Kore's Angel: Angel Shifters
Page 11
“I’ve lived a long time. I think all shifters do. In that time, I’ve been a lot of things. I learned the construction business from the bottom up. I’m also a licensed plumber, and electrician. I can lay carpet and tile and do just about anything with a house. I’m now a mechanic. I have a shop I run during the summer months; I always take winter off. I’ve done welding and worked on building bridges as well as maintaining them. Since I was a child
I’ve always been good with my hands.”
“What do you like to do? What’s your hobby or the passion that wakes you up in the middle of the night?”
She stood up and walked out the room; she had a sketchbook in her hands when she came back. Sitting next to him she opened to the first page, and there was a sketch of him asleep.
He ran a finger over it. “This is great. The detail is so defined I feel like I’m watching myself sleep waiting to see my chest rise and fall.”
She glanced up and gave him a shy smile before she flipped to the second page. She had caught a moment when he was looking at her with wonder in his eyes. He could see how he felt written on his face, now all he had to do was tell her. She closed the sketch pad and placed it on the table in front of her before curling up next to Kore, her head on his chest.
“I think there is something you should know.” She closed her eyes and slid down some until she could lay her head in his lap. She needed to tell him how she felt, but she didn’t want to see his face in case he didn’t feel the same way.
His fingers went to her hair massaging her scalp as the softness of her hair slid through them.
“Perfect, I want to tell you something too.” She gulped maybe she should let him go first.
“You first.” She wanted to take those extra minutes while he was talking to get her words together.
“Eden, when I met you I didn’t expect to meet someone who would make me smile. I never thought there was a female who would make me want to do things like put up a tree or stand in a store buying decorations. I didn’t know my heart could be this light or that I could feel this way. Eden,
I love you whether you’re here or somewhere else, I will always love you.” His mind brushed against hers. “I love you.”
She took her hand and wiped at the tears coming from her eyes. There was no fancy restaurant or waiters standing in the background at the ready to pour another glass of expensive wine. There was no ring or expensive jewelry set. Just one male who was telling her how he felt and she believed him.
“I love you, Kore. Meeting you was a surprise I wasn’t expecting. I thought I knew what love was when I agreed to become engaged to Marcus only to find out that I allowed myself to be tricked. I don’t blame him for my engagement to him. I feel like I walked into it with my eyes wide open. When I crawled my way down to the kitchen, I resolved in my heart to never feel for another person. I would never be duped again. Then you were there rescuing me. I knew I was in trouble because even though my body hurt and my pride stung, some part of me was interested in you.
“I spent months with Marcus, almost a year, and I never felt anything for him like I feel for you. I love you, Kore. It took me a while to admit that to myself because love is supposed to take a long time to grow. Maybe I’m just broken, but this isn’t rebound or any other thing. I know the day you’re no longer in my life that I will never be as happy as I have been with you.”
He reached out and stroked the side of her face. She turned and nuzzled into his crotch finding him hard as a rock.
“My turn,” she said softly. Her hands went to the button on his jeans and undid it before she slid the zipper done listening to the soft rasp it made.
She stood and looked at him. “Take them off.”
He stood pushing his jeans down around his sock clad ankles. He lifted a leg to get rid of the pants and the sock at the same time, lifting the other, he repeated the action.
“On the couch?”
She nodded her head with a naughty smile playing on her lips. He sat down with his erection standing up in the air, bobbing just a little like it was looking for someplace nice and warm. She licked her lips. She had someplace for it to go. Kore moaned as he watched her dropping to her knees between his legs.
She leaned over and licked the head of his cock enjoying the hiss that came out of his mouth.
“Oh lover, I’ve been wanting a taste of you.”
“I want to feel your lips wrapped around me.” His voice was deep and raspy making the wetness between her legs flow.
She started at the bottom of his cock and licked upward feeling the weight of him against her tongue as his flavor exploded in her mouth. She wrapped her hand around his thick shaft, her fingers not meeting as she lifted up and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.
“Damn,” he moaned as his hips tried to thrust upward. She sucked on him making his hissing even louder. She chuckled allowing the vibrations to stimulate him. Taking him a little further into her mouth, she began to suck and pull on him, her cheeks pulling in so that she was tight around him making a popping noise every time she pulled all the way off his cock.
His hand found its way to her hair as she pushed her head down just a little further. She took him into the hot tightness of her mouth sucking him hard.
His grunts of pleasure were making her hotter. Her hand went down to his balls, cupping and fondling them as her teeth scraped the side of his dick making his breath blow out hard before he demanded she do it again.
“Who likes my mouth?” she chuckled.
She licked the drops of his essence off his cock before she devoured him again. This time, she didn’t stop. She sucked harder, bobbing up and down as she took another inch and then another until she was full of his cock, her mouth was stretched around him and still there was so much left.
Her hand fisted him again working in time with her mouth. His body shook, and his legs refused to stay still. The hand in her hair was demanding more, and she gave it to him.
His mind brushed against hers driving her even wilder, and she sucked him down.
“Your mouth is so hot and moist wrapped around me, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I feel free like I’m flying, but I know I can go higher.”
His hips thrust up as she took just a little more of him into her mouth. One hand tightened around the length of his cock as she pulled on the head. Her other hand caressed his balls while his hips shot up in the air. A deep male growl of satisfaction came from his lips as he spilled his essence in her mouth. She drank it down with greedy lips.
His body shook before he finally settled down on the couch, a fine tremor still going through his body. He reached down and pulled her into his lap kissing her deeply.
Chapter Eighteen
Kore woke up; his eyes were flames, the red flames fighting with the white. Which would he be, he wondered, as he watched Eden sleep. Would he be the justice angel allowing the white flames to win or would he become the vengeance angel?
He allowed his hand to glide over her thigh as he burned with a need to protect her. As long as her ex was free, her life would always be in jeopardy. He stood after he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and dressed.
He moved through the house silently until he stepped outside.
“Going somewhere?” Makal appeared in the shadows.
“Will you watch her for me?”
“Do you think Ha’cho has the balls to come here of all places?”
“The last thing I want to speculate on is his balls, but yeah. He killed all the females. The only thing that can stop him now is us. I need to know
Eden will be safe.”
“I’ll be here. I’d tell you justice is better than vengeance, but it may already be too late for you.”
Kore nodded; the only thing holding him down right now was Eden. His form changed as his wings spread out behind his body. He allowed himself to glow red against the black background.
Makal shivered; death was coming for someone.
Finding Marcus wasn’t hard. He knew him, felt him through Eden’s thoughts and knew where he lived. That had been his first stop, but he wasn’t there. His second stop was the massive place he owned on the sea shore that he purchased using a friend’s name.
Now he was hovering above the house feeling Marcus as he moved from room to room. Kore allowed his body to land on the yard behind the house as he changed forms. He entered through the back door that Marcus left standing open. Was he expecting company?
The house was filled with what looked like the most expensive furniture, but none of it looked soft or inviting. Ignoring the entrapments of wealth, he walked until he found him splayed out over a couch.
“Marcus Keller?”
He sat up, eyes bloodshot as his hand felt around for the gun that was lying by his head.
“Who are you and what do you want?” He sat upright correcting the drunk lean that he had fallen into.
“I’m the male who Eden loves.”
“Loves? She doesn’t know what love is. Why do you think I chose her? She has too much money and lots of friends and spends too much time wishing for life instead of taking it with both hands. She could do anything, but she had some notion of a husband and kids! I should have killed her when I had the chance.” He tilted to the side, his hand tightened around the gun before he straightened up. “Do you think she would take me back?”
Kore stood and watched him as he finally slid off the couch and onto the floor.
His head dropped, and the gun fell out of his slack fingers. “I screwed up. She could have been the best thing ever, but I was too far in and there was no going back. Did you come to kill me? You don’t look like a cop.”
Kore shook his head yes. He was here to exact vengeance for all that Eden, and her family had gone through because of him. Once again he could hear Santa whisper in his ear that she asked for justice, not vengeance.
“Come on then, kill me!” Marcus stood and ran at him.
Kore punched him in the stomach doubling him over. “That’s for what you put Eden through.” He followed up with a punch to his jaw that knocked him to the floor. “That’s for the heartache she suffered over her family.”
Without a thought he picked him up and tossed him across the floor.
“You don’t deserve to live.”
Walking towards him his eyes began to flash red as his wings became tinged with the color, he could become a vengeance angel. What he was always meant to become a killer of those who killed. He raised his hands to see a red glow covering them.
Reaching out to touch Marcus he stopped as a pair of brown eyes flashed before his eyes. “I want justice,” her soft voice had murmured those words to him. Reaching down he knocked him out with another punch to the jaw.
Kore picked him up by the arm and tossed him on the couch. He went to the wet bar and retrieved some water and threw it on him waking him up.
“Now it’s time to turn yourself into the police. I suggest you tell them everything or I will come back and next time you won’t survive the encounter.” The vengeance angel retreated as the justice angel took full control of Kore’s body.
He dragged Marcus outside as he shifted forms. He would leave him on the steps of the police station.
Eden woke up to the feel of Kore’s hand on her shoulder shaking her. He ran it down her arm making her nerve endings tingle. She opened an eye to look at him. It was still dark outside which meant it was early. He leaned over and placed a kiss on her lips before gathering her in his arms and pointing towards the television. Jenna came on the screen looking bright and chipper as she reported on the latest development in the heiress Blake case.
They ran the footage from yesterday of her outside the police station with a cut back to Jenna who spoke about meeting her and what a lovely person she was. Then they cut to the scene of her house. It was surrounded with squad cars and plain clothes officers.
She stiffened as she watched them approach the door. Before they could kick it in, the male who threatened her opened the door. One look at them, he turned to run. They tackled him and two others who were with him.
Jenna reported that the police searched the house but Marcus wasn’t there. Then there was a cut to another video this one grainier like it was taken from a mounted camera in front of the police station. Marcus was walking up the stairs but it looked like he was being pulled.
Eden turned to look at Kore but his attention was focused on Marcus.
She slid against him tighter, hugging him close. Justice.
Jenna’s voice came back as she told the viewers that Marcus wasn’t exactly broke. He had enough money to keep him in luxury for the rest of his life, but he was no longer a billionaire like heiress Blake. She speculated that he lost a large portion of his massive fortune gambling.
Kore raised the remote and turned off the television. She sank into the bed wondering how she was supposed to feel now that everything was over.
“Kore, would you do something for me?” He nodded and waited.
“I need to go home. Could you take me?”
She didn’t want to drive. It was too far away, besides she knew he could get her there much quicker if he flew.
“I’ll take you.”
“Thanks,” she leaned over to kiss him before disappearing into the bathroom.
She didn’t want to go too early, so she spent time just moving around the house making sure everything was in its place. Around ten she walked into the living room.
“I’m ready.”
“Is there anything you want to take with you?”
“No.” She walked out, grabbed her purse boots and coat, and waited for him at the front door.
They walked outside, and his form changed. She watched him with her mouth slightly open as he grew taller and thicker. The shape of his face changed just a little, and those beautiful green eyes flashed with fire. She walked over to him wrapping her arms around him as he beat his wings taking them high up into the atmosphere.
She hadn’t said anything as he held her tightly, taking care of her on the trip to her home. Now he gently lowered her to the ground. She was far from the entrance, but that was where she wanted to be.
She stepped back and looked at him. “Can I call you later?”
He nodded his head with the regalness of an angel. He gave her one last look before his mighty wings moved taking him up. She watched until she couldn’t see him anymore. Turning around, she began to walk towards her house. A car pulled up beside her.
“Ms. Blake?”
“Hello Detective Parker, thank you for meeting me here.”
“You’re welcome, would you like a ride to the door?”
“No thanks, I’d rather walk.” The beautiful front lawn that was always manicured was covered in snow. She’d have to call someone to come out and push it back making more room for cars. The house loomed high into the air. It was an estate that her parents loved. When they moved into it, she had been around ten. It had seemed like a mansion, but they had such a large family, and when lots friends came over it quickly became small. Now it was only her, once again it was a looming mansion.
Opening the door, she invited the detective in and led him into the living room.
“You have a beautiful home.”
“Thank you. My parents loved this place; now that it’s just me it seems too big. How long will you need access to the house?”
“I think we have everything we need, but I would like you to wait a couple of weeks before you clean it. I will give you a call.”
“I can do that. So what will happen now?”
“It’s up to you, Ms. Blake. Your fiancé is willing to turn over evidence on the men who tried to kill you. We are willing to offer him a plea bargain, but we need to know if you’re going to want him to stand trial.”
“What about my parents? Will he go to jail?”
“We are looking into the death of your parents. Right now it doesn’t look like
your fiancé had anything to do with that. You were right, that crash was staged. A plea bargain is contingent upon whether or not he was involved with your parent’s death.”
“He’ll go to jail?”
“For years or months?”
“We have enough to put him away for twenty to life. His plea bargain would reduce the sentence to ten to twenty.”
“All right, if he gets ten to twenty I will not press charges, but let it be known if all he gets is a smack on the wrist I will pursue taking him to court.”
“I understand.”
She spent another twenty minutes talking to him and showing him around the room she woke up in before he had seen enough. Eden walked him to the door and picked up her phone. She found it in the charging station in her room.
“Hello, may I speak with Sherri.”
“One second please.” The professional voice put her on hold while she transferred the call.
“Sherri Johnson of Jones Real Estate, how may I help you?”
“Hi, Sherri this is Eden Blake. I’m not sure if you remember me; we met at a conference once and you offered to show me homes if I ever decided to move out of my family home.”
“I do remember you, Ms. Blake.”
“I don’t need a home, but I was wondering if you would be willing to sell my family home.” She took the phone away from her ear as a loud shriek came through it. They talked about what would be needed to get the house on the market.
“Ms. Blake, may I ask why me?”
“I liked you, Sherri.” Eden ended the call when her phone rang.
“Eden I have been going out of my mind worrying about you. I’ve been calling for days and Marcus said you were too sick for visitors when I came over the first day then the news said you were missing probably dead.”
“A lot has happened; would you like to get something to eat?”
“Yes, I’ll come get you.”