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Harry Potter - Three Short Stories

Page 6

by Bruce T. Forbes

  Harry was trying very hard not to see the many faces of those who had Apparated to Hogsmeade in the early morning hours and made the walk to the school to witness this final rite. (McGonagall had unwaveringly informed the Magical community that Hogwarts would not be a hostel for those attending the services as everyone in the school was mourning and were not fit to be waiting on guests.) Harry couldn't imagine that there was so many witches and wizards in England. He remembered the crowds at the Quittich World Cup and thought that the crowd today had to be larger. The entire path from the castle to the loch was lined with those who had come, all standing silent and sober as coffin after coffin was carried by. Many reached out to touch a coffin as it passed, fresh tears coming to their eyes as they whispered the person's name.

  The crowd parted as the procession approached, allowing them and their centaur guard access to the monument that had risen around the tomb of Albus Dumbledore - that tomb now stood at the center of a marble semicircle with enough smaller tombs fanning out to accommodate those being interred. The curved boundaries of the semi-circle was huge carved statues of a pair of phoenix birds; their wings acting as walls to make the monument a quiet, private place of meditation and thought.

  Bane stood soberly at Professor McGonagall's side, a hand on her shoulder as a sign of support, as she read each name from a scroll - just as she had read them at the Sorting Ceremony for so many years, and one by one caskets were placed in tombs and stone lids put in place and sealed with a simple spell. It was a very solemn ceremony right up until the moment that George Weasley stepped forward to seal the final tomb; the one in which his twin brother Fred was being layed to rest. Those gathered should have been warned when George suddenly hit the ground and covered his head just as the tomb suddenly made loud, embarrassing body sounds and emitted fireworks reminiscent of those that had been let off during Dolores Umbridge's unfortunate reign as Inquisitor.

  “George… ” Molly Weasley's voice began threateningly as she picked herself up off the marble paving, not even noticing the applause being generated by those who knew - or knew of - the Weasley twins and their unwavering lust for life.

  “No, Molly; no,” began McGonagall as she also lifted herself from the monument floor; “We could hardly have honored one of these boys without one final demonstration, could we? I actually find it somehow quite appropriate.”

  Molly did not look like she thought it appropriate in any way, but she conceded to the head of the school.


  As the public, students and faculty, and families mingled at the end of the ceremony, Harry remained in place next to Remus' and Tonks' tomb (the only joint tomb within the monument), a thousand memories filling his head, both good and bad; happy and sad. His mind was a million miles away as he heard his name called. It was McGonagall.

  “Mister Potter.”

  “Professor… ”

  “Call me Minerva.”

  “I couldn't.”

  “You could with practice. You're an adult now; we're a little more equal.” Harry smiled. “I've asked your friends to give us a few moments. Walk with me?”

  Minerva took Harry by the arm and led him toward the focus of the monument – the tomb of Albus Dumbledore.

  “Professor,” Harry began and caught himself. “I mean, 'Minerva'. This one closest to Professor Dumbledore is just a platform; no tomb.”

  “Read the name engraved on it.”

  'Cedric Diggory' was engraved on the monument.

  “He'd have liked this,” Harry whispered. “And so would his parents.”

  Minerva motioned at a flower arrangement and Harry stopped to read – 'In Memory of our Son'.

  “Were they here?”

  “Yes; they arrived last night and were allowed to stay in the school. They said to give you their best and to please come visit them.”

  Suddenly Harry brightened just a little. "We should mount the Tri-Wizard trophy here!"

  Minerva's smile was everything a grandmother's smile could convey. "We were hoping you'd want that; his parents would be so proud." She paused. “Oh, and that which was taken from Dumbledore has been replaced. Along with the ring - yes, we sent someone out who found it, and it's safely hidden right along with the wand. I thought you'd like to know.”

  “Thank you. I hope they're never seen again.” He paused. "And Voldemort? Where's his body… ?"

  "Ask me not and I'll lie not."

  Harry looked at Minerva's face and knew he'd not ask that question ever again.

  “Now, turn yourself around, young man,” and Minerva wheeled Harry around to take in the full impact of the memorial, and for the first time Harry saw that upon the phoenix's windswept wings were hundreds – perhaps thousands – of engraved names.

  “Almost like a war memorial,” Harry whispered.

  “There's no 'almost' about it; it most certainly is a war memorial. The wings on your left,” and she pointed,” lists the names of all known deaths in the magical world due to Voltemort and the Death Eaters. (And he noticed that Myrtle's name began the entire list just as he heard a little girlish gasp exclamation saying "That's my name!") On the right,” and she motioned there, “are the names of two rather important groups; the only two organized groups who stood up to Evil and fought it. Both generations of the Order of the Phoenix and,” and she turned to face the young man, “'Dumbledore's Army'.”

  “What? We didn't do so much… ”

  “You most certainly did! You taught a whole new generation to stand their ground and to stand for the Right!”

  This was all too much for Harry. He let Minerva guide him to where he could see the names of the Order of the Phoenix engraved on either wing of the one sculptured phoenix-wall, and the names of Dumbledore's Army on the torso of the same bird. He saw that the names of the dead were gold-leafed. He saw the Dursleys standing silently as his aunt touched her sister Lily's name, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. And there was even the faintest sight of Myrtle, barely visible in the bright sunlight, floating near the monument and fingering her name.

  “Look – Neville's parents! They've gold-leafed them. But… ”

  “They'd might as well be dead, Harry. They deserve the honor, don't you think?”

  “I do. I really do.”

  “Neville was pleased.”

  “Where… ?”

  “He's gone for a walk with his grandmother – they needed some quiet time together. Now, come this way,” and she steered Harry to where the wings of the two giant birds met and entwined, making a quiet little hollow into which many of the school's house elves were staring in awe and reverence. When Harry got close enough to see between the entwined wings he saw a simple square pedestal, and atop it was…

  “Dobby!” exclaimed Harry; “Look! It looks so real!”

  And indeed it did look real. The statue stood, its head half-cocked and one hand raised and ready to snap its fingers. In the other hand was a sock, just like the one Harry Potter had put in the diary that was handed to Dobby, awarding him his freedom.

  What Harry didn't even comment on - didn't even seem to notice - was that there was a statue of himself next to Dobby, his hand on the house elf's shoulder. Many a house elves saw this as proof of the great wizard's humility.

  "Told you my master is a great wizard," Kreacher was whispering; "He didn't even notice the statue of himself."

  As Harry stepped up to the statue of his friend and caressed it with a soft hand, the tears came unstopped. He looked up at Minerva but couldn't speak, afraid of the flood that was going to come. She stepped up to the boy quickly and whispered: “May I do something I've wanted to do since the day you arrived here?”

  “What's that?” he asked, knowing he wasn't going to be able to hold back the flood.

  In answer, Minerva pulled his head to her shoulder and held him. "If I don't do it now, Molly may never give me the chance."

  Harry Potter wept, and every house elf who could crowded around him to touch; to co

  Minerva finally wept, too.

  As Harry and Minerva wiped their faces, someone called for them. “Mister Potter,” the voice called again. They turned and found themselves facing Andromeda Tonks, who was holding her grandchild, little Teddy Lupin. It was Harry's first chance to see the baby that was to be his godson.

  “Remus and Nymphadora agreed you were to be Teddy's godfather, and I finally agree with their decision.”

  “Thank you,” said Harry.

  “I'm old and I don't know if I'm up to caring for a baby.” She smiled a grandmother smile. “It will be interesting.”

  Harry turned to Professor McGonagall. “Winky.”

  “Aye; I abso-lutely approve.” She cleared her throat and called the house elf's name.

  Winky came running from the crowd of departing house elves. “Was I calling?” she asked breathlessly as she stopped in front of Harry and Minerva.

  “Winky,” began Harry slowly, “Are you happy here?”

  “I is a servant; I is happy.”

  “I know of a house that needs a house elf.”

  Winky's eyes narrowed. “But I is shamed. No one is wanting me.”

  Mrs. Tonks understood what was going on. “Oh! But Minerva – we've never had a house elf. I wouldn't know… ”

  “Winky,” and Harry knelt, “This is a house that has never had a house elf. You will need to teach them who house elves are and what they do and how they are to be treated.”

  “I is not knowing about this.”

  Harry motioned for the baby and Mrs. Tonks gently handed the little bundle to the boy. “Winky, here is a baby whose mother and father were buried here today.”

  “Harry Potter is talking of Master Lupin and Mistress Tonks?”

  “I am. Do you know how to take care of a baby?”

  “Ooooh, Harry Potter is knowing that Winky knows such things!”

  Harry smiled. “You can demand that you receive no payment and no days off. Here; see the baby.”

  “Oh,” began Mrs. Tonks; “Of course she'd receive a wage. Her own room… ”

  “NO!” exclaimed Winky; “I is not a liberated house elf; I is still having self-respect. No wage or room! A box with a clean blanket… !”

  Mrs. Tonks was appalled, but her need for a nursemaid overrode her sensibilities. “Winky, I am sure you will be able to teach me what a proper house elf should have and do.”

  By now Winky was holding the baby, who was making baby noises, and an angelic smile was working its way across her face. “I is not sure yet.”

  “I'm the baby's godfather, Winky,” Harry said slowly, “I will be able to come and visit you and make sure you are being treated correctly.”

  Winky looked from Harry to Mrs. Tonks to Minerva, and then addressed Minerva. “You is not upset that I would leave?”

  “Well, I have been considering giving Hogwarts house elves a wage," Minerva lied. "And, I've been wracking my brain what to do when you refuse one.”

  “A wage?” Winky was horrified.

  “A mandatory wage.”

  Winky looked back at Mrs. Tonks. “I is coming with you, Mistress Tonks. You will see I is the best nurse for babies that you are ever knowing.” Winky smiled at the baby. “Please, may I show my new little Master to the others before we leave?” Mrs. Tonks nodded and Winky ran off to show off her new little charge and brag of her new position.

  Somewhere where Harry couldn't see him, Dudley Dursley was talking to a centaur: "You mates are for real?! Centaur's are for real?! All my life… "

  The Weasleys, Hermione, and the remnants of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army were all waiting near Dumblore's tomb as Minerva and Harry finally joined them - even Neville and his grandmother had returned to the monument. Molly put a hand on Harry's face, her quick eyes seeing that there had been tears. “That's a start, Dear,” she whispered as she patted his cheek.

  Just as Arthur cleared his throat to speak, a melodious cry was heard, and from somewhere above them a red and blue bird fluttered in and landed on Fred's tomb. It cocked its head this way and that, crying, until Harry finally exclaimed: “Fawkes?”

  "That's a phoenix, Mum, Dad!" Hermione whispered.

  The phoenix that was formerly Dumbledore's companion chirped and turned to face Harry, who pushed his way through the crowd and put out a hand to touch the bird, which hopped up onto Harry's outstretched arm, walked its way to his shoulder, and sat comfortably down while making quiet, calming noises, as if settling into a new home. It rubbed its head against Harry's cheek and cried a happy cry.

  “Well,” said Ron with a grin, “No more owls for Harry!”

  Hermione, however, was crying. Again.

  “What?” asked Ron.

  “Don't you understand anything, Ron? A phoenix. A new beginning.” She looked up and smiled at Harry. “Welcome to a new beginning, Harry.”


  A week later Harry Potter walked down Diagon Alley and opened the door to the newly-reopened 'Ollivanders: Maker of Fine Wands' and stepped in, the door's bell announcing his entrance.

  “Good afternoon,” called out a soft voice. “I thought I'd be seeing you soon.” Harry remembered the first time the old man spoke those words to him and smiled. Mr. Ollivander looked healthier and happier than the last time Harry had seen him, and his eyes and smile had their old twinkle back. “Haven't come for a new wand, have you? You've got quite a collection already. I hear the twin is even yours now… ”

  “No, Sir; not a new wand. I… I'm looking for a job.”

  “Weasley's joke shop not hiring?”

  “They hired Ron; something about it being a family business."

  Mr. Ollivander grinned. "I doubt there's a Weasley alive who doesn't consider you family, despite your unforgivable lack of red hair. Even old Muriel… "

  "I'm hoping for something quiet, actually." Harry admitted. "Not a lot of excitement.”

  Mr. Ollivander peered deep into Harry's eyes. “I'm not too good at divination, Mister Potter, but I'm reasonably sure you are not destined for a quiet, peaceful life." He paused, his smile getting even wider. "Destiny has something far more interesting in store for you.” Harry began to speak but the old man held up his hand. “But until said destiny finds you, I am in terrible need of an assistant. Every piece of stock is in the most horrible condition; everything needs dusting and polishing. Shelves need to be resorted and arranged… ”

  “I can dust and polish,” offered Harry; "I can learn to arrange shelves."

  “The position is yours, then.”

  And so, for a time, Harry Potter led a quiet, peaceful life.

  Situations for the Brave harry Potter Fan-Fiction Writer

  — Hogwarts does need dancing instructors … and who better than that All-American couple Gomez and Morticia Addams … played by Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta Jones, of course … !

  — And speaking of the Addams family - a new American exchange student enters Slythren House and bests Draco at pretty much everything - Wednesday Addams.

  — A wizard recently retired from Her Majesty's Service takes over running the Order of the Phoenix … you know him as Bond … James Bond. His warehouse of enchanted muggle artifacts cements a lasting friendship between himself and Mr. Weasley … Bond will charm Mrs. Weasley into letting Mr. Weasley accompany him on top secret missions …

  — We discover there was a student back in 1963 who was so bad at Transfigurations that he was unable to change himself back into human form - he'd turned himself into a Volkswagon Bug during his O.W.L.S. exams … I don't remember his last name, but his first name was … daah! … Herbie…

  — We discover Dumbledore once secretly owned an enchanted muggle artifact he raced during the summer holiday - an automobile affectionately called 'Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang'. Can't you just see that hair and beard flowing in the wind… ?

  — Mary Poppins is actually a witch who's allergic to broom handle varnish and is constantly being f
ined for owning an enchanted muggle artifact - an umbrella. She is hired to be either the Social Arts teacher or the House Mum for one of the four school houses. (I'd like to see her take over Slytherin and teach them a few manners… ) It is discovered that Bert the chimneysweep (who currently works at the school) is a Sqwib …

  — Okay, so you don't want Mary Poppins to take over Slytherin, and after going to the movies today I agree… I'd much rather see Nanny MacFee take those little brats on … and what that woman would do with both Draco and Lucious Malfoy!

  — An American nun visiting Britain witnesses a murder committed by Death-Eaters. To protect her, she'd hidden at the school. After hearing the students sing the school song (as sung in the beginning of Book One), she begs to be allowed to start a choir. (Her name, you ask? Sister Mary Clarence from the "Sister Act" movies.) Concerts will include such 60's and 70's hits as "Love Potion #9", "I've Put a Spell on You" and "Witchy Woman". Remus Lupin will be identified as the love interest in "Leader of the Pack".

  — We discover the Forbidden Forest is actually the Hundred Acre Woods, and Christopher Robin has grown from playing with enchanted stuffed animals to collecting truly monstrous pets … And, he's currently teaching Care of Magical Creatures …

  — The Sanderson Sisters (Disney's 'Hocus Pocus') take on the dual roles of Potion Mistresses and Choir Leaders

  — How about a student exchange program between Hogwart's and Sky High… ?

  — What if the Muppets attended Hogwarts… Would Snape survive Miss Piggy's displeasure? Would Hagrid befriend Animal?

  From the same author on Feedbooks

  Grandpa Bruce's Poetry and Hymns, Volume One (2010)

  REFORMATTED June 2010 - a collection of poems and hymn texts; many written for children; just as many written on everyday topics and events. It is best viewed on an e-reader. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Faerie Prince of Temple Square (2010)

  When you visit Salt Lake City's historical Temple Square at Christmastime and see millions of lights in the trees and bushes, have you ever asked yourself: Are they lights or are they – Faeries? If I find typo's, the corrected verions will be in my "Grandpa Bruce's Gem Mine of Short Stories". If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392


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