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The Alpha's Domination

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  He reached down, grabbing her arm and drawing her up toward his body.

  She fought him, and he continued to hold her. Her arousal intensified. Not once did she scream for him to stop or tell him no.

  Pressing her to the bed, he grabbed her hands pressing them above the bed, holding both of her hands in one of his. With his free hand he glided his hand down her body.

  “You could have come to me and I’d know exactly what to do to bring you off.”

  She laughed, the sound harsh and bitter. “You’d be the first man.”

  He smiled. “No other man has ever brought you to orgasm. Baby, you’re in for a treat. Giving women orgasms is a skill I learned early.” Leaning down, he sucked her tight brown nipple into his mouth. He didn’t give her time to grow accustomed to his touch, biting down on the hard bud.

  Dawn cried out, arching up against his hold. Her strength was no match for his. Holding her hands down to the bed, he pressed a palm to her stomach keeping her in place as he tortured the bud nearest him.

  Still, she didn’t beg him to stop or ask him to go easy on her. She screamed her pleasure. Clearly, the pain brought more arousal from her. The musky scent filled the air, making his mouth water and his cock pulse with the need to be inside her. He wouldn’t be fucking her tonight. No, he’d take care of his woman’s needs before he even dealt with his own. Daniel wouldn’t be dealing with his own arousal until he was behind closed doors.

  Flicking her nipple, he glanced up her body to see her eyes squeezed shut. Withdrawing from the bud he blew on it. Her nipple tightened, and she gasped. He leaned over her body and did the exact same to the other. Once again she fought him, her lips remaining closed other than to gasp or scream. He drew the nipple tight, biting down to the point where he was close to breaking skin.

  Wolves had a higher pain threshold, and they could withstand a lot more pain than most humans. Dawn was showing him something had changed within during her first transition into a wolf. Even wolves who liked pain would be protesting a little.

  There was nothing coming from Dawn. He liked to give pain and punish his woman, but drawing blood was not what he hoped to do.

  Daniel needed to know what happened to her during her transition.

  “Please,” she said, begging him.

  “Don’t beg me, pet. You had a chance to beg. Now, you’re all mine, and you get what I give you.” He changed his attention between both of her breasts, biting and sucking the hard buds into his mouth.

  He straddled her waist to get closer to her. She arched up against him. Throughout it all, her arousal only increased, telling him more about her. The wolf inside her was humming in approval. She liked him and wanted the mating.

  When they turned, he’d be able to hear her thoughts and know some of her secrets. He wondered what he’d have to do to get her to agree to change with him.

  Moving off her body, he ran his fingers down her body to rest at her naked pussy. The lips of her sex were soaking wet from her arousal. Sliding his finger through her wet slit, he pinched her clit causing more pain.

  Slowly, he moved down to press inside her cunt. The walls of her pussy gripped his digits, begging for him to stay within her. Pumping his fingers in and out of her, he sucked on her nipples.

  She writhed underneath him, thrusting her pelvis up to his touch.

  He took his time to torture her, drawing out the pleasure.

  Dawn was so close to orgasm. He removed his hand from her pussy and licked his fingers.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m tasting my mate.” He licked her cream loving the taste like he knew he would. “Just like I thought, you taste perfect.”

  She moaned. “Please, Sir, touch me.”

  “Are you close to coming?”


  “We’ll see how close you are. Keep your hands above your head. If you move them I’ll punish you.” He’d make sure she was bound in sleep so that she couldn’t touch her pussy. There were more ways to punish a little pain sub without putting her over the knee and spanking her. Like he said, he had more experience with stubborn little subs than she ever would with Doms.

  He released her hands and kept his gaze on her. “Test me, Dawn, and you’ll regret it.”

  “I won’t, Sir.”

  “Good.” Sliding to the floor, he cupped her tits, feeling the rounded tips fill his palms. They were so big that he couldn’t hold them within his hands. He pinched both nipples together. Dawn’s legs slid open revealing her creamy cunt to his gaze.

  Closing the distance between them, he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She screamed, jerking on the bed. Her hands didn’t touch him.

  He pinched her nipples a little tighter, rubbing the nubs afterward as he sucked, bit, and flicked her clit.

  Her cum was soaking his chin, and he drank it up.

  “Put your legs over my shoulders,” he said, waiting for her to do as he ordered. Her legs opened a little wider.

  Pressing his tongue into her cunt, he glided his tongue up to circle her clit. He used his nails to pinch her nipples at the same time he bit her clit. The pain along with the pleasure must have set her off as she screamed out her release, filling his mouth with her cum.

  He moaned, drinking her down, loving the taste. She rubbed her pussy all over his face.

  When he was finished, he climbed up the bed smiling down at her. Daniel didn’t wipe the juices from his chin.

  “Get in bed and remember my rules tomorrow.”

  “What about you?” she asked.

  He slapped her ass as she started to shuffle into bed. “I’ll deal with myself. Stubborn little subs don’t get to touch my cock.” He walked toward the open connecting door. Before closing it, he turned back to look at Dawn. “Remember, Dawn, I was the first man to bring you to orgasm. I can do that every night without effort. Your pussy is so fucking tasty.”

  Closing the door behind him, he walked toward the bathroom. Staring at his reflection he saw the color change of his eyes. His wolf was close to the surface. Climbing into the shower, he turned the freezing cold water on waiting for the temperature to take care of his problem.

  The water cascaded over his body doing little to relieve the ache her body had caused. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he growled. The taste of her pussy had been exquisite. She’d be a delight to have by his side to love, to claim, to fuck.


  Not only was he going to claim Dawn, he intended to own her. Closing his eyes, he pictured her creamy brown cunt, begging for his cock. She’d look so fucking good taking his dick into her body.

  He was big compared to her. Daniel would need to take his time to get her ready to take his cock. She needed to be wet enough, slick, and he’d need to go slow.

  She likes pain.

  Maybe he wouldn’t need to go too slow. He could work with Dawn. First, he needed to strip down those walls she’d built up around her heart and her emotions. To a lot of people, Dawn was cut off, emotionless, depressed. He knew it wasn’t the case. There was no way a woman with that much passion locked up inside could be filled with nothing. He was going to bring her out, learn every part of her, and then show her how she could be herself around him. There was no shame in submitting to her mate or to embrace a life of a submissive.

  Working from the root down to the tip, Daniel fucked his fist, moaning as the pleasure built inside him.

  His seed spurted out coating the floor of the cold shower. He watched it wash away. The orgasm was nothing like what he wanted to feel, but once he was inside Dawn, he just knew it was going to be explosive.


  Dawn woke up to the alarm beside her bed ringing. She frowned, reaching out to press on the button to turn the blasted machine off. Staring at the time she let out a groan. It was seven o’clock. Who in their right mind would set the alarm for seven? The unfairness of it wasn’t even funny.

  Suddenly, the memory of last night rushed o
ver her. Sitting up in bed, she glanced around the room. The lace curtains were shut apart from the ones at the base of the bed showing the door connecting her room to Daniel’s. Her heart raced as her pussy flooded with warmth from what he had done to her last night. Glancing down at her nipples she saw they were slightly bruised. Her skin was dark, yet she saw the off purple of the bruise. Licking her lips, she climbed out of the bed and padded toward the doors. Sliding the curtain open she gasped at the view of the garden. There was a waterfall display at the forefront, which opened up into the most beautiful forest.

  He warned us to be ready by seven thirty.

  She checked the time and released a squeal. Ten minutes had already gone. Dawn ran for the bathroom quickly doing her business on the toilet before flushing the toilet then washing her hands. Once she finished washing her hands, she found a toothbrush, brushing her teeth. She ran her fingers through her hair, hoping to put some order to the strands. Nothing was working.

  With quick movements, she ran into the bedroom taking her place by the bed as the door opened connecting their bedrooms. Next time she’d set the alarm earlier so she had more time in the bathroom. She was naked, exposed, and hadn’t the time to make sure she looked more appealing in the mirror. At least there wouldn’t be any sleep in the corners of her eyes.

  “I see you remembered what I demanded of you last night,” Daniel said, stepping in front of her. He was wearing steel toe capped boots and a pair of jeans. She forced herself to keep looking at the floor even though she wanted to look at him. Why was he dressed when she wasn’t allowed? “You’ve pleased me by not using any of the clothes in the wardrobe. I wanted you naked, but I realized I hadn’t specified it. This pleases me.”

  She wished she’d thought about the wardrobe but then she liked the idea of pleasing him a little more.

  “You may look at me.”

  Lifting her head she saw he wore a crisp white shirt. Disappointment filled her. She rather liked him without a shirt.

  “Good morning, pet.” He cupped her cheek, running a finger over her lips. “Seeing you like this pleases me.” He released her face and moved past her to the drawer beside the bed. She stayed perfectly still as he got what he wanted. Seconds later he sat down on the bed. “I’m going to brush your hair for you.”

  He ran the brush through her hair, taking his time. When he got to knots, she was surprised how gentle he was in working them out. Her curiosity increased about him.

  “You’ve got questions?” he asked.

  “How did you know, Sir?”

  “You’re fidgeting. I’ve noticed over the year you fidget when you’re curious, but otherwise you sit still like a good little sub. Ask your questions. I’m ready to listen.” He continued to brush her hair. She loved the attention. Her mother hadn’t been the kind of woman to spend the time brushing hair.

  “Where did you learn to brush hair, Sir?” she asked. He’d given her permission to speak, but she remembered to use his title. Dawn wanted to please him further.

  “I’ve dealt with a lot of subs. I’ve found many of them like this kind of attention, and it’s a skill I learned to acquire. You’re my mate, Dawn. I’ll do whatever necessary to make you comfortable.”

  “I’m very comfortable,” she said, smiling. “I love your touch.”

  “Has anyone ever taken the time to brush your hair?”

  “No.” She stared in front of her, resting her hands on top of her thighs.

  “Get used to this. I look forward to giving you daily brushes.”

  She chuckled. “Sir, about last night?”

  “What about it?”

  “I want to apologize for my behavior.”

  “Are you sorry you got caught or sorry that you touched yourself without my permission?”

  “Both.” She’d heard him reaching orgasm last night in his shower. For the first time in her life she’d been ashamed when it came to a man. Daniel had taken care of her needs, giving her a release unlike any she’d ever felt, and he’d taken care of his own himself.

  “What are you thinking?” He whispered the words against her ear causing her to jump. “I want you to know I’ll be asking that question a lot. I expect you to answer me all the time. I want to know what you’re thinking, feeling, and how you’re dealing with our relationship. I expect total honesty.”

  She licked her dry lips. Honesty?

  Out of all he requested, total honesty scared her more than anything.


  “I was thinking how much I hated not giving you pleasure last night. I’ve kept us at a distance for so long.” Tears filled her eyes as she thought about the emptiness of the past year. The only time she felt anything was when she was around Daniel. When she’d first heard about Kinkster’s, she’d intended to go every now and then. Once she met Daniel, discovered he was her Dom, she made sure to frequent the club weekly. Her weekly visits increased to several times a week. She’d been able to hold herself back to four days a week rather than the whole seven. “I heard you in the shower. I wanted to come and pleasure you like you had me.”

  He paused in brushing her hair.

  “I’m sorry, and I’m sorry about this last year, Sir.”

  Daniel brushed a kiss to her cheek. “I was thinking of you.” He finished brushing her hair and stood. “It’s time for breakfast. Come on, baby.” He held his hand out for her to take.

  Getting to her feet she followed him. She wanted to cover her body from the potential prying eyes, yet as she made her way into the kitchen, she noticed no one was around. They were alone. She was safe from anyone else looking at her. Daniel had promised her no one else would be home, and this just gave her another reason to trust him.

  He took a small towel and placed it on one of the chairs. “Take a seat.”

  She sat on the chair. Her cheeks heated, and she wondered if he saw the embarrassment. If he did, he didn’t say anything. Resting her palms on her knees she looked toward him. He was gathering stuff out of the fridge. The coffee pot was already working, filling the room with the delicious aroma.

  “How do you know we’re mates?” she asked, blurting the words out. Pressing a hand to her mouth, she apologized.

  Daniel smiled at her. “Your scent, and my wolf is driving me crazy telling me to claim you. He knows what he wants today, tomorrow, the future. He’s got it all mapped out.” He chuckled.

  She watched him slice into a peach and start to segment the fruit. He was making toast as well. The fresh smells made her stomach grumble. At home, she got her own breakfast, which usually consisted of cereal. Her mother wouldn’t be caught dead in a kitchen. She wondered if her father knew all of their meals were prepared by a lower pack female? Dawn doubted it. Her mother wouldn’t let anyone get the chance to spill the truth. She probably threatened a beating.

  Minutes passed as he finished breakfast. “Doesn’t your wolf recognize me?” he asked, taking a seat at the head of the table. She was beside him but away from the table. If she was to lean her arms on the table she’d look out of place.

  “Yes and no. It’s complicated.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. The chair he sat on scraped back as he stood to his feet. The sudden movement had her tensing. He grabbed some kind of band and stood behind her. Daniel worked her hair into a ponytail. “I love your hair, but I don’t want it to get in my way. I love watching your face.” He took a seat again, confusing her.

  He offered her a slice of peach. Staring at the fruit then at him, she frowned.

  “You’ll feed from my hands,” he said.

  Leaning forward she sucked the fruit from his fingers trying not to touch his skin. Daniel laughed. “I wash my hands. You’re not going to get any diseases.” For several minutes he fed her different slices of fruit, sipping his coffee and reading the paper. The only attention he paid her was with the fruit he offered up.

  Was she invisible?

  Gripping the edge of her seat, she took more fruit. When the bowl was empty he b
uttered some toast and tore the bread apart. Again, she had to take the food from his fingers. Slowly, the anger started to ebb away to be replaced with comfort. She liked taking food from his offered hands. He was feeding her, caring for her.

  When the food was all gone, Daniel taking plenty of food for himself, he poured them both a coffee. He folded up the newspaper throwing it away from him.

  “Here is your coffee. This is too hot, and I don’t want to risk burning you.” He handed her the cup. She took it and swallowed some down.

  He kept watching her.

  Should she say something?

  “Thank you, Sir.”


  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Did you feel how hot the coffee was?” he asked.

  His face was a blank mask. She didn’t know why he was asking such questions. Staring into the coffee cup, she frowned. Steam was rising from the cup. She’d always been able to drink hot liquid. Being a wolf she was able to heal a lot faster than humans.

  “Erm, no. It tasted fine, why? Is there something wrong, Sir?” she asked.

  “No, nothing is wrong.” He gave her a quick smile before getting to his feet. With his back to her she stuck her finger into the hot liquid. There was no pain. The wolf inside her was growling at her. When she withdrew her finger she saw the scald, and yet she’d not felt anything.

  You’ve not felt anything in a long time. This is what you’ve been hunting for, the ability to feel pain.

  Her wolf was pacing, clearly distressed. She placed her hand on her lap watching her skin begin to heal.

  “Have you ever been in a fight?” Daniel asked, washing the dishes.

  “Not really. I’ve seen fights but never been in one.”

  He wiped his hands on the towel and turned to face her. “Why did you dip your finger into the cup?” he asked.

  She gasped. “How did you know?” she asked.


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