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Kore's Angel: Angel Shifters

Page 10

by Serena Simpson

  “I love it. If you were to become an angel,” he spoke into her ear, “your wings would attach here.” He caressed her shoulder blades making her body shake.

  “I’d be like you,” she whispered half to herself.

  His hand came around the front caressing her belly before he raised it and pinched a nipple making her suck in air through her teeth.

  “Wicked angel,” she murmured as he took her nipple into his mouth sucking on it as if he cherished her.

  His hand went up to caress and tug at her other nipple never leaving it alone. Leaning over, she placed kisses on his forehead as her hands roamed his broad shoulders loving the width of them. She slid her hands down to feel the softness of the feathers on his wings. He moved to the edge of the chair and spread his wings for her.

  Amazing. Awe inspiring. She looked down at the picture they made. His hand was wrapped around her back holding her in place, the other one was tugging on a nipple. Her other nipple was in his mouth. His shirt was off showing the thick muscles in his arms and chest. His snowy white wings were spread wide. She started committing the picture to memory, never wanting to forget this exact moment.

  She lowered her head to lick at his earlobe as she ran her fingers over his wings close to where they attached to his shoulders blades. His body shook bringing a husky laugh from her.

  “I love how sensitive your wings are.” Her hands went between his legs caressing his thick cock through his joggers.

  “Naughty girl,” he whispered, managing to lift his hips up and pull his joggers over them before he sat back down.

  She was watching over his shoulders as his ass flexed a moan escaped, it was so tight she wanted a day just to play with it.

  “I’m going to bite you on your ass someday.”

  He gave a snarl showing her how much he liked that comment. He lifted her off his lap and did some sexy shimmy that she was sure only males could do and managed to get his joggers to his ankles. He stripped her bottoms off before he put her back on his lap. She reached for his cock as he tried to get his feet out of the joggers while she stroked him.

  “You’re going to kill me, sweetness.”

  “I’m glad because I’m beginning to think you're going to be the death of me.” She slipped her finger over the head of his cock catching a bead of his essence on it. Placing it in her mouth, she moaned and wiggled on him as his taste filled her senses.

  “I want more.” She went for another drop placing it in her mouth.

  She wiggled trying to get out of his lap. He smacked her on the ass making her go still. She decided she liked it so much she wiggled even harder so he would do it again.

  “You delight me; I never know what you will do or say.” He smacked her ass again drawing a husky lust filled laugh out of her.

  Pulling her closer, he kissed down her body as far as he could until she placed her knees on the chair around him rising up over him. His finger went down until he reached her clit. He took a finger placed it his mouth and then flicked her clit with it before he took it between two fingers and pinched.

  A ragged moan was drawn out of her as she moved his hand away and placed herself over his cock.

  “Next time,” she whispered, “I want to taste you.”

  She sat down taking him inside of her body while a masculine groan of pure pleasure came from his lips.

  “Mine,” she snarled as she rode him. Her pussy convulsed around him, tightening, refusing to let him go. She greedily took anything he gave her as she rode him harder.

  He stood taking her with him. She placed her legs around his waist as he pushed her up against a wall. His thrusts increased along with the power of his strokes. She was screaming as her body lit on fire.

  “Come for me,” he whispered.

  She fell over the precipice. Instead of hitting the ground, she rose high, the wings on her back making her soar.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Reluctance tugged at Eden even though she knew it was time to wake up and face the problems she had been hiding from. The dream of flying high over the city with Kore still held her in its grip. She could feel the wind in her face and air that wasn’t tainted with the smells of the city or even the flowers and trees, being up so high the air had a different cleaner smell. Her eyes opened with reluctance. It was time to face reality.

  Kore wasn’t in bed with her, and his spot was cold. The sun was high which meant she had slept for several more hours, not that she was going to berate herself. She was still healing, and standing up she realized she had more body aches than she wanted to acknowledge. First order of the day was a nice soak in the tub.

  She opened her eyes when Kore walked into the bathroom. The water was helping to relieve knotted muscles. Kore had left her medicine on the nightstand next to the bed, so she had taken that before she sank into the deep tub.

  “Hi.” Her lips curled up into a welcoming smile. Now that she was looking at him, she wondered how she decided to soak before going to get her morning kiss.

  “Hi.” His deep voice rumbled out making her stomach clench in desire. He leaned over and gave her a kiss making her morning complete.

  “I wanted to check on you, make sure you were well.” He squatted next to the tub allowing his fingers to make a swirling pattern in the water.

  “I’m fine, sorry I fell asleep on you.” Her hand came out to trace the muscle on his arm leaving a wet trail.

  “I shouldn’t have made love to you; I know you need your rest. I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you.” He leaned over and gave her another kiss. “When you're out, I’ll make you something to eat.”

  She nodded, then they had to talk, but she would wait to tell him what she was thinking.

  He cleared his throat and stood up. “I’m going to leave now, if I don’t, there will be two in that tub and water all over the floor.” He turned to leave, her laughter following him.

  Closing her eyes, she sank further into the water. She shouldn’t have to do this; her mind was already made up, but she couldn’t help herself. Her mind played back the words Kore just said to her. ‘I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you.’ Marcus never had a problem withstanding her female charms. She could see her mother running through the house and her father chasing her with a smile on his face. Her dad never seemed to be able to keep his hands off her mother. How was it that she never realized she knew exactly what a relationship should look like? Her parents had demonstrated it every day of her life.

  With a small groan, she stood, her body wasn’t in as much pain, but she still hurt. It took her a while to get herself together, find something to wear. She found a pair of green leggings and paired it with a red top. Not the most put together outfit but it reminded her that it was almost Christmas.

  She walked into the kitchen and found Kore standing at the stove cooking something for lunch. At her seat was a small box wrapped in Christmas paper with a bow.

  “You don’t have to buy me anything.”

  “It’s not much; I found it in the gift shop at the hospital. The minute I saw it I thought of you.”

  She picked the gift up and hugged it to her chest. Her bear was sitting on the armchair in the living room looking good there. Kore’s house had gone from being cold and sterile to bright and happy with the lights and the sound of Christmas music. Even now he had music playing softly in the background because he knew she liked it. Her house didn’t have one thing Christmassy going on.

  It was fair and even easy to say she had been sick, but the truth was even if she hadn’t been sick, the decorators would have been called and one room would have been done. This house was different; they bought a little Christmas village for one of the counters in the kitchen and made snow.

  How cool was that?

  Taking a big breath, she opened the present taking time with the paper because she knew he had wrapped it with care. Her smile wouldn’t stop because he had wrapped it. The bow wasn’t perfect, and the paper wasn’t properly creased but she
didn’t care. Inside was a Santa hat. The rim was white and soft, and she stroked the fur. The ball on the end was also fluffy and white. The hat itself was green and said Santa’s helper. He was right. She loved it. This was the kind of thing that she got a kick out of even though her friends didn’t, she placed it on her head.

  “How do I look?”

  “Beautiful.” His eyes shone, and her heart beat crazy.

  He placed the food on the table, and they ate, each lost in their thoughts. Once the kitchen was clean, she went into the bedroom to see herself in the mirror. Already her body was filling out again. It was a wonder what good food would do. Her eyes were shining, and she looked younger, like when she was a child and the worries of the world weren’t sitting on her shoulders. She liked what she saw and the Santa hat complimented her outfit.

  “I’m happy,” she whispered to herself before she placed her arms around her body in a tight hug.

  Kore was sitting on the couch when she made it back to the living room her bear was sitting on his lap, and she was jealous.

  “You changed.”

  She was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a silk top.

  “We need to talk.”

  He nodded and waited for her to sit down.

  “Eventually someone is going to find out where I am now that they know I’m alive. I want to go to the police and let them know I’m alive and well. If they seem honest, then I want to tell them what Marcus was trying to do. Would your brother be willing to tell them about the poison?”

  “He will. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I am. I don’t want the New Year to come in like this.”

  “All right then, we will get it done.”

  She sighed and stood. It wasn’t going to be easy but she wanted to be free, and she knew she had to move fast to be free by the day she had in mind. It didn’t take much to get on coats and boots and make it to the Jeep.

  From there she called a couple of reporters. She had done business with a few in the past when she needed to make announcements about the family business. She had gotten to know a few very well over the deaths of her parents. She told them all where she would be and if they were there they would end up with an exclusive.

  “You have this all planned out.”

  “I do. I think at first I was in denial. I lay on the floor looking at the carpet as I listened to Marcus talk about killing me, but part of me didn’t want to believe it. How can you know something to be true and still not want to accept it? I feel silly for not being able to accept what was in front of my face; I think I just needed time to assimilate what I heard.”

  She placed her hand on the edge of the door and rubbed it, allowing the texture of the vehicle to anchor her to reality.

  “Even when my car went over that ravine, part of my mind wanted to believe that he had been bullied into doing this. He wasn’t that kind of guy. Even if he didn’t love me and was only using me, he would never willingly kill me. The truth is he knew they wanted me dead the minute he staged the accident of me running into him. He knew my life was forfeit. I think in the end it was the trouble he went through to make it all happen and look like natural causes that finally reached me. No one puts that much effort into killing someone unless it’s what they want to do. No, in the end, it was realizing how little his words meant.”

  They pulled into the police parking lot to find three different news vans waiting and reporters setting up on the steps of the police station. There were several cops around trying to get to the bottom of what was happening.

  “We're up,” Kore said to her before he came around and helped her out of the jeep.

  “Eden Blake!” one of the reporters screamed as she got closer to the steps.

  She walked to the top of the steps with Kore keeping the reporters away. When she got there, she turned to face the cameras and smiled.

  “Ms. Blake, where have you been? The whole world thought you were dead,” Jenna Thompson asked. She was a reporter with one of the larger cable affiliates.

  “Hi Jenna, Mark, Cathy. I’m glad I could see all of you.” They each stood a little taller as she addressed them by their names like a friend would. “I’m happy to be able to stand here tonight.”

  She turned to look at Kore. He gave her a smile and a small nod. It was time to face the world.

  “As each of you might recall, it seemed like I was dying and there was no explanation for what was happening to me.”

  They each gave a positive murmur but stayed quiet as she spoke. I found out by accident that my fiancé, Marcus Keller, was trying to kill me.”

  The reporters started talking over themselves; the cops began asking questions. She stayed quiet until everyone stopped talking.

  “I ran the night I found out, barely able to walk but I knew my life depended on getting as far away as possible. That should have been enough, but it wasn’t. Marcus and some of his friends followed me, catching up with me when I stopped for gas and something to eat. One of his friends threatened me, and I ran thinking I would be safe. They chased me up Old man’s hollow.”

  There were gasps all around her. Kore had explained how dangerous that road was. They tried to keep it salted, but it iced up faster than any other road he knew.

  “Eventually they shot a tire out. I lost control of the car; when I thought I had it under control again, they shot out another tire. The car went over the embankment and headed for the ravine. I don’t know what happened next. All I can do is speculate that my car hit the side of the embankment and my door opened, ripped off the hinges, and I fell. I thought I would hit the rocks or the frigid water below, but I ended up on one of the few outcroppings. All I remember is Kore and one of his brothers rescuing me.”

  She turned around and walked into the police station while the reporters shouted questions at her back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Eden looked out the window as Kore drove her back to the house, his house. Her house was sitting on more acres than she wanted to acknowledge and was probably overrun with police looking to make an arrest.

  She had walked into the station prepared to talk to the police only to find out she needed to talk to the detectives. The simple fact that Marcus tried to kill her, attempted homicide is what they called it, took the case to a higher level in the department.

  She had been questioned for hours, and after a while she called her lawyer. What was the use of having one on retainer if you didn’t use her? When she got there, things went much smoother and soon she was free to leave telling them where she was living and swearing to pick up a new cell phone the next day so they could stay in touch with her.

  Kore had stayed quiet the whole time unless they asked him a specific question. Makal had come down to tell the police what he knew as well show them evidence of the tests that had been done on her to reveal the poison.

  The silence after all the questions and drama felt wrong. She was waiting for Kore to say something but it felt like he was in a different world. He helped her out of the jeep and made sure she was in the house before he disappeared into one of the guest bedrooms. Left alone, she changed allowing herself to feel free again now that she wasn’t being scrutinized.

  She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see the turkey in it thawing out in time for Christmas dinner. She reached out and touched it as a brief glimpse of Kore and her at the table eating turkey and stuffing swam before her eyes. Had her dealing with Marcus and his goons made the vision of dinner impossible?

  She reached in and pulled out chicken breast before she went to the pantry and pulled out several large potatoes. While she was waiting for the detectives she was playing with Kore’s phone and watched a tutorial on how to make chicken breast sandwiches and French fries; it didn’t look that hard.

  Peel the potato. She took a knife and started trying to peel the potato only to realize that unless she was making fries with the skin attached this wasn’t going to work, blowing her breath out th
rough her teeth she tried again.

  “What are you doing?” Kore walked into the kitchen. She was sitting with parts of potatoes all around her; she even had some in her hair.

  “I’m making French fries, what does it look like I’m doing?”

  He set his mouth trying not to smile or laugh at her. She was frustrated but determined to make them a meal. How would he ever give her up?

  “You look like your using the wrong knife.”


  He nodded and watched her brown eyes lighten up.

  “They should have told me what knife to use in the tutorial.” She muttered it low but he could still hear, and the smile he tried to hold in spread.

  He liked everything about her. “Here you go. This knife doesn’t have a serrated edge but it’s still sharp, and it’s easier to peel with.”

  He handed her the knife then picked up a potato holding it so she could see what he was doing and started peeling the potato. She caught on and was soon peeling them like a pro.

  She looked around to find they had almost peeled a whole bag. “I think we peeled too many.”

  “Good thing it’s Christmas time. We’ll put these in some water and place them in the fridge. Tomorrow we can cut them up and boil them for the potato salad.”

  “All right.” She turned to smile at him. What had started out as a frustrating exercise had become a fun learning experience with Kore at her side.

  Together they cooked dinner.

  “Well?” He looked at her with expectation in his eyes.

  “Well, what?” She teased him.

  “What do you think of the first meal you made?”

  “We made it together, but honestly it's good. It was on the list of things I never thought I would do.”

  They ate talking about little things before they cleaned the kitchen and moved to the living room.

  “Kore, tell me about you. I feel like I’ve been here forever and I know you, but I’m not sure I can even begin to phantom who you are.”


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