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Wanted: Love in London Series 1

Page 7

by Watts, Demelza

  “I want to find out if you taste as good as I’ve imagined.” He leaned down and sucked each swollen nipple, lashing her with his tongue.

  Stars exploded in front of her eyes and the involuntary sounds that escaped from her throat surprised even her. Oh god, she thought, trying to gain some control but failing miserably.

  It’s happening tonight.

  She pulled his face up to his lips and breathlessly told him the words she thought he wanted to hear. “Theo, I want you.” Lost in the myriad of sensations that flooded her, she placed her hands on his face and dragged his lips back to her. “Please, I want you to be my first.”

  His darkened eyes snapped open as he stared at her. “What? Tell me you’re not a virgin?” He seemed confused.

  “Yes,” she continued to kiss him, but slowly felt him freeze up. “It doesn’t matter, does it?” She pulled away, suddenly feeling awkward and embarrassed standing before him half-dressed.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered, gently peeling her hands off as he backed away from her, his blue eyes still dilated and darkened with a need that matched her own. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Beth, I can’t do this.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief as he slowly walked away, seemingly tormented as he left the room. She stood there shocked, as she heard the door to the suite open and close behind him. He was gone.

  Her knees gave way and she slid to the floor. Covering her face with her hands she began to sob. It was too much. How could she have seriously thought that a worldly man like Theo would want her? No one had ever excited her like that and she knew no one else ever would either. She was completely rejected, tears streaming down her face at her humiliation and pain stabbing her heart.

  * * *

  The following day, she stayed in bed under the duvet until past ten in the morning. Normally an early riser, she couldn’t bear to wake up and relive the shame she felt from last night. Throwing herself at Theo and being rejected for her lack of experience, made her want to crawl into a hole forever.

  Her flight wasn’t until the early afternoon and she was thankful she was flying back solo as he had plans to stay on for another day. Dragging herself out of bed, she stood under the warm shower, tears prickling her eyes once again from the memories of last night.

  Hastily, she packed her belongings, making sure to leave her beautiful dress and accessories on the bed, and departed the hotel. She was told that Mr Steele had organised a car to take her to the airport, but she rejected the offer and opted for a taxi instead. She needed to feel grounded and normal again.

  Yesterday was just like a page out of a fairy-tale for her, but then it came all crashing down around her feet. Sometimes she really hated herself for being such a romantic – perhaps the girls were right and the type of hero she sought only existed in her imagination.

  She smiled to herself as she thought of her parents. They were so in love, even after almost thirty years of marriage together. Elizabeth had known from a young age that she wanted the same love they shared.

  Reflecting on her relationship with Stuart, she knew they were together because their relationship was comfortable, they both plodded along together. Looking back, there wasn’t really a spark at all if she compared herself to how she felt with Theo. She absently placed her fingers against her swollen mouth; just thinking about being in Theo’s arms had her senses reeling as if short-circuited. She felt her breath quicken and her body flush with heat as she relived the sensation of having his mouth on her taut nipples. God, what did that man do to her? More importantly, would there ever be another man who would have that same effect? She doubted it very much.

  The taxi pulled into the airport and, before long she was once again seated in her return first class seat. Extracting a magazine from her bag, she sat back and looked forward to being back home shortly.

  A few hours later, somewhat emotionally exhausted, she entered her flat. Amber wasn’t home, so she went straight to her bedroom to unpack and then took a warm bath with a glass of white wine to unwind.

  Alison, Theo’s secretary, was due in the London office tomorrow, so she would be spending part of the morning with her, bringing her up to speed with everything on this side. Alison’s timing was perfect, there was no way she could work directly for Theo now; in fact, she even pondered if she should start looking for another job just in case things became too awkward between them. She consoled herself with the fact that she wouldn’t be working on the same floor as him, so hopefully they would rarely have the need to see each other. Still, the thought of not seeing him again, as bittersweet as it was, caused a pain in her heart. She remembered his attentive and charming company – what would it be like to be one of the women he dated? Or even just fucked. No wonder they were heartbroken when he dismissed them so casually the following day. Was her heart really ready to be trampled on like that? Despite their overpowering attraction for each other, it was obvious he didn’t commit. Perhaps, she thought, sighing, this was for the best.


  After a restless night, Elizabeth made her way out of the flat, swinging her satchel over her shoulder. She spotted Edward, her driver waiting for her in his usual spot. She smiled as she approached his window and gently tapped on the glass.

  “Good Morning, Elizabeth.” He made to open his door, but Elizabeth held up her hand.

  “Edward, thank you for coming here this morning, but please do let Mr Steele know that I no longer need to be chauffeured to and from work.” She smiled at him kindly, determined to make her own journey from now on.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, looking slightly worried at her decision.

  “I’m sure, Edward. Please do let me know if he gives you any trouble over this – I’m happy to speak with him myself if you prefer?”

  “Oh no, no bother at all. Do you want a lift now or would you prefer to take the tube?”

  “Thank you, Edward, but if you don’t mind, I fancy a little morning walk through the park so I’ll make my own way.” She stepped back from the car with a smile and a wave before leisurely strolling away.

  Arriving at her desk in Marketing a short while later, she was engrossed in making adjustments to a brief, when her desk phone rang, momentarily starling her.

  “Hello, Beth speaking.”

  “Beth, hey, it’s Alison. Are you free to head on up?” She sounded pleasant enough and efficient on the line.

  “Hi Alison. Yes, sure – just give me ten minutes and I’ll be right there.” They hung up and Beth quickly finished up the document she was amending. Taking the lift to the executive floor, Elizabeth walked over to her old desk. She was slightly surprised to note that Alison looked older than she sounded and noticing her presence, the other lady looked up from her screen, assessing her briefly.

  “Hi Beth, it’s good to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from the team.” Alison briefly stood and the two ladies shook hands.

  “I hope nothing too bad, then,” she joked, laughing a little nervously.

  “On the contrary. The European team have been very complimentary of you. Thank you for taking care of things on this end.”

  Beth smiled at her, already warming to Alison. She pulled up a chair, opened her laptop and together they started going through various documents and diary engagements. The numerous tasks ate into most of the morning as the women worked together side by side. Elizabeth was enjoying her company as Alison took time to explain to her the different spokes of the US office and operations in other parts of the world.

  “So, Alison, have you been working with Theo for a long time?”

  “Almost four years.” Alison took a break from her screen, considering her time with him. “At first, I seriously didn’t think I could work for a twenty-four year old kid,” she grinned, shaking her head. “Little did I know what a force of nature Theo would turn out to be.” She smiled. “Turns out he’s been keeping me on my toes ever since. The man’s a machine. But so incredibly inspiring to work with.”

>   “Yes, I can see that,” Elizabeth concurred. “He is very exciting to work for.” She blushed at her choice of words and Alison looked at her quizzically. Elizabeth glanced away, picking up a document to bury her face into. Alison stood.

  “Beth, I could sure use a quick coffee. Can I grab you one?”

  “No, I’m fine thanks. I’ll get some water in a sec.”

  “Okay, see you in a few.” Alison stepped away from her desk and headed to Theo’s coffee area.

  A few moments later, she heard the ping of the lift sounding someone’s arrival onto the executive floor. Absorbed in a document, she didn’t bother to glance up. The next moment, the hairs on her arm began to rise as she heard a familiar mobile ring tone. He was here. His footsteps were rapidly approaching and she froze, her face flaming, almost tempted to hide under the desk.

  “What,” he snapped into the phone, pausing a few feet away from Alison’s desk. She kept her head low, trying to keep out of view. “I told you to deal with it.” His voice had hardened. “Yes, do it. Now. This is what I pay you for. Take care of it.” He ground the words out, his voice edged with steel, and Elizabeth shrank further into her seat.

  Please, let him walk by. Please, please, she prayed.

  He had terminated his call and she could now make him out from her peripheral vision. Even though her heart started beating out of control, she drew a deep breath and forced herself to settle down. Clenching her jaw, she was determined not to show him how much he affected her. The next moment, he was standing there. She had no choice but to acknowledge him.

  His blue eyes pierced the distance between them, searching her face as if reaching into her thoughts. She almost felt faint, heat flooding into her face at the memory of Saturday night. Moistening her lips, Elizabeth forced herself to give him a small stiff smile. He was just about to say something, when Alison walked back, coffee in hand.

  “Theo,” she smiled warmly at him. “I wasn’t expecting you to be in today.”

  Totally ignoring his secretary, his eyes continued to blaze down into hers, unspoken words flashing between them. Elizabeth blinked, feeling lightheaded and dropped her eyes from his heated gaze. Alison watched this interaction between them with curiosity but without comment.

  “Alison. Welcome.” He finally looked away from Elizabeth. “When you’re ready, please bring the deal folder into the office. I have some things to take care of which is why I cut my trip short.” Without another word, he sauntered into his office.

  It was lunchtime and Elizabeth took that as her excuse to depart. They had been through pretty much everything and anything else left to do, she told Alison that she would complete it downstairs at her desk. She grabbed her satchel and texted James to meet her for lunch. It was time for some good old gossip from her close friend in Marketing and right now, she really needed the distraction.

  Heading out into the warm sunshine, she grinned when she saw James standing there with an umbrella shading himself from the sun.

  “What on earth are you doing?” she asked, laughing at him.

  “Darling, how do you think this skin is kept so fresh, fine and wrinkle free?” he enquired, raising an eyebrow, as he ran his hands over his face. She burst into a fit of giggles as she linked arms with his.

  “Come on, let’s have a glass of Rosé.”

  He looked at her surprised. “Wine? On a Monday? Okay, girlfriend, clearly you need to let off some steam. Lead the way.”

  * * *

  For the remainder of the week, Elizabeth managed to avoid going up to the executive floor. Alison was buried in her workload, doing her role both in London and in the New York office. Elizabeth barely heard from her as the week progressed and assumed that she was fully up to speed and no longer needed any input on Theo’s files. Although she felt a bit melancholy – she missed her work on the new deal, having gotten to know the European team well over the phone – she knew it was for the best that she and Theo keep their distance for now. She was also pleased that the Human Resources Department had offered her a full time, permanent role in marketing. The salary offered was also extremely generous and they had kindly given her a week to give them her answer; she was pretty sure she would be accepting their offer, but just wanted the weekend to go over the paperwork in detail before she committed to Steele Global Investments.

  * * *

  On Thursday after work, Elizabeth stepped out of the glass lift and was walking towards the exit, when she spotted Luis standing in the foyer, talking on his phone. She was really happy to see his familiar face and quickly decided to say hello before she left the building. Walking towards him, she saw him finish up his call, check his watch and then look up in her direction. As soon as he saw her, he broke out into a charming grin.

  Once again, Elizabeth noted how impeccably dressed he was, with his dark suit and light blue shirt which complimented him well. He really was a very good-looking man, she admired, but unlike Theo, her heart did not speed up for him.

  “Beth!” He was so obviously happy to see her that impulsively, he grabbed her around her waist in a tight embrace and spun her around. She squealed in surprise, laughing and embarrassed at his show of affection in front of everyone, which had drawn some attention.

  “Luis!” She giggled. “Put me down right now.” Laughing, he set her down, but his hands lingered around her for a moment longer than necessary.

  “If you two would kindly finish up your show, I have a business to run here.” Startled, Elizabeth stumbled away from Luis as she looked up into Theo’s thunderous face, her lips parting in surprise. In the busy foyer, his confident presence radiated with his authority. Having not seen him since Monday, Elizabeth’s heart lurched; he was devastatingly handsome, the tantalizing smell of his cologne teasing her senses.

  She blinked as his accusing glare burned through her and coloured fiercely from the sarcasm in his tone. He glanced sharply at Luis, his eyes blazing. “Luis, let’s head to the meeting. Now.” She was confused and annoyed at his reaction. What right did he have to treat her this way, having clearly rejected her? Still, he was her boss so she held up her hands and stepped backwards.

  “Please, don’t let me stop you. Luis, it’s always a pleasure.” Flashing Luis a smile, whilst noting the tensing of Theo’s jaw, she spun on her heel, threw her satchel over her shoulder and walked away.

  * * *

  It was Friday afternoon, and Beth counted another two hours to go before she could head home. She was looking forward to the end of the week and the start of her weekend. Planning to get home quickly, she wanted to catch up with Amber as they had barely seen each other this week. She also needed to pack her overnight bag, ready for the train first thing in the morning. It was the weekend of her parent’s thirtieth wedding anniversary party and she was really looking forward to seeing everyone.

  The weather was set to be beautiful and her parents had everything under control, from the caterers, waiters and marquee hire so there was very little for Elizabeth to do. She had decided to stay at a hotel close to home as, unexpectedly, some friends of her parents were arriving from Australia. She had insisted they all stay together to catch up; it was going to be a full house of guests, so she didn’t mind giving up her bedroom.

  Just returning to her desk following a quick catch-up with Miranda, she could hear her desk phone ringing and she rushed to grab it, breathlessly answering.

  “Hey Beth, I need you to do me a huge favour.” It was Alison and she sounded somewhat stressed on the other end.

  “Sure, Alison. How can I help?”

  “Great. I’m in the middle of setting up some meetings next week and I can’t leave until they’re confirmed. In the meantime, Theo needs access to a couple of files, which are in his office. Would you be able to jump in a taxi and deliver them to him at home, please?”

  Home? His home? Elizabeth hesitated, her heart fluttering at the thought of being not only alone with him, but in his home, his territory. She paused before she could answer
, silently weighing her decision.

  “Look, Beth. Honestly, I’ve worked with Theo for a long time and I don’t know what’s got into him lately, but he’s like a bear with a sore head. I think you are probably the only person right now who he’s civil to. Please, this would really help me out, and besides, I’m not sure I can withstand another verbal beating from him.” She laughed lightly, but Elizabeth could hear the plea in her voice. She didn’t have a choice.

  “Okay, I’ll do it. Let me just quickly finish up here and I’ll pop up and collect the files.”

  “You’re awesome. I owe you one, Beth.” They hung up the call and Elizabeth sighed, momentarily squeezing her eyes shut. Part of her was thrilled to be able to see his home and another part was tensing up with a bundle of nerves. Still, she was committed now and had no choice but to see this through.

  The taxi ride to Chelsea, where Theo resided, was rather long due to the onset of Friday rush hour traffic. Armed in the back seat with the two files he needed, Elizabeth chewed her nails thoughtfully. She was trying to think of the easiest way she could deposit the files and leave within five minutes. The humiliation of their last time together in close proximity was still raw as mixed feeling surged through her.

  Taking a deep breath, the taxi slowed down and pulled into a pretty tree-lined street. Reaching her destination, she paid the taxi driver and stared in awe as she stood outside the impressive white-coloured, listed building. It was beautiful and grand and for a moment, feeling insecure, Elizabeth was acutely aware of their social differences. Chewing her lower lip, she rang the buzzer and his disconnected voice came through.

  “I’ll buzz you in, Alison. You’ll find me in the library on the ground floor.”

  Before she had a chance to answer, he pressed the buzzer and she had no option but to push open the door. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt her heart pounding. He wasn’t even expecting her.


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