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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 13

by Ardor

  I turned towards the voice to see a friendly looking man whom I guessed to be somewhere around forty or so pushing a huge canvas laundry basket on wheels. Right behind him was a woman pushing a similar basket. The only difference between the two was that his basket was empty and hers was stacked high with neatly folded clean towels. Well, that and that he was wearing a white uniform and she was totally naked.

  "Yes please, all these locker things are empty." I said with a tiny nervous flutter in my tummy.

  "They would be this time of morning. Classes start at nine so the big rush is around seven thirty to eight thirty." He said as they both wheeled their laundry baskets up to the shower area.

  "Yeah, and he makes sure we're here by seven fifteen so we can watch the whole thing start to finish." The woman with him said smiling.

  He actually blushed a little and then said in defense, "Seeing how you can barely wait until the truck is on campus to get naked I didn't think you minded all that much."

  She laughed and said, "Oh I don't care, it's just fun to tease you that's all."

  Then she grabbed a clean towel and brought it over to me. I could see her better now that she was standing in front of me. She looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. I took a quick peek at her body and while she was attractive she was no super model.

  Her breasts hung just a bit lower and her belly was a bit softer. She had a few lines at the corner of her eyes but she was so happy and carefree that none of that seemed to matter. From the way the guy with her kept looking from her naked body to mine I could see he didn't seem to care either.

  "So then you aren't employees of the school?" I asked her.

  "Nope, we work for a company that the school contracts to take care of the laundry service. You girls go through more towels then all our other clients combined." She said with a laugh.

  "Then why are you naked? You don't have to be, right?" I asked the woman.

  "No, and when I first started coming out here I wasn't. I was actually annoyed that I got stuck with the assignment. Eventually though, after watching all the women walk around naked I started to get curious. Then one day I just tried it and haven't worn a stitch on campus ever since. I've even presented this horny old bastard once." She said with a smile and pointed to the guy with her head.

  He blushed again, although I have no idea why, and then walked over to one of the lockers and opened the door on the bottom part. He took out something that looked like a garbage pail, only it was full of towels, and walked over and dumped its contents in his basket.

  "You did? You're not even a student, why?" I asked shocked.

  "I wanted to see what it was like, to know what you girls feel when you open yourself up to a pair of hungry eyes." She said honestly.

  "And what was it like?" I asked nervously.

  "You haven't done it yet?" She asked taken back.

  "No, this is my first day on campus." I said feeling like a scared little girl again.

  "Aw, honey, it's not that bad. In fact I thought it was kinda fun." She said catching the older guy's eye with a naughty smile as he walked past us to get another pail of dirty towels.

  "You weren't embarrassed?" I asked.

  "A bit, especially since I gave him several poses and showed him everything front and back. Then I saw the lump in his pants and it all changed in my head somehow." She stopped talking to look around and for him. I turned my head in the direction she was looking to see him going over to his basket with a pail full of dirty towels. Before I got a chance to turn my head back to her she leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I caught him sneaking off to one of the private bathrooms at work to, you know."

  She stepped back to look at me and smiled. When she saw my confused expression she looked around for him and then quickly made the universal hand gesture for jerking off, a fist moving up and down. My mouth dropped open and I looked shocked but it quickly turned into a giggle. She muffled a giggle herself as she put a finger to her lips and shushed me.

  "What are you ladies giggling about over there?" He asked as he walked back towards us.

  "Nothing you need to worry about Herb. Just naked girl talk, that's all." She said in a slightly stern tone of voice.

  At the words naked and girl his eyes went up and down the both of us which seemed enough to make him happy. He went back to what he was doing and she looked at me and said, "It made me feel so good about myself, kind of powerful, in a weird way. The truth of it is I've presented more then once and the entire company has seen me naked by now. I come out here twice every day but the guys all take turns. Sometimes I don't even bother to get dressed between runs out here."

  "Really? And no one at work minds?" I asked surprised.

  "Nah, the laundry is over in Cedarcrest. They're very tolerant of naked women out there." She said with a little laugh. "A couple of the other women I work with were annoyed at first but once they found out no one expected them to do anything they didn't want to do they calmed down."

  "Do any of them get naked with you?" I asked out of curiosity.

  "No, but one of them did go topless once when it was really hot out, but that's as close as they've come so far." She said a little disappointed.

  "Sorry, I bet it would be nice to have some naked company now and then, huh?" I asked.

  "Ah, I don't mind. Truth be told it's kind of exciting to be the only one naked and everyone is really respectful. The guys all keep their hands to themselves, if you know what I mean." She said laughing at her own double entendre.

  I giggled at her joke and then she went on to say, "Actually, I spend most of my day naked on campus anyway now that I think about it. The guys all take their time when we come out here, for obvious reasons. So by the time were done and back at the laundry it's practically time to come back out again. It hardly seems worth the effort to put my clothes back on when I think about it." She paused thinking to herself and then said, "In fact, since I live in Lambertville, another town that's very friendly towards naked women, I bet I could give up clothes all together if I wanted to."

  "Really? You'd do that?" I asked shocked that this woman who didn't even go to school here was considering living her life naked.

  "Oh yeah," she said very confidently, "in fact I just made the big decision. I am now, and for the foreseeable future, going to be completely naked where ever I am!"

  "Wow, well, welcome to the naked life." I said holding out my arms like one of those women on game shows that present the prizes.

  She took that as an invitation for a hug and quickly pressed her warm naked body up against me and squeezed me tight. That really wasn't what I was thinking but I quickly got into the spirit of things.

  I still had the towel she gave me in my right hand but I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her back anyway. She broke the hug after a few seconds but didn't move completely away from me. With her hands on my sides and a giddy smile she said, "I love hugging another naked woman. It feels so good when our boobs rub together."

  I bit my lower lip, smiled and then said, "I know."

  Then this older woman, whose name I didn't even know, leaned forward just a bit and shook her shoulders so that the tips of our breasts rubbed together. Her soft skin felt so nice but when her nipples bumped up against mine little sparks of pleasure shot through my body. I looked up into her eyes and wondered where this might be going when I suddenly heard Herb to my right.

  "Oh, I, um... Sorry." He said awkwardly.

  We both turned to look at him standing there with a stack of clean towels. Apparently while we were talking not only had Herb finished emptying the dirty towels but had refilled the lockers with clean ones as well. The locker we were standing in front of was probably the last empty one left.

  "Don't be silly Herb we were just chatting." She said to Herb.

  Then she turned back to me, shook her shoulders one more time, brushing her nipples up against mine and said, "Well, mostly anyways. I should probably let you shower so you can
get to class and we can get back to work."

  "Um, I suppose." I said in a daze.

  She kissed me quickly on the cheek and said, "Nice to meet you. Hope you have a good day."

  Then she went over to her laundry basket while Herb was left standing there.

  "You don't have to rush. We've got plenty of time." Herb said like a disappointed little boy.

  "Come on you," she said with a smile and a wave of her hand, "since we have so much time maybe I'll have a little present for you at the next shower station."

  His eyebrows went up and a smile grew on his face. He quickly walked up to me and polity said excuse me while holding up the towels. I stepped aside so he could get to the locker and put the towels away. He finished up, closed the locker door and the two of them were off down the path with a wave good bye.

  I watched them push their laundry baskets and walk away for a second or two. Then I looked around me. Seeing no one around I quickly held the towel between my legs and used my free hands to cup the tips of both my breasts.

  I could still feel her breasts against mine like some kind of phantom limb or something. I just stood there fondling myself for a minute lost in thought until I heard something in the distance.

  I turned, quickly dropping my hands to my side, to see what it was. There was nothing there. It must have been my imagination. Then when I remembered that I still had the towel between my legs I was glad for my paranoia. I would have felt pretty silly standing in front of someone like that.

  I smiled to myself as I hung my purse off the locker door handle by the strap. Then I draped the towel over my purse and stepped in front of the nearest shower pole. After adjusting the shower head down a bit I stepped to the side and turned on the water. I was glad to see that it quickly turned nice and hot. Really quickly in fact. The showers must have one of those in pipe water heaters or something.

  Once the temperature was to my liking I twisted the length of my long brown hair into a pony tail and then held that on top of my head with my left hand. I just wanted a quick rinse. If I got my hair wet it would take me forever to dry off. Then I stepped under the water.

  Oh wow... Tammy was right. This felt fantastic. The warm morning sun, a cool breeze and the hot water streaming over my naked body. I suddenly wished I had more time to enjoy this but I had to get to class and before that I still had to get to the bookstore.

  I stepped back a foot or so and spread my legs. Then after looking around again I leaned my upper body back a little and cupped my free hand under my vagina. I watched the water flow between my breasts, over my belly and pussy to collect in my hand. When I had enough collected in my hand I washed myself with it. As I stood there rubbing myself between my legs I tried hard not to think of anything sexy.

  Of course taking a shower in a public place wasn't helping but I tried hard to control myself. I've had two orgasms already today and it's not even lunch time. What I had to do next wasn't going to help either. Thinking about Tonya's helpful advice I took another look around.

  I don't know how I'm going to do this tomorrow in front of who knows how many people. I turned around and spread my legs again. Then I leaned forward and used the side of my right hand to wash between my cheeks. Don't think about what you're doing, don't think about where you are, just do it. That's what that woman said about going to the bathroom. That's what I'm going to do about taking a shower. I'm washing myself that's all.

  I finished up quickly because the mental distraction wasn't working. I could feel myself starting to get excited. I considered a blast of cold water to snap me out of it but not only do I hate cold showers I didn't want to walk around freezing all day.

  I shut off the water and walked over to the locker that I hung my purse from. Then taking the towel off my purse I unfolded it to find that it was much smaller then I was used to. Back at home we had huge fluffy towels that were a pleasure to wrap around yourself.

  These towels might have been a square foot at the most. No wonder they went through so many towels here. It would probably take four or five of these little things to dry me off, twice that easy, if I had washed my hair.

  It made quick work of the water on my body though. I never really paid attention to it at home but standing out here naked in the California sun it's obvious that very little water actually clings to your naked body after a shower.

  What little did was toweled off quickly. I put the used towel in the hamper, threw my purse over my shoulder and feeling fresh and clean headed towards the school bookstore.

  Maybe it was the hot water but I was much more aware of the gentle breeze on my body as I walked to the front door of the store. It was kind of distracting and made me that much more aware of my nudity. It seems like I'm back on that roller coaster again.

  Will I ever get used to being naked? Will I ever become like Tammy, Tonya or that woman I met at the bathroom? Will I ever become so blasé about my nudity that I forget about it completely? It sure doesn't feel that way at the moment but then again I'm not even half way through my first day.

  I pulled open the door to the bookstore and walked inside. The cool air conditioning surrounded my body and I felt my nipples harden.

  "Just ignore them Joan and focus on what you have to do." I thought to myself.

  I looked around the store and saw racks of BSC T-shirts, sweat shirts, caps and mugs. There was a large rack of cosmetics and then in the center of the store, behind a large rectangle made up of display cases, was a guy who looked a few years older then me sitting looking at a tablet computer. What I didn't see were books. There didn't seem to be a textbook anywhere in the store.

  Stalling for a few minutes I walked over to the rack of T-shirts and looked through them. They were all men's shirts of course. I picked up one of the BSC caps and wondered if I was allowed to wear one. I was just about to try it on when I heard, "Joan? Are you Joan Harper?"

  I froze in my tracks. It was the guy behind the counter but how did he know my name? It's just possible that he's the older brother of someone I know back home. Or maybe someone I've met but haven't seen in a few years? I was hoping to have more time to get used to being naked before I ran into someone I knew but there was no getting out of it now. I put the cap down and walked towards him.

  "Yeah, that's me. D-do I know you?" I asked timidly as I walked towards him.

  "No," he said smiling as his eyes roamed over my naked body. "Tammy Lambardo from admissions called to let me know you were coming. She asked me to set up a new student kit for you."

  "Oh," I said somewhat relieved that I didn't know him.

  I walked up to the counter and looked down into the display case. The case was filled with silver and gold jewelry. Most of the pieces had the letters BSC incorporated in them but there were a handful of pieces that didn't. There were rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, belly chains and a few things I didn't recognize.

  "I thought this was the school bookstore not the school jewelry store." I said jokingly as I looked into the case.

  "Well, since you girls can't wear clothes the school wanted you to have something you could wear to show school spirit and besides make up jewelry is all you're permitted." He said.

  "That makes sense." I said as I looked through the case. "What's this?" I asked pointing to a piece in the case.

  "That's a charm that would hang off of a navel piercing. Would you like to see it?" He asked.

  "It's really cute but I don't have a belly ring." I said leaning back a bit so he could see my non pierced belly.

  He looked down my body and I swear I almost felt his eyes go from my face to my breasts and then down to my belly. He leaned a tiny bit forward to try to look farther down. My legs weren't clamped shut or anything but because I had leaned my upper body back my thighs had come closer together and he really couldn't see much. I looked at his searching eyes nervously and wondered if he was going to ask me to present.

  Would I have to get down on the floor right here in the middle of the s
tore and show him my vagina? Maybe he'd ask me to turn around, spread my legs and touch my toes so he could see everything from behind.

  I had to admit that part of me almost welcomed the idea. I wanted to get my first presenting over with so I would know what it was like; how it would feel to expose every part of myself to a complete stranger. In the end all he did was look back up my body to my breasts and then my face, with a warm smile, and said, "Well, we have other piercings. Like this one for example."

  I looked into the case at the piercing he was pointing to. It was the letters B, S and C stacked on top of each other with a ring at the top. All the corners were rounded off though.

  "Where's that piercing go?" I asked with a questioning look.


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