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Captured: A Dark Vampire Motorcycle Club Paranormal Romance (Nightborne Renegades MC Book 1)

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by Imani L. Hawkins

  Concern marred his brow as he looked at me. With a shake of his head, he turned away from me and planted himself on the couch, patting the seat beside him.

  “Tell me about it,” he said as I claimed the seat beside him.

  “There’s nothing to tell.” I knew what he wanted to hear but I couldn’t give him that. He was my mark, after all, and spilling my secrets would do nothing but complicate the matter.

  I allowed my eyes to glance around the place. He hadn’t taken me to his home, meaning I wouldn’t be anywhere near his personal belongings but he did have a suitcase tucked into the corner beside the bed. With any luck, his laptop would be in there and I’d be able to hack into their systems in no time.

  Shoving those thoughts aside, I forced a flirtatious smile and laid my hand on his thigh. The muscles rippled beneath my touch as if with a mind of their own.

  “Besides, I don’t think you brought me here to share our deepest darkest secrets. Unless I am mistaken?”

  I allowed my hand to slide up the soft fabric of his jeans, watching as his hardened length pushed up almost incessantly against the fabric. Teasing my finger across his length, I could feel the length of him, hard and ready for whatever we planned to do and a giddy tremor slid down my spine. Being with a vampire had never been at the top of my list but as I stroked him, I couldn’t help the excitement that coursed through me.

  He leaned back on the couch, stretching his arms across the top as a groan tumbling from his lips. His eyes were closed but I could still feel he was aware of every move I made as I trailed my hands over his strong chest. My touches were exploratory, as if testing out his features, trying to gain the right reactions from him. But when I dipped my hand into his jeans to pull at the bottom of his shirt, his hands caught mine in a grip that bordered on painful.

  I winced at the contact and he loosened his grip just enough it no longer hurt but not enough for me to snatch my hands away. His crimson eyes pierced me with a look that was suspicion and lust rolled all into one and I didn’t know how to react to that. I could see the wheels turning in his head before he let go of my hands.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice thick with the same need I felt coursing through me.

  I leaned forward, raking my nails over the fabric of his shirt. No amount of words could explain the fascination at his reactions to my touch, the way his muscles rippled and bunched beneath my fingertips and the way his breath hitched.

  “I’m not sure,” I responded.

  “If you’re not sure that you want this…”

  I shook my head. That wasn’t what I meant, but he seemed to tense up as if waiting for me to pull the plug.

  The action wasn’t lost on me and I couldn’t help but think maybe I was making him uncomfortable, which should have been silly considering he was part of the Notorious Trio, the three vampires who ran the motorcycle club and the deadliest amongst them. I’d chosen Devon because he was the least dangerous of the three, at least that’s what I’d been told but that didn’t make this any safer. He was still a vampire, far faster and stronger than anything I could ever become, even with the right training, and it would mean nothing to him to snipe out my life once he realized I’d deceived him.

  A tremor worked its way across my chest and I could feel the muscles there tightening. I was playing a dangerous game, and as electrifying as it was, it was equally terrifying. But I knew I’d already gone too far to give up now, especially with the freakishly handsome Devon sitting beside me, his gaze heated but wary.

  His questioning gaze brought me from my thoughts and I scrambled to come up with something, anything that would put the vampire at ease.

  “I guess I’m more nervous than I thought I’d be,” I said with a shrug.

  As if those words clicked to him, He stood from his seat and was gone before my eyes had time to process what happened. Moments later, the lights were dimmed, and he stood before me with a couple drinks in his hand. Handing me one, I took a sip from it, realizing it was the same thing I’d drank earlier that night. Had he really had time to go down to the bar and grab me another drink? He’d only been gone a few moments, but I had no doubt that’s exactly what he did. Vampires were fast. I’d always known it but seeing it up close was still a shock to the system.

  What came as more of a shock was when I’d noticed he hadn’t actually dimmed the lights. Instead, light flickered from candles he’d placed around us, shedding a warm orange glow on everything it touched. Was he trying to set a mood? I wasn’t sure, but I had to admit, I did feel a lot more comfortable. A lot more controlled. I took another sip from my glass, allowing the liquid courage to sear a molten path through me and stood to take his hand. He zipped away from me for a moment before he was right back in front of me, reaching me before the music did.

  Again, shock filled me when I realized he’d actually been trying to set a mood. Even more so when he plucked my glass from my hand, sitting it on the coffee table beside the couch before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

  “Would you care to dance?” he purred against my ear and began swaying our bodies to the beat of the music before I could answer.

  I rested my cheek against his chest, listening for the sound of his heartbeat before frowning. There was no heartbeat but I could still feel him moving with me, pulling me closer so our bodies molded together.

  Chapter Three


  I saw her the moment she sauntered into our bar, her body barely covered by the black bodice top and short leather skirt that barely made it past her ass. Like a gem, sparkling and gorgeous, yet delicate, she came to tempt. I could see it in the way she tossed her straight blonde hair over her shoulder, flashing the tender flesh of her neck with her full lips drawn together in a flirtatious pout. Her beautiful brown eyes swept across the bar, searching for something or someone, I wasn’t sure.

  She frowned, and even that frown was sexy as her bottom lip poked out just a bit. The girl was fire. I could see that in the way she set her jaw, a determined look hardening her expression as she made her way to the bar. I watched as she slid herself onto a bar stool, straightening her back, showing off a set of curves my palms itched to touch. She crossed one leg over another, before taking another glance around the club.

  “Who is that?” Smoke asked, coming up beside me.

  Damn it all. It was just like Smoke to notice every new piece of tail that sashayed its way into our club but I’d secretly hoped it would take him some time to notice this one. He whistled as he stared, running a hand through strands of blonde waves that fell across his shoulders.

  “No clue,” I answered with a dismissive sigh. The last thing I needed was him knowing I’d been interested, considering the way he always seemed to turn everything into a competition.

  I thought about the last girl who’d stumbled her way into the club. She’d been innocent enough, just a tourist passing through Alamogordo, wanting to get a glimpse of the only vampire bar in town. That was the funny thing about humans. As vulnerable as they were, they certainly liked to brush up against death as if they were invincible.

  She’d been decent to look at, nothing like the fiery blonde that just came in, but she was pretty enough with raven locks that flowed midway down her back and the face of an angel. An innocent, as we liked to call them. Her child-like curiosity was only trumped by her shy disposition as she’d spoken to me, fascinated with every aspect of what I am. Even then, I’d found conversation with her easy. There were no games or ulterior motives, at least until Smoke got his hands on her. That shyness I loved about her so much turned to arrogance nearly overnight, not that it mattered much. Once Smoke had his way with her, he was done, avoiding her at all costs. She’d come to me with those pleading green eyes, wanting back into the fold but by then, I wanted nothing to do with her either.

  Now, looking out at the blonde, I’d hoped this was a game he couldn’t win.

  “She’s clearly new here. I don’t see
any bite marks or scars, at least in places that are visible.” He scratched at his beard, probably thinking of all the many things he’d like to do to her and I let out a huff of air. “Let’s see if she returns a second time.”

  He clapped me on the back before shoving away from the banister and exiting the building.

  I should have listened to him but everything about her screamed to me, loudly enough that minutes later I was seated at the bar, ordering her up another drink. It was a stupid move, considering she’d had a difficult time handling the alcohol she’d already had, but with Jon’s ‘water’ sobering her up, I knew she could handle another drink or two before the night was over. At least it would give me enough time to get to know her. Or at least that’s what I’d thought before a few drinks later we were up in the suite.

  She was electric, like a magnetic current that pulled and pushed at the same time. Having her in my arms, her softness against my hard felt amazing, as if we belonged there together, in that moment. We swayed to the music easily with my head resting on her shoulder, though the position felt a bit odd to me. She was much shorter than me, meaning I had to bend awkwardly while she stood on the tips of her toes but I didn’t mind. Not when she wrapped her arms around my neck and the scent of amber and vanilla caressed my nose. She smelled as good as she felt and I found myself getting lost in her, lost in the sound of her heartbeat, the blood coursing through her veins, and the warmth of her skin as I trailed a hand up her back.

  “Is this better?” I asked, planting kisses on her earlobe and loving the say she shivered in response.

  She nodded against my chest before pulling away from me, only enough to look up at me with that same heated gaze I’d seen at the bar. Her actions most of the night were strange. I could tell she wanted me; she’d made that clear, but there was something there that was holding her back, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. One moment she was fire, the next ice. But when she looked at me now, all I could see was that fire that seared me where I stood.

  Her tongue snaked out to sweep across her lips and that was my undoing. I captured her lips in a kiss that was damn near violent, deepening it as the taste of her spurred me forward. When she groaned against my lips, I used my hand to tilt her head up so I could taste her more fully and damn if it wasn’t the most exquisite thing I’d ever tasted.

  I tore away from her kiss, peppering kisses down to her neck as my hands fumbled with the bodice of her shirt. Working it off of her, I sucked at the tender flesh of her neck, allowing a groan to slip from my lips as she reaches down to cup my manhood. My cock was hard, pushing up against the fabric of my jeans, and when she tugged down the zipper and unbuttoned them to allow it free, I damn near lost my mind.

  My fangs were dripping venom by the time our clothes were nothing but a crumpled mess on the floor beneath us, but I did everything in my power not to bite her. She must have sensed my thoughts because she made it easier for me, sinking down to her knees before me. She looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes, licking her lips before taking me in her mouth. And fuck if I didn’t want to come just then. Her mouth was molten lava, wrapped around my cock and I couldn’t help but move with her, sliding my shaft back and forth while she pressed her tongue against the underside, massaging me. My breaths came out ragged and harsh as she increased her speed, nearly bringing me to within the limits of my control but I didn’t want to cum. Not then, before I’d had the opportunity to make sure she felt just as good as she was making me feel.

  I curled my fingers in her silky hair, tugging her up until I could capture her lips with mine again. The feel of her bare breasts against my chest had me wishing I could worship her fully and caress every inch of her body but the need to be inside her overpowered it all. Especially when I reached between us to feel her wet and ready for me.

  I pushed her back, gently enough we didn’t break our kiss, but firmly enough she stumbled backwards toward the window. Grabbing her ass with my hands, I lifted her up, and she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist when I pressed her back against the window. Within seconds I was inside her, encasing myself in her warmth, as cries of pleasure fled her lips. Her nails dug into my back as she held onto me and I couldn’t help the primal cry that escaped my own lips. Damn she was tight and wet, and perfect as she pushed her hips forward, meeting my thrusts. And the harder I thrust, the more she clung to me, causing ripples of pleasure to cascade through me until I’d nearly forgotten about her pleasure.

  I reached down between us, finding her clit and applying just the right amount of pressure to have her tightening around me, her muscles rippling and clenching as she found her release. Before long, I was pulsing inside her, filling her already wet core with my own release. And it couldn’t be more perfect.


  I woke up with a headache, something I hadn’t felt in years since I’d been turned. My head throbbed with a fierceness that nearly made me dizzy as I pushed myself up on my bed. Light flooded in from the open window, nearly blinding me and I rushed to close the curtains. Unlike most books about our kind, sunlight wasn’t deadly to us but it was extremely uncomfortable. I felt the sun’s rays seeping into my skin and that painful tingle that reminded me why I preferred the night. Why I’d left the curtain open the night before, I couldn’t immediately recall, but as I thought about it, her face flitted into my thoughts.


  I looked back toward the bed and was shocked to see her gone. The only evidence she’d even been there was the scent of amber and vanilla that permeated the air around me, wrapping me up in its delicate fragrance like a warm blanket. My mind went back to the night before - her brown eyes, the sweat that collected on her brow as I worked my cock into her soft heat. My cock came alive at the thought of her, standing at full attention, and had she been there, I would have her again before I left for my trip.

  “Damn,” I breathed, making my way to the bathroom.

  Before I had a chance to turn on the shower, the door flew open, smacking against the wall before it swung closed.

  “Devon, you idiot,” Smoke called out from the living area, annoyance clear in his tone. “Please tell me you didn’t give that girl fifty grand?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t give her…”

  I stopped cold as I exited the bathroom, noticing for the first time my laptop was seated on the coffee table. I hadn’t unpacked it the night before which could only mean…


  Chapter Four


  Damn Devon. As if we didn’t have enough on our plates, he goes and gets robbed by the skirt at the bar, before leaving town and leaving me to clean up his mess. I had to decide how to handle the situation but damn if it wasn’t the most difficult decision I had to make. By our code, the perpetrator had to pay for their discretions, but were I honest, I really didn’t see the need to go too far. Not when the perpetrator was nothing more than a girl who’d been placed in an impossible position.

  I poured myself a scotch from the decanter I kept sitting on my desk, before claiming a seat behind my laptop. Her picture was up on the display, along with a long list of things Jon was able to gather about her. And I had to say, I was impressed. The girl had a knack for getting herself out of tough situations. She certainly had a gift for hacking, considering she’d managed to hack into Devon’s laptop and gain entry into his account in less than two minutes.

  I looked up at Jon who wore the same thoughtful expression he had when I’d first told him what happened. He hadn’t considered the girl could be a danger to any of us here, and rightfully so. She certainly didn’t seem the type, even on paper. With the exception of a few trespassing charges, her record was clean, and there was nothing there that would set off any red flags.

  “Is this all you were able to gather on her?” I asked, pushing myself back in my seat.

  He gave me a tight nod and I could tell, he too, was conflicted about what needed to happen. This was the par
t of the job I hated - deciding what to do with her. On one hand, I could certainly see why she’d been forced to steal the money. Jon had managed to gather information from a few reliable sources who told him she owed Zed a large sum of money. If fifty grand was that sum, I had no doubt Zed would do everything in his power to either collect the money or kill Davina. Still, I couldn’t figure out why she’d borrow such a huge sum in the first place.

  “Well,” Jon began, putting up one well-manicured finger. “There is this little birdy that told me the girl had a lot of personal issues. She was practically homeless at thirteen.”

  I raised my brow at that. “Thirteen?”

  “The poor child basically raised herself. Classic story. Boy meets girl, boy gets girl pregnant, boy and girl raise child until she’s thirteen before taking off on her after forgetting to pay the rent. It really is tragic.” Jon shook his head as his eyes darkened, filled with sorrow.

  He felt bad for the girl and, though I hated to admit it, I did too. Where last night I’d seen her as nothing more than another notch on my bedpost, hearing this brought a realness to her I hadn’t expected. I thought back to the night before. She’d been desperate, stepping into a club full of vampires with the intentions of stealing from one of the Trio, but I didn’t get that from her. Instead, she seemed almost bold and fearless as she navigated her way to the bar, a quality I liked in most women I dealt with. If it weren’t for a meeting I had to attend, it wouldn’t have been Devon taking her to bed that night. Or would it?

  She’d definitely come with a plan and it couldn’t be a coincidence she’d managed to find herself in the arms of the only one of us who gave humans the benefit of doubt. Unlike Jackson and I, Devon had a soft spot for humans. It was the very reason we worked so hard to keep the peace between the two species, not that it wasn’t difficult. Humans had a knack for stirring up trouble and we’d found ourselves forced to kill quite a few of them over the years. Which was why I couldn’t let this slight go, no matter her story.


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