How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household
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Av, ninth day of, see Tisha B’Av
avel, 297
avelut, 297
Avinu Malkenu (prayer), 325, 341
Avodah service of Yom Kippur, 340
avodah zarah, 17
Ayshet Chayil, 66–68
ba’al tefila, 82
badeken, 221, 224
Barech, 432, 436
Bar Kochba, 439–40
Bar Mitzvah boys:
aliyah given to, 79
gifts for, 281
Haftorah reading by, 81
preparation of, 272–74
Torah reading by, 80, 81
Bar Mitzvah ceremony, 265–76
aliyah blessings in, 266–68
father’s blessing in, 268
guests honored in, 268
invitations to, 279–80
keeping records of, 281
selecting day for, 265–66, 271–272
seudat mitzvah for, 265, 270–71
synagogue decorations for, 280
Baruch She’p’tarani (blessing), 268
Bat Mitzvah, 264–82
B.C.E., use of, 307
Ben-Gurion, David, 455–56
bentschers, 146, 351
besamim for Havdalah, 88–89
bet din:
divorces obtained through, 284–86
vows annulled by, 319–20
bikkur cholim, 288
Birchot Erusin (blessings), 227
birchot ha’mitzvot (blessings), 143, 154–56
Birchot Hashachar (blessings), 156–57, 159
birchot nehenin (blessings), 143–154
Birchot Nissuin (blessings), 228–229
Birkat Ha’chamah (blessing), 306
Birkat Hagomel (blessing), 153–154, 236, 249, 345
Birkat Hamazon, 28, 35, 142
for Brit Milah, 247
for Chanukah, 384
first paragraph of, 145–46
Jerusalem recalled in, 450
for Pesach seder, 432, 436
quorum for introduction of, 75, 270
for Shabbat, 75, 85
themes in, 146
for wedding feast, 231
birth control, 257–63
coitus interruptus for, 259, 261
condoms for, 262
diaphragms for, 262
douching for, 262
fallopian tubes tied for, 261
IUDs for, 262–63
oral contraceptives for, 263
rhythm method for, 261
spermicides for, 262
sterilization for, 261
bitul chametz, 402, 407, 421, 422–424
formula for, 422–23
biur chametz, 402, 406, 407, 421, 424–25
blech, 43–44
for aliyah, 266–68
by Bar Mitzvah’s father, 268
after birth, 236
on bread, 70, 72, 85, 144, 145, 324, 335, 357
for Brit Milah, 246–47
on cakes, cookies, crackers, 144
for chametz search, 421–22
on Chanukah candles, 382
on children, 65–66, 323, 336, 370
on counting Omer, 440–41
upon dressing, 188
for eating in Sukkah, 156, 357, 359, 365
on elimination, 152
for eruv tavshilin, 321–22
on escaping danger, 153–54, 236, 249, 345
on fruit, 144
on good news, 151–52
before Hallel, 155, 453–54
for hand washing, 71, 155
on happy events, 152–53
for Havdalah, 90–92
on hearing of death, 152, 291
on hearing thunder, 150
on kriah, 291
on lulav, 349, 359–60, 363
on matzah, 432, 435
after meal with bread, see Birkat Hamazon
after meal without bread, 146–150
on meat, fish, cheese, 145
on meeting secular scholars, 151
on meeting Torah scholars, 151
for mezuzah, 155
in mikvah, 128, 155
for morning, 156–57, 159
on new clothes, 152–53, 188
for Pidyon Haben, 252
on recovery from illness, 153–154
on Rosh Hashanah candles, 323–24, 329–30
on seeing beautiful trees or animals, 151
on seeing lightning, 150
on seeing rainbows, 150–51
on seeing the sea, 151
on Shabbat candles, 57, 58–62
for shechitta, 98
on Sukkot candles, 352–53
on sun, 306
for taking of challah, 482
on tallit, 157–58
on tefillin, 275–76
for tevilah, 104–5
for Torah study, 155
on tzitzit, 190
in vain, 154, 199, 422
on vegetables, 144
for weddings, 227, 228–29, 231–232
on wine, 144; see also kiddush
on Yom Kippur candles, 336–337
blintzes, cheese, 489–90
burial with, 289
forbidden eating of, 97, 98, 100–101
Borchu (prayer), 159, 160
b’racha levatala, 154, 199, 422
Bris, see Brit Milah
Brisker, Chaim, 179
Brit Kedusha, 249
Brit Milah, 241–48, 253–54
Birkat Hamazon for, 247
blessings for, 246–47
ceremony for, 245–47
circumcision prior to, 248, 250
Covenant with God and, 170–171, 241
honorees at, 244
“invitations” to, 243–44
mother’s role in, 247
seudat mitzvah for, 245, 247
on Shabbat, 241
Brit Nerot, 249
Brit Sarah, 249
burial, 288–93
on Chol Hamoed, 294
with Holy Land soil, 450
on Shabbat or holiday, 289
burial societies, 289–90, 292
cabbage, stuffed, 494–95
carrot, 486–87
sponge, 492–93
calendar, Jewish, 58, 301–7, 318–319
on Chanukah, 381–83
for Havdalah, 88
on Pesach, 431
on Rosh Hashanah, 323–24, 329–30
before Shabbat, 33, 36, 57–62, 324
on Shavuot, 461
on Shemini Atzeret, 365
on Simchat Torah, 365
on Sukkot, 352–53
before Yom Kippur, 336–37
cantor, 82
caskets, 289, 290, 292
celibacy, 215
cemeteries, 292–93, 316
“Chad Gadya,” 437
Chag Habikkurim, 459
see also Shavuot
Chag Hamatzot, 401
see also Pesach
Chag Ha-Urim, 378
see also Chanukah
chai, 197
matzah vs., 430
recipe for, 481–82
for Rosh Hashanah, 320, 322
for Shabbat, 34, 43, 71–73, 85
for Shavuot, 461
for Sukkot, 357–58
taking of, 111–12, 482
admixtures, 406
burning of, 402, 406, 407, 421, 424–25
drugs and toiletries with, 404–5
formation of, 402–3
liquor as, 405–6
pure, 406
renouncing ownership of, 402, 407, 421, 422–24
search for, 406, 421–22, 425–26
selling of, 402, 406, 421, 425–26
time to abstain from, 424
chametz gamur, 406
Chanukah, 305, 306, 308, 374–86
Birkat Hamazon for, 384
blessings for can
dlelighting on, 382
eight days of, 377–78
giving gifts on, 374, 383
meal on, 381
Shabbat coinciding with, 383
Shmoneh Esreh for, 384
special foods of, 383–84
story of, 374–79
as victory over assimilation, 384–85
see also menorah
Chanukah gelt, 374, 383
chanukiah, 379–80
charity, see tzedakah
charoset, 428–29, 430
chattan’s tish, 222
chazan, 82
cheese blintzes, 489–90
Chevra Kadisha, 289–90, 292
chicken soup, 493
corporal punishment in, 169–70
parental respect in, 167–69
children, blessing of, 65–66, 323, 336, 370
Chofetz Chayyim, 203–4
Chol Hamoed:
burial on, 294
of Pesach, 438
of Sukkot, 357, 362–63
tefillin worn on, 363
chuppah, 220, 226–27
Churban, 304, 305, 306, 430, 449, 469–70, 472
before Brit Milah, 248, 250
ritual, see Brit Milah
blessing on, 152–53, 188
for erev Yom Kippur, 333
modesty in, 186–88
for Rosh Hashanah, 322, 329–330
for Shabbat, 47, 76
for Sukkot, 350
wool and linen mixtures in, 189, 191
for Yom Kippur, 335, 337
coitus interruptus, 259, 261
condolence greeting, 292–93, 294
condoms, 262
on erev Yom Kippur, 333
final, 288
on wedding day, 222
on Yom Kippur, 338–39
conversion, mikvah and, 250
corpses, 289–90
courts, Jewish, 284–86, 320
cremation, 290
Dama, story of, 182
Dayenu, 398
Day of Atonement, see Yom Kippur
Days of Awe, 317
see also Rosh Hashanah; Shabbat Shuvah; Ten Days of Repentance; Yom Kippur
dead, honoring of, 287–93, 295
death, blessing on hearing of, 291
dew, prayer for, 438
diaphragms, 262
divorce, 283–86
douching, contraceptive, 262
dreydel, 384
dvar Torah, 223–24, 240, 270, 277
education, Jewish, 170–71, 174–180, 465–66
“Ehad Mi Yo’deah,” 437
Eichah, 474, 475
Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly, see Shemini Atzeret
Elijah Gaon, 195
El Maleh Rachamim (prayer), 226, 292, 297, 446
Elul, month of, 309–16
cemetery visits during, 316
repentance during, 305, 311–14
Selichot said during, 311–12
shofar during, 308–11
embalming, 290
eruv, 31, 32, 42, 47–49, 315
eruv tavshilin, 321–22
eruv techumim, 32–33
Esther, queen of Persia, 388, 395–396
Book of, 387, 389, 392–93, 395
fast of, 305, 306, 391–92
Ethics of the Fathers, 86–87
etrog, 346–50, 360–61
euthanasia, 288
fallopian tubes, tying of, 261
family purity, laws of, 120–36
family trees, 316
fasts, fasting:
on Asarah B’Tevet, 305, 444, 469
bathing prohibited on, 471
by firstborn sons, 426
on ninth of Tammuz, 470
on Rosh Chodesh, 222
after Rosh Hashanah, 330
on seventeenth of Tammuz, 304, 470
on Ta’anit Esther, 305, 306, 391–92
on Tisha B’Av, 277, 305, 306, 470, 472, 475–78
on Tzom Gedaliah, 305, 330, 470
on wedding day, 222
on Yom Kippur, 277, 337
Haggadot and, 431
Orthodox Judaism and, 20–21, 35–36, 68, 73–74, 134, 369–370
festivals, pilgrimage, 350–51, 458
kiddush for, 353–57
see also Pesach; Shavuot; Sukkot
firstborn sons:
fast by, 426
redemption of, 251–53
gefilte, 483–84
kosher vs. non-kosher, 112
freedom vs. slavery, 401–2
funerals, 288–93
g’bruck, 407
Gedaliah, fast of, 305, 330, 470
gefilte fish, 483–84
gelila, 80
Gemarah, 86
get, 284–86
gittin, 284
gold, Yom Kippur and, 335
gossip, 198, 200, 203, 204
grudges, harboring of, 199, 201
hachnasat orchim, 50–51
hadas, 346–47, 350
hadran (prayer), 426
Haftorah, 80–81, 326, 340–41, 475
hagalah, 103–4
for Pesach, 409, 410–11, 414
hagbah, 80
haggadah, 428, 431–37
of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, 453
hakafot, 368–69, 370
Hallel (prayer), 358, 360, 384, 436–37, 438, 453
blessing before, 155, 453–54
Haman, 388, 393, 420
Jews’ enemies symbolized by, 396–97
noise at mention of, 392–93
hamantashen, 391
recipes for, 484–86
hamotzi (blessing), 70, 72, 85, 144, 145, 324, 335, 357
hand washing, ritual, 70–71, 324, 357
blessing for, 71, 155
at seder table, 432
hash’cha’tat zerah, 259–60
Hatafat Dam Brit, 248, 250
hatarat nedarim, 319–20
Hatza’ad Harishon, 192
Havdalah service:
candle for, 88
during Nine Days, 472
after Rosh Hashanah, 330
after Shabbat, 59, 87–93
after Simchat Torah, 372–73
songs for, 92–93
spices for, 88–89
verses recited for, 89–92
“Hebrew” ethical wills, 183–84
Herzl, Theodor, 451
Heshvan, month of, 303
Hess, Moses, 451
hiddur mitzvah, 348
Hillel, 259
summary of, 304–5
timeline of, 308
see also specific holidays
Holocaust Remembrance Day, 304, 307, 308, 443–48
holuptches, 351
Holy Letter, The (Nahmanides), 120
Hoshanah Rabbah, 315, 363–65
judgment sealed on, 315, 364
synagogue on, 364
willow beating on, 364
Hoshanot, 360–61
hospitality, 50–51
idolatry, 17
Institute for Science and Halacha, 41
irui, 409, 411–12, 414–15
Israel, State of:
birth of, 452, 455–56
citizenship in, 452
Oriental vs. Western Jews in, 454
Israel Independence Day, 218, 304, 307, 308, 440, 444, 449–456
Israel Memorial Day, 304, 307, 308, 453
IUDs, 262–63
Jerusalem Reunification Day, 218, 304, 307, 308, 440
Jewish education, 170–71, 174–180, 465–66
Jewish schools, selection of, 175–178
Jose bar Halafta, 216
Judah Maccabee, 377
kabbalat kinyan, 223
Kabbalat Shabbat, 62, 63
Kaddish (prayer), 160, 294, 297, 446
surrogate for saying of, 297
Kaddish zahger, 297
Kadesh, 432
Kalisher, Tzvi Hirsch, 451
kapparot, 333–35
karpas, 428, 430, 432, 433
of liver, 100
of meat, 99–100
for Pesach, 408–15
of utensils, 102–4
kashrut, 95–119
community fostered by, 97
compassion for life in, 96, 98
fish and, 112
food shopping and, 107–12
forbidden foods in, 97
holiness and, 96
as lifestyle, 95, 118
milk and meat in, 98, 101–3, 105–7
rabbinic supervision in, 108–9
registered symbols of, 108–9
slaughtering method prescribed by, 98
traveling and, 113–19
utensil use and, 98, 101–5
wine and, 109–10, 116
kavannah, 28, 140–41
Kedusha (prayer), 78, 160
kepah, 191, 193–97
ketubah, 219–20, 223, 227–28
ketubah de’irkesh, 223
kibbud av v’em, 167–69, 177, 181–183
for Friday night, 45, 66, 68–70, 400
for Pesach, 354–57, 427, 432
for pilgrimage festivals, 353–57
for Rosh Hashanah, 324
for Saturday morning, 83–85
for Shavuot, 353–57, 461
for Shemini Atzeret, 353–57, 365, 367
for Simchat Torah, 353–57
standing vs. sitting for, 357
for Sukkot, 353–57, 359, 361
in synagogue, 83
women’s recitation of, 70
Kiddush Hashem, 196–97
kiddushin, 215
Kiddush Rabbah, 83–85
kimpatur, 247
kiseh shel eliahu, 244
kittel, 225–26, 333, 364, 431–32
knaidlach, 494
Kol Chamira, 422–23
Kol Ha’ne’arim, 370–71
Kol Nidre (prayer), 338
Kolonymous ben Meshulam, 328
Korban Tamid, 377
Korech, 432, 435
kos shel ikkarim, 261
kriah, 291
kvatter, 244
kvatterin, 244, 245
k’vod hamet, 287–93, 295
k’vol’o kach polto, 409–10
Lag B’Omer, 218, 304, 306, 308
Lamentations, Book of, 474, 475
lashon hara, 198, 205
latkes, 374, 383
Law of Return, 452
leap years, 303
Lecha Dodi, 63, 294
lechem cherut, matzah as, 401
lechem oni, matzah as, 401
leyshev ba’sukkah (blessing), 156, 357, 359, 365
libun, 103–4
for Pesach, 409, 411, 414
licht-bentschen (blessing), 57, 58–62
liver, kashering of, 100
lulav, 346–50
assembly of, 349–50
blessing on, 349, 359–60, 363
disposal of, 364
in Hoshanot, 360–61
women and, 348–49
lying, 198–99, 202–3
Maariv service, 62, 86, 87, 142, 160, 162, 294, 338–39, 368
Maccabees, 377–78
machzor, 310, 315–16, 324
Maftir, 79, 266