Subfrenzy (the Subfrenzied Series)
Page 6
Mortification stung when I mentally re-lived Quinn calling my name before I saw it was him. I flinched, remembering how it felt to walk through his apartment, terrified he would ask for my coat. If he had connected my outfit with Rack's, I didn't want a conversation to start about it. Or, I hadn't. I felt... I submerged myself underwater. Too much.
The aching need faded as my lungs screamed for oxygen. I knew better than to fall for someone normal again, no matter how exciting he might be, when I really wanted a Dominant. It wasn't fair to anyone. Water sluiced down my face, drowning me until I tipped my head forward. The air was cold when I breathed in. Self-control was mine again, until I saw my phone.
“Hi, Clara,” Quinn answered when I called. “One second?”
“No problem.”
“My cat was trying to claw her way up the curtain.”
“You do have a cat. I mean, you have a cat?”
“Uh, yeah. Sasha. She just came out of hiding. Do you have pets?”
“Yes, three. Technically. I have a cat, then a dog and a cat because of my roommate, Lane. The last two are hers.”
“That's really cool. Maybe you'll see Sasha later. She's pretty skittish, though.”
“Mine is, too, around strangers.” He got major points for liking pets.
“You share a car, right?”
“Yes...” but I couldn't remember if Lane had plans.
His pause had me check my phone. “I'm on my way out to meet with a client, now, actually. It shouldn't take too long. I can come pick you up anytime after three?”
“Whenever's best for you.”
“Text me the address?”
“Sure thing.”
“I'll call you if my meeting runs late, or when I'm on my way.”
“Thank you again, Quinn. Drive safe.”
With half an hour before he would arrive, I checked my outfit one last time. It looked fine to me, but I had thought the same thing before I'd left to Rack's.
“How do I look?” I asked, jittery when I got to the living room. “Dinner appropriate?”
Lane navigated her character to a safe space and paused her first-person shooter game. I could tell by her eyebrows raising that I'd over-exceeded her expectations. The flirty, dark purple cocktail dress fell to the top of my knees. It's V-neckline seemed low, but the fabric remained gathered together and only revealed a modest amount of cleavage. I liked that it made my waist seem smaller than it was.
“You look really good!” she said, with genuine approval. “But borrow my black stilettos. Your legs will look longer, and those shoes will look really good with that dress. And take the shiny black, rectangular purse. You know where it is.”
“Not the purse. If I leave it somewhere, you're going to-”
“You won't. What are you going to do, have him hold your wallet?”
“No... just, maybe, my I.D and credit card.”
She snorted. “Come with me.”
“I only have ten minutes,” I said, checking my phone.
“That's plenty of time. Your makeup looks great. Light, silvery, not too goth. If I wasn't dressed like this,” she gestured to her faded, plaid pajama pants and over-sized t-shirt, “I'd say I want to meet him, but I can't fix this much damage in ten minutes. He's going to think I'm a slob.”
“I doubt that. I'm not sure what's going to happen. Or what he wants. Inviting him in might be awkward.”
“I just want to see what he looks like,” she reassured me. “I really do refuse to meet him like this. In a couple hours, I'll be a brand new me.”
“What are you up to tonight?”
“I might go dancing, I'm not sure yet. I'll be away from schoolwork for a while. That's really all that matters.”
I read my latest text message. “He's two blocks away. Wow. He got here fast.”
“How far away does he live from here?”
“Twenty minutes, give or take.”
“Good. I drive fast, too.”
We both heard the sound of a car pulling into our driveway. Lane moved to the side of her window and carefully looked outside. I stayed seated on her bed, checking my phone to make sure it was on.
“No wonder he got here so fast. That's a fast car. Mr. Polite. He turned it off and got out.”
'I'm here.' Quinn's message read.
“I don't think he got out just because he's nice,” I warned her. “If he wants to say hi, Lane...”
“I'm done studying him, I promise. Have fun, okay?”
He smiled, immediately pocketing his phone when I locked the door behind me. His suit was a soft, blue-black, made to look casual because he wasn't wearing a tie. I kissed him hello innocently enough, but it went from soft and sweet, to not as sweet almost immediately.
“Fuck,” he said quietly, letting his fingers stroke over the back of my neck. “That's what I remember.”
My body was already tingling. He kissed me once and my mind fogged over in submission? I hadn't smoked anything except cigarettes all day. It was just him and his masculine, reassuring energy.
“Good afternoon, by the way.”
I got into his car after he held the door open for me. “Hopefully a good one for you?”
“It's not been bad. How about yours?”
“Same. Pretty uneventful.”
Quinn glanced over at me, slowing down to go through a toll-booth. “How hungry are you?”
“I'm good with going back to your place, if you want to unwind a little after work?”
“Sorry, I meant-- You are? Is that what you want to do?”
“Whichever,” I shrugged, "I don't mind either way.”
“None at all, dressed like that?”
“I figured you might appreciate something less, um, yesterday, for tonight?”
“I'm glad my client had to leave early. I almost missed seeing you by your car.”
I ignored the question in his voice. “I'm really glad we crossed paths again. Thanks for inviting me over.”
“Okay, honestly? I wasn't able to set a reservation before six, so... we have some time to kill. I'm not actually that hungry yet.”
“Hunger hasn't kicked in yet for me, either. I'm not usually out of work until five or six, sometimes later.”
“Okay. We'll chill at my place until, um, around five, I guess. Five, five-thirty.”
“That's a good plan.” I saw Rack's and focused on his radio instead. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all. We'll be there in a few minutes”
“You have a really nice apartment,” I said, waiting as he hung our coats up on pegs near the front door. “It's very spacious. There's a lot of, you know... room here to work.”
“Yeah, that's one of the first things I noticed, too. It was a done deal, once I saw the space.” That had been kind of him. He turned the heat up before we got to his living room. “What do you want to drink? I've got, well, everything I did yesterday.”
“Water's good, thanks.”
“There's just enough time for a movie, or a few episodes of something?”
“Whatever you want.”
I leaned against the island and stared out into his living room. The air was charged with tension again, but it wasn't overwhelming. If he felt it, I couldn't tell. Lust burned when I saw him shrug out of his suit jacket.
He laughed quietly, putting drinks onto the coffee table. “Are you okay, over there?”
“Yes, of course. What do you want to watch?” I felt attached to the floor when he looked over at me. What he wanted was really clear. It wasn't to cuddle on the couch for a movie.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Do I?”
“Come here,” he said, “if you want to find out.”
My eyebrow rose at the command and I stood taller. “You should come here if-”
I grabbed the island's smooth edge when he stalked out of the living room. For a moment, I had forgotten how unpredictable sexual dominance was, and how much there was that I should keep hidden.
His eyes were dark when he got to the doorway, but he didn't come into the kitchen. “What did you say?”
“Nothing I meant.” I was suddenly in front of him, staring at my wrists that were crossed on his chest, trying to think past the submission that clawed at me. “I want you. I don't know why I--”
“You like a little aggression?”
All I could do was nod, yes, breathless from the way he pushed me back against the wall. His arms wrapped around mine to protect me as I braced for impact. I moaned and kissed him harder.
“That's what I thought,” he said, making me stand taller, one of his legs moving between mine.
“That's good?”
“You tell me.”
Words were lost again when he smoothed his hand down over the outside of my thigh, then up along my inner leg. He stroked his thumb over the v of my dark purple thong. While he seemed surprised that the fabric moved aside so easily, there was no hesitation after I pushed my hips toward him. Quinn groaned quietly, realizing how wet I was for him. Two of his fingers thrust inside me as he rubbed my clit with his thumb. A bright flash of pleasure caught me off-guard. I moaned helplessly when he curled his fingers in hard against my g-spot again.
Dull pain spread through my wrists. I had slammed my arms back against the wall, looking for balance, something solid. My hands were flat as I admitted surrender behind my hips. He pushed my shoulders back, holding me still. It felt better when I didn't lean forward, I understood. Restlessness swept over me. I went from passively letting the pleasure find me to moving in ways that would make me come.
“Please don't stop...” I gasped, the white-hot pressure quickly building in my lower body.
“You clench down so hard.” He thrust his fingers against my g-spot harder, my clit tight and hard under his thumb. “I promise I'm not going to stop.”
Satisfaction pulsed through the core of my body when I came. My legs were shaking by the time he brought my thong back to where it had been.
“Come with me into the bedroom?”
I eased out of my dress and left it on the back of his couch. Quinn easily slipped out of his shirt. When we got into the bedroom, he laid back against the pillows and pulled me down on top of him. I knelt high on my knees as he removed his black, suit pants.
He paused, ripping a condom open. “It's not too soon for you?”
“Not at all. I want you inside me again.” I looked down at his chest, then up at him through my eyelashes. His cock felt so hard, pressing into the hollow of my right hip.
“I've been thinking about this all day... fuck, you feel good.”
My body tingled from the first orgasm, even more when his cock pushed deep inside me. He held his breath, the muscles in his chest and arms taut as he moved my hips.
"Arch your back higher," he said, his voice making things in my body tighten.
Quinn put his arm to my waist, thrusting hard while he held me still. His other hand wound in my hair. I felt his fingers slowly massaging the back of my head. The energy I felt from him was suddenly much darker... I saw the glint of sexual dominance in his eyes and knew what he was going to do.
“That's really-” It was too late. He roughly pulled my head to the side and submission took me under.
“What did you say?”
“Thank you for-” I stopped myself, abruptly surfacing from the dream-like haze. I had heard, What do you say, in a very dominant tone.
He looked shocked. “What-”
“Nothing! I didn't say-”
“Tell me what you said, or I'll do it again.”
I laughed nervously, relieved when he moved his hand to the back of my neck. “You're very good at that.”
“At what?”
“Having you pull my head back like that feels too good.”
“Too good, huh?” he asked, having me look up at him. “Do you want more?”
What tested my control were his fingers grasping my hair, taking control of the way I was able to move. Quinn had never gone to pull my head directly backwards. That he knew not to didn't help bring rationality or control back. When he made me look at him, dangerous energy had me grind my hips against his.
“Yes!” I broke, fervently hoping he could. “Yes, I like it a lot.”
He moved quickly, pinning me down against the bed. The head of his cock pushed past my g-spot. Quinn pulled back when I cried out, but it wasn't a sound of pain. I melted around him, straining backwards to stay still as he thrust forward. He slammed his hips into mine. I froze, expecting it to hurt in a bad way. It didn't. Pleasure crashed through me, feeling white-hot and heavy.
“So close,” I panted, trying to get closer.
He let go of my wrists to roll my nipples between his fingers. I reached the edge and was hurtled over. The blissful oblivion of orgasm...
“You have me close already.” The near-growl I heard kept me floating on pleasure. He came, holding me with his arms around my waist. When I focused, I could feel his cock throbbing deep inside of me. Aftershocks ran through my body.
“I'm definitely hungry now,” he said after a while, stroking my back.
“Food would be really good.”
“I can make new reservations somewhere else. What do you feel like?”
“Oh god! I forgot you made reservations-!”
“So did I, until just now. It's a lot later than I thought it would be.”
“I know a few places around here that will deliver,” I said, seeing how comfortable he looked without clothes on.
“Why not?”
“Delivery it is,” he decided.
I wrapped the sheet around me. Lust sparked again while I watched him stretch and sit on the edge of his bed.
“I'm out a lot during the week for work. Staying in is... refreshing, actually.”
“This was an abnormally busy work week for me. Hanging like we did last night would be really nice.”
“Will it bother you if I change into normal clothes?”
“Nope, not at all.” I watched him look through the clothes in his closet.
“Feel free to use the shower, and whatever's in the bathroom. All the towels are clean.”
“Uh... okay. Mind if I ask for a shirt? I'll shower later, before I get my-”
“No problem.”
“And if you don't mind me using the laptop in your living room, I'll pull up a menu for the Italian place.”
“Sure, it should be on. Be comfortable.”
- Chapter 6 -
~ Push It ~
Conversation was polite as we waited for food to arrive. We both reached a point where hunger became distracting, lulling us into zoned-out stretches of quiet. I brought my legs up and sat sideways, leaning against the side of his chest. It was less awkward when he put the television on, and comfortable after the doorbell rang. After a piece of pizza and part of an Italian sub later, I was finally full. Sex with him was wonderfully strenuous.
“What happened to your arm?” he asked when I reached for a bottle of soda.
The barriers immediately rose. “It was a stupid mistake, not anything serious.”
“You're okay, right? ...No one's bothering you?”
“It really was an accident. I'm not excusing abuse or anything.”
“Sorry,” he snapped back to himself. “Just, that looks like it hurt.” I felt uncomfortable as he looked at my neck, down at my wrists. “Were you going to Rack's, the night we watched Weeds?”
I was on the verge of saying, yes, when he glanced down at the discolored lines that wound around the outside of my ankles. Did he look worried or disapproving?
“Have you been there before?” I asked.
“Any chance you've wanted to go?”
“Not particularly.”
I was surprised by the flood of disappointment his answer brought. It hurt more than I thought it would. The barriers that had risen kept it from being seen, but such incredible disapp
ointment... At the same time, I didn't feel any more hesitation when I thought about working there with Rhys.
“I know it's an s/m club. Is that where you got the mark on your arm?”
“Just from standing too close to someone with a whip. Lesson learned...” He didn't smile when I did.
“You, uh- That's how--?”
“Yes.” My chin rose, though I fought the numbness that had returned to block pleasure. “Having it wrap around my arm surprised me. I've never had one do that before.”
“Oh. Wait, what? You haven't, what?”
Wicked darkness swept over me, the vulnerability I felt fading as I embraced my submissive side. “I've had my Top use a single-tail whip for me before. He never had it coil around me, my arm, like it did yesterday.”
“Oh my god-” He ran a hand through his hair and went silent.
I stared at my knees, not wanting to see the shock in his eyes. “The club really is safe. It's not just hit-whomever-you-want, for fun. There are-”
“I know that much. Hang on a second?” Quinn breathed in slowly and leaned back, though he stayed tense. “I've found all of my submissives online, so no, I've never had a reason to go. I know that the club's safe, but-”
“What? Who online?”
“Female submissives. I've thought about going to Rack's a couple times, but I like seeing a profile and pictures before I meet up with a potential submissive.”
“Because you're... You're a Dominant?”
“Yes, I've been a Dominant before.”
“Please don't be kidding. Is this a joke?” I silently pleaded with him for the truth. The level of pain I was prepared to feel wasn't something I wanted to take on.
“I'm not joking. What you're talking about is really serious.”
“What do you mean--” I couldn't breathe in or out, and I braced for the hurt that hadn't registered yet. “You found who online?”
“My submissives,” he repeated calmly.
There it was, small tendrils of pain that spread through my chest... “You have more than one?”
Quinn shook his head, no. “No, I've never had more than one submissive at a time, and I'm not with anyone now. It's been a while.”