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Wanted: Love in London Series 1

Page 6

by Watts, Demelza


  At exactly eight o’clock, Elizabeth left her room, her pale throw and clutch in hand as she walked to the lifts. Once downstairs in the main reception area, people turned to stare. She felt slightly self-conscious as she asked for directions to the cocktail bar, and when she got there, she paused in amazement and gaped at the stunning design. She had read a little about the hotel’s history earlier and noted that the ceiling was fashioned from original security boxes, which hinted to the building’s former use as a bank. The atmosphere was vibrant, with low tunes pumping in the background.

  She scanned the room for Theo, and there he was, seated near the bar, scrolling through his phone. She made her way towards him, and as she got nearer, she slowed down as her pulse quickened. He looked stunning as he always did, but tonight, he looked irresistible. Formally dressed, he was wearing a black tuxedo, which looked hand-tailored and accentuated his physique. Her breath caught in her throat.

  She neared him and as if sensing her, Theo looked up from his phone. His blue eyes met her green ones and Elizabeth stopped in her tracks. His gaze raked boldly over her, dropping from her eyes, slowly and seductively sliding downward. She froze as her senses leapt to life, her heart thumping erratically as her cheeks coloured under the heat of his gaze. He half stood, which she took as a signal to move forward and join him.

  “Elizabeth, you look beautiful.” He spoke in a low voice and pulled out the seat next to him, gesturing for her to sit down. Being so close to him, she felt drugged by his clean and woody scent, hyper aware of her prickly skin. She smiled as she sat down. Was it her or did he look slightly ruffled too? She hoped he was encountering the same effect as well. Before she could say anything, a waiter swept up with the cocktail list, and noting Theo was having a scotch, she quickly scanned the menu and opted for a fruity cocktail. Then they were alone.

  “Theo,” she started, “I don’t know what to say.” Using her hands she gestured at her dress. “This dress, the hair and make-up, the first class room.” She trailed off, looking away, suddenly overcome with emotion. The waiter arrived with her drink and she picked it up, needing a minute to gather her feelings. Theo reached for his glass at the same time and held her eyes, a faint light twinkling in the depths of his darkened blue eyes.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  She snapped her eyes back to his, shock registering on her pretty features. He offered her a sudden, arresting smile, revealing the dimple she had grown to love. “I do believe I looked over your HR file before recruiting you.”

  “Oh, of course,” she retorted, smiling shyly. “Thank you, Theo. But really, this is too much. I feel like Cinderella.” She took a sip of her drink, blushing furiously at her childish comment. The warmth of his laughter sent shivers down her spine as she glanced at his mouth. She broke into a smile too, the drink relaxing her. “Sorry, that was pretty lame...,” she grinned, feeling alive with affection and delight.

  “Well, Cinderella, finish your drink and let’s get you to the ball. And you’re welcome. It’s your birthday. Enjoy.” She giggled as they clinked glasses together and sipped her drink, enjoying the cooling effect of the ice as her skin felt alight.

  She was briefed earlier about the reception and dinner they were attending so they made small chat over drinks. It seemed Theo wanted to know more about her and she found herself relaxing into his company, her feminine power giving her confidence to feel on the same level as him for once.

  “So tell me about your family, Elizabeth. Any siblings?” He sat back in his chair, watching her intently.

  “I’m an only child, my mother had complications with me and was advised not to have anymore.”

  “Ah, I see, so tell me, were you a good girl growing up?” He teased her mischievously, but she could detect a seductive undertone to his question.

  “A good girl? Well that depends on what you’re asking.” She felt bold answering his question, feeling a lurch of excitement within her. There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach as his smouldering gaze travelled over her face, searching her eyes for her meaning behind her words.

  “I guess that depends on how much you want to tell me, Elizabeth.” His voice was as soft as a caress and she felt an overwhelming urge to be closer to him. Instead she cleared her throat, not quite sure where this conversation was heading. Noticing her discomfort, he smiled and changed the subject to a lighter topic. Soon after, it was time to leave.

  “You look quite...stunning,” he murmured, when they stood, extending his arm so that she could tuck hers into the crook of his.

  “Thank you,” she managed to croak out, and her feet felt like she was drifting along on a cloud. They walked through the hotel, and she was aware of the heads that turned to stare at the beautiful couple passing by. They were at the front when a limo appeared as if by magic. The chauffeur swooped around to open the door for her and she gracefully slid into the back seat.

  “I do believe you are going to be the belle of the ball, Elizabeth,” he slid in beside her, helping her adjust the dress around her feet.

  “Oh, please.” She tried to dismiss that compliment with a laugh.

  “You don’t believe me?” His look was so galvanizing that it sent a tremor through her.

  “I...I don’t know....I, maybe.” Her voice was low, breathless and husky, nothing at all like how she usually spoke. She felt like a princess in the company of her prince as she looked at him wide-eyed, her pupils dilated as she stared at him, riveted by his handsome face and the way he was looking at her. Without intention, a low moan escaped from her lips, barely audible but as loud as bells in her own ears.

  Quickly coming to her senses, she turned away with horror as she heard Theo curse under his breath. She was mortified, her whole body was on fire, the blood running hot in her veins. She tried to throttle the dizzying current racing through her by taking a few deep breaths. They spoke at the same time.



  She smiled shakily, trying to break the tension, desperately wanting to change the subject. She cleared her throat. “Please, tell me more about the people we will be seated with.”

  He took a moment before he answered, his tone changing and becoming cooler as he gave her the information she asked for. As he continued to speak, she tuned out, grateful for the distraction he was providing for his nearness was overwhelming. The scent of him, the way he spoke, his ridiculously sexy tuxedo, his air of authority. It was overpowering. An undeniable magnetism was building between them. For the first time in her life, she was experiencing feelings she had no control over. Her body ached for him.

  The limo soon pulled up to another grand hotel and Elizabeth was whisked inside by Theo. The evening was in full swing when they entered the grand room, with beautiful people circulating, chatting in groups and drinking champagne.

  When seated for dinner around the circular tables, Elizabeth was placed directly opposite Theo, but she was soon welcomed by the guests seated next to her and she charmingly joined in their conversations. Every now and then she looked up, feeling the heat of Theo’s gaze, their eyes locking before she would look away, flustered by the intensity between them.

  She noted Theo was cool and collected, his presence commanding respect from those around him. Delicately sipping her champagne, supper was soon over so she took the opportunity to visit the ladies room. People were starting to congregate on the dance floor as the band started playing some soulful songs and she weaved her way in and out of the crowd. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, she was pleased to see that her make-up was still holding up well – the only difference was her flushed face and her eyes, which were shining brightly. She walked into the stall to use the toilet when she heard the door open and two women came in mid-conversation. Just about to shut the door, she thought she recognized one of the women, but dismissed it and locked the door.

  “Ana, did you see Theo? Can’t believe he’s here. Goodness, does that man g
et sexier by the year or what?” She laughed at her own joke as Elizabeth froze in her stall. The lady spoke with a slight Spanish accent, but it was clear to hear that she came from a well-educated background.

  “Yes, I know. I saw him earlier – he looked more handsome than the last time I saw him. I can’t believe I let him go. And for what? Betraying him for Carlos was not worth it – I almost wish I could take that back...” Elizabeth heard her sighing to her friend and then heard the snapping and zipping sound of purses being opened, the silence indicating that they were retouching their make-up.

  “I bet he would take you back – you just have to convince him. I mean look at you – it’s not like you didn’t have a hot sex life.” The other woman laughed.

  Elizabeth desperately wanted to get out of there, a pain becoming evident in her jaw from where she was clenching her teeth so hard. Feeling a wave of possession overcome her, she was unable to believe what she was hearing. So that was why Theo was so mistrustful of women – because of this horrible woman. He had clearly been hurt in the past and Elizabeth felt her heart constrict with the deception that she must have put him through.

  “Come on, let’s go,” she heard the women walking off and the sound of the door swinging shut behind them. Emerging from the stall, Elizabeth was slightly shaken. Wow, of all places to bump into Theo’s ex. Slightly dazed, she made her way back to the table, but Theo wasn’t there as most people were either mingling by the bar or on the dance floor. Picking up her glass of champagne and taking a few contemplative sips, she felt someone brush her shoulder. It was Luis. Immediately her face stained with colour, remembering her last meeting with him at the restaurant a few days ago.

  “Luis!” She offered him her flushed cheek and he bent down, kissing both in turn . His tanned skin set off his white shirt perfectly and he looked very handsome. Elizabeth was flattered at his attention.

  “Elizabeth, how lovely to see you again. May I say, you look utterly ravishing.” He grinned, openly flirting with her. She blushed at his compliment and lowered her eyes.

  “Thank you, Luis. You look great as well.” His grin was infectious and she couldn’t help but widen her smile.

  “Tell, me, has Theo deserted you?”

  “Um...I’m sure he will be back soon.” She looked around, but couldn’t spot him.

  “Well in that case, may I request the pleasure of your company for a dance?” He held out his hand with a flourish, slightly bowing which made Elizabeth giggle. What the heck, she thought, as she took his hand and they made their way to the dance floor. The band had just changed tempo to a slower song and Luis drew Elizabeth into his arms.

  Although she felt slightly self-conscious about being so close to him, Luis acted like a true gentleman who soon put her at ease so she relaxed and had fun dancing together amongst the packed dance floor. He entertained her with stories about the guests, which kept her laughing. Coupled with the few glasses of champagne she had been drinking, she found herself really enjoying his company.

  She had just burst out laughing at one of his jokes, when she felt her elbow being cupped, which in turn made them stop dancing. Blinking a few times, Theo was there scowling, standing in front of her and holding her elbow in his large hand.

  “Sorry to break up the fun. It’s time to go, Elizabeth.” His voice was firm and curt.

  “Oh, already?” There was still laughter in her eyes as she looked at him, her face flushed from both the heat and alcohol.

  “Already,” he spat. “Excuse us, Luis.”

  Luis gave Elizabeth a kiss on her cheek as she hastily said her goodbye. Theo guided her through the crowd, his hand still on her elbow, towards the exit. His face was dark with anger.

  “Theo, is everything okay?” She tried to sober up as she noticed his change of mood. They were outside when he finally let go of her arm, the limo pulling up at the same time.

  “Well, you tell me, Elizabeth. I leave you for a second and I find you cosying up and flirting with Luis.” The chauffeur swooped around and opened the door. Elizabeth got in the back seat, anger rising in her throat.

  “What?” she protested. “I was certainly not cosying nor flirting with Luis – what’s the matter with you?”

  “Me? Nothing’s the matter. I just expected you to behave professionally, not throw yourself at random men.”

  Elizabeth recoiled at his words. Stunned, she felt tears sting the back of her eyes. Turning to the window, suddenly overcome with exhaustion, she took a deep breath.

  “Look, Theo, I did nothing of the sort. I couldn’t find you, and then Luis asked me if I wanted to dance. That’s all.” She looked at him and noticed his rigid profile. Suddenly she felt herself completely sobering up. “Wait, are you...jealous?” She moistened her lips waiting for an answer.

  “I’ve told you before – don’t do that.” He glanced at her lips, keeping his distance, but looked at her with dark intensity. “I didn’t like it,” he murmured.


  The atmosphere between them changed and became charged with desire. Elizabeth drew in a deep breath at this revelation. She had watched him for most of the evening, waiting to see if he would have been taken with any of the many glamorous women. He certainly received enough attention, although if he had noticed any of it, he hadn’t seemed bothered. He was contradictory in his behaviour around her and it was making her head spin in confusion.

  “Why?” She strove to remember that this was a line she ought not to be crossing and was trying very hard to summon up the willpower to change the topic like she did earlier.

  “Dammit, Elizabeth. I want you.”

  He was so disturbing to her in every way, the smouldering flame she saw in his eyes had her pulse quickening with need. She felt her nipples harden under her dress as joy and pleasure rolled through her, making her skin tingle. Theo wanted her.

  Before they could say anything else, the limo pulled up to their hotel, and silently, they walked to the lift, each absorbed in their own thoughts. The lift arrived with a gentle bell and they entered it together, standing apart from one another. Elizabeth stole a glance at him from beneath her lashes and saw that he was staring straight ahead. Just as she began to say something, the door opened up to the floor she was staying on. As Theo’s room was the next floor up, she was slightly surprised when he decided to escort her to the suite. She walked in front of him and could feel the heat of his stare burning into her back.

  Opening the door, she turned around to face him. He smelled so good. Hot, muscular and male. An all-consuming need for him spiked though her in an instant of sharp arousal. If was as if a bolt of lightning struck her right between her legs. Her body heated and pulsed, her nipples straining through her dress. Elizabeth stared at him, frozen into stillness by his intense gaze.

  Before she could stop herself, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her open lips to his. He immediately responded, his lips capturing hers urgently as his tongue sent shivers of desire racing through her. With his hands firmly upon her shoulders, he kicked the door shut, walked her backwards and pushed her up against the wall. His kiss was desperate and exploratory as he crushed her body to his, searing a path down her neck and shoulders. His eyes moved back to her lips, pupils darkened with intent as his mouth took hers once again in a bruising, open-mouthed kiss. The feel of his warm, moist lips, pressing against her, coupled with the scent and taste of him overwhelmed her senses. Combined with his crushing embrace, he was making her head spin out of control and her stomach tighten with need.

  She had never been kissed like this before and swollen, wet and ready, her body was craving and responding with such clawing need. Her heart pounded at a fevered pace, thundering in her ears. She moaned with the total rapture of being in Theo’s arms as her knees weaken as he ravished her, an erotic dance of teeth, lips and tongue.

  “You are so beautiful,” he growled, nibbling her earlobes. He paused to look at her, his eyes dark and heavy lidded. She threw hers
elf towards him, into his kiss, needing, wanting it to never end. She heard a male sound of pleasure as his sensuous lips pressed into hers.

  Suddenly, she felt herself being swept up into his arms and he carried her towards the bedroom. He lips left a blazing trail on her neck as he adjusted her to the position he desired. “So damn hot,” he breathed seductively in her ear and her skin immediately produced goose bumps, sending shivers down her spine. They reached the bedroom and he gently placed her back down, his gaze, dark with lust, never leaving hers.

  “Turn around” he commanded. She did as she was told, her stomach churning with excitement. She felt his warm hands on her back, slowly easing down the zipper of her dress. She swallowed hard, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest, the slow anticipation causing her nipples to peak. “I can’t wait to have you naked,” his deep voice from behind made her sex clench, moisture soaking her panties.

  Her dress fell to the floor in a pool of green around her feet. She slowly turned around to face him in her strapless lacy bra and panties. He stared at her and she felt herself colour as his searing gaze took in her full breasts, so much more than the handful she always imagined most men preferred.

  “So fucking perfect.” He reached out, pushing the cup of her bra beneath her breast and tweaked her nipple, beginning a steady massage of one breast that felt so good she arched, pushing herself into his hand.

  A moan escaped her lips and she flushed in embarrassment. His touch was molten, branding her and when he twisted her nipple, her sex pulsed with need, dampness soaking her even more. His hands moved to her other breast, giving it the same diligent treatment, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, watching her face as her hips bucked forward. Elizabeth writhed and moaned, her breath ragged.


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