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Page 17

by A. M. Wallace

  Why couldn’t I forget about Marcus? We hadn’t talked in almost two weeks, and yet, here I was, with him on my mind. Like always. It really wasn’t fair to Justin.

  It wasn’t like I was using Justin. I truly wasn’t. I cared about Justin, almost more than I cared to admit considering it had just been a few weeks since we started dating. He was everything I’d hope for in a guy, and kept showing me more things about him to fall for.

  So, what was my problem?

  I thought I was getting over Marcus. No, I knew I was slowly getting over him. I just had no idea it was going to be this hard or take this long. Apparently, my feelings for him were a lot stronger than I originally thought, or at least told myself.

  I stepped out of the shower, turning it off before wrapping my hair in a towel and another around my body. I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth before going back into my room to get dressed.

  Instead of getting dressed, though, I just laid back on my bed. Plopped down on my bed, was more like it. I stared up at the ceiling and debated calling Justin, but he said he was going to be busy for a little while today. It was the first weekend we didn’t see each other right away since we started dating. Maybe that was a good thing.

  Or maybe it wasn’t, considering Justin would keep my mind off Marcus.

  “Well, isn’t this a sight?” I nearly jumped off my bed at the sound of Justin’s voice.

  “Holy shit, Justin!” I laughed nervously as I tried to catch my breath. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry, babe.” He smirked and leaned against the door frame to my room. “Erica let me in as she was leaving. Looks like I missed shower time.” I playfully flipped him off as I lay back down with my feet hanging over the end of the bed. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “I just got clean. You can wait to dirty me up again.” I smirked over at him to see him shake his head, making me laugh. “What?”

  “I’ll clean you up again,” he said, but didn’t move.

  “I didn’t know you were coming over this morning,” I said to him as I threw my arm over my face as I blushed from his words. “I thought you had something to do until later?”

  “Things got changed around,” he said and I heard him moving closer to me. “I thought I’d surprise you.” His hands were on my knees, spreading my legs slightly.

  “You always surprise me.” I grinned and moved my arm, raising my head to see him kneeling on the floor between my legs.

  “You like surprises.” He smirked and I felt myself blush a little.

  “I do.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek as he slowly pushed up my towel to expose me.

  He ran his hands up my thighs, spreading my legs wider for him, and I got a little self-conscious. Who was I imagining doing this to me just moments ago? Marcus, not Justin. Dammit. I needed to focus on him right now.

  I brought my feet up to rest on the edge of the bed, spreading my knees wide. Justin gave me a wicked grin before gently flicking my clit with his finger. I jumped a little, feeling just a little sensitive from earlier, holding back a gasp.

  “What’s this?” He smirked and ran that same finger through my lips, gliding effortlessly back and forth. “Already wet?” I let out an involuntary moan.

  “I played a little in the shower.” That was a lie, but what did it hurt? I played a little before my shower, so it really shouldn’t matter at all. I just hadn’t realized I was still that worked up.

  “I see.” He leaned forward, replacing his finger with his tongue, causing me to moan out loud, continuing his slow licks through my slit. “You taste so good.”

  He thrust his tongue inside me and I tossed my head back, no longer able to hold it up. His tongue stroked the walls of my pussy before he pulled out and latched onto my clit. I cried out, arching my back as I gripped Justin’s hair in my hand, holding him to me. As if he would have moved on his own.

  He’d told me plenty of times how much he loved being between my legs.

  I moved my hips, grinding against his mouth as he continued to suck on my clit. Without warning, his fingers were inside me, causing me to cry out again. I tried to steer clear of saying names. I knew I’d screw up based on my recent dreams.

  Justin was the one between my legs right now. Justin was the one with his fingers inside me. Justin was the one licking me in a way I’d never felt before. Justin was the one causing me to orgasm at this exact moment. Not Marcus.

  “Yes!” I gripped his hair even harder, clenching my thighs around his head as I bit my lip, trying to be somewhat quiet.

  “That’s it, baby,” I heard Justin say against me, moaning at the vibrations it sent through me.

  I slowly came back down and Justin greedily lapped at my pussy, cleaning me up as he said he would. It was hot, so I didn’t dare complain. I jumped every time his tongue hit my now even more sensitive clit.

  When he was finished, he crawled up my body, deliberately pressing his erection against my sensitive core. I moaned again, smirking just as his lips met mine in a hungry kiss. He groaned into my mouth as he ground against me. I could taste myself on his tongue, which only made me want more.

  “We have to make this quick. We have plans,” Justin said as he raised himself off me enough to undo his jeans, just enough to pull his cock out.

  “We do?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Yes,” he grunted as he thrust into me, another cry escaping my lips.

  I couldn’t coherently ask where; I didn’t want to. At this moment, I didn’t really care. I cupped his face in my hands, bringing his lips to mine. I moaned louder against his lips with each hard thrust into me.

  “Shit!” he groaned into my mouth. “I’m gonna come.”

  I deliberately clenched around his cock as he picked up the pace. My orgasm hit just as his did and we swallowed each other’s moans as we rode out our orgasms together. I could feel when he started to come down and soften inside me, and I lay back, breathless.

  “Did you enjoy that?” he asked against my neck as he lay on top of me, trying to catch his breath as well.

  “Only a little.” I grinned as his head popped up and he glared down at me playfully.

  “Is that so?” He leaned down to bite my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I giggled softly. “See if I do it again, then.”

  “You will,” I said confidently and he pulled back to smirk down at me again.

  “As soon as we’re done with breakfast.” He winked and then pulled out of me, going to the bathroom to clean himself up quickly. It didn’t take him long, considering his jeans were only down enough to just get his cock out and I always required more clean up.

  “Up, woman, we have places to go,” he said as he came back out.

  I groaned as I stood up, letting my towel fall as I did, trying to hide my satisfaction when I saw Justin shamelessly staring at me when I walk to the bathroom. I turned to blow him a kiss before shutting the door. I cleaned up and grabbed the clothes I’d laid out the night before and walked back into the bedroom.

  Justin watched me carefully as I dressed in front of him. I didn’t look at him, wanting him to think this was nothing unusual for me, like it didn’t have an effect on me. But it did. There was something extremely sexy about him watching me dress. When my clothes were on, I walked over to the dresser and grabbed my brush, quickly running it through my hair before putting it up in a ponytail. I turned to face him with a smirk.

  “Ready. Where are we going?”

  He stood and walked over to where I was, bringing his hands up to cup my face. Before replying, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine, kissing me nice and slow.

  “You’ll see,” he said when he pulled away, giving me a panty dropping smile. I just nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead me out of my bedroom.

  I was proud of myself. There had been no major thoughts of Marcus that whole time.

  But, of course, I would think of him now.

  i was leaning against the treadmill as Vi
v was power walking, stealing another glance at the front desk. Amy was just as busy as I was, it seemed. She had a couple of people there at the desk and she was typing something onto the computer. I turned when I felt a hand touch my shoulder and found Viv standing still on the treadmill and I looked at my watch. Was her twenty minute walk up already? I could hear her laughing at me.

  “Walk with me, Marcus. We’ll call it a day.” I chuckled as I helped gather her things. She made it sound like she was quitting early, when her session had actually gone over a little. I didn’t mind, of course. She was my best client.

  As we walked by the front desk, Amy glanced up at me and smiled, but went right back to work. I liked that about her. Yes, we liked seeing each other at work, but we didn’t make it all about us. We were both able to finish our work and not be distracted by one another. Well, not too distracted.

  Mrs. Kelley surprised me by walking into my office. I frowned in confusion as I followed her in and took a seat behind my desk. I looked over to where she was sitting and saw her wiping her face with her towel before looking at me. I slid her water over the desk to her and she took it with a smile.

  “So, you like her, don’t you?” I laughed but kept my brows furrowed. I was wondering when we would have this talk again.

  “Yeah. I do. A lot.” She smiled and nodded at my response.

  “I can tell. You two look good together, too. You’ll make pretty babies.” I snorted and cleared my throat, trying to cover it up.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t agree or anything. I hadn’t thought about it, really. But it shocked me that was one of the first things she said about us. It really shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did, I guess.

  “Well, thank you, Viv.” I laughed and leaned back in my chair.

  “When did you finally ask her out?” she asked without shame. She wasn’t one to beat around the bush.

  “A few weeks ago.”

  “Good.” She grinned and I smiled back.

  “So, do you approve, Mrs. Kelley?” I smirked and she glared at me.

  “Don’t call me that. It makes me feel old.” I chuckled as she spoke. “But yes, I do like her. She’s a very sweet girl. You better be good to her.” I gasped dramatically.

  “Viv, what is this? We’ve been together for how long now, and you’re protecting her? Shouldn’t you be having this talk with her?” She laughed and I joined in.

  “Oh, Marcus, you’re a good kid. I really hope this works out for you.”

  “Thank you, Viv. That really means a lot.” When she stood to leave, I stood as well to see her out, but she waved me off.

  “I’ll see you Friday, then?” she said as she stood by the door.

  “It’s a date,” I replied with a wink and she laughed, shaking her head as she walked out.

  I watched her stop and talk to Amy briefly before heading for the main doors. Amy glanced my way before tending to another person who just walked in. Luckily, I was interrupted by a very sweaty Chad walking into my office.

  “Whoa, man, you look awful,” I laughed as he plopped down in the chair in front of the desk.

  “I upped my work out a little. Not a good idea.”

  “Too much at once?” I asked and he nodded.

  He’d joined the gym a couple of weeks ago to be closer to Devon, the masseuse, who he’d been crushing on for some time now. It seemed to be working. When she came down from the second floor, which still wasn’t often, she did stop and talk to him. Or, he found her to talk to, rather.

  “I saw Devon standing by your treadmill earlier.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he snorted.

  “Yeah, we talked for a little bit.”

  “When are you gonna get the balls to ask her out, Chad?”

  “I don’t know.” He suddenly looked nervous and I felt a little bad for messing with him. Just a little, though.

  “You need to get on that before it’s too late.” He sighed and nodded.

  “I know.” He groaned as he stood up, obviously a little sore. “I’m gonna shower and head home. I’m beat.”

  “All right, man, catch you later.” He nodded and waved as he walked out of my office toward the locker rooms.

  I shook my head and laughed. Chad was a good guy. I really hoped things worked out with Devon. Maybe she’d see how great he was too, eventually.

  I pulled out some new clients’ forms and pulled up the program to enter them all in the system on my computer. I only got one done when there was a knock at my door. I looked up and grinned when I saw Amy standing there.

  “Working hard?” she asked as she shut—and locked—my office door.

  “Something like that.” I raised a brow as she went over and shut the blinds to my window, shielding us from the rest of the facility.

  “What?” she asked when she saw the look on my face. “I just wanted some privacy.”

  She smirked at me as she walked around my desk and I slid my chair back a bit for her before she sat down on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Hi,” she said with a smile, which I gladly returned.

  “Hi.” I leaned in and kissed her softly.

  “I just wanted to come and say hi since I haven’t really gotten to talk to you all day,” she whispered against my lips.

  “I’m glad you did. Today has been pretty hectic,” I wrapped my arms around her waist and she moved to straddle my lap, “but I’ll take hectic if it means you greet me like this.”

  “Don’t get used to it.” She glared playfully before kissing me again.

  I groaned into her mouth. I could get lost in her kiss, the way her body responded to my touch, and the way she felt against me. All of it. This wasn’t about sex. We hadn’t even slept together yet. Sure, we’d messed around, but we hadn’t gone all the way. Amy had been through some bad shit with her ex and I wasn’t going to push her to do anything she wasn’t ready to do. I was taking all my leads from her.

  “Too late.” I finally replied against her lips and I could feel her grin. She pulled away slightly and I reluctantly let her. I was wearing track pants, so it was a good idea to stop. I was already getting worked up, and no one here needed that visual, except for maybe Amy.

  “I have to get back to work,” she groaned.

  “Nah. Just stay here.” I tightened my hold on her waist and she smiled.

  “I can’t. It’s been really busy today.”

  “I know.” I kissed her again before she could try to get off me again. “You’re staying with me again tonight, right?”

  “Do you want me to?” She wiggled on top of me like the little tease that she was and I groaned.

  “Stupid question.” I poked her sides, making her laugh. She didn’t stop the damn wiggling though.

  “Then I will.” She smirked, knowing exactly what she was doing to me.

  “Good. Now get off me, evil woman. I have things to do and doing them without a hard on is preferable.” She laughed, but we both knew she needed to.

  She finally got off me and leaned down to kiss me again, nice and slow. Her hand trailed from my knee, up my thigh, and she gripped my cock through my pants. I groaned into her mouth. The hard on I’d been trying to avoid was very much there now and she knew it. When she pulled away, she put her lips to my ear and whispered one word that held a million promises.


  amy was waiting for me by the front desk when I left my office for the day and I couldn’t help but smile. As the receptionist, she got off around five pm every day, but I sometimes worked until ten pm or later. Not today. I called it quits a little early so we could get off at the same time. I leaned down to kiss her before grabbing her hand in mine, and she quickly intertwined our fingers.

  “Eager to leave?” she asked as we walked to my car. I laughed.

  “It was a slow afternoon.” Not a lie, exactly. She smirked and shook her head.

  I opened the door to the passenger side for Amy before going over to get in the driver’s side. I
started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, grinning over at her as I turned left instead of right on the highway. She looked at me, confused.

  “I thought we were going home? Home is that way.” She pointed her thumb behind us as she spoke.

  She just called my house home. Damn, I had it bad for this girl.

  “I thought we could get a small treat first.” I didn’t have to look over at her to know she was thinking hard about what I could mean.

  We drove for another twenty minutes, getting us a little out of town before I pulled into the parking lot of small strip mall. I looked over to see Amy’s face still scrunched up in confusion until I pulled into a parking space right in front of our destination.

  “Dairy Barn?” She grinned as she looked at me and I nodded. “I haven’t been here in forever. I don’t get out here much.”

  “I know. You were telling me the other day, so I thought we’d come by.” She leaned over the middle console and kissed me quickly before getting out of the car. I followed suit and got out, meeting her at the front of the car.

  “Thank you,” she said as she wrapped her hand around my arm.

  “Don’t thank me yet, we haven’t even gotten the ice cream.”

  We walked inside and went to wait at the counter. I was sure Amy knew what she was getting already, but I had no clue. I’d been here a couple of times, but I always just got a shake. I figured I should try something else. I stepped to the side to let Amy order first.

  “I’ll take a small birthday cake, please,” she told the cashier.

  “Make that two,” I added and got out my wallet to pay.

  It took them a few minutes to make our ice cream. Once we got it, I grabbed them both and let Amy lead us to a small table in the back. We both sat down at the same time and I slid her ice cream over to her.

  “Now, can I say thank you?” she asked as she took a bite.

  “Now, you can say thank you.” I winked and she grinned around her spoon. What I wouldn’t give to be that spoon right now.

  “Well, thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” I took a bite of my ice cream and made a face. It was good, but it was really sweet.


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