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Page 11

by T. J. Michaels

  “Well, if you’re sure that you’re all right?”

  “Have a nice ride, Father,” Rhia smiled. He took one final swig from his coffee cup, rose and headed out. Rhia waved as he closed the door behind him.

  Now that he’d finally stopped clucking long enough to leave, Rhia headed to the tub. Her back was aching and good soak would do her good as long as she didn’t stay in the warm water too long.

  As she slid down into the silky suds, Rhia fought the panic that threatened to overtake her as thoughts turned to her mother. That wonderful lady wouldn’t be here to see her first grandchild take his first breath. Rhia’s mind screamed warnings about surviving the birth. What if she died while the child was young? She was scared to death of having this baby, but physical pain had nothing to do with it.

  She shook away the dread. Everything would be fine. RuArk’s mother had promised to come. And Brita, Sharyn and Joan would be here. And her husband was so stubborn he wouldn’t let her die if he had to follow her to the next realm and drag her back by her toes. She stilled and cocked her head to the side.

  Blink. Blink.

  When had she developed so much faith in the man? Well, whenever it had occurred she was glad for it. He was her rock. Her gravity. Her...

  A sound in the living room startled her.

  Rhia looked up. RuArk stood before her as naked as the day he was born. She would never get used to the way he moved. So stealthy and quiet, always catching her off guard. She let out a gasp of surprise and raised her hands over her breasts, suddenly self-conscious of her burgeoning shape. Her anger flared when he chuckled at her last attempt at modesty. She knew she looked ridiculous trying to cover her breasts while covered up to her shoulders in water.

  “What are you doing here?” she whispered, failing miserably at being annoyed that he stood before her, showing off every inch, and she meant every inch of his beautiful body.

  “Is that any way to greet the man who has slipped away from his duties just to make love to you?” he asked. “And you’re not supposed to be in the bath. What if you lost your balance and hit your head?”

  “Oh please. I already have one crazed and worried man. I don’t need another. Besides, both the healers and the Physicians have said the buoyancy of the water helps relieve pressure. As long as it’s not too hot, and I don’t stay in too long, I’m fine.”

  Rhia lowered her lashes and tried to hide the smile in her eyes. So, she’d made him skip out on his duties, eh? She’d never even dreamed it would be possible to make love in the middle of the day when she’d still been home at the Citadel—too damn busy. But RuArk taught her to balance those duties, relax into her new life and enjoy it, enjoy him.

  Shamelessly, she admitted to herself that she’d do the same as he—lay down her duties to invite a bout of hot sweaty sex with him, anytime, anywhere. But he wasn’t supposed to do that kind of stuff. He was the blasted Protector, yet here he was, playing hooky. She laughed out loud with a few snorts thrown in.

  “I’m sorry, RuArk. It’s just that I didn’t expect you home,” she managed to squeeze out between giggles.

  “I am glad, because if you had, you’d be dressed right now.”

  “As you can see, I’m bathing. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll join you for a late breakfast in a few minutes. I’ll have Lunis send up your favorite.” She sunk lower into the warm suds. There was no mistaking he wanted her, but she hadn’t bathed yet, and Rhia would not allow him to touch her until she was clean.

  She’d been particularly fussy about her appearance lately, as well as everything else about the house. She was forever directing that something be cleaned, dusted, repaired or replaced, even if it didn’t need to be done for New Spring. Must be that nesting thing that women were said to have when they were close to having their baby?

  Instead of leaving, RuArk climbed into the tub behind her and nuzzled the back of her neck. “I have every intention of bathing every inch of your beautiful body.” His voice was husky with desire and a deep tremble stole over her as he tipped her favorite bubbling oil into his hands. Spreading it over her shoulders, he massaged the muscles before moving over her breasts to work the oil into a sweet lather. Over and over her nipples, underneath the heavy globes, back up and around. Oh, so sweet. The ultra-sensitive peaks stood at attention as a new dampness began between her legs that had nothing to do with the water in which they bathed.

  “Ooh, yes.” She arched against him and was almost annoyed when RuArk turned her toward him. Instead of fussing, she automatically went up on her knees. The water was now down around her middle, exposing her stomach and breasts. He cupped his hands to sluice the water over her, rinsing the lathered oil from her skin then taking a puckered nipple into his mouth. His free hand rubbed slow, gentle circles over her distended belly.

  “Mmm...” God, he made her feel so luscious.

  “Oh, RuArk, more.” His fingers smoothed over her stomach and down to the heat between her legs. She was already on the verge of exploding.

  “Come for me, my sweet Fire Storm,” he breathed into her ear.

  “Yes. Mmm, yes... Owwww!”

  “What?” He stopped cold. “What’s wrong?”

  “I-I’m not sure, but... Oooowwwww!” She stiffened then doubled over not sure whether to grip her belly or her back as a sudden sharp pain knifed through her from both directions.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

  “No. It must be the baby. Gods, is it supposed to hurt like this?”

  “How the hell am I supposed to know? I have never had a baby before. I have been too busy being a warrior, gods damn it. What does it feel like?” he snapped.

  “Don’t snap at me! And what do you mean, ‘what does it feel like’? It hurts like hell!”

  He lifted her from the tub and toweled her off.

  “How long have you had the pain?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been having a little bit of pressure for the past couple of days, but it didn’t bother me much so I just ignored it.”

  The tilt of his gorgeous dark head and the disapproving downturn of his mouth told her he wasn’t buying it. Silence stretched between them, but when RuArk’s side of the bond flared she knew he was going to get the truth one way or another, so she may as well spill it.

  “Okay, fine! I had some really bad cramps and my stomach got all hard, but RuArk ...” He’d gone from stern set of his mouth to a full on scowl as he picked her up and headed out of the bathing room.

  “The cramps, Rhia?” he ground out through his teeth. She knew he’d be furious if she had indeed been in labor for two days.

  “I... I’m embarrassed.”

  “Get. Over. It!” Wow, he’d never yelled at her before.

  “All right, already!” She yelled right back. “I’m scared out of my mind at the thought of having a baby. Your mother promised to be here, but she hasn’t come yet. I started having cramps and thought it was nothing. I can take a lot of pain, RuArk. After all I am a soldier. I’ve been injured plenty of times and...”

  He set her on her feet in the walk-in closet, grabbed a clean gown out of a drawer and yanked it over her head. Lifting her back into his arms, he carried her toward the bed.

  “Hey, I don’t want to go to bed now,” she snapped.

  “Get to the point, Rhia. The pains?”

  “Impatient much? As I was saying,” she huffed partly from anger at having to tell him of a fear she was ashamed to have, and partly because it was getting harder to speak with the incredible pains tightening her stomach. “It started a couple of days ago, but they’ve just begun to get worse over the past twelve hours or so. I thought it might be the baby, but until your mother gets here I’m not having a baby. Do you hear me? This baby just can’t come now, period.”

  RuArk shook his head and she cringed as disappointment flashed through their bond, uncontrolled. He couldn’t believe that she hadn’t trusted him with her anxiety. That she’d rather suffer alone for two days than tell him
about her concerns, hurt him. On one of the happiest moments of their lives... and she’d hurt him. Again.

  “RuArk, I’m sorry, I...” He hadn’t quite made it to the bed yet. “Oh! Oh no!” Her waters broke. All over her mate.

  “RuArk, I’m so sorry. This is...”

  “Rhia, this is what happens when women have children. It is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She stood stiffly as he quickly stripped off her soiled gown and replaced it with a warm clean robe. As she was shuffled underneath the covers, his concern rose as she tried and failed to suppress a moan as her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps. He ripped off his wet shirt, moved to the closet and grabbed the first thing he saw, which happened to be one of her workout shirts. The thing was way too small and ripped at the seams as he tried to yank his arms through the sleeves.

  With the thing in tatters, he returned to Rhia’s side and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

  “You will not move, woman.”


  “No, you will remain here while I get someone to assist in this. Do you want me to send Brita to you?”

  “Yes, but, no. Wait, RuArk...” Her moans were quickly becoming snarls and she wondered herself just how far along she was in the birthing.

  “You have held off your labor for two days? Stubborn, stiff-necked, bone headed...” he muttered as he made for the door, not bothering to close either the bedroom or apartment doors behind him.

  * * * * *

  RuArk caught up with Lunis in the main foyer at the front of the villa.

  “Lunis, send someone for the Grandfather and my mother right away.”

  “What is happening, sir?”

  “The baby is coming. Move it.”

  “The baby is coming? The baby is coming!” Then another man gave a startled yelp as the front doors flew open.

  RuArk couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he turned toward that voice. Just what he needed. Rhia’s father would choose this precise moment to walk into the front hall. He was approaching a state of barely controlled hysterics himself and he didn’t need any help from Rhia’s father.

  It was amazing what women and babies did to a man. RuArk had known the High Counsel all his life. He’d never, ever seen him with any expression on his face that wasn’t confident, cool, or humorous. Now, he was completely undone. But RuArk was in no position to point fingers.

  The doors banged open again, causing all three men to turn with a start. He’d reached for the hilt of his sword before realizing that he’d taken it off in his chambers before joining Rhia in the tub.

  “Mother! Thanks gods!”

  The High Counsel and Lunis were visibly relieved to see Queen Mila sweep into the front hall with her entourage in tow. Then came old Aunt Leena and a couple of RuArk’s twin cousins, Elana and Elaina, both about Rhia’s age. They’d brought their sons. They were like bookends, these boys. Matching in almost every way. Two sets of twins. Elana’s sons were a mirror image of her, while Elaina’s boys looked just like their Gaian father.

  “Grandfather said this would be the day to come. Have the pains started?” Mila asked.

  “Yes!” yelled RuArk, Grey and Lunis all at the same time.

  She looked at the High Counsel wringing his hands, moving from one foot to another. It seemed that he didn’t know whether to go or stay. Mila made the choice for him.

  “Hello. I am Mila, Queen of Gaia and mother to Rhia. You must be Grey, Rhia’s father?”

  He nodded his head dumbly, while still trying to look like a statesman. He didn’t pull it off very well.

  Finally, he said, “Yes, I’m Grey Greysomne. Rhia is my daughter. I’m worried about her. What if something goes wrong? I couldn’t stand to lose her like I lost my...”

  “You will cease such talk.” He didn’t respond fast enough so she took a step closer. Queen Mila would brook no nonsense from him, High Counsel or not.

  “You were married to a warrior woman of Gaia, were you not?” At his somber nod, she continued. “Then you know better than to speak such things. This is not the time for negative words, actions or thoughts. Rhia needs your positive energy. The Great Spirits of our Ancestors will care for her. See to it that you send your strength to her. She will need it before the night is done. Understand?”

  The High Counsel took a deep breath, and said, “Of course.”

  “RuArk, please go and help your father with the presents. He is having some of your men load the carts.”

  “Carts?” RuArk wondered aloud.

  “Yes, carts. We had your harbormaster bring two carts down to the docks so we could unload the presents for the baby. But later for that. I have a new mother to take care of. Off with you now.”

  “Lunis, get my mother anything she needs. And mother,” he turned to take her by the hand to place a thankful kiss on her cheek, “she’s been fighting the labor for days.”

  “That’s good to know. She can be quite stubborn at times.” But it was said with a fond smile. “And I would not have her any other way if she is to deal with you.”

  RuArk appreciated his mother’s humor just now as he stepped outside and noted how cool the breeze was. Like a late season snow was coming.

  “RuArk, get going. And please take the High Counsel with you. Your father is waiting. And Rhia is waiting for me. Lunis, please have our things taken to our rooms. If I need assistance I will send word.”

  “What about the children?” RuArk called back as he started down the front steps. He looked back at the four well-behaved boys standing calmly watching the adults take care of the details.

  “They can help you,” called Elana and Elaina, almost in unison. They looked at each other and smiled. Turning those smiles on RuArk, he nodded his consent. He helped the boys get their coats back on as the group of women swept up the stairs, leaving a befuddled Lunis in their wake to deal with the mountain of baggage sitting just outside the front doors.

  Chapter Thirteen

  RuArk, the High Counsel, along with every warrior that could fit inside the main hall, sat and waited for word on Rhia’s progress. She’d truly won the hearts of his men and already held the love of her own people. Judging from the number present, there would be no shortage of guardians of the child.

  “Joan, what is happening?” Marth called after her as she and Sharyn flew past them on yet another trip with their arms full of linens and towels.

  “Not now,” she said irritably. “We’re busy!”

  “That I can see,” he muttered to himself. “Women.”

  “Here, here!” came the good-natured agreement of the warriors who’d been close enough to hear him griping.

  RuArk wondered about some of Rhia’s concerns and figured this was as good a time as any to get some answers. He turned to his father-in-law.

  “Sir, would you join me?” He led the High Counsel out of the main hall, down the hallway to the foyer so they could have a bit of privacy.

  “Tell me what happened between you and Rhia after her mother died? She is deathly afraid of having our child, but says the pain of the birth has nothing to do with it.”

  “What happened after the death of her mother? Basically, my life was shattered, ruined. I was so numb with grief that I just closed in on myself and locked out the world.”

  “And you locked out your daughter, too?”

  “Yes, her and her brother, Sean,” the High Counsel admitted honestly and without hesitation. “I just couldn’t seem to function, think, or care about anything. That great woman was my whole world, my everything. I grieved for years. By the time I came out of it and realized life had gone on without me, Rhia and Sean were well on in years. While I saw to my duties as High Counsel, I did it in a bubble of sorts. Functioned, but wasn’t really aware of much going on around me. Almost like a waking dream.

  “Rhia had gained First Blade and taken on the running of the Society of War. She stepped into her role as my first born and heir, even gave direction to the Council of Seven. Sean h
ad earned the appointment of Harbor Master, obviously without any help from me. Rhia, as First Heir, had approved the appointment and my only son had been gone to Harbor Station for almost two years.”

  “Do you realize she has been trying to walk in her mother’s footsteps since that time?”

  The High Counsel sat up considerably straighter as he took in that bit of news. “But that’s ridiculous. No one could fill my wife’s shoes.” The High Counsel lowered his head as understanding finally dawned in his downcast eyes. He suddenly looked so...old. “I hadn’t realized. She seemed to be willing to learn what was required as First Heir and she could out-do most of the men. So I let her take on as much as she could handle. I simply thought she was ambitious.”

  “Yet, where was her father?”

  “I was right there! I was...”

  “Perhaps you lived in the same building as her, worked in the same Society of War, even ran the Province with your daughter’s help. But were you there when she’d scraped a knee?”

  RuArk knew that Brita had seen to her.

  “Or when she needed to talk to someone about a problem?”

  Joan, no older than Rhia, had been her confidante.

  “Or when she was trying to decide what she wanted in life?”


  Finally, Grey spoke. “Perhaps if I’d paid more attention she would have never been engaged to that blasted Bryan Collaidh all those years ago. She would have never been in danger or in a position where he could beat her senseless like he did. I stepped in, but I never comforted Rhia, nor did we ever talk about what really happened that day, or any other day. I just left her to herself thinking she needed to grieve alone, like I did.”

  “What you needed as a man was not what she needed as a young woman. She has spent all these years trying to get you to love her.”

  “But I do love her. I’ve always loved her.”

  “But did she know that? Did you tell her? Show her?”

  “I tried to show her by letting her be herself and do as she pleased.”


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