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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

Page 4

by TJ Star

  He was still gasping for air when someone knocked on the door. Ron kicked him aside saying to go wait for him in his room until he was done talking. He couldn’t tell who it was because his eyes and face was a mess and then his arm was grabbed by he assumed the same guard and he was thrust up the stairs and into the alpha chambers.

  He went and washed off his face and stripped for the session with his alpha to come. Turning down the covers, he set out the things Ron usually liked to use and then lay on the bed to wait. He got a bit too comfortable after so long in the punishment room, because next thing he knew he woke to hands roaming up his leg.

  Seth jerked awake fast scared he would be in deeper trouble. Ron worked his way up his body with a smile on his face. It was one of the worst things with his alpha you never knew when or if a strike was coming, how hard, or how angry he even was. Smiles were to be feared just as much as a scowl.

  Usually it was easy for an omega to tell these things they picked up on the emotions of other shifters and were even at times overwhelmed. Ron however he was never quiet able to grasp his emotions, sometimes he got a hold of something that was well even scarier than the anger you feel in a room when two alphas are fighting over something and getting ready to battle. Seth wondered sometimes if he lost his wolf or was more wolf than man; or worse if something else was wrong with him altogether.

  Ron was kissing him now, he hated being kissed, it was so intimate and he was not the alpha’s mate. He was no one. He tried to focus as Ron pushed his tongue deeper in his mouth and moved a hand to the base of his throat brushing a thumb over his neck. Seth suck in a breath as the thumb brushed over and the alpha laughed. “Don’t worry my pet, I know you have learned your lesson and will follow orders strictly from now on. Right omega?” Ron said tightening the pressure he used as he kept rubbing Seth’s neck with his thumb.

  “Yes Alpha!” Seth whimpered.

  He felt the alphas full weight on him as he waited for him to accept his answer as truth. Finally he started kissing his way down his face to his neck and whispered, “Good omega!” in his ear. Seth closed his eyes as the alpha made his way down his body working his way to suck on his nipples, until he was moaning as he started nibbling and it started feeling so good. Then the biting always got too hard and made him whimper and scream out and that made the alpha laugh.

  Ron would sit straddling his legs holding his hands down and nipping at them harder or pulling them then twisting them between his teeth until he was afraid he was going to bite them off. He would grit his teeth trying not to make any noise, but it was too painful to keep it all in.

  Finally when Seth though he was done Ron stepped off the bed and got into another drawer and pulled out a new set of toys. Clamps with little metal spikes on them, they had a hook clasp hanging off the end with what he assumed was a weight of sorts. He scurried back towards the head of the bed away from those things, but the alpha reached over and grabbed his ankle pulling him back down.

  Ron attached them and then grabbed and tossed him over his spread knees where he was now sitting at the edge of the bed near the night table. Seth was face down over his lap with his wrists in one of Ron’s hands on top of the table and those damn clamp weights swinging like crazy. He cried out because it hurt and Ron’s hand comes down on his ass and he shouts, “Quiet!” Then he’s ordered to say bad omega after every swat to his ass. Which is promptly followed by swat 1. “Bad omega” He says.

  2 “Bad Omega” Man each swat sets the weights swinging more. 3 “Bad Omega” 4 “Bad omega”

  5 “Bad Omega” Now the swats are getting harder and harder. 6 “Bad omega” 7 “Fuuck…B-Bad Omega” 8 “B-B...aaarrrr” 9 “Stop…aaarrr...” 10 “Please….”

  Ron rubbed his cheeks asking him, “Are you going to be a good omega now Seth?” He smiled and licked his lips as he rubbed and parted his cheeks waiting his answer. “Yes Sir, Yes Alpha!” Seth cried out over ragged breaths. The alpha turned him over and took off the clamps and rubbed his nipples then put him on the bed.

  He had no energy to do anything but lay there and pray that his alpha had nothing worse in store for their first quiet restful night alone. Sleep would be nice, but likely too much to ask. Off to that place in his head that he tried to use to keep himself sane. Where his wolf could run free and maybe even he could someday be safe. Tomorrow would be a new day; he just had to keep breathing long enough.

  Chapter 8 Ryan

  Ryan walked into the office a few minutes late heading to the meeting, so very untypical of him. He had been so unfocused lately and more on edge it was so not like him. Maybe after he found out what Galen had learned he would be relieved or at least more focused on figuring out the next step. He said, “Good morning June!” as he passed. “Anything I need to know about before I head in there?”

  “Morning Mr. Rivers, no nothing new, your brothers await you though I don’t think they plan to take it easy on you.” She said with a smile then added, “Good luck!”

  “Thanks June I will need all the luck I can get with those two.” He said as he kept walking passed and down the hall to the conference room. Opening the door he caught a wadded up paper that Nathan was shooting at the trash near the door. “Couldn’t wait to get started without me I see.” He said throwing the paper ball back at Nathan who caught it, and as soon as Ryan moved to the head of the table scored a point in the trash.

  “So were you hung over, do you need me to go get you some coffee?” Galen said with a smile adding, “She made a really big pot nice a fresh soon as we all got here bright and early.”

  “I had coffee in the car on the way here, but thank you for your concern dear brother.” He got out just before Nathan chimed in. “So are you so late because you finally took my advice and got laid?”

  “I was only five minutes late people, five minutes!” Ryan shouted. You would think he committed a sin of some kind. He was always half an hour early yet the minute he does one thing wrong he is roasted. As he is going through his mental lambasting of his brothers he hears them chuckling and looks up.

  Nathan says, “Can you see the steam coming out his ears yet bro?”

  To which Galen replies, “No, nope not yet.” Then bends double in his seat with laughter.

  Nathan gets serious and asks, “You okay man, did you have another nightmare? We could all hang out like old times. We do it all the time when Galen needs us, no reason you can’t ask for help too brother.”

  By now Galen is behind me with his head next to my ear and arm around me in a hug. Telling me, “We always got you bub.” Then he goes and sits back down.

  I look at them and know I have the best brothers in the world, but still not wanting to get into it right now say, “In that case more coffee couldn’t hurt.” Nathan hops up to grab me some and I turn to Galen to ask how his research on the land buyer went from our old pack lands. He has the computer set up by the time Nathan is back and we all set on one side going over the buyer an Alpha named Ron from Green Valley Pack. I sip my coffee thinking about the blueprints we have been collaborating on but they are for a different pack in the same state.

  “What are you thinking? I really do see steam now.” Galen asked as he watched the boss stare into space sipping his coffee and rock back in the seat.

  “Well we three have all been chipping in on this mansion idea and then handed it over to let Galen work his magic on it. The pack we're working it up for is in the same state as the one trying to buy up our land. I can’t help but think there might be a connection, but I tend to be overly suspicious.” Ryan said as he leaned his chair forward again to look at the other and get their take on this.

  Nathan put his elbows on the table and looked over at Ryan, “You said this guy we’re drawing up the prints for is one of our old pack members, but he is now a member of another pack. Could he be trying to get the property out from under the current bidder you think, or do you think he is somehow working with him.”

  Galen spoke up then, “I seriou
sly think it may be neither of those. If you think about it we went through several back channels to cover our tracks. Maybe neither one of them knows we own the property. We have built our reputation over the years in the shifter communities especially. You said this Alpha requested specifically shifter owned and operated businesses to put in the time on the project. If you take all the top companies in the tristate area and, eliminate any not shifter owned or operated you lose at least 80 percent or more.”

  “He’s got a point.” Nathan said.

  Ryan took another breath then said, “Okay, we move forward with the mansion deal then, I am scheduled to fly out with the blueprints end of week. Provided everything goes well at the meeting with the board after they look them over; they will decide on which of the designs so far they like the best. We will need to have a sleepover to brief me the night prior so I don’t muck anything up after everyone’s hard work. That way we can also set up and implement any safety measures just in case.”

  Galen smiled and said, “See I knew you missed us.” Then promptly threw himself arms open at Ryan about the same time Nathan came tackling from over the top. The chair collapsed and he felt very squished. About that time the door burst open and about hit him in the head due to the fact he was on the floor and at the table; he wasn’t even sure the chair was still in one piece. He looked up to see June standing there holding the door open with a wide eyed Connie next to her. He expected her to run.

  “De nuevo! Siempre westling.” (Again! Always wrestling.) Connie exclaimed, going forward reaching out a hand, “You need me to rescue you too senor?” At which point the three broke out laughing and June says, “Oh my, what did I miss I was only late one day.” As the three calm she slowly closes the door stating that she will put in another order for yet another chair. All laughter ensues once they here Connie ask, “So this happens often does it. You would think they would build the chairs then they could just fix them their selves.” To June's quick but effective, “Oh yes, you will deffinatly fit in nicely.”

  Ryan shoved them off him and got up, “We so need to get to work now guys. We can’t let the girls outdo us today can we.” They all sheepishly made their way passed Junes desk saying their goodbyes until later. After a long days work he comes back in just before June leaves and asks how Connie’s training went today. “Great actually, she is more qualified for the job than I am, but I will show her how you all like the place to run. Then she will likely show you how you can run it more effectively. So what happened while I was gone, and don’t go telling me nothing. I know you boys better than your own mothers probably do.” June says eyes narrowing and giving him that look that always makes him feel like he got caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

  He was not sure how she pulled it off she wasn’t even old enough to be his mother. She was probably about the same age he was for goodness sakes. “Well you see when she came in to pick up forms for drug testing and background check, which Nathan stole off your desk not me; we had just dog piled on top of Galen.” He took a breath and looked at her expression judging this was yet not enough information continued, “We kind of landed about here he said stepping over to the spot and then we heard someone and seen Connie standing at your desk. We kind of freaked, but she handled it rather well. Galen the trader piped up with a help me so she grabbed a broom and beat us with it until we got of him.”

  Ryan stood there staring at June staring at him, then they both burst out laughing and he told her how Nathan hopped to grabbing the forms as fast as he could of her desk. Also how Connie had told him she would not like her space messed up like he was doing. June then asked if that was why they had not bothered to interview any other applicants. He admitted that as soon as she left all three of them had decided she would be perfect fit. He went to his office and dropped off his stuff and sat to go through his files. When the guys came in he decided it was BBQ night if they had nothing else planned.

  The guys came in and all agreed to meet him at his place after a shower and change of clothes. So he left feeling in a better mood than he had in a long time.

  Locking up as he left he drove straight home he had went shopping yesterday so he already had plenty to work with. He just needed to fire up the grill before hopping in the shower. Once in the shower he lost focus though and after washing let the hot water run over his sore muscles. He thought about the mate he wanted he had always known he was gay so he had no delusions or hesitations when it came to picturing a man before him on his knees.

  He knew he only had so much time before the guys got here but he could be quick. Using the conditioner he took his length and firmly grasped it, using his other hand to play with his balls. Then pumping he imagined the warm mouth of a lover as his lover's tongue ran over the head teasing him before taking him fully in. He always loved running his hands through his lover's hair, caressing as they sucked him in and pumped every last drop out of him. So close, man it has been way too many years. The feel of my cock on the back of their throat and they swallow and suck and bob, faster and faster. Yes!

  “You about done in there we got the food on the grill brother dear.” Nathan said laughing as he went back down the hall. He got dressed and joins his brothers in some much needed down time. Eat, drink, run, and sleep, but not necessarily in that order. He smiled and went out to get his razing over with from his brothers.

  Chapter 9 Seth

  Seth had survived the last few weeks; he met with the clients for their personal sessions, which he detested. During these as he drew their picture, before they took advantage of him being an omega, he would as he drew ask them random questions that came to him. Some requested by his alpha that he claimed he needed for his painting, some that were real and just popped into his head as need to know.

  When the sketch was done they were allowed to see if they wanted, but usually he just closed the book and turned to set it down with his pencils in a safe location. Then he didn’t even always have to get fully undressed, depending on how desperate or ready to ravage the clients were. Some however liked to take their time and use him to their fullest, those were the worst.

  As it had worked the contractors were given this little incentive to help inspire them to do their best work and at the best price for Ron. A session first with each contracted alpha that had gotten selected to join in the bid process. With the information he gathered Ron would have a picture of each alpha and the dirt he got off them in the session from the questions he asked them.

  The questions he used helped to create a painting tailored to each individual. It would sometimes be something from their past or present, but sometimes it was precognitive to their future. It wasn’t something he could control; Ron learned that early on through beatings and random techniques. Instead he knew his skill was great even without the prophecy and just had him paint.

  He was now out of the punishment room and in his workroom again which is also where he slept. After regular meals he was no longer skin and bones though still skinny as he refused some meals. Tom had taken to delivering his meals at least once every other day, he tried to avoid him or refuse the meal. He however was not always so lucky and as long as it didn’t interfere with the alphas plans or leave notable damage Tom got away with it. Some of the other guards done things like that every once in a while, but usually the fear of getting caught was enough to keep them from doing it again. He also seemed to know just a little too much about Ron’s schedule.

  Tom was a hunter so he was occasionally used as one of Seth’s guards to take him places, but he wasn’t one of the enforcers or normal betas. He couldn’t understand why Ron kept him around Danny either, but at least Dan only came to harass him twice since they got back. He didn’t want to miss anymore meals and soon they were scheduled to leave to meet with the last bidding alpha.

  That meant he would have a detail on him whenever he wasn’t with Ron. He didn’t know which was worse or better, especially if the alpha caught them, because it is always the omegas fault.
Deciding sleep was not coming he got up to paint.

  Seth didn’t realize until hours later that Ron was standing behind him and that his arms were so tired. He turned and started to apologize when he saw the alpha’s face. “What is this?” Ron demanded putting his arm on Seth’s shoulder. He licked his lips and said, “I don’t know I haven’t looked yet.” The alpha swung his arm hitting him across the face and he landed on the floor.

  He curled up in a ball fearing more fury was to come saying, “Sorry Alpha I couldn’t sleep and I just started painting and then all of a sudden I heard someone behind me and I turned.”

  The alpha bent down to Seth and grabbed him by the hair pulling his head back as far as it would go. “You mean to tell me you seriously have no clue what is on that canvas?” Ron growled in his face. He felt the blood running off his face from his nose, and the hair on his head was about being ripped out; but God he had no clue what to tell the alpha. “Sorry Alpha, I don’t know.” He whispered taking in large breaths trying to feel a calm he didn’t come close to feeling. Then he was released and the alpha stood and walked over to the painting.

  Seth turned and slowly got up to go to the painting and looking around the alpha he didn’t like what he saw. A table full of men staring at what he could tell was the back of Ron standing with his pants hung slightly low on his hips. In front of him was Seth being held up and apparently fucked in front of the group with his massive hand around his throat. The parts of him he could see were all naked so he assumed he was totally naked in the room of men. The alpha occasionally shared him with others at the same time, but this outright scared him there were so many. Some you could see from the angle of the picture had their pants open jacking off.


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