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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

Page 29

by Stephanie West

  A rotten smile split Riley’s face as she looked at the men who’d wormed their way into the conversation. Maybe she could have a little fun this evening after all.

  I should show the general what he’s missing. Call me just a job. I rocked your world.

  Riley smiled sweetly as she talked with the men. When one of them touched her shoulder, Riley saw Cyprian move away from Kagan and the other men, then stop. He looked positively livid.

  Good, cuz I’m pissed too.

  Riley noticed Feroze at the drink table and she got an idea. Meeting Vivina, reminded her of the weird conversation she had with her Mémère in her dream. Things may have again taken a painful turn, but life went on. Her grandmother helped her to see that she was strong enough to weather any storm, because the rainbow that followed was worth it. So, it was time to turn lemons into lemonade.

  “Excuse me gentlemen, Rark, Vivina,” Riley said as she gestured for the ladies to follow her.

  “What’s up?” Giselle asked when they stepped a few feet away.

  “Is Feroze single?”

  “Yes,” Sundara replied.

  “The guys need his communicator, right?”

  “Yes. What are you thinking?” Providence asked.

  “What if I go flirt with him, and pass it off to one of you?” Riley suggested.

  If the other Cadi men were interested, why not Feroze?

  “It could work,” June said.

  “Sad to say, I’ve gotten pretty good at this game. If I can plant explosives, I can certainly do this.”

  Giselle considered the suggestion.

  “With all the guys here, I’m sure you’d be fine. Plus, you can undoubtedly get closer to Feroze than Tytus. I’ll introduce you.”

  “Alright. Let’s do this.” Riley nodded with a smile.

  Riley knew she could help bring this mission to a close. She liked her new friends. They put their asses on the line to rescue her, and they hadn’t even known her. Making Cadi safer for them was the least she could do. It would also keep her from stewing about Cyprian, and probably aggravate the shit out of the bossy man at the same time. The immature notion made a part of her feel better.

  Giselle passed Graca to an eager Vivina, then they headed to the refreshment table.

  “We’ll be keeping an eye on you, but I imagine the guys will be too. So, if you get a weird vibe, just make an excuse and get away from him,” Giselle encouraged, as they walked.

  “Got it.”

  Riley wasn’t worried. If anything, she was pissed at the regent.

  Repress your true feelings at put on the charm, Riley.

  “Here. Try this.” Giselle handed Riley a glass. “Oh, hello Regent Feroze.”

  “Greetings,” Feroze said with stilted politeness.

  “Have you met Riley? She just arrived on Cadi.”

  Riley cast the man a broad smile as she overtly slid her eyes from his tooled leather boots up to his long, black hair. She made a point of lingering on the swath of bare chest revealed beneath his fancy waistcoat. It lacked the muscle definition Cyprian possessed. Back home, Riley often dated lanky guys, like Feroze. Now they just seemed pathetic. There was something insanely erotic having a powerful man take you in hand. Riley wanted to groan at how the general had ruined the way she viewed men. But she didn’t let the agitation reach her face. Instead, she admired Feroze like he was the best thing since sliced bread.

  “No, I haven’t. Greetings,” Feroze said with a bow and a cocky smile. Her perusal hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  “Are you okay chatting with Feroze, while I take these drinks to the girls?” Giselle asked.

  “Of course,” Riley said with a nod.

  Giselle headed off, leaving Riley to her machinations.

  “Your hair is longer than mine. It’s exceptional. Paired with your jacket it’s rather fetching.”

  Riley complimented the man’s hair, which nearly reached his knees. Hair like that was a statement.

  “Thank you,” Feroze said as he ran a practiced hand through it. “You are the little female that was just liberated.”

  “Yes. It was awful. You wouldn’t believe the brutes I was subjected to. There weren’t gentlemen like you there,” Riley demurred from beneath shuttered lashes.

  Feroze didn’t pull away when she leaned in, playing the damsel in distress.

  “I’m sure it was a terrible ordeal for you. But the general retrieved you safely,” Feroze said as he glanced through the crowd.

  Riley followed his gaze to see Cyprian standing several yards away, scowling. Riley didn’t know what Mave had communicated to Feroze, so she decided to stick as close to the truth as possible.

  “That man is worse than the smugglers, if you ask me. Yes, he got me back here safely, but do you have any idea what he did in the meantime,” Riley let some of her real emotions shine through, as her voice wavered. “I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to forget all that.” Riley frowned. “Maybe you and I can have a drink, and you can tell me about the wonders of Cadi instead.”

  Riley repressed a smile when she saw Feroze’s eyes brighten with amusement. He obviously enjoyed hearing her denigrate the general.

  Don’t get your hopes up buddy. You’re not half the man Cyprian is.

  Riley was pissed at Cyprian, but he was still more honorable than Feroze by leaps and bounds.

  “My pleasure. I see some seats in the shade. Here. Try this vinum,” Feroze said as he handed Riley a glass of something that tasted like wine, but was a tad stronger.

  Riley followed Feroze to a small table at the edge of the crowded courtyard. She took the seat next to Feroze, making sure she was close and on the same side as the pocket holding his communicator.

  “You were going to tell me about Cadi.”

  “It is a glorious planet. But I believe that my province offers the best scenery. I have a small villa in the south, situated on the cliffs of the Painted Canyon. Nothing rivals the views from my balcony, when the sun sets and the stars come out.”

  Riley wanted to gag. Feroze was trying to be charming, but it came off as arrogant instead.

  You’ve sweet talked worse.

  She took a big swig of her drink, to loosen up.

  “I bet you have seen many wondrous things,” Riley husked.

  As she leaned in close, her hand inched toward Feroze’s pocket, beneath the table. Just as her hand reached the flap, the damn device pinged. Before she had a chance to pull away, Feroze reached down and discovered her outstretched hand. Riley grabbed his thigh instead. Feroze’s eyes swung to hers.

  “I hope you’re not offended, but when I see something I like, I don’t let it get away.” Riley stared boldly into his dark eyes.

  “You have good taste. I must answer this, but don’t go anywhere. I will get you another drink,” Feroze said, while running a finger up her bare arm as he stood.

  “Please. I’ll be waiting.” Riley smiled seductively.

  Riley glanced several tables away, making eye contact with Providence, who was seated with her two men. She subtly shook her head, indicating she didn’t have the device yet.

  “What exactly do you think you are doing?” Cyprian demanded.

  Riley’s head spun to see the general looming over her. To say he was unhappy was an understatement. His brow was furrowed, and his jaw clenched, making the muscle stand out.

  Cyprian took Riley’s hand and pulled her up from her seat, then goaded her through the row of potted trees.

  “I’m getting Feroze’s handheld, and finishing this bullshit. So, if you’d be so kind as to get lost, my date will be coming back soon.”

  A growl rolled through Cyprian’s chest, as he backed Riley into one of the trees.

  “I don’t like what you’re up to,” he snarled.

  “Well, since you aren’t my master, you don’t have a say,” Riley bit out.

  “You are so damn stubborn. Will you stop for one minute with the sarcasm and just listen to me?”

  “Save it.”

  Riley attempted to pull away, but Cyprian gripped her wrist. Before she knew it, he brought it to his mouth and nicked her skin. Riley gasped as the insidious heat from his drugged bite worked its way through her bloodstream, making every sense stand at attention.

  “How dare you,” she hissed.

  “Find me when you’re willing to listen. I’ll be the one shadowing your every move.”

  Cyprian released her then disappeared through the foliage.

  Riley returned to the table and sat. The heat from Cyprian’s bite was doing wicked things, like it did when he fucked her. Except this time there was no relief. Riley’s nipples hardened to painful stiff little buds, and her clit throbbed mercilessly. Just the brush of fabric against her inflamed flesh sent every nerve screaming. A stream of moisture leaked down her thigh, making her shift uncomfortably in her seat. Riley looked through the crowd to see Cyprian staring at her with a smug look on his face.

  The bastard knew exactly what he was doing when he bit me.

  Riley seethed at the way Cyprian thought he could yank her chain. What she couldn’t understand was why?

  I can play dirty too.

  She looked to see Feroze standing off on his own, talking on his handheld. Riley strode toward him, with an exaggerated sway in her hips, meant for Cyprian.

  “I understand. I’m glad you managed to land. You have my location,” Feroze said, as she approached.

  Riley paused hearing the odd statement.

  When Riley circled around Feroze, he halted his conversation. His eyes narrowed on her, as he hung up and dropped his communicator in his jacket.

  “I imagine an important man like you always has business to attend to,” Riley said, as she stepped into Feroze’s personal space.

  Feroze’s pinched expression softened as he eyed her. Being this close to him, made her want to retch. The regent was positively repellant. The pheromone Cyprian injected her with made the sensation worse, but Riley pressed on.

  “I bet being a regent is hard work,” Riley whispered close to his chest. “I could show you ways to relax.” Riley ran her hands over Feroze’s arms and down his sides. She pulled the handheld from his pocket, as her arms circled his waist. “Let’s get those drinks and see if we can find someplace a little less crowded.”

  “I agree, exotic one.”

  As Riley pulled back, she shifted, tucking the handheld in the folds of her shawl. Feroze led Riley to the beverage table, where Riley saw June and Tytus talking with other guests. Riley approached the couple.

  “I am going to go for a little walk. It’s a bit overwhelming with all these people,” Riley said loud enough for Feroze to hear. As Riley gave June a hug, she passed her shawl to her friend. “I overheard him talking to someone who just landed. He said something about this location. I’ll see what else I can learn,” Riley whispered in June’s ear before breaking away.

  “They probably won’t start serving mid-meal for half an hour. Try to take a break,” June replied sounding sympathetic to Riley’s fabricated excuse.

  I got it. Half an hour and you come looking for me, Riley smiled and nodded in understanding.

  Tytus looked slightly confused as he glanced from June to Riley and Feroze. Then his expression shifted. Obviously, June hadn’t mentioned what they were doing. Before Tytus could say anything, Riley walked away.

  “You are very affectionate,” Feroze commented as he took her arm, then maneuvered her away from the crowd.

  “I am,” Riley agreed as she cast the regent a salacious grin. Meanwhile her skin crawled where is arm touched hers.

  “I thought the rumors about human females and their affection was exaggerated. I’m beginning to see that they are not,” Feroze purred with a gleam in his eyes.

  Dream on asshole!

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  “Just keep touching her, so I can rip your arm off, and beat you to death with it,” Cyprian threatened Feroze under his breath, as he watched the traitor escort Riley away from the refreshment table.

  His mood went from grim to feral when the two didn’t go back to their table, but headed out of the courtyard instead.

  What in Kali’s name? Why in torment didn’t Tytus stop this nonsense?

  Cyprian stalked after the pair. Riley had a bad habit of running head long into danger. She’d effectively interjected herself into the mission yet again, and now she was alone with the traitorous regent. Cyprian pushed through the potted foliage in time to see Feroze and Riley duck into one of the nearby warehouses. Red bled into the corners of his vision, and a rolling snarl vibrated from his chest as he stormed toward the building. Cyprian came to a halt as he passed an open window.

  “Now that we are alone, what did you have in mind?” Feroze asked Riley.

  “After everything I’ve been through, I’m looking for a man who can take care of me. Are you that man?” Riley asked with a saccharine sweet drawl.

  “Stick with me, exotic one, and no harm will come to you.”

  “And how does a big powerful man like you make such promises?”

  When Cyprian nipped Riley’s wrist, he was hoping the effects of his conjugo serum would force her to seek him out. Instead she was using the chemical lust to fuel her seduction. He should’ve known Riley was too strong willed to be manipulated. Yet he could help himself.

  Even though Cyprian knew Riley was playing a game with the regent, he still didn’t like that she spoke to another male in such a seductive voice, or pressed against him. The way Feroze stroked her silky soft shoulders, sent Cyprian’s inner beast into a tailspin.


  Cyprian threw open the storehouse door and stormed in, bristling with rage. When Feroze turned in shock, Cyprian threw a punch. His fist struck the male’s jaw, with a satisfying crack. Feroze stumbled back. Before he could recover, Cyprian hit him in the gut, sending the regent sprawling on the floor.

  “God dammit, Cyprian. What the hell are you doing?” Riley yelled.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Little Manx?” Cyprian snarled as he grabbed a length of cord from the wall.

  “I was getting Feroze to talk, before you rushed in like a rabid dog,” she countered.

  “You didn’t need to be alone with him, to get his handheld. And you certainly didn’t need to paw all over him,” Cyprian rumbled.

  He stormed toward Feroze, as the male struggled to get up from the floor.

  “I already passed his handheld off to June,” Riley snapped.

  “What?” Feroze said in shock, as he checked his pocket and found it empty.

  Cyprian was also surprised. He’d been watching Riley fawn over the male, but hadn’t noticed when she retrieved the communicator. Then again, Cyprian had been a little preoccupied.

  Feroze quickly pulled an ornate knife from the scabbard strapped to his waist. Cyprian was so angry, he looked forward to the fight. Sadly, all it took to disarm the regent was a well-placed strike to the forearm.

  “Pathetic,” Cyprian growled as he secured Feroze’s wrists, then tied the male to a nearby workbench.

  “We’ll see who’s pathetic soon enough,” Feroze growled back.

  “You hear that. He’s up to something,” Riley informed Cyprian. “I overheard him directing someone to the plantation. I was going to find out who, but you just had to interfere,” she sneered.

  Cyprian swiped the screen on his handheld, sending a group message to the other warriors, telling them he had Feroze secured in the warehouse. He glanced at the responding message, then back at Riley.

  “Tytus and Aculus are picking apart the data on his communicator.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re too late,” Feroze said stubbornly and with more bravado than was intelligent given his circumstances.

  “You know who my family is. So, you know how I’ve been trained, since the day I learned to walk,” Cyprian snarled.

  Feroze scowled at Cyprian, refusing to speak.

  Cyprian picked
the regent’s gilded blade off the floor, and pressed the tip against his own palm.

  “It’s dull. That means it’ll hurt more when I peel the flesh from your body. Of course, all this can be avoided if you tell me how you’ve betrayed Cadi.”

  “You won’t do any of that. Not in front of the female,” Feroze countered bravely.

  Cyprian could see the regent was nervous, with the way he swallowed hard, but the bastard still refused to talk. Feroze was also right. Cyprian wouldn’t force the male to talk with Riley present.

  “Riley, go outside,” Cyprian began to say, but Riley interrupted him.

  “You think watching the general take you apart piece by piece is going to bother me? You’re wrong. I look forward to it,” Riley snapped. “I watched as a helpless creature was butchered alive, and my friend was murdered.”

  Riley was livid, but she spoke so calmly, that Cyprian was surprised when she snatched a blade from his bandolier and turned on Feroze. Riley held the tip of the blade to the sensitive skin beneath Feroze’s eye, and the male instantly ceased fidgeting.

  “Maybe you’re the one who’s squeamish. Here, I’ll make it so you don’t have to witness what Cyprian’s about to do to you.”

  Riley pressed the tip deeper, till a bead of blood welled up. Riley had Feroze’s undivided attention. A sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead, and ran down his temple.

  “In fact, it’s not Cyprian you have to be worried about, but me.” Riley was beyond pissed.

  Riley trailed the sharp blade down Feroze’s cheek, then chest, cutting a thin angry line as she went. Riley looked like the Goddess Vengeance incarnate, as she methodically incised an angry welt down the male’s gut. Her eyes were narrowed and flashing in rage, while the rest of her was eerily calm. If he didn’t know better, Cyprian would think Riley was the trained interrogator.

  The general stood back and watched her work. Cyprian, himself, was enraged, but he was happy to let Riley have this moment. She deserved justice for what had been done to her. It was satisfying watching Feroze squirm. Questioning the enemy had never been so amusing.


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