under the covers, Dawn stared up at the ceiling. She frowned as she saw the mirror above her. Kinky. Underneath the silk covers she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. Gripping the edge of the blanket, she stared at herself wondering what the hell she was doing. When she was at home with the rest of the pack her room was half the size of the one she was staying in. She hadn’t moved out of her house as the pack wouldn’t accept that of her until she found her mate. Her father didn’t trust her out on her own, and so she remained with him and her mother.

  She shuddered thinking about her mother.

  Don’t think about her.

  Pushing her mother aside, she focused instead on t
he man in the bedroom next to hers. He wasn’t going to let her hide from him. The pack was easier to hide from back at home. Her father was the only one in the whole pack who demanded her presence at dinner or during a run. She rarely changed into a wolf even though he asked for her to be there. Her father loved her; her mother despised her. And Daniel? She didn’t know what Daniel felt about her. There were times throughout the year where she thought he was going to cross the line and take what he wanted. He never did, and her trust in him began to build.

  He’s our mate.

  Was it worth arguing with him anymore? She couldn’t trust herself to be around him. Her search for pain had put her in scary situations. Other men she’d been with had considered her a freak. There was no way she could bear for Daniel to know the truth. She was defective. It sucked that she wanted Daniel and yet was scared because of what she had done in her past. What would he think when he knew the truth?

  Staring at her reflection she once again pushed all of the negative thoughts aside, wishing for some kind of change within her. Finding a mate should have awakened something inside, yet all she felt was a consuming dread. With a mate, she’d have to finally come clean about who she was. Daniel was a Master, but he wasn’t the kind of Master she needed. He spanked. He was tame compared to what she needed. Part of her wondered if the reason she couldn’t feel pain was because the men she’d been with wouldn’t hurt her hard enough. The image of the man who’d left her bleeding entered her mind. No, it couldn’t be that. She should have felt something.

  You’re sick.

  She pushed the blanket off her body and stared at her nakedness. Would he be repulsed by the way she looked? Food had always been part of her comfort when her emotions got so bad. She loved eating, cooking and eating. Her legs were thick with a small hint of cellulite, but she rarely wore anything but skirts and never revealed her skin to anyone. She kept her pussy bare, and the brown lips of her sex glistened with arousal. Daniel’s scent was everywhere in the room driving her crazy with need.

  With thick hips, large breasts, and the occasional glimmer of a stretch mark, in the mirror her body didn’t look that bad. She was lying down, so maybe gravity was taking over to make her look good. Her brown hair was spread out on the white pillow.


  She didn’t know if she could be this open with Daniel. He wouldn’t let her hide.

  The house is large enough. We can hide.

  Pressing a hand to her face, she tried to calm down her rioting thoughts, wishing something would happen to save her.

  The memory of his hand spanking her ass filled her mind. Opening her eyes, she spread her legs and tilted her hips to see the lips of her pussy open up. She went to her knees and dropped the drapes to create a little more privacy for herself. Settling on the bed, she watched as she caressed her hand down her body. She touched her nipples, tugging on the hard brown buds until they were erect and pushing up.

  She glided her hand down her stomach, feeling the muscles in her stomach tighten at the contact.

  Dawn pressed a finger to her clit, touching the swollen bud as she pinched her nipples. She squeezed her nipple between her nails hoping to feel at least some pain and getting none. Gasping, she moved her hips with her hand.

  What would Daniel do if he saw her now? She didn’t know what he’d do, and that excited her as much as anything else.

  Leaving her clit she pushed two fingers inside her, opening her fingers to make it a little tighter. She sucked her lips in to contain the moan threatening to get out.

  “Do you think I can’t smell you,” Daniel said.

  She gasped, withdrawing her hand and loosening the hold on her nipple. Going to her knees, she shuffled to the edge of the bed and opened the lace. Daniel stood in the doorway between their rooms.

  “I can smell and hear what you’re doing. I didn’t give you permission to play with yourself.”

  He stood completely naked. His cock was rock hard and stood out in front of him. The size of him made her mouth go dry. There was no way he’d fit inside a woman and it be comfortable.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. If you wanted to touch yourself then you should have come to me for permission to do so.”

  “I didn’t know we were in a scene.”

  Daniel sighed. “We’re not in a scene, Dawn. You need some strict rules in your life. You keep everything at arms’-length, hiding behind your walls of frost and depression.” He folded his arms, staring at her. “This can’t wait until morning. We’re going to have this discussion now.” He stood facing her, making no move to put some clothes on.

  “Can you please get dressed?” It would give her time to grab a robe and not be completely naked in front of him.

  “So you can hide from me? I don’t think so.” He stayed where he was. “We’re going to see each other naked. I don’t see why it shouldn’t be now.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’re like a god while I’m blubber.”

  He glared at her. “Step off the bed now!”

  His voice deepened. Dawn stared at him wondering if she could simply go back to bed and sleep without him ordering her around.

  “Don’t disobey me, Dawn. I was willing to wait until tomorrow, and all you’ve done is test me. I don’t like being tested.” He stayed still even as his voice travelled throughout the room. The Alpha inside him raised the hairs all over her body. Her clit swelled at the command within his voice. Slowly, keeping the lace in front of her, she stepped off the bed.

  “Drop the lace. You’re not hiding from me.” He walked toward the door and flicked the light, illuminating the whole room. There was no hiding anymore. He made sure of that.

  “This is unfair.”

  “Unfair is having a mate for a whole year denying you. Unfair is that mate fingering herself instead of coming to her Dom. Don’t even begin to tell me what’s unfair or not. You’ll not like what I’ve got to say.” He folded his arms once again.

  His gaze was on hers, waiting.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can. If you don’t I promise you there’ll be a severe punishment, one you won’t like.”

  What wouldn’t she like? She’d pushed Daniel the entire year they’d known each other. He had every right to be mad and punish her. How far would he go to consider her punished?

  The uncertainty was too much for her. She gripped the lace tightly, before slowly stepping from behind the security of the lace.

  She kept her head bowed and pressed her palms together in an attempt to control her shaking. Letting a man see her naked took a lot of effort for her. She was used to pushing her skirt up and having the man suck her nipples through the shirt. Her entire sexual life was appalling. The only man who’d seen her naked were dead. She’d let him hurt her in the worst kind of ways.

  “Look at me, Dawn.”

  Glancing up at him, she didn’t know what she expected to find. Would he lose his erection? Show any signs that he hated what he saw?

  Again she was in a strange territory for her.

  His cock remained rock hard. He’d not deflated or grown flaccid since seeing her naked.

  “What did you expect to see?” he asked. He didn’t make a move to touch his cock.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play dumb. I’m not stupid. I see in your eyes that you were expecting something from me. What?”

  The desire to lie struck her again.

  Don’t lie to him. He’ll know.

  “I didn’t expect you to be hard.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be hard?”

  She stared at the tip of his cock. He was glistening, aroused.

  “Look at me,” she said, releasing her hands so not an inch of her was covered. “I’m not beautiful. I eat too much, and you’re perfect. You should be a model or something.”

  His arms remained folded over his chest. Neither of them said a word. He kept looking at her. There was something in his gaze
that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “Get on your knees,” he said. The words were spoken slowly, with menace, leaving no mistake of his anger.

  Shit, what had she done?

  Chapter Five

  Daniel was pissed off with her lack of self-esteem. Didn’t she know how beautiful she was?

  “What?” she asked.

  “Get on your knees. Don’t make me repeat myself. We’re going to deal with this the only way you know how.” He watched her struggle with his demand. There was no way he intended to help her. The moment he scented her arousal he thought he was losing his mind. When he heard her moans, he’d gotten angry. She wouldn’t let him touch her intimately, and yet she’d do whatever she could to satisfy herself. How many times had she left him in an aroused state while she took care of her own needs? He hadn’t been with another woman since she entered his world.


  “No. To you I’m not Daniel. You’ll call me Sir or Master, I don’t care which. I was going to do this slowly for you to trust me, but we’re going to start now. You’re my sub. In the mornings you will wake up at seven, go to the bathroom, and you’ll be waiting for me by seven thirty beside your bed. I expect you on your knees, ready to serve me.” He took a step closer. Dawn was on her knees, her head bent in the perfect pose.

  There was something about a submissive woman in that pose that turned him on. His cock was aching on the point of pain. The scent of her arousal filled the air. His wolf wanted to do nothing more than stake his claim. Daniel made sure he stayed in complete control.

  “You’ll eat breakfast with me. We’ll train together, and you’re going to become my sub. For the next month I’m going to prove to you that you’re my mate.” He gripped her chin as she started to shake her head. Forcing her to look at him, he stared into her eyes. “You’re my mate, Dawn. In time you’ll see the truth. We’re going to get to the bottom of those secrets you’ve kept hidden.”

  “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “Baby, I’ve been a Dom for over ten years. I’ve got more experience with stubborn little subs than you do with Doms. You’re nothing but a baby compared to me, and I’m going to prove it to you over and over again.” She stopped fighting him. Her teeth bit down onto her lip. “Stop that.” He pulled her lip from between her teeth. “You think you know what true pain is, but you’ve got no idea what’s really wrong with you. Don’t worry. I can deal with you.”


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