Kore's Angel: Angel Shifters
Page 12
“Do you want to go to the country club?” Melissa asked her.
“No, let’s hit that little bistro in the strip I always wanted to try.”
She turned the corner and parked the car. Eden always liked Melissa; she was a ball of energy with black hair and blue eyes.
They walked into the bistro and took a seat waiting for the waitress. “What’s going on, Eden? Did Marcus really try to kill you?” Eden gave her the bare bones of what she had gone through.
“You know I never liked him. I don’t think any of us did, but we wanted you to be happy.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You’re a freaking billionaire, Eden, who else were you going to marry?”
She looked around the bistro. It was small and intimate with dark walls that made you feel like you were alone with your partner but it didn’t make the place feel dark or dank.
“Do you think that I can only marry someone whose fortune matches mine?”
“Yeah, I used to.” Melissa looked down at pink sweater she was wearing refusing to meet Eden’s eyes.
“What does that mean?”
“Remember I told you I wanted to go that concert last year that was taking place in the warehouse?”
“The one your parents found out about and ordered you to stay away from.”
“Yeah, that one. I went because, well, they're my parents, but I’m grown.”
Eden nodded her head and smiled at the waitress who came to their table.
Melissa waited until after she took their orders before she continued.
“I met someone that night, this really hot guy. We spent all night talking and watched the sun come up together, but I was lying to him about who I was. It turned out, in the end, he was lying too. We continued to meet and talk for months until he said he needed to tell me the truth. He wasn’t some waiter in the restaurant he told me about. He was the chef and the owner.
“I thought everything would be perfect so I told him who I was. He got up and walked away from me.”
“He what? How could he?”
“He said he didn’t want to be shot because he was holding some rich white girls hand. That quickly it was over. He didn’t call me, didn’t answer my text messages, and didn’t pick up for face time. All because of who I was. I’ve never had anyone reject me because I was born into money, something I had no control over. It was a shock.”
“So you're alone now?”
“No, I went to his restaurant every night and ate dinner by myself. At the end, I always sent a note to the chef telling him how much I enjoyed the meal. I did this for three months straight. Finally, he came out and sat down with me at the table. All he asked was, why.”
She stopped to pick up her glass of water to take a drink.
“Why—it’s such a simple question, but the answer was big. I couldn’t stop thinking about him or the time we spent together. I never once thought of his color when we were together and ignored the people who looked at me like I was crazy. He wasn’t sure. I almost lost it, but then I remembered how I felt when he rejected me because of my bank account balance. So I waited and asked him if I could help him advertise his business. You know with that degree I got but my parents didn’t want me to put to use.
“The more time we spent together, the more intense the attraction became. I love him, and last night he finally told me that he loved me. I’m bringing him to Christmas dinner. I already warned my parents. I guess that was the long way of saying I think everyone should love who they love.”
“I agree, and I’m so happy for you.”
They ate their meal and Melissa smiled at her and winked as she picked up the tab.
“There’s one last thing I’d like to do before I go home.” “What?
“I want to go shopping.”
“Seriously? Girl, it's Christmas Eve, where are we going?” “To the mall.”
Chapter Nineteen
“Are you sure you don’t want to come home with me?” Melissa asked Eden as she pulled in front of her house.
“Thanks for the offer but it’s Christmas Eve, and I want to go home.” Eden opened the door and stepped out into the cold air before she opened the back door and grabbed her packages. She stood in front of the house looming up at her acknowledging the laughter left the house when her parents were no longer there.
“I’m calling you tomorrow, and you can come to dinner if you want. I will understand if you’d rather stay home.”
Eden walked around the car and opened Melissa’s door and gave her a hug.
“Sometime soon, Melissa, I want you to come spend a weekend with me.”
“It’s a date.”
Eden turned and walked to the front door as she listened to Melissa drive away. Maybe she wouldn’t have to give up the friends that meant something to her. She took the bags to her room and sat on the floor. She hadn’t been this excited to wrap presents since she was a teenager.
A half hour later she examined her floor. There were bows and odds and ends of wrapping paper thrown around. There was ribbon everywhere, and the presents were beautifully wrapped…okay, stop it. They were beautiful to her, but they weren’t the professionally wrapped gifts she was used to receiving or giving, but she didn’t think Kore would mind.
She cleaned the room and took her presents as well as some of the things she wanted from her room to the front door then she took a deep breath because it all depended on what happened next.
Kore sat in the living room. The lights were off and all he could see was the shining lights of the Christmas tree. The angel smiled down at him, mocking. It looked so much like Eden, and it sat there reminding him that he lost her. He had flown her home knowing he would never see her again.
His arms came up and wrapped around his middle to keep his insides from spilling out. What was he supposed to do? He had gotten used to living without a female presence in his life. Those first centuries when his mother and his sisters died had been hell on him. Some nights he would wake thinking he heard Lola whimpering in her sleep. His youngest sister used to have nightmares that the evil man was coming after her. How right she was, but he didn’t know it at the time.
Since he was the big brother, he would get out of bed, go into her room, and wrap her in his arms and rock her till she went back to sleep. She’d say Kore, you’re my favorite brother in that little girl voice with a slight lisp because she had lost some teeth. He would hide his smile and tell her to sleep.
He hadn’t thought of that in years. His family was buried so far down he never thought of them anymore, he was so sure he didn’t need anyone, and then Eden came into his life. Her wild curly hair called to him, those brown eyes slew him every time he looked into them. She did things like tease him until he picked up his clothes and her actions made him smile.
He had just gotten to the point he was beginning to think; why did it matter. The thoughts had been assaulting him, telling him he was tired, asking why he was holding on. It had been so long maybe it was time to release his spirit and meet them, wherever they were, he knew his family would rejoice to see him.
And then there she was with her contagious smile and her Christmas music. There were Christmas trees and lights. For the first time in a long time, he looked forward to a holiday, to a season. He had been picturing snowball fights with her followed by steamy cups of hot chocolate. Late nights of loving that led to sleeping in the next morning. He knew better, knew she was leaving and still he held onto her with both hands. When she was ready to leave, he let her go. Why? Because you didn’t hold back the person you loved. He loved Eden and always would. He would live until the day she took her last breath and then he would follow her to the next world.
He slid to the floor because his arms weren’t doing a good job, his insides were flooding out.
The sound of his phone ringing brought him out of his misery. He jumped up and ran to it. He had changed the ring tone to play
a special song for her when she had given him her cell number. “Mary, Did You Know?” filled the house. It was the song Eden would hum as she walked through the house or went on one of her cleaning binges. Every time he heard it he thought of her.
“Kore.” Her voice came over the line crystal clear and sounded almost like she was smiling.
“Eden, is everything all right?”
“Yeah, I was wondering if you would come get me.” She stumbled and hesitated as if he would say no.
Didn’t she know he would do anything for her?
“Where do you want to go, Eden?”
“I want to come home, Kore.”
He was not crying; if anyone asked the house needed dusting. Yeah, Eden had done it before she left but it needed to be done again, and his allergies were acting up. Fuck it; Eden wanted to come home; that was a reason enough to cry.
“I’ll be there soon.” His voice sounded like gravel, but he was okay with that.
“I’ll be waiting.”
He walked outside and allowed his body to change shapes. He was going to retrieve the most important person in his world.
I want to come home, Kore. Her stomach clenched as she said those words. Her shoulders hunched for a moment as she waited for him to reject her, to tell her she was already home. The relief she felt when he told her he’d be coming for her almost made her legs too weak to hold her any longer. His voice had been so deep almost reminding her of gravel, and her panties were soaked. Should she change? No, she might miss Kore, and that was unacceptable.
Moving away from the door, she went to take a seat on the bench in the foyer. It was old and expensive, but her parents liked it because it came from an era when none of their family had money. It made them feel like their new money belonged mingling with old money.
Eden shrugged; she didn’t appreciate the bench as much as her parents did, but it was in a great location. She could sit and watch the front door, right now that was all that was important.
When she came here, she thought her parent’s memories would overwhelm her. She expected their memories to demand she live in this house and marry rich, but they didn’t. Her parents even her grandparents lived in her heart. She could almost hear her father whispering she had done well; Kore was a good man. She whispered back to her father he’s a male, dad. The reply was if he looks like a man, walks like a man and takes care of you like a man, he’s a man.
She allowed herself to get lost in a world of laughter as tears fell from her eyes. Even though her dad wasn’t alive to say those words, he would have said them if he was here and she knew it. The memories of her family and how much they loved her gave her something to hold onto, she didn’t need the house. That’s when she understood she wanted to go home. Not necessarily to Kore’s house but to Kore himself. Her home was wherever he chose to lay his head, and she was planning, hoping, and praying she would always be by his side.
She hummed “Mary, Did You Know?” to herself as she waited for Kore. When he appeared in front of her door, she wasn’t surprised. She hurried to open it but she didn’t run, because she didn’t want to appear desperate.
“Hi.” She looked up and gave him a smile.
He came close to her and wrapped her in his arms.
“Eden.” He took her scent in with a deep breath. “I missed you.”
That caught her by surprise making her look up at him again. His face was tortured looking making her think someone had stolen something precious from him.
“I’m right here, Kore; I’m not going anywhere.” She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on him. Hot tears poured from her eyes as she finally let everything that had happened to her since her parent's death come out.
He held her, not telling her it would be okay or encouraging her to get herself together. He simply allowed her to cry and allowed the pain, the fear, and the poison inside of her to have a place to go. He shouldered her burdens.
She stood back mopping up her face as much as possible before she gave him a smile reminding him of the beauty of a rainbow after the storm.
“I’m ready to go. Umm,” her cheeks warmed up as she looked at him.
“Is it possible to take these items with us?” She pointed to the floor next to the door where there were several suitcases and bags. He had said he hated to fly holding onto packages.
He gave a deep laugh, one she could tell was full of humor.
“Yes love,” he ran a possessive hand down her cheek. “It is possible to take all your bags with us.
She watched as the bags floated out the door. They followed them out, and she locked up. Once again he wrapped his arms around her except this time his wings were moving and they left the earth. She snuggled closer to him. There was a peacefulness about flying high above the earth. She closed her eyes and cat napped knowing Kore wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
“We’re home, love.”
She opened her eyes to find that they were standing in the living room.
“I went to sleep on you.”
“It’s all right, you’re tired.” He placed her on her feet, and his form changed until he was standing in front of her in his human body.
“Not tired, I just need a shower.”
She pulled several of her bags to the Christmas tree and knelt down placing presents underneath of it. There were already presents there she could see her name on a few of them. She shot him a smile over her shoulder, but they both stayed quiet.
“The other bags go to the bedroom.” She watched as the bags came several inches off the floor and flew into the bedroom. Damn, she wanted to be able to do that.
She followed the bags into the bedroom and watched as they settled themselves into a corner out of the way. Her head shook at what he could do as she walked into the bathroom. After a quick shower, she pulled out her Merry Christmas nightgown and walked into the living room wide awake.
“What are you waiting for?” She looked at him. He was sitting on the couch in the dark, the Christmas lights casting a glow over the walls. He had a thoughtful look on his face as if he were waiting for news, but wasn’t sure what kind it would be.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s Christmas Eve, Kore; we have to start prepping for cooking tomorrow.” She went to stand in at the entrance of the living room.
He stood and made his way to her on silent feet. She could see the angelic glow around him and her stomach quivered.
“Look up.” His voice held that sexy tone that made her knees weak. Overhead was mistletoe. He took her in his arms and kissed her making her forget what they were supposed to be doing. Whatever it was she was sure it could wait until later.
He swept her up in his arms.
Chapter Twenty
“Kore?” She was standing in front of the bed and he was staring at her like he had spent a lifetime looking for her.
“I missed you, Eden. I thought you were never coming back.” His finger moved down her face tracing it like she was fine china he was afraid of shattering.
“I’m sorry. I had to leave; it was like something inside of me driving me. I had to know if this was real or was I just happy because I was scared and hiding out here. I almost felt like an outsider when I walked back into that house. I left it long before my body left. I knew the more time I spent there that I was right, my life wasn’t there it’s here with you. I’ll always have more money than I know what to do with and I’ll have to direct the companies under my control.”
“I’ve always wanted to put my business degree to good use.” He smiled at her opening his arms. She threw herself into them, and he spun her around causing her to laugh.
“Now it’s my turn.” He set her down and stood staring at her once again. “Take it off.”
Her fingers trembled at the deepness of this voice the roughness of it. She leaned down and caught the hem, slowly pulling it up giving him a wiggle as she revealed her body. When s
he pulled the nightgown over her head, she tossed it in the corner and bent over again allowing him to get a good look at her ass before she stood up with a wicked little glint in her eyes.
“My naughty angel,” his gruff voice made her tremble.
He picked her up and laid her out on the bed. The glow on her wrist caught his eye, and he lifted it.
“Your Jewel.”
“It formed completely as I walked around my estate. I had to place a black band around it to keep it from drawing attention.” She brought her wrist to her face and watched it as the glowed brightly. “It’s beautiful.”
“It is.” She was his true mate. It meant much more but after so many centuries he was unable to tell her what it symbolized because like a female angel, mating became more myth and legend than truth.
Leaning over her body, he kissed her, sinking his tongue deeply into her mouth savoring her unique flavor as she pulled him closer. She felt dizzy from the contact; her body was acting like it had been years since he touched her instead of just last night. Little rivers of fire were flowing in her veins as his tongue dueled with hers. She was making mewling sounds while she lifted her body rubbing herself against him. The Jewel on her wrist burned until he raised his wrist and placed his Jewel against hers.
Light poured out of her and infused itself into his body. He raised his head to look at her, and all she could see was the reflection of herself in his eyes. She gulped then gasped because it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen in her life. It was at that moment she knew there would never be a day the two of them wouldn’t be together. Her heart cried out with joy.
Her body shattered as he kissed his way down to her breast, licking and biting when he got there.
“You taste so sweet.” His gruff voice murmured making her pussy swell in need.
He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. She gave him moans of appreciation as her hands swept over his body caressing every part she could reach. Her breath came out in uneven pants and desire curled in the pit of her stomach. Her hands went to his head to hold him down; she never wanted the sweet torture to end.