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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 12

by Ardor

  I would have loved to feel her arms around me and her body pressed up against mine but I didn't know how to ask her for it. She smiled at me and I turned shy again. I looked away from her at the floor. That's when I saw the paper that I had been laying on. There was a huge wet spot.

  "Oh my god," I said as I blushed, "I ruined your backdrop."

  "Huh?" Tammy asked and then she looked down to see what I was talking about. She chuckled and said, "Don't worry about it sweetie I have rolls of this stuff. It's made to be walked on and ruined. Don't think another thing about it. However you'll probably want to clean up. There's a little bathroom right over there."

  Tammy pointed past the lights and umbrellas to a wide doorway. No door of course and the lights were off but I could make out a sink and the toilet.

  "Yeah, maybe that would be a good idea." I said blushing as I realized that the insides of my thighs were wet and so was my butt.

  Tammy smiled at me and said, "You're so cute. Just towel off real quick. You can shower on your way to the bookstore. There's a great outdoor shower there. It doesn't get much traffic this time of day so it'll be a good first experience."

  "What about the one right around the corner?" I asked thinking that would be easier since it was right here.

  Tammy put her hand on my arm and said, "Trust me Joan, showering outdoors feels amazing. Once you try it you'll never want to shower indoors again."

  "OK." I said with a little smile.

  "You won't be sorry and..." She said her eyes flicking down to the discolored paper and then back up to me. "It's polite and hygienic to carry around a towel to sit on. Since you're a juicy girl you might want to have one to sit on and one, well, just in case."

  If it was possible I felt myself blush three shades redder.

  "Oh honey, it's nothing to be ashamed of." She said hugging me.

  Her warm naked body pressed up against me and I soaked in the feeling. She pulled back and with her hands still on my upper arms said, "It's just the female anatomy and if Blanke Schande understands anything it's that. Now go wash up and then we'll get your ID taken care of."

  "OK." I said with a little smile.

  I stepped over some wires and walked between the lights to get to the bathroom. As I got closer I could see that it was just like the bathroom out in the lobby. Not only was there no door but the doorway was the width of the bathroom.

  Tammy's little photo studio was on the left of the bathroom and her file cabinets were on the right. Anyone standing right in front of the it would have no trouble seeing everything clear as day. I walked into the little room and found the light switch to my right. I turned it on to see that this bathroom was just a toilet and a sink. There's wasn't a shower. It did have the full length mirror though.

  There was a wire dispenser made out of brass or something to hold the hand towels. I took a towel off the top and turned on the water to get it wet. Then I brought it between my legs to clean myself up. I jumped a little when the cold water touched me.

  I quickly brought the towel back up to the water and readjusted it so that it was warmer. It was to late though. The cold water had done it's trick and now I had to pee. I don't know what it is about cold but combine that with an orgasm and suddenly out of no where my bladder was bursting!

  I turned around to see what Tammy was doing. Looking between the photo lights and other equipment I could see she was standing by the laptop with her back to me. Then I thought about what that woman told me outside the other bathroom. Just sit down and do it. I wasn't going to last much longer anyways so that's just what I did.

  I sat down and took a deep breath. Before I knew it I was peeing like a race horse. What was worse was that there didn't seem to be an end to it. I spread my legs a little to look down and wouldn't you know that's when I hard someone say, "Oh hello, you must be the girl Tammy told me about. The one who's starting a week late?"

  I looked up slowly to see a naked black girl with a friendly smile standing about five feet away from me. She looked to be in her early thirties and didn't seem to let my slowly dying stream of pee interrupt her friendly conversation.

  "Uh, yeah, I'm Joan, hi." I said trying to act normally.

  "I'm Tonya, nice to meet you. I see you're getting into the swing of things. Everything going OK?"

  "It gets a little weird now and then but I'm getting used to it." I said honestly.

  "Well, you're doing great. I bet in a few days you won't think twice about any of this." She said with confidence.

  I was about to agree with her when an Asian guy came over to her and said, "I gotta get going honey or I'll be late for my next class."

  Then he put his arms around her and kissed her firmly on the mouth. His left hand moved to her left breast and his right squeezed her left butt cheek. Tonya quickly broke the kiss and said, "Honey!"

  "What? Tammy's too busy to..."

  Tonya must have motioned at him with her eyes or something because the next thing he did was look directly at me. I swear he blushed three shades of red and his hands left her body like it was on fire. I was sitting on the toilet with my legs spread still dribbling pee but he was embarrassed because he got caught copping a feel?

  "Um, sorry, I didn't see you there." He said looking at me.

  He started out looking at my face but then his eyes moved downward. I saw them focus on my breasts and then they moved down between my legs. I had just about finished peeing. The last few drops were coming out of me when out of reflex I tightened my muscles and pushed out one last squirt. When it hit the water it sounded like a loud clap of thunder as it echoed off the bathroom walls.

  My eyes went between his legs to see how all this effected him. He was hard, there was no doubt about that. I looked back up at his face to see that he had caught me looking between his legs. He blushed again, quickly turned to Tonya, kissed her quickly and said, "I gotta go hon, talk to you later."

  He was out of the room so fast I'm surprised he didn't leave skid marks. Once the door closed behind him Tonya looked at me and asked, "Did you do that on purpose?"

  "Do what? I was the one caught in the middle of peeing. I didn't mean to do anything." I said defensively.

  "Relax," Tonya said laughing, "I'm not mad. I thought it was ha-larious."

  "What? Now I'm totally confused." I admitted.

  Tonya came closer as I thought about what I had to do next. She didn't seem to care so I just reached for the toilet paper to wipe. As I did she said laughing, "That boy, I'll never understand how he made it this far at BSC and yet still gets so embarrassed."

  "Oh," I said relieved, "I thought you were mad because of his..."

  "Hard on? Honey, he had that the moment he grabbed on to this." Tonya said lifting her left boob at me.

  "Besides you'll learn quickly that there's no point in getting upset if your guy looks at another woman. He can't help it, we're naked and everywhere. Hell, I don't even care if he asks other girls to present as long as he comes home to me for relief."

  "I hadn't thought about that. I don't know that I'd be to happy with another girl presenting for my boyfriend." I said as I flushed the toilet.

  "Give it some time," Tonya said with a wave of her hand, "once you've showed a few times yourself, gotten used to the atmosphere and made friends with some of your BSC sisters you'll see it's not the same as if he was looking at some girl on the outside."

  "Yeah, it's ten times worse!" I said starting to get mad at my imaginary boyfriend.

  Tonya came up to me and put her hands on my shoulders. I was still sitting on the toilet so this put her belly button right at eye level. For a second it was weird but then I realized that we weren't so different.

  Both of us women, both of us naked, both of us came here to learn and expand our minds into something better. From the looks of it she had either graduated and stayed or was living and working naked because she wanted to. So I stopped being silly and tried to listen to what she had to say.

  "Trust me Joa
n. This school has been around for forty something years now. If the system didn't work, if it wasn't fair to everyone, women wouldn't keep applying and they certainly wouldn't try so hard to stay after graduation."

  "Really?" I asked surprised.

  "Oh sure," Tonya said like it was common knowledge, "almost a half of last year's graduating class applied for positions on campus and most of them were women. Just give it some time and be open to what this school has to offer you. You'll find you wind up with much more then just a degree."

  "OK." I said with a smile.

  "Now come on, wash up and let's get you to class." Tonya said smiling back at me.

  When I looked at her confused she said, "You should get in the habit of using a wash cloth after you wipe. It makes sure there's no nasty bits of toilet paper left behind."

  When I looked horrified she laughed and said, "It's no big deal. In fact I'll spot you to make sure you're clean."

  I got up and Tonya moved over so that I could get to the sink. This time when I turned on the water I made sure that it was nice and warm. When the temperature was right I took a wash cloth from the pile and wetted it. Then I looked at Tonya shyly before bring it between my legs. She smiled at me warmly so I just did what I had to do.

  Sure enough when I looked down at the wash cloth there was a few tiny bits of toilet paper on it. I brought the wash cloth back up to the sink and rinsed it out. I was about to ask what to do with it now that I was done when she said, "You should do the back too. You want to make sure you're fresh and clean all the time."

  I stalled for a few seconds by washing out the towel a little more but eventually I realized that I would have to do it. I couldn't stand here with my hands under the water all day.

  I rung it out a bit so that it wasn't soaking wet and then while Tonya, a woman I had known for all of five minutes, watched I pressed it between my cheeks and washed my butt.

  "If it makes you feel any better just imagine how my boyfriend David would react if he was watching." Tonya said with a smirk.

  At first I thought that was the dumbest thing in the world to say but then I remembered how he reacted earlier and couldn't help laughing. There I'd be washing my butt in front of two perfect strangers and he'd be the one who wouldn't know what to do with himself.

  It did make me feel better somehow and the laugh broke the tension. I finished up and brought the washcloth back up to the sink to rinse out. I was about to look for a hamper or something when Tonya said, "Hang on let me spot for you."

  She crouched down and looked right at my butt. When I didn't move she said, "Bend over and spread a bit so I can see if you're clean."

  Somehow I got myself to do it. I put the washcloth on the sink, reached back, maybe a little hesitantly, and grabbed a butt cheek in each hand. Then with my Mom echoing in the back of my head saying, "Why don't you turn around, bend over and spread your ass for us baby." I did exactly that for a complete stranger. There was silence for a few seconds until Tonya said, "Clean as a whistle, fresh as a daisy and cute as a button."

  Cute as a button? If that wasn't surprise enough what Tonya did next certainly was. She leaned forward and kissed me right on my butt hole! I felt her breasts rub up against the inside of my thighs, I felt her face against the inside of my cheeks but when her soft full lips pressed up against my butt hole? The sensation shot right through me and felt so good that it startled me. I stood up straight with my hands out in the air and looked down at her.

  "Sorry, I couldn't resist. You have such a cute little butt hole." Then she stood up and looked at me like she was worried and said, "You're not mad are you?"

  What I wanted to say was, "God that felt so fucking good! Please get your face back in there!"

  What I actually said as I turned around to face her was, "Uh, no, you just kinda took me by surprise."

  "Oh sorry about that," she said with an apologetic look on her face, "I guess I've been here so long I forget what it's like to be the new girl sometimes."

  "It's OK, no harm done, in fact, I kind of liked it." I said feeling myself blush and wondering how I could get someone else to kiss me there.

  Tonya smiled at me and then hugged the stuffing out of me.

  "You're going to fit in here just fine." She said as she squeezed me tight.

  Chapter 11

  Ten minutes later I was on my way to the school store to pick up my books before going to my very first class. Tammy had printed up a bunch of IDs for me. She did the angel devil thing she was talking about for my official ID.

  The picture on the front was the one she took of me when I suddenly was overcome with shyness. It was a close up of my head and upper body. I had to admit it was a good picture of me. I looked cute, sweet and innocent despite the fact that you could see my breasts and that my nipples were hard as rocks.

  On the back she used the picture where I had grabbed my boobs and snarled at the camera. She cropped the picture so that my elbows and legs were cut out. Tammy had filled almost the entire back of the ID with a close up of my head and torso. It went from the tip of my head down to, well, my inner lips which stuck out from between my outer lips.

  Since I was sitting on the edge you couldn't see the stool and it looked like I was floating in mid air. All of me was very visible but because of the way she cropped the photo my lower lips were really noticeable. It embarrassed and excited me all at the same time somehow.

  I was about to say something when Tonya said they looked very suckable and Tammy agreed. I blushed three shades of red and found myself in the middle of a Tammy and Tonya hug. I know I said naked hugs were awesome but a double naked hug? It's very easy to see why the girls here find so much comfort in each other.

  I went back to blushing as Tonya got to see the extra IDs Tammy made up for me. There were five of them and they were all taken from the pictures Tammy took of me masturbating. I almost died when she handed me an ID with a close up of my passion filled face on the front and a close up of my fingers in my vagina on the back! Tonya playfully spanked me on the butt and said, "You go girl!"

  Tammy reminded me again that these IDs were just for fun and that I shouldn't purposely show them to any guy I didn't want to have hot, passionate sex with. Tonya's reply to that was, "Yeah, but if you did want to do him they'd make one hell of an ice breaker!"

  Tammy put all the IDs on the same type of metal ring that her IDs were on and I put them in my purse. Tammy gave me her email address and said that if I wanted copies of the files I could email her.

  After that we made sure I had all my paper work taken care of. That's when Tammy realized that she had forgotten to give me my dorm assignment. She looked at the time and then started frantically digging through the papers on her desk. After she found it she said that I should really get going so that I could catch at least the last half of my first class. She asked me if I knew where the school store was, reminded me about the shower and told me to get moving. After another quick hug she sent me on my way.

  It was a little before 9 AM now as I walked down the sunny paths of Blanke Schande college. It still felt a weird being naked but the orgasm, the wonderful people I've met so far and the beautiful day all made it easier. There were even more people walking around campus now but it helped that many of them were women who were as naked as I was.

  I still felt very exposed but I was also starting to feel part of something bigger. Something new, exciting and wonderful. I giggled to myself as I felt a cool refreshing breeze blow over my naked body. I let my left hand caress my leg as I walked. It was like I was feeling my body in some new, fantastic, way that I never had before. There was a little skip in my step as I turned the corner and went down another path towards the store.

  Another few minute's walk and I could see the store coming up in the distance. I could also see the shower Tammy had told me about. Out in front of the store there was a large circular concrete area that most of the walking paths lead to. Inside the circular area, spaced at even intervals we
re about ten tiled poles. On the ground about six feet away from each pole was a one foot high wall that went in a circle around each tiled pole. I could only assume that it was meant to keep the water from getting away and flooding the grass surrounding the shower area.

  There were funny looking metal things between each of the circular shower stations. I walked up to one to get a closer look. It looked like the back of it was facing outwards so I stepped in front of it. It reminded me of a gym locker that had been welded on-top of a hamper of some kind.

  The top part had a metal door and half way down there was a horizontal rectangular door that hung on a hinge. Pushing it open and looking in I could see there were used towels in there but when I opened the top part it was empty. I went to the one next to it, the one next to that and even the one next to that and the top parts were all empty. I was about to go to the next one when I heard a male voice say, "You looking for a clean towel?"


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