How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household
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Magen David, 197
Maggid, 432, 433–34
Magillah of Esther, 387, 389, 392–393, 395
Malbish Arumim (blessing), 188
Ma Nishtanah, 433–34
Maot Chittin, 420–21
marit ayin, 115, 117
maror, 428–29, 430, 432, 435
marriage, 215–32
arranged, 173
brokers for, 216
contracts for, 219–20, 223, 227–228
forbidden categories of, 220
termination of, 283–86
three methods of, 230
mashgiach, 108
matanot la’evyonim, 391
Mattathias, 376–77
baking of, 402–3
as bread of affliction, 401, 430
as bread of freedom, 401, 430
erev Pesach abstinence from, 428
Shabbat challot vs., 430
shmurah vs. regular, 427–28
kashering of, 99–100
separation of milk and, 98, 101–103, 105–7
mechirat chametz, 402, 406, 421, 425–26
mechitza, 77
mechutanim, 217
Melaveh Malkah, 93
menorah, 379–81
construction of, 380
electric, 379
lighting of, 381–82
placement of, 379, 380–81
use of light from, 379
mesader kiddushin, 227
me’sheh’bay’rach (blessing), 248, 249
meshulachim, 87
messianic era:
prayer for, 59–60, 128, 324
vegetarianism in, 96
mezuman, 75, 270
mezuzah, 17
blessing for attaching of, 155
Exodus and, 401
mikvah, 121–36
blessing in, 128, 155
bride’s use of, 221
conversion and, 250
fee for, 129
men’s use of, 49, 56, 63, 333
paramount importance of, 121–122
tevilah in, 104–5
waters used in, 125
women’s use of, 125–29, 221
before Yom Kippur, 333
milk products:
rabbinic supervision of, 110–111
separation of meat and, 98, 101–3, 105–7
Shavuot and, 461
milui v’irui, 409, 412
Mincha service, 62, 86, 87, 142, 160, 294, 340–41
minyan, 76, 77, 142, 163, 232
for Kaddish, 294
of women, 277–78
mirrors, covering of, 293
mishloach manot, 389–91
Mishnah, 86
mitzvah, beautifying of, 348
Modeh Ani (prayer), 138, 161
modesty in attire, 186–88
mohel, 234–35, 241, 245–47
selection of, 242–43
ancient proclamation of, 318–319
Babylonian names for, 303
see also specific months
Mordecai, 388, 391, 393, 395
Moses, 400, 461, 468–69
Motzi Matzah, 432, 435
mourning period, 287, 293–97
muktzeh, 31, 36
Mussaf service, 82, 326–28, 340, 366
Nahmanides, 120
names, pasuk associated with, 279
naming of children, 236–40, 247, 248–50
Ne’ilah (prayer), 341, 437
Netaneh Tokef (prayer), 314, 327, 328
New Year:
first day of, see Rosh Hashanah
greetings for, 314–15
of Trees, 305, 306, 450–51
niddah, 121–36
childbirth and, 124
defloration and, 218
menstruation and, 121–24
oral contraceptives as source of, 263
proscribed conduct during, 122–24
nifsal me’achilat kelev, 405
Nine Days, 245, 472
Nirtzah, 432, 437
noodle puddings, 490–93
oaths, 199, 319–20
obstetrician, selection of, 234–35
Omer, counting of, 217–18, 304, 306, 438–42
onah, 259, 260
Onan, story of, 259
Oneg Shabbat, 75, 86
onen, 276
oral contraceptives, 261, 263
Orthodox Jews:
cohesive family units of, 14
communal structure of, 14
diversity among, 14–15, 18, 32
ethical behavior of, 19–20
modern, 15–18
secular life of, 16–17
theological differences among, 14–15
honoring of, 167–69, 177, 181–183
responsibilities of, 167–84
speech patterns of, 204–5
parshah, 76–77, 81, 278
parve, 107
Passover, see Pesach
pasuk, 279
Peel, Lord, 452
Pesach, 303, 304, 306, 308, 350, 398–442
Birkat Hamazon for, 432, 436
candlelighting on, 431
Chol Hamoed of, 438
cleaning for, 403–15
food costs for, 416–17
food preparation on, 350–51
foods forbidden on, 402–3
guests invited for, 421
hagalah for, 409, 410–11, 414
kashering appliances for, 408–415
kiddush for, 354–57, 427, 432
kitchen preparation for, 407–15
libun for, 409, 411, 414
pet feeding during, 405
sermons on, 331
Shabbat before, 420
Shavuot and, 459
shopping for, 415–17
toothbrushes replaced on, 405
Torah readings for, 438
tzedakah before, 420–21
utensils for, 407–8
women and, 418–19
see also chametz; matzah; seder
Pesukei Dezimra (prayers), 76, 159
pets, Pesach diet for, 405
Pidyon Haben, 251–53
pilgrimage festivals, 350–51, 458
kiddush for, 353–57
see also Pesach; Shavuot; Sukkot
pill, the, 261, 263
Pinsker, Leon, 451
Pirke Avot, 86–87
potato kugel, 487–88
prayer, 137–65
at bedtime, 162
content of, 142–43
dress for, 141
fixed times for, 139–40, 142, 156
functions of, 137–38
Hebrew language for, 139
kavannah in, 140–41
longevity and, 164
meditation before, 141
in minyan, 76, 77, 142, 163, 232
respect during, 141–42
as service of heart, 138–39
sitting vs. standing in, 160
see also specific prayers
prayer book, 47, 161, 244, 253
for holidays, 310, 315–16, 324
pregnancy, 234–36
procreation, 258–59, 260–63
profanity, 198, 202, 205–6
pru urevu, 258–59, 260–63
Purim, 305, 306, 308, 387–97
drunkenness on, 393
food exchanged on, 388, 389–391
meal on, 391, 394
parties on, 393–94
Pesach cleaning starting on, 404
preparation for, 389
relevance of, 395–97
Shabbat before, 420
story of, 387–88, 395
tzedakah given on, 388, 390, 391
pushke, 49–50, 384
abortion and, 257
binding decisions of, 102
kashrut questions answered by, 102, 104
sermons by, 81–82, 331–32, 420
Rachtzah, 432, 434
prayer for, 365–67
Shmoneh Esreh and reference to, 366, 438
Rashi, 75
rhythm method, 261
evolution of, 254
kavannah in, 28
parental respect and, 14
role of, 21
Rosh Chodesh, 222, 265, 306
Rosh Hashanah, 305, 306, 309, 317–32
blessing children on, 323
candlelighting on first day of, 323–24
candlelighting on second day of, 329–30
carrying on, 315
cigarette smoking on, 320
clothes for, 322, 329–30
cooking for, 320–22
fasting after, 330
greetings after, 314–15
greetings before and on, 314
Haftorah reading on, 326
Havdalah service after, 330
household preparation for, 320–24
kiddush for, 324
Mussaf of, 326–28
on Shabbat, 329
Shabbat after, 331
Shacharit of, 325–27
special foods for, 320, 322
Tashlich on, 328–29
Torah reading on, 325–26
two days of, 317–18
vows released on, 319–20
Sabbath, see Shabbat
s’chach, 345
seder, 20, 426–37
Birkat Hamazon of, 432, 436
four questions of, 433–34
Hallel during, 436–37
handwashing during, 432
meal of, 435
order of, 432
plate used for, 428–29
reclining during, 430–31
second night of, 437, 438
songs for, 437
table for, 427–31
wine for, 426–27, 429–30
seed, spilling of, 259–60
Sefirat Ha’Omer, 217–18, 304, 438–42
Selichot (prayers):
during Elul, 311–12
during Yamim Noraim, 317
on Pesach, 331
on Shabbat, 81–82
on Shabbat Hagadol, 420
on Shabbat Shuva, 331–32
seudah shelishit, 87
seudat havra’ah, 293
seudat mitzvah, 218–19, 222, 230–31, 245–47, 265, 270–71
sexual pleasure:
procreation vs., 259
woman’s right to, 259
sexual relations:
extramarital, 215
following childbirth, 124
menstruation and, 122–24
after mikvah, 124
on Shabbat, 75
during shiva period, 293
on Tisha B’Av, 473
yichud and, 229–30
on Yom Kippur, 338
Shabbat, 25–94, 241, 287, 306
activities proscribed on, 30–38, 40
Biblical injunctions on, 26
Birkat Hamazon for, 75, 85
birth on, 235–36
blessing children on, 65–66
Brit Milah on, 241
burials prohibited on, 289
candlelighting before, 33, 36, 57–62, 324
carrying objects on, 31, 47–49
Chanukah on, 383
clothes for, 47, 76
conclusion of, 58, 59, 87–93
food preparation for, 43–46
foods, traditional, 44–45
gentile labor used on, 37–38
Havdalah service for, 59, 87–93
hospitality on, 50–51
kiddush for, 45, 66, 68–70, 83–85, 400
learning on, 86–87
medical emergencies on, 41, 235–36
onset of, 57–59
paper tearing before, 40
before Pesach, 420
preparation for, 33–44
before Purim, 420
Rosh Hashanah on, 329
between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 331
sample menu for, 53
sexual relations on, 75
shiva during, 294
shofar forbidden on, 309
slavery contrasted with, 400
sleep on, 85
songs for, 28, 35, 74, 87
Sukkot on, 363
table for, 34–35
tea preparation on, 45–46
tefillin on, 276
telephone use on, 40–42
timers, electrical, for, 37, 38
Torah reading on, 76–77, 79–81, 159, 265
tzedakah before, 49–50
warm food on, 43–44
wine for, 34, 43
yahrzeit commemorated on, 297–98
Shabbat Chanukah, 383
Shabbat Hachodesh, 420
Shabbat Hagadol, 420
Shabbat Parah, 420
Shabbat Shabbaton, Yom Kippur as, 338
Shabbat Shekalim, 420
Shabbat Shuva, 331
Shabbat Zachor, 420
Shabbos clock, 37, 38
Shabbos goy, 37–38
Shabbos lamp, 39
Shabbos telephone, 41–42
Shacharit service, 76, 142, 156–160, 188, 294, 325–27, 400
shadchan, 216
shaleshudos, 87, 277
shaliach tzibbur, 82, 140, 160
shaloch manot, 389–91
Shalom Aleichem, 64–65
Shalom Nekevah, 240
Shalom Zachar, 240
shatnez, 189, 191
Shavuot, 304, 306, 308, 350, 457–467
as agricultural holiday, 458–59
Akdamot read on, 464
all-night study session on, 462–464
candlelighting on, 461
challah for, 461
decorations for, 461–62
Jewish education and, 465–66
kiddush for, 353–57, 461
milk products eaten on, 461
Pesach and, 459
preparation for, 350–51, 460–62
recipes for, 489–91
Sephardic ritual on, 467
Torah reading on, 464
shechitta, 98–99
Shehecheyanu (blessing), 152–53, 188, 249, 252, 323, 337, 357, 360, 368, 382, 431
sheh’hakol (blessing), 145
Shema Yisrael (prayer), 138, 158, 159, 161–62, 288, 341
Shemini Atzeret, 305, 306, 352, 365–67
candlelighting on, 365
charity given on, 367
kiddush for, 353–57, 365, 367
Mussaf of, 366
Tefilat Geshem on, 365–67
Torah reading on, 367
shemirah, 290
Shemirat Halashon (Chofetz Chayyim), 203–4
Sheva B’rachot (blessings), 228–229, 231–32
shevarim, 309
shinui, 235
shiva, 287, 293–96
on Shabbat or holiday, 294
telephoning during, 295
visiting during, 295–96
Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, 304, 417
shloshim, 296–97
Shmoneh Esreh (Amidah), 82, 140, 159
on Chanukah, 384
Kedusha in repetition of, 160
rain phrase in, 366, 438
shmurah matzah, 427–28
shochet, 98–99, 101
blasts of, 309–10
blowing of, 326–27
during Elul, 308–11
making of, 310–11
purchase of, 310
on Shabbat, 309
symbolism of, 310
shomer, 290
“Shoshannat Yaakov,” 394
shtar piturin, 285
Shulchan Aruch, 110, 193, 195
Shulchan Orech, 432, 435
shuls, see synagogues
sh’vut, 31
sick people, visits to, 288
siddur, 47, 161, 244, 253
Simchat Habat, 248–50, 253–54
Simchat Torah, 30
5, 367–73
aliyot on, 369–72
blessing of children on, 370
candlelighting on, 365
Havdalah service for, 372–73
kiddush for, 353–57
Maariv of, 368
Torah reading on, 367–68, 369–372
siyyum, 221–22, 426, 472
freedom vs., 401–2
Shabbat contrasted with, 400
sofer, get inscribed by, 285
Soloveitchik, Joseph, 16
sondek, 244, 245
speech, 198–207
parents as role models for, 204–205
profanity in, 198, 202, 205–6
as reflection of faith, 206–7
spermicides, 262
sterilization, 261
stuffed cabbage, 494–95
suicides, 293
blessing in, 156, 357, 359, 365
construction of, 343–46, 348
eating in, 353–59
inclement weather and, 344, 359, 366
women in, 361–62
Sukkot, 305, 306, 308, 342–67
candlelighting on, 352–53
Chol Hamoed of, 357, 362–63
clothes for, 350
decorations for, 345–46
kiddush for, 353–57, 359, 361
preparations for, 341, 343–52
second day of, 361
on Shabbat, 363
songs for, 358
see also Hoshanah Rabbah; Shemini Atzeret
sun, special blessing on, 306
Bar/Bat Mitzvah decorations of, 280
decorum in, 280
on Hoshanah Rabbah, 364
informality in, 78, 82
junior congregation services in, 78
kiddush in, 83
mechitzas in, 77
on Yom Kippur, 338
Ta’anit Esther, 305, 306, 391–92
ta’avoret chametz, 406
tachrichim, 289
tahara, 289
taharat hamishpachah, 120–36
Biblical injunctions on, 122
human dimensions of, 129–36
see also mikvah
tallit, 76, 78, 157–58, 189, 191, 267, 272, 276, 289
tallit katan, 189–93
Talmud, components of, 86
Tammuz, month of:
ninth day of, 470
seventeenth of, 304, 471
Tarfon, Rabbi, 182
Tashlich, 328–29
Tay-Sachs disease, 256–57
teachers, honoring of, 168
Tefilat Geshem (prayer), 365–66
Tefilat Tal, 438
tefillin, 141, 157–59, 190, 274
blessings for, 275–76
on Chol Hamoed, 363
on Shabbat, 276
Tehillim, 290
tekiah, 309
Temple, destruction of, 304, 305, 306, 430, 449, 469–70, 472
Ten Commandments, 19, 458
reading of, 464
Ten Days of Repentance, 313, 317, 330–31, 341
see also Rosh Hashanah; Shabbat Shuva; Yom Kippur
teruah, 310
teshuvah, 202, 305, 311–14
Tevet, tenth of, 305, 444, 469
tevilah, 104–5
Three Weeks, 218, 238, 471
tichel, 187
tikkun leil Shavuot, 462–64
Tisha B’Av, 218, 276, 305, 306, 444, 470–78
fasting on, 277, 305, 306, 470, 472, 475–78