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My Stepbrother's Baby (Forbidden Secret Book 2)

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by Ted Evans

  If I got myself kicked off the team because I wasn’t giving it my all, then I was going to curse myself, and my parents, out.

  “Was there something else you needed, Coach?” I asked, ready to make a run for it.

  Since he’d wanted me, I’d run quickly through the showers and exchanged the uniform for my clothes. Somehow, I didn’t think Abe or Mason would be out there waiting for me, so we could hang out, but I figured I could find something to do on my own, so I could blow off some steam.

  Coach was quiet for a long time until I started fidgeting again. I ducked my head down and played with my fingers, waiting for him to make up his mind. I looked up when he finally sighed.

  “Sure, kid,” he said. “You’re free to go. I just want you to know one thing. If something is going on, my door is always open. If you don’t think you can talk at home, come and talk to me. I won't judge you, but you have to do something, Evan.”

  “Of course, Coach,” I muttered, jumping up and fast walking away.

  I growled to myself in frustration as I went back to my locker to pick up my stuff, so I could leave. Today wasn’t going as great as I’d hoped it would. From the moment I was jerked out of sleep too damn early this morning by the sound of breaking dishes, then to the part where I had two pop quizzes in classes today that I, of course, failed, to that fight with the guys, and now this talk with Coach, it had quickly turned into a day I wanted to forget. I was more than ready for the day to be over, but I knew going home was a bad idea, so I had to find some other place to hang out.

  It was all driving me crazy, and I idly wondered how long until I snapped at everything.

  Chapter Seven


  It was lunch, and Haley and I were seated at our usual table. My focus wasn’t on eating, though, as I kept glancing around the room, looking for someone.

  Hayley, finally getting fed up with me not paying her any attention, sighed and poked me in the arm.

  “What’s going on with you today, Anita? Actually, no. What’s been up with you recently because today isn’t the only day I caught you acting weird. Is something wrong?” She looked around before leaning closer and whispering. “Is it the baby?”

  I winced and quickly covered her mouth. We were alone, and there wasn’t anyone sitting too close, not to mention the cafeteria was as loud as usual, but it would mean hell for me if people found out. I’d have to do something once it started showing, but I thought I should at least tell people—meaning Mom and Evan—that I was pregnant before focusing on other details.

  “I’m just wondering where Evan is,” I admitted.

  Her eyebrows jumped up. “Wow. You two did grow close, huh? You’re even looking for him at school. Honestly, I thought he’d just ignore you in school, but you just keep getting lucky, don’t you?”

  I pouted. “How is it getting lucky? I took a punishment that wasn’t meant for me, so it’s not like I didn’t pay for it. But that isn’t even the problem. I haven’t seen Evan in school.”

  Hayley shrugged. “So? He could be wherever doing who knows what. He skips school sometimes.”

  I nodded. “I know, but he didn’t tell me where he was, and it’s been two days since I last saw him. I looked for him yesterday, too, and I don’t think he was around.”

  Of course, Hayley didn’t know yet about how far things had progressed between Evan and me. She didn’t know that I’d taken him home, or that he even knew where I lived. I hadn't had the time to tell her, and right then wasn’t the best moment.

  I was too worried. It had been two days, and there was no news from Jacob. He didn’t pick me up for school or drop me off at home like he’d said he would, even though I’d waited, and he hadn't been at school, either.

  Something was nagging at me, and I wondered if there was something wrong. I didn’t know how to contact him if he wasn’t at school, though, belatedly realizing that I didn’t even have his phone number after we’d spent all that time together.

  “Don’t bother worrying about him,” Hayley said dismissively. “You should worry more about yourself right now. I know you haven’t told Evan anything or you would have let me know, but he’s not the only person you have to tell.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned, wrinkling my nose at her.

  I was doing my best not to think about it, but she just had to mention it, huh. I didn’t want to worry about how Mom would react, even though I knew I should. Once the baby was born, I was going to need help, and if it wasn’t going to come from Evan, then I would have to keep troubling my mom.

  Still, there was no way to know how he would react, and I was hopeful that things wouldn’t go badly once I told him; but he had to be at school for me to be able to.

  “I’m guessing you haven’t told her, either,” Hayley guessed.

  “Of course, I haven’t told her! Mom is going to freak out. I have like the worst luck ever, I go out to party once, and I come out of it without my virginity and pregnant.” I hissed everything at her, leaning close until I was sure I was likely spitting on her, but Hayley, good friend that she was, didn’t even complain. “We only did it once, and we were standing up, so why is this happening to me?”

  Hayley broke down and started giggling, and just like that, she lost the ‘good friend’ status. I glared at her until she stopped and tried to look serious.

  “You both just hit the jackpot,” she said. “Do you know, some couples try as hard as they can, and they never manage what the two of you did in one shot? Did it even last ten minutes? Evan’s genes, and yours, will be incredible…”

  I sighed at my friend and went back to watching for Evan, but until the end of lunch, I didn’t see him, and my worry doubled. I already knew he wouldn’t be there to drop me off home today; I couldn’t even see his car in the lot when school let out. I did, however, see two of the guys he usually hung out with. I didn’t see them at the party, but they were often together at school, and an idea occurred to me.

  They would know where he lives.

  If Evan wasn’t at school, then maybe I’d find him at his place.

  I was a little nervous about approaching them, but it was just the two of them, and they were heading over to a car, so I hurried over to them before they could drive away.

  “Excuse me?” I called. “Um, you guys are friends with Evan, right?”

  They stopped and stared at me as if surprised that I would dare call out to them or even talk to them. Internally, I was surprised, too, but I was more focused on finding Evan than embarrassing myself. I didn’t back down from their staring, though I fidgeted a little.

  “Hello?” I said after a minute of waiting.

  “Oh,” Abe muttered. “Sure, we know where he lives.”

  Mason just nodded and rattled off his address.

  “Thank you!”

  I shot them both a grin, then turned and ran off. I planned to go see him and talk to him. While I wasn’t sure what I was going to say when I showed up on his doorstep without an invitation, I had an anxious feeling in my chest pushing me to go see him, and I didn’t want to refuse it.

  Chapter Eight


  There was a knock on my door, but I ignored it. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard it today, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

  “Evan, can you come out for a minute, please?”

  My dad’s voice was muffled by the door and the music I’d put on, and I was tempted to turn the volume up until he complained about it, then decided I was too lazy to be that petty.

  “I’m busy!” I called back.

  Only, I wasn’t. I was locked in my room because I wanted to be alone. I hadn't even gone to school, and Dad hadn't yelled at me about it, because I knew he at least felt guilty.

  It wasn’t enough for me.

  I waited, but there was no word from the other side of the door, so I figured he must have gone back downstairs. I sighed and threw an arm over my eyes, the past few days still seeming unreal.

h no more screaming arguments now, the house was silent, too silent, because Mom was no longer there. She didn’t leave home, at least, not voluntarily.

  She found out Dad had started an affair with another woman, and she was a complete mess. Dad managed to contact a couple relatives and had her checked into a rehab center. I always thought Mom was a little crazy, but after what I’d seen, I couldn’t help feeling guilty. That I never thought to say anything before. I ignored their fighting, thinking it would end on its own, when they either reached a compromise or filed for a divorce, and I’d thought I would be happy to have a peaceful house back, but not like this.

  Mom had been devastated. Neither of them seemed even to notice I was there as usual, while Mom shouted at him for looking at another woman while he said nothing to defend himself, practically admitting his guilt. Instead of shouts, I’d heard my mom’s wailing and the sound of things breaking. I’d been fed up with the yelling but hearing her cry when it wasn’t like her at all was haunting.

  Now, I couldn’t help wondering what would have happened if I’d tried injecting myself into their arguments sooner instead of acting like nothing was going on. Even worse, it happened the same day I got the pep talk from Coach, so the stuff at home had been on my mind when I headed back only to arrive to the worst scene possible.

  Feeling my frustration rise the more I thought about it, I turned off the music and stood up. I yanked my door open, and when I didn’t see Dad in the hallway, went downstairs to confront him as I should have instead of locking myself away in my room.

  He looked up from where he sat in the living room.


  I stalked over him, not giving him a chance to speak.

  “I’m leaving, too,” I declared. “After you did that to Mom, there’s no way in hell I would stay here, especially if you’re thinking about bringing some woman into our house like it’s nothing.”

  Dad sat stunned for a minute since I wasn’t one to speak out much at home. I’d never raised my voice to him or talked back to him, but I didn’t intend to back down this time.

  “Why don’t you listen to what’s going on first,” he said slowly, regaining himself. “Besides, Evan, you know I wouldn’t do that. Things with your mother are just…”

  “Just difficult, so you went off and found another woman, right?” I challenged.

  He cleared his throat, eyes flitting away for a second before he was looking at me again.

  “It’s not like that. I’ve been having issues with your mom, you know that, and they’ve been going on for too long for us to even think of fixing things between us. You know I’m not wrong.”

  After a while, all I could do was to nod in agreement, because I knew I couldn’t refuse it. I didn’t know how long this side relationship had been going on, but Mom and Dad had had problems for years, they only just recently grew more heated.

  I’d come down feeling frustrated because I wanted to argue, but there wasn’t even anything to argue about, and I felt even more frustrated.

  Maybe it’s time I go see Anita.

  I couldn’t relax around any of my friends, but if it was her, I figured she wouldn’t judge. Her family life wasn’t picture perfect normal, either, so she might understand if I went to her for a rant. Besides, it had been days since I last talked to her.

  Ignoring Dad, I headed for the door. Before I could reach it, I heard the doorbell ring, and when I opened it, Anita stood on the other side of the door.

  Chapter Nine


  I just rang the doorbell and got surprised when the door was opened in the next second, and Evan was the one standing there.

  “Um, hi,” I murmured.

  I didn’t know what to read in his expression when he just stood there and stared at me, but I figured he was at least surprised to see me there.

  “Sorry—” I started to say, only to cut off when he suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me into the house.

  I yelped and hurried behind him as he tugged at me, and we hurried up the stairs. He pushed me into a room and closed the door behind us, and I realized half a second later that it was a bedroom, most likely his. In the next moment, Evan whirled me around so fast I was dizzy, then he wrapped an arm around my waist, drug my body harshly against his, and slanted his mouth over mine in a hard kiss before I had time to think.


  I let out a sound of surprise, my hands went up to his shoulders and clutched at him. I wasn’t sure whether to push him away or pull him closer. Evan didn’t give me much time to decide, either way, his tongue pried my mouth open then slid inside, and I shivered, my mind spinning from his kiss.

  Then, he lifted me, his hands dropped to grab me by the back of my thighs and tugged up. I let out another yelp, wrapped my arms around him so I wouldn’t fall, while my legs wrapped around his hips. The position was just right, and I could feel an obvious bulge in his pants pressed against my sex in a way that made me moan.

  If I’d had any thought of resistance, it was quickly erased. I could vaguely feel we were moving, but Evan hadn't stopped kissing me, keeping my mind preoccupied.


  I gasped his name, but before I could say a thing, my mouth was ravaged again. He was wilder today than he’d been the past two times we had sex, but this was turning me on. He was acting as if he’d starve if he didn’t have me, and it had me giddy, and very ready to come.

  Since he wasn’t listening to me, I started tugging on his shirt, one hand sliding between us to get at his jeans. He was rocking his hips roughly against mine, and rubbing against my clit through my clothes, and I whined as my body shivered with pleasure.

  “Just a second, baby,” he growled, pausing to give a nip at my neck that hurt just a little, but also felt sinfully good. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel it for days.”

  That had me moaning some more, and I bit my lip as I tried to hold the sound back. I wanted to ask if there was someone else at home, then figured he would never try this if there was, so I pushed the thought out of my mind.

  Hands scrambled for clothes, his and mine, tossing them away, the intensity between us growing so high I wondered if I would come before he even got inside me. The way he was rubbing his bulge against my clit, now that my pants were gone, was unbearable, and I clutched him and rocked back, and it was his turn to let out a groan and try to get me to slow down.

  “I want to be in you, Anita,” he murmured. “I want to fuck you. Right now.”

  My body shivered as I let out a whine, and reluctantly let him go so he could finish undressing us both. When he settled down between my spread thighs, we were both naked.

  He braced on his forearms and cupped my breasts in his hands, leaning down to suck hard around my nipples, driving a new level of heat down to my abdomen and straight to my clit. His cock lay heavy between my thighs, rubbing over my sex with every minute movement, but I needed him to move, just a bit, and he would be inside me. Or rub that one spot just a little bit longer…

  I rocked my hips for a bit before giving up with a sound of disappointment even as he continued playing with my breasts. I bit my hand to muffle the sounds that wanted to come out. Evan surprised me, gripping that hand and pulling it from my mouth, before he finally slid up and aligned himself perfectly with my center.

  He pressed my hand down against the mattress, and his lips slanted over mine at the exact moment he thrust his hips against me. He spread my walls wide for his thick cock and I could help but groan into his mouth loudly. I let out a strained sound that he muffled with his mouth, before clutching at him with my other hand and both my legs.

  “Evan,” I panted. “Please!”

  He let out a growl, then moved, pumping his cock in and out of me, fucking me hard and fast. He covered my mouth with his hand to muffle the shout that wanted to come out. He wasn't careful at all, and there was a second of discomfort before my body quickly adjusted, like I’d been made just for him, and all I fe
lt was an overwhelming pleasure.

  “Fuck, Anita,” he grumbled, leaving kisses up and down my neck, coming back to my lips before going back to my neck. “I’ve wanted you so much; you feel fucking amazing underneath me. Wanted to see you so bad…”

  Evan was very different today, but I realized I loved this wild side of him. I slid my fingers through his, where he was still holding my hand down. I tried to rock my hips against his, to match his rhythm and to have him go even deeper in me until he was branded inside of me. I whined, too breathless to say anything. He seemed to know exactly what I wanted, though, fucking me even faster, even harder. I gasped for air, body going taut as an orgasm washed over me.

  He still wasn’t done yet. He bit and sucked at my lips, before freeing his hand to tease my my breasts as he kept moving his hips. I whimpered, but he showed no mercy, and even though I thought it was impossible, I could feel the pleasure in my body quickly rising again.

  We came together this time, my walls convulsed around his cock as he pulsed and released inside me.

  Afterwards, we slumped into the mattress, completely drained. For a moment, I’d found perfect happiness.

  Chapter Ten


  “Are you ready to go?” I asked.

  It was an hour later after we’d both showered and gotten dressed. Anita blushed, hugging herself as she shuffled her feet.

  “I can just walk back.”

  Even though I found her sudden shyness a little amusing, I just rolled my eyes at her.

  “My place is further from school, and if you have to walk all the way home after coming here, how long will that take you? It’s already this late, just let me drop you off.”

  She pursed her lips, but I didn’t miss that she wasn’t all that displeased. I took my car keys and opened the door, but she still hesitated.


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