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Harry Potter - Three Short Stories

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by Bruce T. Forbes

  Night Bird Canyon - a Story of Friends and Fiends (2010)

  Subtitled 'A Vampire Among the Mormons', this classical Gothic horror story takes place in Northern Utah's Cache Valley in the early years of the Depression. It's not about Mormons or Mormonism; that's just the setting for this classical Good versus Evil tale. I apologize for the twist at the end in the introduction of a well-known character, but I just couldn't help myself. If I find typo's, the corrected verions will be in my "Grandpa Bruce's Gem Mine of Short Stories". If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Pilgrim's Progress: Latter-day Sequels (2010)

  AUGUST 7, 2010 - totally reformatted; hymns added ... One book and several short stories inspired by Bunyan's classic volume. The book is the story of four of Christian and Chrstiana's grandsons on their pilgrimage, looking through the field glasses of the Latter-day Saint branch of Christianity. Those who believe Latter-day Saints are heretics and Satan-worshipers, I ask that you read with an open heart and allow yourself to be amazed at how much Christianity you're going to find. Also includes short stories about attractions at Vanity Fair as well as a brand new INDEX & CONCORDANCE for all the works in this book. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  DAY TRIPS to NARNIA (2010)

  Rearranged June 13, 2010 ... A collection of 'fan fiction' short stories based on C. S. Lewis' world of Narnia. Although written for fun, most of the stories are moralistic in nature - but I think you will enjoy them anyway. When asked if he was going to write more Narnia books, C. S. Lewis' answer was: "Why not write stories for yourself to fill up the gaps in Narnian history? I've left you plenty of hints - especially where Lucy and the unicorn are talking in 'The Last Battle'. I feel I have done all I can!" (Paul Ford, COMPANION TO NARNIA (San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, 2005) pg 443) Obviously, Narnia and anything to do with it is owned and copyrighted; hence this is merely 'fan fiction' and not copyrighted. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Men and Depression: One Man's Journey (2010)

  Formatting corrected October 2010 ... Having lived a lifetime of chronic and suicidal depression, I've compiled things I've wrtten on the topic to be a guidebook and inspiration to those following me along the path. This is in no way a professional medical or mental health text; it is simply one's man's expereinces and what he has learned. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Faith, Grace, & Works: a Chord in the Hymn of Salvation (2010)

  Christians have debated for centuries whether they are saved by Faith, by Grace, or by Works. This author beleives each of these princples plays a role and seeks to show the role each plays in a Christian's progress towards salvation. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Pilgrim's Progress: People & Place Concordance (2010)

  Updated Sept. 2010 ... In all my years of reading this classic book, I've never yet found a people & place concordanance ... so, here's my first draft of one. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Percy Jackson - All Grown Up (2010)

  UPDATED June 5, 2010; changed one minor character's name ... Three short "fan fiction" stories written after "The Last Olympian" and before the "Heroes of Olympus" series was even announced. They are my take on what happened to our Hero after the books and are based on the Percy Jackson books and NOT the movie. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  The Power of Hymns (2010)

  ADDITIONS, APRIL 2010 ... Music and song have a power like no other. Hymns, to me, are the most powerful of all music. This is a compilation of my own writings on the subject coupled with addresses and quotes from others. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Grandpa Bruce's Short Stories (2010)

  Minor reformatting June 13, 2010 ... Like a gem mine, you find rocks and you find gems. Hopefully you find more gems in this book than rocks. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  From Boy to Man and Back Again (2010)

  CORRECTIONS MADE APRIL 22, 2010 - A Chronicles of Narnia "fan fiction" novel - Book 1 of my 'Hundred-Year Winter' Series and takes place in the months leading up to the beginning of the Hundred-Year Winter. It tells how and why the Tree of Protection died and how the witch Jadis came to power. It also lets you know something else that was made from the wood of that tree from which the Wardrobe had been built. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Camilla: Warrior of Narnia (2010)

  A Chronicles of Narnia 'fan fiction' novel - Book 1 of my 'Glasswater' series. Taking place in the time of Princess SwanWhite, a 10-year-old girl facing surgery for major burns is taken to Narnia to learn real heroism. She and Princess SwanWhite both learn why, as Father Christmas stated to Queens Susan and Lucy, war is so very terrible when women must fight. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  Second Chance (2010)

  A 'Chronicles of Narnia' fan-fiction novel; Book 3 in my 'Glasswater Series', which is written so it can be read out of order. This is dedicated with deepest respect to my fellow brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces of whatever country they serve. PARENTAL NOTE: This story is about a grown-up going to Narnia and deals with themes that affect grown-ups as well as children: healing from suicide, child abuse, illegitimate birth, and the physical and mental scars soldiers carry from their wartime experiences. These themes are dealt with in a very straight-forward but tactful and respectful manner. Parents may want to read this story first. I promise you it all turns out good in the end - all the correct decisions are made by my characters in regards to these topics - Aslan makes sure of this. If you enjoy this, please come and discuss at:!/group.php?gid=120610104646392

  LDS Lists & Figures (2010)

  UPDATED October 2010 - I created this file of information on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) simply to have the material on hand in my own e-reader and am sharing it with you: membership statistics; presidents of the Church; temples; official proclmations; a few missionary tracts; statements concerning the LDS Church and the U.S. Constitution. I will update as needed, usually with each General Conference.

  “Ye Who Are Weary – Come Home": a 'Mormon' Werewolf (2010)

  THIS IS NOT A CHILDREN'S STORY. Although the wording is tactful, there are startling images.

  There are two paths to take with a werewolf story – the first path is spilled over with blood and carnage, while the second path carries the themes of being Foresaken and then Redeemed. I’m a Sunday School teacher – I'm taking the second route as I think Redemption and Deliverance are far more important than all the exciting violence and blood and gore such a story could contain ... Aren't they?

  My proofreaders tell me that you deserve to be warned that Edgar Rice Burroughs and H. G. Wells are two of my favorite authors, and since this takes place in much the same time period in which they were writing, I have tried to emulate the language of that time, which means it's pretty long-winded for today's readers. It is also stuffed full of religion – the 'Mormon' culture to be exact. Some things that are talked about are very sacred to we Latter-day Saints, and I think I have carefully balanced the attempt of keeping the sacred while writing a good story. If you think some of the sacred is silly I only hope you can show it the respect you would wish we
would show to your sacred things.

  The Whole Armor of God – A Latter-day Saint View (2010)

  Typos corrected/additions Oct 31, 2010 ... There are many Christians in the world today who object to the 'warrior view' of the Gospel of Christ. They will not let their children read the military campaigns in the scriptures or even sing the 'battle' hymns. Like it or not, we are in the midst of a war; a battle begun before the earth was even created, and turning our eyes away from it and pretending it doesn't exist is exactly what the Enemy wants. This book is meant to be a 'field guide', describing the battle at hand and those armor pieces the Lord has provided for us to use in the battle. Please come and discuss at:

  Food for the mind




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