Subfrenzy (the Subfrenzied Series)
Page 5
“I do that, too. I planned to catch up for the week, tomorrow.”
“You're more than welcome to join.”
“Yes please. Thanks for offering.”
“I've got a blunt rolled somewhere...” When he smiled at me, some of the distanced-business edge was gone. “You're incredibly polite.”
And it wouldn't go away. “Thank you.”
“It's refreshing.” When he smiled, some of the distance between us went away. I sat cross-legged and kept the blanket tucked in around me. He handed me the blunt with a green lighter.
“Is pot your only drug?”
“Yes, only weed. You?”
“Same.” With confirmation, I didn't hesitate to light it.
“I like you,” he grinned suddenly. “You're really laid-back.”
“Thanks,” I blew smoke over my shoulder. “Er, yeah, I like you, too.”
“Can you see the screen from all the way over there?”
It took me a second to understand, but I moved closer and rested my shoulder against his. He put his arm on the back of the couch, behind my neck. I wasn't normally able to stay high for more than a few minutes around people I'd never smoked with before. Yet the hazy, pleasurable cloud was spreading through my head, tingling, bringing heightened awareness. I liked the sensitivity that had settled over my skin, the anticipation that made me realize how much I wanted to end up in bed with him.
“I feel really, really good,” he leaned his head back. “I haven't felt this good in a while.”
“Where are you from?” he asked suddenly.
“I've always lived in Jersey. Why?”
“I'm just curious. I thought New York, first.”
Because I was nervous, tongue-tied and close to stammering. “Are you from New York?”
“The Bronx, Kingsbridge, then Manhattan for a few years.”
During the second episode, he rested his hand on my knee and didn't move it. New tension in the room didn't go away. It grew stronger, impossible for me to ignore. By the time I noticed I'd been absently stroking his leg, it was too late to stop.
“Sorry if that's been bothering you?”
'It hasn't been.” He paused, glancing over at me. “How high are you?”
“It's-- I don't know where the blunt went. I think you had it last?”
“How are you feeling? We smoked a lot.”
“I'm still me,” I replied, understanding what he meant.
His eyes were bright with amusement when I glanced up at him. When I put my hand back on his thigh, missing by a few inches, I froze and stared at the TV screen.
He grabbed my wrist, but there wasn't any pressure as his fingers wrapped around my arm.
“I didn't mean to do that,” I was only able to whisper.
“I noticed.”
He felt a little more distant, releasing his hold on my wrist. A flash of disappointment-- But then pressure on my shoulder and quickly turned me toward him. I found myself leaning against his chest. We looked at one another and I felt myself smile, excited by his careful roughness. I gasped, unable to stop myself from laughing in pleasure when he had me underneath him.
“Too much?” His cock was already hard, digging into my stomach. Impressive, on both counts. I pressed my knees against his sides and pushed my hips into his.
“Definitely not.” I twitched when his hand brushed over the side of my neck. His fingers were long, wide, curling through my hair. The tension in his arm-- “Wait!” I said, hating that I sounded hoarse and panicked.
“Change your mind?” He let his hand drop away from the back of my head. I could breathe again.
The nervous part of me watched for irritation or signs of anger that I'd stopped him. There was none, just controlled curiosity. Lust was sharp, almost painful as it sliced through me. If you pull my head back, I'll lose control. I went with the second thing that came to mind.
“For safety, health reasons, I just want to ask if-?” I stopped short, unable to find a way around being very, very blunt.
“Clean bill of health? Yes,” he answered confidently. “What about you?”
“Yes. Me too.”
“I feel like I'm crowding you. Do you want me to-”
I drew in a ragged breath and bit my lower lip. Quinn didn't look concerned anymore. He had leaned back, which pressed his lower body completely against me. But then he purposefully moved his hips and the burning pleasure lasted so much longer-! I gasped when his cock slid perfectly between my legs. Shivers rolled down between my shoulders, waking nerves that ached for roughness. I felt his belt buckle warm against my skin. My moan sounded loud in the quiet, he had definitely heard it. I looked down at my hands, my wrists crossed over the upper part of his chest.
Without thinking, I pushed at his shoulders and surprised him into sitting back. I straddled his waist as I fought the frustrated aggression. The zipper to my corset was easy to lower. It went over the back of his couch. My shoes hit the floor one by one. Confidence returned when I heard him groan. I brought my knees in closer and rocked my hips over his in small, slow circles.
“You make that feel really good.”
“I make-” Quinn brought my head back down so he could kiss me. A vicious surge of pleasure struck me to the core.
There was no hesitation when he went for the catch of my strapless black bra. I prepared myself, ready to help- And then it was resting on top of my corset. After removing his shirt, he let it fall behind him on the couch. I stroked my hands across the raised muscles in his firm shoulders, but hearing him undo his belt made me freeze. He made a low growling sound and caught my wrists when I drew my nails down his chest. Everything spun. He took control back, putting me underneath him again. My legs were still wrapped around his waist when my eyes opened. I liked how he looked bracing over me, his lower body pressed so hard against mine that I couldn't move.
His fingers closed over my arms, but not hard enough to hurt. I held my breath when he sucked my left nipple into his mouth. He rapidly stroked his tongue over the tip until pleasure shivered over my skin. My back arched and held when he rolled my nipples between his fingers. I had moaned instead of asking for more... The opportunity slipped away when he leaned back.
“Want to move into the bedroom?”
“After you?” I stood when he did and tried to ignore the trembling in my legs.
When we got to the stairs, I fell behind him to fix my tangled hair. He hadn't seen me slipping out of my skirt on the way to his bedroom.
I was impressed with the handcrafted furniture, a four poster bed, a bureau that was both tall and wide. The walls were light blue, and the long, dark blue curtains over his three windows were drawn. I leaned against the door frame, paralyzed when I felt him looking at me. His eyes were so dark... My pulse raced when he closed the distance, moving me so that my back was against the wall. I kissed him back, surprised by the warmth that spread throughout my lower body.
Whatever he saw in my expression made him groan. He lifted me so that I could straddle his waist. My chest rubbed against his as he brought me over to the bed. It felt good, kneeling, while I waited for him to get undressed. Quinn stopped near the edge of his bed when he saw me kneel lower. He had made me feel pleasure already. I wanted to thank him.
“May I?” I leaned forward on my forearms and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
The head of his cock felt soft, rubbing against my cheek. My lips and tongue were wet as I kissed and licked the head of his cock. His shaft was hard, yet smooth against my lips. Determination burned, helping me sink down to the very base. It almost triggered my gag-reflex, something I really didn't want to happen. I glanced up in time to see his head fall back. Quinn moved his hand to the right side of my neck, curling his fingers around my shoulder. He jerked his hips back, then slowly forward.
I choked, immediately pulled back when he swore. “Did I hurt you?”
“That was really good.�
“Oh,” I breathed out in relief. My wrists crossed in front of me when I leaned on my forearms again. “Do you want more?”
“So fucking sexy...”
His energy felt like electricity moving over my skin. My eyes closed when I took his cock toward the back of my throat. All I focused on was breathing and not gagging. It wasn't difficult, and I realized he was pulling back when my throat tightened around him. Experienced, indeed. My submissive side was thrilled by the challenge. The way he was breathing let me know how close he was. It surprised me, how much I wanted to feel him come.
Quinn pulled me up so that I had to lean against him for balance. “Lay back. I want to return the favor.”
“What? You want-”
That was all I had time to say. He lowered me back onto the bed and spread my legs further apart. I stared at his shoulders as he took my right nipple into his mouth. The hot, wet slide of his tongue made me moan. Patches of my skin cooled, a line of them leading down toward my hipbones.
“Will you fuck me instead?” I asked, feeling him pressed against my thigh.
“That's what you want?”
“Yes!” I groaned when he lightly pinched my nipples. My eyes closed when he pinched a little harder. “Yes, please...”
“Can't refuse that.”
The level of arousal I'd reached had returned and burned through me like fire. If I couldn't come when it physically felt like I had to, I was done trying to learn how. He got up to rummage through his bedside table. For a condom. My last worry was banished. I tried to breathe evenly when he pulled me toward the edge of his bed. He roughly grabbed my hips, the head of his cock pushing at the entrance to my body.
“Tell me if I'm holding you too hard. I don't want to hurt you.”
“You won't,” I laughed and arched toward him. “I like the way you touch me.”
When he thrust forward, I cried out from the pleasure-pain. A strange vulnerability swept over me, but instinct had me push it back. I regretted not following it further. He stayed still long enough that I could feel the warmth of him through the condom. My body adjusted, burning with impatience. I couldn't help squirming when he held my legs open.
“You're so tight, so wet...”
“I'm sorry?” I blushed furiously, all too aware of how much I wanted him.
“Why?” I held my breath when his cock repeatedly rubbed against my g-spot. “Fuck, you feel good.”
He let go of my thighs to move me higher on the bed. There was no more pain when he thrust deeper, bracing on his forearms above me. It felt really good... I reached backwards and grabbed the edge of a pillow. Quinn bit me again, lower, toward the base of my neck. I stopped being able to speak. Or think. That one had actually hurt. My hips bucked when vulnerability returned, but I didn't push all of it away. When I needed more and writhed against him, he held my hips still to fuck me harder. The bright burst of pleasure left me floating, holding onto him because I was afraid I'd splinter apart.
“You made me come.” I smiled, happiness strong as arousal. It burned through me again, my body wanting more.
He looked surprised, but I couldn't concentrate enough to figure out why. “Lay on your side.”
His thigh was incredibly warm underneath my arm. I reached for the condom, wanting it off so I could take his cock into my mouth.
“Wait.” He had me move higher, so my head was closer to his shoulder. “I'm not ready to come yet. Not when I know you can again.”
“You wanted me to lay on my side?”
“Yes. I still do.”
“... How?” I was.
“Facing away from me.” Hearing his quiet laughter made me blush. “You've never been fucked in this position before?”
“No.” I brought my arms together and in against my chest. After I arched backwards, the pleasure was heavier, shocking whenever there was hard pressure against my g-spot.
My pulse raced and my nipples tingled as he teased them with the palm of his hand. I cried out when he rolled my left nipple hard between his fingers. Pleasure grew white-hot, the promise of pain pushing me closer to the edge. Such incredible sensations-! Quinn lightly pinched both of my nipples, slowly adding more pressure. I shivered hard, wanting more than the heavy pleasure that meant it should hurt.
“You don't feel that?” he asked.
“Please more...? I'm so close...”
“That's so fucking sexy-” He breathed in roughly, nearly growling as he exhaled. “I want to feel you come again.”
And then I did, able to because he fucked me harder, relentlessly stimulating my g-spot. The orgasm crashed through my body with enough intensity to leave me breathless. I pulled my internal muscles tight, using the last of my energy to try and send him over. He was breathing fast, no longer fucking me with any rhythm I could follow. His thighs were hard, braced against the back of my legs. He thrust deep and went completely still. It felt as though he came as intensely, if not harder than I had?
“Wow,” he slumped back and pulled me into the curve of his body.
Submissive satisfaction made me smile against his chest. My body ached pleasantly, light aftershocks still hitting randomly.
I stared at the tangled blanket and rumpled sheets, still pleasure blurry. “Yes... That was 'Wow.'”
- Chapter 5 -
~ Clone Your Lover ~
“Oh fuck,” I groaned, gripping the steering wheel. “Did that really just happen?”
Quinn and I had drifted on the after-haze for a while. As I gathered my clothes, he pulled me back down into bed. It was just as good the second time, even more intense, but because it was I felt even more frustrated by... everything. I didn't think he was offended that I hadn't waited for an invitation, or excuse, before I made excuses of my own to leave. I slept better in the safety of my bedroom, and I knew sleep was something I'd need soon.
I'd forgotten to ask about whether or not we'd be meeting up, later in the evening. While I wanted to assume he, too had forgotten, I couldn't be sure. It worried me, how much I wanted to see him again. I turned the radio on to drown out whatever thoughts followed.
It was winter and everything was bright, not grayed over with the clouds I had expected to see. I liked driving around early in the morning. People were out and around on the weekend, yet my neighborhood was still quiet when I pulled into the driveway. My plan was to sleep until noon if not a little later.
Confused as the night had left me, my body ached in a really pleasurable way. I could almost forgive him for throwing the door to sub frenzy wide open. The energy was slowly gathering, waiting for any hint of vulnerability to take me under. I wanted to schedule a pain session before that happened, though I knew there was a good chance I'd have to fight it off one last time. One more time, I had told told myself for the past two years. My night with Quinn had helped bolster my self-control, but there were dents in the mental walls that hadn't been there before.
I hastened to silence my phone when it rang. “Quinn? What's up?”
“Hey, I'm just watching some TV before I pass out. Are you home yet?”
“Yes, thanks. I got in a few seconds ago.”
“We're still on for dinner later tonight, right?”
“So long as that's good by you?”
“Yes, definitely. I've got a couple of places in mind, but... call me when you wake up. We'll go from there.”
“It's a plan.”
“Sleep well, I'll talk to you soon,” he said, his voice warmer than it had been.
“Good late night, Quinn.”
I was surprised that the kitchen light was on. Locking the door behind me, I was nervous when Jackie didn't come trotting over.
“You still on the phone?”
“Nope. Not anymore.” Tension immediately lifted. Lane was sitting in the den, watching television on the couch. Jackie was comfortably curled at her feet. Her tail wagged lazily, a plume of shiny gold wafting back and forth. She smiled at me and rolled onto her back, sighing contente
dly when I sat down and rubbed her belly.
“I only finished my paper a little while ago. Besides, you weren't home yet.” It was five-ten in the morning and she still managed to look at me with Psychologist eyes. “Did you have a good time?”
“What's he like?”
“Quinn's... nice.”
“Yes, I like him a lot.” I looked over when she laughed at me. “What?”
“You look a little stunned.”
“Do I?” I blushed, remembering how I'd reacted to him. Quinn had noticed, though he mistook submission for politeness. So long as he liked it? “He was exciting, intuition wasn't wrong.”
“Did I hear you're meeting up with him again tonight?”
“Probably, yes.” I smiled, refocusing. “I know you'll be up by noon. Will you wake me up if I'm still sleeping?”
“Sure, and it sounds like you really impressed him, too. Another date so soon?”
“I'm not sure what that was. Whether it was because I wanted him so much before we even did anything, or if it's because I've been wanting pain so much. It could have been the really incredible pot we smoked together-”
“You smoked with him?”
“He had the same kind Tom gets me. It was safe.”
“I'm sure you were, I'm just surprised you did.” She shook her head, back on track. “Do it all again and see if the same thing happens?”
“Now that I know he can, I know it will. I've had trouble giving over that much, I've realized. And why.” It was something I wasn't ready to think about yet. “Unless he's someone completely different... I might be over my head.”
Lanie grinned. “I like him.”
* * *
I smelled Quinn's cologne on my sheets before I was even completely awake. My hair still smelled like his cologne. Strange that it didn't bother me. When I stretched, different parts of my body ached. But it felt so, so good...
“Lazy Saturday, it is,” I mumbled, laughing when Tiny head-nudged me so hard I feared a black eye. “Give me a nice hug before you go.”
She rubbed her cheek against mine, nearly flipping upside-down on my chest, and jumped off my bed. It was food time for her. I filled my bathtub and sank into the pear scented water. Bubbles crackled as I relaxed, the heat turning my skin pink.