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Captured: A Dark Vampire Motorcycle Club Paranormal Romance (Nightborne Renegades MC Book 1)

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by Imani L. Hawkins


  Nightborne Renegades MC Book One

  by Imani L. Hawkins


  © 2020 Imani L. Hawkins and Tyrone Hawkins, Captured: Nightborne Renegades Book One

  Published by Pyramese Publishing Group

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law. For permission, contact:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One


  “Hello, gorgeous.”

  A man I’d never seen before slipped into the barstool beside me, his lips curved into a smile that showed a row of perfectly white teeth and a long set of fangs. His indecent gaze slid its way down my body, only pausing when it landed on my neck, my breasts, and my thighs. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, tugging down the fabric of my skirt.

  The neon light above the bar cast a purple light over the vampire, making him look especially pale, almost sickeningly so. Dark hair he wore in spikes atop his head were tipped with a bright pink color, sitting above an angular face the likes of which only a mother could appreciate. He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t gorgeous either. Not like the other vampires I’d come in contact with.

  “You here for some venom? It’s been a while since I bit someone as gorgeous as you.”

  There was his first mistake, thinking me nothing more than a venom-addicted woman who’d give up everything I had for a simple bite. Damn junkies. They were making it hard for decent women to be respected around the vampires and I was getting sick of it.

  I pulled a small spray can from my purse and aimed it at the man. “Only if you’re down for some garlic spray. I find pain sexy, but only if it’s reciprocated.”

  He jerked away from me, his lips twisted into a scowl. “Bitch.”

  I gave him a playful smile, pushing my chest forward. “Your loss.”

  He retreated back into the crowd of dancing bodies, leaving me alone. And that’s what I wanted to be, alone. At least until the vampire I was looking for showed up.

  I placed the spray of mouthwash back into my pocket, grateful he hadn’t bothered to look at it. Going into a vampire bar as a human was crazy enough, but sitting at the infamous Nightfangs Bar, a club owned by the leaders of the Nightborne Renegades Motorcycle club, nestled between two large hills on the outskirts of Alamogordo, NM, without a weapon was damn near suicidal. But what could I say? Desperation made me do crazy things.

  I waved down the bartender who flashed a set of white fangs before leaning forward, his hands planted on the bar. A mop of jet-black curls fell in his face and he swept those curls back, almost theatrically. “What’s your passion, sweetheart?”

  He’d asked it in a way that was friendly and comical, his voice hitched an octave higher on the word sweetheart. Black eyeliner lined his lower lash line and I could tell he’d been wearing makeup. His porcelain skin was flawless, with an airbrushed feel to it that could only be achieved with foundation, and he completed the look with green contact lenses that barely covered the red of his eyes. I wasn’t sure if the mask was an effort to make their human patrons feel more comfortable, or if he was exercising his freedom of expression, but I had to give it to him, he was flawless. And I did feel comfortable in his presence.

  “Rum and coke, please,” I ordered, flashing him a smile of my own.

  He frowned, rolling his eyes at me. “Are you sure? We have just about every liquor imaginable here and you want a rum and coke? Girl, up your game!” He put a finger up before turning away from me and grabbing a few bottles from the glass display. With a grace I’d never seen any of the other vampires use, he poured an ounce from each bottle into a mixing cup before covering it with another cup. “I can see you’re the adventurous type but you like to keep your wits about you. You’ll love this.”

  Once the drink was shaken with ice, he poured it into a glass, sliced a lemon wedge and placed it on the rim. He slid the glass toward me with a smile.

  I quirked my brow. I’d learned a long time ago not to accept strange drinks from anyone, especially vampires who had nearly no sensitivity to alcohol. I wanted to trust him because, I had to admit, the drink looked damn good.

  “Go ahead and taste it. This one’s on me.” He gestured toward the glass with a flick of his wrist. “I promise you, if you don’t like it, your drinks are on me for the rest of the night.”

  “Deal,” I said picking up the glass and pulling it to my lips. With the promise of free alcohol in the air, a sip couldn’t do too much damage.

  I tipped the glass up and took in a small sip. The flavor that exploded on my tongue was unlike any other drink I ever had. A nice blend of passion fruit, strawberry, and citrus with a blend of alcohols that perfectly complemented the fruity flavors. I took another sip, allowing the liquid to sit on my tongue for a bit to savor the taste of it before swallowing it down.

  The bartender gave me a knowing smile. “Never doubt me again,” he laughed, patting himself on the back. He offered me his hand. “They call me Pretty Jon but I’m way too fabulous to be simply pretty. You can call me Jon.”

  “Davina,” I said, giving his hand a shake.

  “Davina, Dav, Vina.” He took a step back to study me, without releasing my hand. A mischievous smile crept across his lips. “Davie! That’s it. I’ll call you Davie.”


  “Girl, you didn’t know? I just bought you a drink. Either we’re fucking or we’re best friends now, and you don’t have the right equipment for us to be fucking. Although you could sway me.”

  This time I laughed. I had to admit, he had one of those personalities I often found endearing and I loved his sense of confidence.

  “Best friends it is!” I said, taking another sip of my drink.

  “Pretty Jon,” another patron called from the opposite side of the bar and Jon slumped his shoulders forward dramatically.

  “Duty calls, but I’ll be right back.”

  I watched him leave, noticing the sway of his hips as he departed. He was right. He was fabulous and he fucking knew it.

  I took another sip and swiveled my seat around to face the rest of the club. My eyes scanned the area, searching for the man I’d come to see. My target was late, much later than I’d expected and if he didn’t show up within the hour, I would lose my one opportunity to gain entry to their computers before my time was up.

  I frowned at the thought of it. As if life wasn’t hard enough, being an only child, abandoned by the parents who thought themselves worthy of more than being stuck taking care of a petulant child, I was essentially homeless by the time I was thirteen years old. I spent most of that time in school, from attending classes to sleeping in the school’s gymnasium once classes were over. Nothing came easy to me, especially when I thought I’d found an easy score. There was no way I could lose, at least that’s what I’d thought as I tossed fifty grand on the table, sure the person wielding the dice couldn’t roll another seven. I’d been wrong and the fifty grand wasn’t mine to give away. That’s what I got for bidding it all on a roll of dice and now I owed a pretty important person more money than I’d be able to make with both of my sid
e jobs combined. Especially considering he’d only given me two weeks to come up with the money.

  With only a few days left, I’d come up with a plan, a plan that was sinking fast as I gazed up at the clock. If what I’d been told was correct, he’d be out of town by morning, and by the time he returned, I’d be nothing more than a memory.

  I slumped in my seat, defeated. Again, I’d bet it all on a long shot and again, I’d failed. I turned to face the bar. At least I had a delicious drink in front of me, thanks to Pretty Jon’s generosity and if it was going to be the last drink I had, it was perfect. I sipped down the rest of the drink, allowing the liquid to slide down my throat, cool and refreshing. The taste of it lingered on my tongue just enough to make me wish I could afford another. I reached into my purse and collected the remaining bills I had - a five and a few ones. It was the reason I asked for rum and coke. At two bucks a spot, I’d be able to get a little tipsy and get all the liquid courage I needed, but I was certain this drink cost way more than I was able to spend. Fuck it.

  I waved my cash in the air, calling for Pretty Jon. He sauntered over with a smile that lit the green of his eyes. “Do you want another?” he asked, pointing at my empty glass.

  “That depends. How much are they?”

  “Considering you’re my bestie now, I’ll take two bucks a shot if you toss the money straight into my tip jar.” He thrust a thumb toward the glass jar that sat on a counter behind him. “But don’t tell anyone here I’m going easy on you. I have a reputation to protect.”

  He winked at me, grabbing his jar and setting it in front of me. I shoved the bills into the jar.

  “How many does that buy me?”

  “Enough to forget your troubles for a few hours,” he said, putting the jar back into its place and pouring me my drink.

  Once he was done, he placed another glass in front of me, taking my empty glass and tossing it into the trash can beneath the counter. The sound of breaking glass reached my ears but I thought nothing of it. Instead, I took a sip of the freshly made drink, savoring the flavor of it even as I began to feel the effects of it. Briefly, I wondered if he’d intended to get me drunk. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had tried to do so, hoping they’d have an opportunity to take advantage of me or rob me, but somehow, I knew he wasn’t capable of it. I wasn’t sure if it was his sweet disposition or the way everything about him felt oddly familiar to me. Whatever it was, I was grateful one of my last nights on this Earth wouldn't be met with treachery.

  “Don’t go chugging that down too fast, Davie. It has a lot of liquor in it,” he warned, but he was too late.

  I’d already managed to take down half the glass by then. He left again, leaving me to finish off my drink alone. Once it was done, I raised my hand to flag him down again, only this time, another hand grabbed mine and pulled it down.

  I jerked from the contact, nearly falling from my seat. A set of strong arms snaked their way around my waist to steady me.

  “Jon, get this girl some water,” a masculine voice called out beside my ear.

  I winced at the headache it caused, and the sudden dizziness that crept its way through me. Faster than my eyes could track, Pretty Jon was in front of me, his lips tugged down into a worried frown as he pushed a glass of water toward me. He took my drink and, just like before, tossed the glass in the trash.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a lightweight?” he chuckled uneasily.

  “I doubt you would have taken that under advisement,” that strong baritone spoke again and it was at that moment I realized his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

  I could feel his strong chest against my back, his warm breath caressing my neck. I turned to face the man, only to discover it was my mark holding me upright. He flashed me a dazzling smile that was all teeth and a set of fangs, his crimson eyes sparkling with amusement.

  I shifted away from him, far enough my ass sat at the edge of the stool, but not far enough to lose my balance. Clearing his throat, he tipped his head forward and released me.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t want you injuring yourself. Insurance rates are a bitch these days.” He gave me another smile before pointing toward my glass. “You really should finish that.”

  I took a few more gulps of the icy water before placing the glass back on the bar. I had no idea what was in it but whatever it was worked. I could feel myself sobering up almost instantly.

  Once the dizziness lifted, I returned my attention to the man before me. My mark. The person who’d give me access to what I needed if I played my cards right.

  Devon Blackstone stood before me a picture of pure perfection in snug dark jeans and a black tank that stretched over chiseled muscle and dark skin. His tight curls were cut close to his scalp above a gorgeous face, sharp nose, and lusciously thick lips that were punctuated by the cutest dimples on both sides when he smiled. The man was hot, much hotter than I’d imagined him to be and I could feel my excitement tumbling through me. Yes, this was a job but there was no reason I couldn’t have fun with him before robbing him blind.

  Chapter Two


  “I’m Devon,” he said, offering his hand.

  I took his hand in mine and was shocked by how soft it was. His thumb slid across my knuckles in a tender caress before he brought his other hand up to clasp mine, giving it a light shake. A vampire with manners. This was something I’d never expected considering the stories I’ve heard about the gruesome fiend who preyed on women, leaving them dumbstruck and brokenhearted once he was done with them.


  He released my hand and claimed the stool beside mine. “I’ve never seen you here before, and by the looks of you,” his gaze slid down to my neck, “you’re not the typical vamp groupie. What brings you here?”

  “I’m looking for someone,” I said, leaving out the fact he’d been the one I was looking for.

  He quirked his brow but didn’t say anything else. Instead, he ordered himself a scotch. Jon placed a glass of scotch in front of him before mixing me another drink.

  “This one won’t be as strong as the first two, darling.” Placing the drink in front of me, he smiled before spinning away from me with a flip of his head. Again, the man was fabulous and he knew it. “Call me if you need anything.”

  Devon leaned forward, propping his elbow on the bar and resting his head in it. His eyes were on me, watching me as I sipped from the glass. A smirk played on his lips, and I couldn’t help but admire him. A purple fluorescent light swept across his face, enhancing the glow of his dark skin and shivers raced up my spine. He was beautiful, in a way that felt unnatural, like he was molded of the finest clay.

  “Is that better?” he asked. I gave him a confused stare, and he nodded toward the glass in my hand. “It’s not as easy as you think to adjust the drinks for human consumption but Jon tries his best. Still, you may want to take your time with this one.”

  “Are you sure he wasn’t trying to get me drunk on purpose?”

  “Unlike most in here, Jon is a pretty solid guy. He’s the last person you need to worry about here.”

  He took another drink from his own glass, before setting it on the bar. His fingers teased around the rim of the glass, creating a faint hum that was nearly inaudible to me but I could tell others heard it. Vampires around the bar glanced over in our direction before most returned their attentions to whatever they’d been doing before. Still, some looked on, eying me with equal levels of interest and suspicion.

  “What about you?” I asked, trying to ignore the lingering eyes. Leaning toward him, I reached out to trace a finger along his wrist. “Are you someone I should be worried about?”

  A lascivious smile crept across his lips as he regarded me. With just that one touch, he was interested.

  I pulled my strands of light blonde hair from my shoulders, wrapping them up in a messy bun at the nape of my neck. His gaze slid down to my neck and his tongue came out slightly to lick those f
ull lips of his. The action had heat snaking its way down my spine to settle between my thighs.

  “That depends. What did you have in mind?”

  A few drinks later, we left the bar. He placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to a set of stairs just outside the exit. We climbed those stairs and walked through a set of wooden doors he locked behind us. My mind swam as darkness surrounded me so thick I could feel it pushing down on me.

  His hands gripped my waist, tugging me back toward him as he whispered in my ear. “Stay put.”

  With a gust of air, he was gone, returning mere seconds later with another gust of air. I heard the grind of metal against metal before the room was flooded with brilliant white light, assaulting my eyes that had already begun adjusting to the darkness of the room. I rubbed at my eyes before reopening them and was met with a view I hadn’t expected. We were in a suite above the bar, yet it looked like something worthy of a five-star hotel. Cream-colored walls were accented by gold trim above mahogany wood paneled floors. The decor was simple, yet expensive with plush couches facing a large LED television that sat above a marble fireplace, and a large king-sized bed just beyond the living space. Off to the side was a door that led to a massive en suite I was certain boasted the same attention to detail as this room.


  He gave me one of those arrogant grins that showed he knew the affect the room would have on me when he’d brought me there, but it didn’t bother me. If I had a place like this, I’d be in heaven. Hell, just having a place to call my own would have been enough. As it were, I was bunked in with a few roommates whose idea of a good time was lying around all day, high off whatever drugs their meager paychecks could afford them. Needless to say, the place was a dump with broken bottles and debris scattered across the living room floor as no one felt the need to keep the place clean. I’d tried before but had given up months ago when I found it was all for nothing. Within hours of cleaning the place, it was wrecked much worse than it was before and yelling at my roommates had done nothing to change it.


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