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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

Page 28

by Stephanie West

  Riley could see how marrying a former slave might be hard for Cadi to accept. Maybe the Cadi had a thing against foreigners in general, since June said Cyprian wasn’t fond of humans. The thought made Riley feel dirty on top of used.

  “I sat in on the boys’ conversation for a bit. Tytus, and some bony dude named Aculus, are hatching a plan to scan everyone as they enter. They’re looking for unusual comm signals. They plan to steal whoever’s handheld is suspicious,” Providence reported.

  “I taught Tytus several sleight-of-hand magic tricks, but he’s not that good yet. I don’t know how he expects to successfully pull this off?” June commented with a roll of her eyes.

  “So, the fun continues. Just great,” Riley groaned. She was ready for everything having to do with this disastrous mission to be over. “Well I guess we better get dressed. Can someone help me with a new bandage for my neck?” Riley asked as she pull her damp hair out of the way.

  “Sure,” June replied. She then stopped in her tracks, her brown eyes going wide as saucers. “Who bit you?” June demanded.

  Riley’s hand flew to the crook of her neck, covering Cyprian’s bite mark.

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  “It’s not nothing. It was Cyprian, wasn’t it?” June pried Riley’s hand away from her neck to examine the mark. “Oh, Riley.”

  Riley couldn’t understand why June, Giselle, Providence and Sundara were staring at her neck in shock.

  “So what? Cyprian’s a biter. That’s not why he upset me.”

  “You have no idea what’s going on, do you?” Giselle asked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, Riley,” June laughed and gave Riley a giant hug. “Did Cyprian ask you before he bit you?”

  “No.” Riley looked at June like she was crazy.

  Who asks to bite someone in the heat of the moment?

  “He didn’t tell you what he’s done?” Providence asked incredulously.

  “I don’t want to talk about Cyprian. Besides, I already told you, I overheard him tell Kagan he was doing his duty, and that he has a mate.”

  “Uh, no. You didn’t mention that last part,” June replied.

  “Oh Riley. My husband was right. There’s been a huge misunderstanding. Oh man, you and Cyprian. You, poor girl,” Giselle said as she covered the smile tugging at her mouth.

  “Again. What are you talking about?”

  June pulled aside her shawl, exposing a similar mark on her neck. Providence and Giselle then did the same.

  “So, Cadi men are biters,” Riley said as she plopped onto the bed. “Why wouldn’t they be. That freaky hormone in their bite turns them into the ultimate threat in bed,” Riley added with a sigh as she recalled the last time she was with Cyprian.

  “Oh, my god. That’s the clincher.” June shook her head. “Riley I’m having a mating ceremony with Tytus, but it’s really just a celebration of what Tytus and I have already cemented.”

  “I get it. You love each other. The ceremony is just a formality.”

  “Yes, but you don’t quite understand. When a Cadi man feels the urge to bite a woman, and she responds to his special brand, well that’s it. The deal is sealed,” Giselle tried to explain.

  Riley stood and started pacing as she began to hyperventilate.

  “Are you telling me Cyprian made me his second wife without my permission?” Riley screeched when she finally found her voice.

  “Nooo,” June drew out the word. “The general wasn’t married before he went to Distraho. But you do have one part of it right. He made you his wife without your permission.”

  Riley froze with her mouth agape. Cyprian wasn’t mated to some random chick. He was mated to her.

  “Where is he?” she snarled.

  “Down in the garden.” Providence reminded her.

  Riley marched for the door, but June grabbed her arm before she made it two steps.

  “What now?” Riley snapped at her friend.

  “Well, for starters, you’re wearing a towel.”

  Riley looked down at herself and growled in frustration. She debated going anyway, but then she’d just look like a raving lunatic as she yelled at Cyprian. Speck squirmed and Riley realized she was clutching him too tight. Riley set him down, before she accidently crushed the poor thing.

  “I can’t believe this,” Riley ranted, as she searched for something to wear. “Do you know how many times he bit me? And not once, even after he admitted who he was, did he mention this.”

  “Well, he’s never been a big conversationalist,” Giselle offered with a grimace.

  “Oh, no, no, no. That man turns into Chatty Cathy after he gets his rocks off,” Riley snapped at her new friend.

  “Uh, TMI,” Providence shook her head.

  “Let’s go.”

  Riley pulled a random dress over her head then stomped toward the door. She realized halfway there the others weren’t following. Riley turned to see them staring at her with sympathetic looks. It took some of the wind out of her sails. She didn’t want pity. She was on the edge as it was.

  “Honey, were not saying you don’t have every right to be mad.” June walked toward Riley and took her hands. “Believe me, I understand this is a shocking revelation. Tytus marked me while sleep walking. So, I didn’t have a say either.”

  “I wasn’t given a heads up either,” Giselle interjected. “Kagan lost control the first time we were together.”

  Riley smirked at June when she started laughing for some reason.

  “Sorry. It’s just Cyprian got all indignant, ranting how Tytus took my choice to choose. Then he turns around and does the very same thing.”

  “I can’t believe what I am hearing. It is not only dishonorable, but it goes against our laws to mate a female without her consent.” Sundara looked horrified.

  “I think our differences are the root of the problem,” Giselle said.

  “Please don’t chalk this up to a cultural thing,” Riley growled.

  “Just hear me out. From what I understand, Cadi females know how to deflect the men if they get mouthy, where we don’t even see it coming.”

  “That is true,” Sundara spoke-up. “It is the job of every mother to teach her young what to look for when we come of age. When we first practice at coupling, we wear clothing that covers our neck and shoulders,” she explained.

  Riley’s head was spinning. This was all so crazy. Cyprian was now her husband because of some stupid bite mark.

  “Kagan insists the way I respond in bed, along with the differences in my anatomy, were enough to push him over the edge.”

  “There are some very impressive differences in our anatomy.” June wagged her brows.

  “Jesus, I’ve been a bad influence on you,” Riley said as she regarded her friend.

  “Tell me I’m wrong. Their thing is like something out of the shop you worked at,” June insisted.

  “Ribbed for her pleasure,” Giselle giggled.

  “Stop,” Providence snorted. “Besides, it’s not really ribbed. It’s more studded, like those toys with the rotating beads.”

  Despite the amusing banter, Riley cast a sad smile at her friends, as she mulled over what they shared. Everything she overheard made sense. She now understood why Cyprian kept this information to himself and why he was so possessive at the same time. He was suffering from some biological response. This bit of knowledge didn’t change the devastation that gripped her. If anything, it made the situation worse.

  “I’m sorry. We’re doing a shitty job of cheering you up,” June said. “I know this isn’t conventional, but if you like the general, he’s yours.”

  “I don’t think our situations are the same at all.” Riley shook her head. “When the general bit me the first time, it wasn’t because I was the woman of his dreams, or he lost his head in the heat of the moment. It was calculated.” Riley’s eyes welled up as she spoke.

  “What do you mean?” June pulled Riley to
sit on the bed.

  “Cyprian had to fuck me in those awful tunnels, to free me. I didn’t object, because when I saw him I recognized him, and hoped somehow I’d see you again.”

  “Oh, Riley,” June cried in sympathy.

  “I thought Cyprian was sexy, so being with him wasn’t a hardship.” Riley gave the girls a watery smile. “But I’d been through hell, and my body refused to respond. We didn’t have long before he was forced to fight off the next competitor, so, he bit me. He was just doing his duty, like he said. And now, because of some freakish hormonal thing, he’s stuck with a human he doesn’t even like.”

  Just as she thought things couldn’t get worse, life proved her wrong. Riley looked up at the ceiling as she attempted to scrub away her tears. The girls were uncomfortably silent. There was nothing they could say to make this better.

  Chapter 16. An Enemy at Your Table.

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  “The courtyard looks great, Metcor,” Tytus said to the giant gray Toufik.

  “Thank you. Everyone is excited,” Metcor gestured. “This wasn’t the hard part. Wait till you see the food. That’s the true miracle.”

  “Food is a very important part of any good mating ceremony. Isn’t it, Sabin?” Kagan asked the boy at his side.

  “Yes,” Sabin agreed with his sire, as he nodded emphatically.

  “It is the same with my people,” Aculus chuckled.

  Cyprian looked at the sizeable courtyard nestled in the hillside. The general in him was constantly assessing his surroundings. Falling back on his training, gave Cyprian’s mind a break from his other worries. This may be the site of a mating, but there was also the final leg of a mission to consider.

  On the high side of the courtyard lay the gardens with the villa at top. The house had a great view of the cane plantation. At either end of the courtyard lay buildings, that extended down the hill, to the landing strip below.

  “It’s good the dulcis has been harvested around the landing strip, with all the cruisers expected today,” Cyprian commented.

  Large plants in containers, blocked access to the courtyard. They funneled the guests coming up the road through one entrance, allowing Tytus and Aculus to scan the regents. They’d confirm their suspect, secure him, then the evening could continue unimpeded.

  And somewhere in there I’ll pull Riley aside.

  The thought of Riley was almost like a summons to the females. They emerged as a group from the villa, and crossed the courtyard, just in time to greet the first guests. Riley looked stunning in a dress that matched the violet highlights in her hair. The slits in her skirt flapped in the breeze, teasing Cyprian with brief views of her legs. Riley’s hair hung down around her bare shoulders in bouncing waves.

  Son of a metcor, Cyprian cursed under his breath, as he shifted on his feet. Riley had him hard, and she wasn’t even within arm’s reach.

  “Close your mouth, Tytus. You’ll let flies in,” June said, as she sidled up to Tytus.

  Tytus was struck dumb by the sight of June.

  “Don’t forget your guests,” Giselle prodded.

  “Ah, yes,” Tytus replied when he recovered.

  Riley refused to look at Cyprian. It was maddening. While the couples greeted the arriving guests, Cyprian debated working his way over to her. Considering his track record, it would only turn into a scene. The last thing he needed to do was ruin the event by showing his tail.


  Aculus nudged Cyprian, then subtly pointed to the regent that just entered.

  “Are you sure?” Cyprian asked under his breath, between guests.

  Aculus nodded in confirmation. Cyprian crossed the aisle to Tytus and Kagan.

  “It’s Feroze. Aculus just got a reading off him.”

  “Son of a metcor. I should’ve known,” Tytus growled. “All the abductions center around this province, his province. Feroze also conveniently showed up when we attacked Mave’s vessel in the hangar. I bet he was helping the smugglers, when we snuck aboard the cruiser to free June and the others. No one could be as inept as Feroze was.”

  They’d all underestimated Feroze. He was a self-serving, vain, regent. But no one imagined he was capable of conspiring to take over, with the Jurou Biljana.

  “I think this is a good time for us girls to go mingle,” Giselle announced. “Try not to wreak havoc gentleman.”

  “Alright,” Kagan said as he kissed Giselle’s forehead, then turned to his warriors. “We need to know what else Feroze has been up to. I want that handheld secured before he can destroy or tip off any coconspirators.”

  “That’s the plan.” Tytus nodded.

  Cyprian was only half listening, as he watched Riley and her companions head into the crowd. He was fine with June introducing Riley to her adopted parents, but when a crowd of eager warriors started to surround Riley, Cyprian was ready to storm in.

  Riley hadn’t given him the time of day. Now she had nothing but smiles for the warriors who stood way too close. One male had the audacity to touch Riley’s bare shoulder, where the colorful warrior’s ink swirled on her skin. Cyprian scowled. The male wouldn’t dare touch her if he could see the name inked over Riley’s breast, or the conjugo mark beneath the bandage.

  “Mind yourself,” Kagan warned.

  Cyprian realized he was growling and shoved it down deep.

  “I’ll keep an eye on Feroze,” Cyprian rumbled then stalked away.

  And I’ll keep an eye on the stubborn Little Manx.


  Riley was doing her best to ignore Cyprian. She didn’t want to lose it again. That would heap embarrassment on top of her misery.

  “Did you hear that,” Giselle commented, as they left the men.

  “Yes. I never liked Feroze. He’s condescending and full of himself,” June declared.

  One look at the long-haired regent, and Riley knew the man thought a lot of himself. He was flashy compared to the other men, with his silver and red brocade coat. Feroze was the prime individual responsible for her misery. He was the reason the Jurou Biljana were near Cadi, when Exo and Ion visited. Riley hoped the asshole got what was coming to him, in spades.

  “I tried to give him the benefit of doubt,” Sundara said with a shake of her head. “I never understood why our province wasn’t making the same progress as others, after the war. I just assumed Feroze wasn’t the best regent. Someone has to come in last. Now I see he had other motives. I’m just shocked he managed this level of subterfuge.” The incredulous look on her face was hilarious.

  Riley laughed at Sundara’s observation.

  “Sorry. I know this situation isn’t funny. But Feroze must really be a fuck-up if this has you all shocked. Reminds me of a few politician’s back home.”

  “That sums it up.” June nodded. “I’m just glad this is about to be over. Let’s go talk to my adopted parents, and let the guys do their thing.”

  “Parents?” Riley quirked her head at June. “What else have you been up to?”

  “You want all the details?” June wagged her brows at Riley.

  “Spare me,” Riley smiled at her ornery friend.

  “She’s been getting a little tail,” Giselle giggled.

  “Giselle, you pervert. That’s all you,” Providence admonished Giselle with a shove.

  Riley smiled at the bawdy implication. Sundara covered her mouth as she snorted. It was good being with the girls. Their acceptance into the group was instantaneous. No one was angling for some sort of hierarchy like in the colony, which felt like the ultimate episode of Survivor. Besides the monumental hiccup with Cyprian, she liked Cadi.

  “I know. I have problems,” Giselle snickered.

  “Don’t get Riley started. She’ll outstrip you all with the lewd things she can come up with.”

  “My life is a giant cautionary tale, but this tail business does intrigue me.”

  “Enough,” June cut Riley off before she could expound upon her off-color pun. “Rark, Vivina, mee
t my friend Riley.”

  A scarred Cadi woman hugged June, then turned and hugged Riley.

  “Oh, child, I’m so glad they found you safe and sound. It is wonderful to meet you, Riley.”

  Vivina held Riley’s shoulders as she doted on her. Riley could see why June called the woman her adopted mother. The woman reminded Riley of her Mémère with the way she clasped her.

  “Riley, it is good to meet you,” the old man, Rark, said with a bow.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “I understand the general rescued you,” Rark added. “That’s has to be the first thing he’s done right.”

  “We’re not talking about him,” June quickly interjected.

  “It’s okay.” Riley smiled pleasantly.

  “What did that overeager young warrior do?” Rark asked gruffly. He was stern, but personable.

  “Rark, June said we are not talking about the warrior,” Vivina jumped in.

  “You want to adopt Riley too?” June asked the old couple. “If you’re her sire, you might get the chance to string Cyprian up by his tail. Cyprian was an ass when he first met Rark,” June explained.

  “I like both ideas,” Rark chuckled.

  Both ideas had merits. Riley never really had parents, and Cyprian could use a thrashing. Riley smiled at the couple.

  “June, Rark, behave. Riley, I’d be honored if you wanted to join our family.”

  “Thank you, I’ll think about it,” Riley replied.

  “Seriously, Riley. With Rark and Vivina as your parents, you wouldn’t have to worry about men harassing you. Rark would send them packing.”

  “Too late, you have admirers already,” Giselle commented.

  Riley looked to see several Cadi men had gathered around.

  “Great,” Riley smirked.

  The handful of giant red men looked way too eager as they lingered nearby. Riley couldn’t understand Cadi fashion. Why the men wore jackets but no shirt, was an enigma. It was a little disconcerting seeing all the giant bare-chests attempting to crowd closer. The hopeful expressions on their faces were both amusing and overwhelming.

  From the corner of her eye, Riley noticed Cyprian standing near the entrance of the courtyard, staring at her, with a sour expression on his face. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt his eyes on her. Riley didn’t know what the general’s deal was. She refused to be a burden because of some fluke hormonal thing. And Cyprian made it very clear how he truly felt with his comment to Kagan.


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