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Page 12

by T. J. Michaels

  “By piling duties on her? By making her think that if she worked hard enough, if she ran herself from sun up to sun down that maybe you would love her like you loved her mother?”

  “How dare you judge me!”

  RuArk was getting angry now, and so was the High Counsel. But this should have been handled long ago, almost the whole of Rhia’s life, to be exact.

  “I do not judge you, sir, but I tell you what I have learned as Rhia’s lifemate, what I have seen in her every day. Until I literally made her delegate her responsibilities and forced her to take time away from duties, the woman pushed herself from dawn until she crawled into bed at night. She used to challenge my warriors, Grey. Warriors! Just to prove she deserved their respect, not realizing she had it already simply because of how honorable a woman she is.” RuArk shot to his feet and tried with all his strength to keep his voice down and his hands at his sides.

  “At first she tried to give me only her body, not wanting to let me into her heart. Do you know why? It was because she could not stand to love.”

  “What? Why?” the High Counsel asked, angry, but genuinely confused.

  “Why? For fear of losing the one she loved as she lost both her mother and her father. Now she is afraid of having our child because she does not want to die and leave the child alone without love. Without care.”

  “Oh gods,” the High Counsel sobbed. “What have I done to my daughter?”

  “You have done nothing that cannot be undone. It is your Draeman New Spring, and the Gaian season of rebirth. It is your holiday of giving, yes? Legend says it is a time of miracles. Perhaps you will have one. Or perhaps, if you choose to, you will make one.”

  With that, he patted the High Counsel on the shoulder and bounded back up the stairs toward the main hall, leaving him to think on all the time and opportunities between he and Rhia that had been lost.

  RuArk had had enough of waiting. As he approached the doors to the huge dining area, he took a sharp left and ran upstairs to their apartments. He’d put a hand on the door just as another woman flew out with a basin of bloodied water and even bloodier linens.

  Rhia’s blood curdling screams stopped him cold, and then mobilized him. He had to get to her, had to help her. Nobody would scream like that unless they needed help.

  Once through the apartment door, Elaina met him at the threshold of the bedroom, barring the way.

  “Sorry cousin. You cannot go in just yet.”

  “That is my woman, this is my house, and I will go where I bloody well please!”

  “Not today.” Elaina refused to back down. Rhia screamed again and he was driven by something that twisted deep in his gut. He was going to get to his lifemate no matter what. He reached down, caught Elaina underneath the shoulders, and lifted her straight up into the air. She remained undaunted.

  “You may be a gigantic Gaian warrior, and you may be Protector of the Realm, but that room is full of women who won’t hesitate to tear you to pieces if you intrude on their domain. Now. Put. Me. Down.”

  Just then, he heard a loud squalling hiccupping sound. He turned his head toward the bedroom door, still holding Elaina three feet off the ground. The hiccupping turned into a mewling, and finally an all-out yell to the rafters. And it wasn’t Rhia.

  He set his cousin on her feet and reached for the doorknob just as his mother opened it and stepped out.

  “May I present your son, Taté Icamna.” She held the little bundle with the large lungs out to him and disappeared back into the bedroom. To RuArk’s surprise, the babe immediately quieted and began to observe his father just as his father was observing him. The little one was perfect in every way, from the little black and reddish tufts on his head to his charcoal gray eyes, and skin like sweet cream.

  His son. Their son. He looked down at the newborn held in one of his massive arms and his eyes filled with wonder that something so small could hold him in thrall so completely. He thought he heard another wail. The bedroom door opened again.

  “And your daughter, Relaina Grey.”

  Another child? A girl, who was the spitting image of her father. Dark midnight curls, and slate gray eyes with the intelligence of her mother shining through.

  Two babies?

  Elana stuck her head out the door a few moments later. “You may see her now.”

  Everyone cleared the room, leaving RuArk, Rhia and the little prince and princess to spend some time alone together.

  He climbed the stairs to their bed as Rhia stirred.

  “RuArk, aren’t they beautiful?’ she asked with a yawn.

  “Yes, they are beautiful babes. Just like their mother.”

  He lay down next to Rhia and placed the babies between them.

  “I never thought in a million years I would have twins. Even when I felt them kicking from all different directions I still never imagined I carried two babies,” she said happily, though sleepily. “RuArk?”

  “Yes, love?”

  “Are there any other twins in your family beside Elana and Elaina?”

  “Elana and Elaina both have twin boys. I am also a twin.”


  “Yes, Rogear and I were born several minutes apart. He is my older brother, though not older by much.”

  “You have a twin brother and you never told me?”

  “I told you I have a brother, Rhia. But twins are common in our clan so it did not occur to me to mention it.”

  “And he looks just like you?”

  “So we have been told.”

  “It isn’t true, RuArk.”

  “What is not true?”

  “He can’t look just like you. There couldn’t possibly be another man like you on the entire planet. Certainly not one as handsome. You are a god.”

  “Do you really think so?” he said, with all the arrogance he could muster, but inwardly he was humbled to the bottom of his heart.

  “Rhia, I know you were afraid. To be honest, I was worried for you as I guess all fathers-to-be worry.” Unable to keep the awe from his voice, he said, “Look what you made.”

  “Look what we made.” She began to doze.

  “You’re tired. I’ll leave you to rest.”

  “No, not yet. I need to feed the babies first.”

  “Shall I call my mother or my cousins to help you?”

  “No, sweetheart, I want you to help me. Do you mind?”

  Mind? He’d expected to be excluded from this part of the birthing and was touched that she would ask him. She was a proud woman and he, being a proud man, knew how difficult it could be to ask for help at times. He helped her sit up a bit more and fluffed an extra pillow behind her back.

  “So, was the pain so bad?”

  “Do you want me to lie?”


  “It felt like someone had taken a sword and run me through. And every time I had a contraction it felt like I was being run through all over again. Oh, blazes, it was awful. It was like trying to push a melon out of something the size of a lemon...twice. I mean could you imagine trying to push an orange out of your cock and then...”

  “Rhia!” The images she’d painted would never leave his mind.

  She started laughing. “Um, you’re turning an awkward shade of green. I didn’t know a golden god could get so pale in the face!” She winced.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Laughing hurts. My stomach muscles are tender, but I just can’t help it.”

  While she nursed the babies for the first time, RuArk marveled at how perfect they were, all fat cheeks and chubby fingers. And so wonderfully greedy, they fell asleep with Rhia’s nipples still in their little mouths.

  Not long after, his mother came in, reached for Tate and handed him to Sharyn, who was soon joined by Grey, Joan, Linc and Marth. Joan took Relaina Grey and began to croon to her. The thoughts on her face clearly read by all—what would it be like to have a child of her own?

  Now that their friends were here, Rhia asked him to help her d
own from the bed for just a little while. RuArk gently picked her up and settled her into a plump cushioned chair while everyone who wasn’t holding a child freshened up the room.

  “Where is Brita?” Rhia wondered as her eyes closed on a contented sigh.

  “She is somewhat out of sorts,” Sharyn answered noncommittally.

  “Is she ill?” asked Rhia.

  “I don’t think so,” said Joan lowering her face to rub against the soft cheek of little Relaina Grey. “She just seems to walk about in a daze. It kind of comes and goes for what seems like forever now. Physically, she’s as healthy as one of those trees out in the courtyard as far as her body scans say.”

  Joan didn’t sound concerned so Rhia let it go. She was thankful they had an oversized bedroom. Even without Brita it was getting pretty crowded. She was exhausted and slipped into a light sleep as their family and closest friends cooed over the babies. She came wide awake when she heard Joan telling of how she cursed RuArk in a couple of different languages as she’d pushed the first baby out.

  Rhia actually tried to get up off his lap with threats of choking Joan when she began the story of how she’d stood up in the middle of their bed and announced that she wasn’t having a baby today.

  Joan stuck her tongue out at Rhia and kept right on with the tale. “In fact she stood in the middle of a pile of sheets, doubled over with a contraction and told us that she wanted us to pack her things so she could go home to the High City. Oh, and Queen Mila was informed that Rhia had in fact changed her mind about this whole business so mom-in-law could go back home because there weren’t going to be any grandchildren. Ever.”

  Even RuArk laughed at that one before kicking them all out so Rhia could get some rest.

  She slept as he lay the babies down together in one of the gifts from his parents that had come off of the carts this morning—a large, beautifully carved cradle with the sigil of the Wind overlaid in gold. It was full of delicate swaddling and blankets done in a shimmering soft gray, in the color of their houses—Miwatani and Greysomne.

  He left his mate to her dreams as he quietly closed the doors to their apartment and went down to the main hall where his men still waited for news.

  “I’m a father twice over!” he shouted as he descended the staircase. A great cheer went up complete with clanking mugs, congratulations and good natured thumping on the back.

  RuArk had never celebrated New Spring in this manner, but he was familiar with the Draeman custom. It was supposed to be the season of extraordinary things. It must be true because he had three miracles upstairs asleep this very moment.

  * * * * *

  Rhia awoke to a soft knock on her bedroom door.

  God she was tired. Fighting labor for two days and then surviving that intense pain for so many hours had her completely exhausted. Yet, there was an inner strength and energy she had never experienced before. Strange contrast, for sure.

  While exhilarated in her spirit, her body felt like someone had spent several days rolling her up and down the cobblestone walks through the courtyard.

  She smiled, opened her eyes and gazed across the room to the cradle that was the temporary refuge of her new son and daughter. They weren’t there.

  They’re out on their first adventure.

  She lay there and stretched without a worry in the world. Their father was RuArk Miwatani, and she knew without a doubt that absolutely nothing was amiss as far as those particular children were concerned.

  Closing her eyes, she lay still in the huge bed and reached out to her husband through their bond. She felt him nearby. He had the babies with him and was bursting with joy. And uncertainty? Hmmm, she’d have to ask him about that.

  The knock sounded again just as softly as before. Whoever it was really didn’t want to disturb her, of which she was grateful, but she had to get up sometime and there was no time like the present.

  She tried to sit up and fell back heavily against her pillows with a sharp gasp. Holy fuck that hurt like hell.

  Determined to rise anyway, she rolled over onto her side, pushed herself up to a sitting position and swung her legs over the side of the bed so her feet rested on the top step of the platform.

  “There is no way I am staying in this blasted bed,” she grumbled to herself. She was a warrior woman, a soldier and Blademaster. Surely, she should be having an easier time than most?

  Not wanting to keep her guest waiting, she called out, “Come in.”

  Mila whisked into the room and came to a dead stop. “What are you doing?” Impatient and clearly annoyed, the woman was up the steps and at Rhia’s side in an instant to tuck her back in.

  “I was just going to get up for a while.”

  “You will do no such thing. If you need help to the bathing room, I will help you. But other than that you will rest at least two full days before you rise. After that, you may go down to the dining hall and maybe walk a bit, but nothing further, Rhia. And that is the end of it.”

  This was the Queen of Gaia, a woman more stubborn than herself. Why bother trying to persuade her, Rhia thought. But the thought didn’t last long.

  “Mila, women have babies every day. This is no big deal, right? Why can’t I get up now?”

  “It is true that women have babies every day, however, Ms. Fire Storm, they do not usually fight their labor for two days then give birth to two children at once.”

  Well she couldn’t dispute any of that. Crap.

  “And second, your children were quite large. After you were asleep, Sharyn used her Gift of Healing to assist, but you must rest and eat in order to regain your strength. You know as well as I, that the person receiving the essence of the Gift gives their energy just as much as the person giving the Gift.

  “There will be some swelling and you did hemorrhage some, which caused you to lose quite a bit of blood. If you stand on your feet right now, I would not be surprised if you tumbled from that monstrous bed of yours. Yes, from the first step all the way down to the floor. And I am not sure I would be inclined to help you up again should you decide to be stiff-necked about this.” Mila finished calmly. Then she stood there and waited with that blasted super-patient, you-know-I’m-right expression.

  Finally, knowing she wasn’t going to win this particular battle, Rhia grumbled, “Fine, I get the picture.”

  “Good. Now, I have come to help you change your packing.”

  “Aw, man. Seriously.”

  “This is not the time to be embarrassed, Rhia. Besides, I saw all there is to see considering I brought your children into this world.”

  Rhia blushed furiously but knew she was being ridiculous. Draema wasn’t the most modest of places to begin with and Gaians didn’t get squicked out about typical bodily functions.

  Mila took in her stricken expression.

  “Did you learn nothing in Draema about having children?”

  “Of course. We have sex education, but it wasn’t something I spent much time on. Other than fighting, I mostly studied finance and diplomacy. When it comes to sex all Draeman learn how babies are made, but I didn’t bother with the having part since the making was much more interesting.” She grinned insolently at her mother-in-law and began laughing only to immediately regret it. It made her belly twinge.

  Instead, Mila laughed for her and offered to help Rhia from the bed to the bathing room. She got to her feet on her own, but after that most of her weight was on Mila’s shoulders.

  Rhia silently acknowledged that her mother-in-law was quite correct in regard to her state of health considering it even took energy to take a pee.

  Mila helped her wash up, showed Rhia how to care for her stitches, then dropped a bomb.

  “No sex for at least thirty days.”

  “Wait, what? Even with our advanced technology, I can’t bump uglies for thirty blasted days?”

  Mila laughed again. “It has nothing to do with technology, but with common sense. Give your body time to recover naturally. Blood does not regenera
te overnight.”

  Good grief, what a disappointment. “Does RuArk know?”

  “Of course he does. He is Gaian. Our men may not quite get the labor part, but they are well schooled in aftercare.”

  “Really?” Draema had pretty much done away with the whole natural birthing thing. Tech was king, and in this case, Rhia kind of liked it that way. Suddenly, she could almost see him, his presence so near she could have reached out and touched him. What was he doing? Was he wearing one of those skimpy little breech things that showed his fabulously muscular ass? No, too cold outside. Perhaps a pair of wool-lined leather trousers instead, the buckskin ones that fit so perfectly and outlined his backside and calves? Damn, even after all that ungodly pain she was ready to do the thing that made babies all over again.

  I must be crazy to want him already.

  Mila kept talking, not noticing the somewhat vacant expression in Rhia’s eyes as she thought on her husband. Releasing the bond, Rhia tuned into her mother-in-law’s words, then wished she hadn’t. There were so many suggestions, traditions, rules and advice that Rhia decided to simply take what she needed from the conversation and leave the rest on the table.

  The journey back to the refuge of her covers took forever. Winded and very relieved that Mila had insisted on helping her, Rhia settled back in bed. Propped up on pillows, enjoying a spot of coffee, light toast with winterberry jam and her favorite eggs with spicy sausage and peppers mixed into the fluffy dish, Rhia didn’t think she’d ever been so content. Mila kissed her on the cheek and went to answer a faint tap at the door, tidying as she went.

  “Would you like to join me, father? I could have Lunis direct Cook to send something up here to you?”

  “No, thank you. I had breakfast with the little ones this morning,” the High Counsel said, beaming.

  “How did you have breakfast with the babies? I didn’t nurse either of them yet this morning.”

  Queen Mila answered, “We brought a nurse with us. She recently gave birth, but her babe was born too early and did not survive. She has offered to help with the nursing of the little princelings so you can rest at night.”

  Rhia felt sorry for the woman’s loss of her own child, but that did nothing to quell the fire that erupted behind her eyes. She was immediately jealous.


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