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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

Page 5

by TJ Star

He startled when the alpha put a hand on his back, he hadn’t realized he’d been staring so hard. Then Ron smiled down at him and said how proud of him he was painting the future without even trying. Told him that he was a good omega to want to please his alpha in such a way and it must have been his true desires working their way into the painting.

  As the alpha shoved him to his knees and had him suck him off while he gazed at the painting. He told him how he had planned on just letting him sit in the back room while they had the meeting and maybe take an extra-long lunch break. Grabbing his head more forcefully he started fucking his face hard and fast. Now Seth heard him say barely with his hands over his ears as he held and thrust faster and harder making him gag repeatedly. Now you will join me for the entire meeting. Then he thrust forward and shot his load and tossed him aside and left.

  Seth went to the shower in the corner and cleaned up, then lay on the thin mat on the floor and covered up. He tried to dream of his wolf; he knew the alpha wouldn’t be back so maybe just this once he could lay here in wolf form. He missed being in wolf form he was not allowed to run with the pack. He slipped out his clothes then willed the change and curled up on his mat until sleep finally came.

  When he woke it was to Tom and Dan they had been sent to get his paintings stored for the trip, bags ready, and to make sure he ate his breakfast. Since they were leaving the next day he was to accompany them to the hotel, the alpha would be meeting them there this evening, but they should arrive around noon or so. He backed into the corner where his mat was as Tom told him all this, then remembering he was in wolf form changed back.

  That however presented another problem because as he reached for his clothing Tom took them, and Danny just grinned. Dan started bagging up clothes and stuff into a travel case and then as he moved toward the art piece he jumped up to stop him quickly. “No! Ron will be mad if it is not packed right it will be ruined. It is for an alpha.” Seth said going over towards Danny, but Tom snaked an arm around his waist first.

  He struggled to get free as they laughed, then finally Tom let go and he packed the painting properly. He grabbed his supplies as quickly as he could to go into his other travel case, pencils, sketch pads, paints and his spare easel and a couple canvases were already in with the wrapped package. As he set the case near the door with the others he went back to grab his clothes, but seeing Tom still horded them went to the table of food instead.

  He reached out to grab an apple and Tom grabbed him from behind arms around his arms pulling them up behind his back. He slammed him on the table and said, “You want to eat you do it while we fuck you we only got so much time before we got to leave.”

  As he rammed into him from behind though Dan came around the other side of the small round table and grabbed Seth’s hair pulling it back smiling at him saying, “Or not. Now suck it like you mean it omega!” He was so tired of being alive some days, if he could just find home…he needed home.

  Chapter 10 Ryan

  Ryan felt better after their cram review session, they all basically knew each aspect of the business, but each excelled better in various areas. June assured him Connie was doing great and could actually take over at anytime they liked. He wasn’t sure if that was a hint or just a compliment so he had left it alone. Nathan and he had tried to pry some information out of Galen at the BBQ as well as the sleepover about said possible boyfriend, but he was not spilling anything. He just hoped he was happy and that he wasn’t being taken advantage of.

  Even as much as Nathan talked about going out all the time and getting some action, he was always suggesting it; he never actually admitted doing it. He had a feeling Nathan held too much of his past too close and didn’t think he was good enough for anyone. Galen and him would occasionally catch Nathan putting himself down and correct him, but getting him to truly believe in himself would take time.

  As much as he loved his brothers he couldn’t avoid getting on the plane any longer, man he hated to fly. His brothers had arranged for him to stay in a cabin just outside of town once things were done. Then he could fly back out in the morning, if things went really bad they had a rental car waiting for him in the lot of the business the meeting was located at. The key was tucked away in a secreted location he was text by his brothers. He was however being picked up from the airport by Jeff, now to just sit back and relax and not think about how small a plane really is.

  The stewardess must have seen his distress because she asked him repeatedly if he was okay, he finally just gave in and admitted to not liking confined spaces. He just continued his death grip on the arms of his seat and practiced his breathing exercises. Nowhere soon enough the flight was over and Jeff was picking him up. He made sure to travel light one bag and the blueprints. Jeff offered to take him to baggage claim and was surprised when he said he had all his bags on him. Even so the plane had been delayed half an hour at the previous airport waiting for takeoff so it was a late arrival as well.

  Jeff tried to make up some of the time in traffic but city traffic was not the best to make up time in. They still wound up late and as he entered the building and went toward the elevators he stopped at the first water fountain on the right. Sat his hand bag down, grabbed the key in the back of the potted plant, and took a sip of water. Then he caught up to Jeff in time for the door to the elevator to open. He slipped the keys in his pocket and tried to relax against the wall as they headed up to the top floor for this presentation.

  Chapter 11 Seth

  Seth waited locked in the bathroom at the hotel until they got word Ron was on his way. After using him earlier they had him shower and get dressed to leave. They had been arguing ever since over why they couldn’t make use of their time with him. Dan had remained smart enough to be insistent that the alpha would know if it was too close to the time he was brought to him.

  So he remained locked in the bathroom since he got here, he was so hungry and he knew Tom went and got lunch he could smell it when they ate. He didn’t want to ask for food though because he knew Tom’s ways. He hoped they ate on the way to the meeting because his stomach was touching his backbone already man.

  He heard the phone ring and Tom answer and go outside. When he returned he banged on the bathroom door and said to get dressed and ready for the meeting fast. Seth got up and unlocked the door and went to the bag that was packed took the outfit in the bathroom and pressed it with the iron in there and put it on. He combed his hair and washed his face, then left the bathroom.

  Five minutes later Ron was banging on the door, the betas stayed behind and he went with his alpha. He was nervous, this was a meeting he dreaded, he prayed it didn’t turn out like the painting predicted. He could be wrong couldn’t he; omega gifts aren’t always accurate are they?

  His bags and travel cases were loaded in the back of Ron’s car and then they were off. The building was huge bigger than the one in their town. Seth looked around at everything and soon they were on the elevators going to the top floor. They were escorted to the meeting room where most of the members had already arrived. He was told to go sit on the bench over where the doormen had brought the bags and cases. While the alpha was going through introductions to everyone that was there, he sat and looked around the room and the exact likeness thus far.

  If what he had overheard was correct then these men worked for the alpha he had done the session for, they worked different parts of his crew projects some were betas it seemed, but most alphas of a lower scale. They were waiting on Alpha Jeff who was picking up someone from the airport. This made no since at all to him, and apparently none to the alpha either as he seemed mad at first.

  Then they explained that they parted out the design aspect of the project and that the work aspect was going to be done by their company specifically. Any other particulars he would have to take up with their alpha when he got here, but from what little they had seen so far they felt he would like the design.

  In a mood now and with the text of apology from Jeff saying the pla
ne was delayed by half an hour he decided to entertain himself. It must have been a mass text because he heard the others at the table sigh and start complaining. “Sit back, relax and enjoy the show boys.” Ron said to the crowd and they all turned to look.

  He just sat shaking his head back and forth hoping this wasn’t real but knowing it was. So far he wasn’t sharing so best to cooperate maybe it would stay that way. His alpha beckoned him and he came forward. “Strip and give them a show.” He commanded. I did and then stood there waiting for my next order.

  “Turn slow so they can see all your lovely bits, yes, bend so they can get a good eye full now.” I did and Ron spread my cheeks to show the room my hole then slapped my ass hard enough to send me flying into the bench behind us that I had been sitting on giving me a bloody nose. All those idiots could do was laugh and start undoing their pants. Then Ron unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down his hips a bit and told me to, “Crawl over here and get my prick ready to go in that tight hole omega.”

  Seth crawled over and walked up his thighs to his hard cock and went to take it in his hand to put in his mouth. That earned him a hand across the face and the order no hands. Now he not only had a bloody nose but a split lip. So he opened his mouth and took him in teasing his tip openly for the others to see as Ron was putting on a show. Had him licking him up one side and down the other and sucking his balls before taking him full in his mouth.

  As Seth started to bob his head the alpha grabbed his head and rammed straight in for effect. He was assuming as it got lots of noise from the others and groans of plenty. After a couple more thrusts Ron hauled him up and turned him around and picked him up off the floor as the alpha was so much taller his feet were now dangling.

  Seth started squirming but Ron just shoved his hard cock in his ass all the way, he screamed and the alpha grabbed his throat to keep him quiet. He was at a loss to how to be in less pain. He needed air but he also hurt so bad sitting fully wedged on the alphas dick. He put one hand on the arm Ron had wrapped around his waist holding him in place, so he could try to hold himself up. Then used the other to try and pull himself up and off using Ron’s hand on his throat so maybe he could get more oxygen as well as further off his cock. He was struggling to try and get away from the pain and need for air.

  Just about then is when he realized he had it all terribly wrong. Now the alpha was using his death grip on his hip to and throat to move him up and down. Seth tried to scream but it was more of a whimper and seemed to just entice the onlookers.

  Every time he tried to kick at the alpha to get him to stop he would let go long enough with one hand or the other the put a coupe hits on his legs; which he was sure was leaving massive bruises. Last time came with a warning growl so he knew no more would be tolerated. At least he was able to draw in a few breaths of deep air though before it resumed. His eyes were bugging out pretty good and he was trying once again to rise higher off the alpha’s hand on his throat when the door opened.

  It was Alpha Jeff and some other alpha he could feel the power off him from over here. He could also tell the guy was pissed at what was going on though he was trying to rein it in. At least he had no facial giveaways, if he wasn’t an omega he wouldn’t have noticed. Jeff was frantically apologizing for the late arrival and explaining that they had chose to hire out for the design part of the project and to do the rest in house.

  Ryan was horrified at the barbaric treatment of the omega, his wolf was so close to the surface he considered letting him loose. He had come into the room thinking Jeff was the boss and he was the one he was presenting to as well as his board, only to find out he had been lied to.

  The omega has a head full of curly long hair just past his shoulders, the big loopy curls not the tight ones. His eyes were a dark brown with flecks of red it almost seemed. Naturally tanned skin the kind you are born with not earned in the sun, but so skinny as he pushes himself up trying in vain to lever up off his alphas cock you can see every rib easily. He has several scars and it is hard for a shifter to scar, granted it is easier for an omega because their healing is slower, but still not so common. Bruises all over his thighs and one on his cheek as well as some blood dried just under his nose and a split lip.

  He tuned back into the conversation at hand as the omega was tossed aside like trash and the alpha put himself back together, and then joined them across the room. He asked Ryan several questions and made a call. Once Ron verified Alpha Ryan’s company was shifter owned and operated he agreed to let the meeting proceed. Stating, “Seth get your lazy ass dressed and give Jeff his painting.”

  “Yes Alpha!” he said, hurrying to get dressed and grabbing the wrapped painting out of the crate. Ron was just telling Jeff that it should have been Ryan who got the session and personalized painting, when he walked up. He stood by Ron’s side and waited until he was given permission to approach. When his alpha signaled he brought the painting to Jeff, then backed away before turning and going back to the bench.

  He took up his sketch book more out of comfort than anything as his part in this he figure was over. He heard Ryan reply to his alpha that it was not necessary to have a session or anything and that while he would be honored to have a personalized painting it was not necessary in order for him to do his job. Seth smiled and glanced up through his lashes, then seeing green eyes turn to him he put his head down lower. His wolf was dancing inside.

  Chapter 12 Ryan

  Ryan was so trying not to loose his cool, but his wolf was ready to rip some throats out. He left his bag next to the door on the way into the room. Then he had to be told in the meeting that the designs weren’t even being made for Jeff’s company, but the very guy that he and his brothers were talking about from Green Valley. At least though he knew they were not in on anything together because the alpha seemed as pissed as he was about not being let in on the facts in advance.

  Now he was sitting at the table with a bunch of people that obviously had no clue how to read blueprints properly. At the very least lacked vision, they were trying to see the final outcome, but wanted to skip over all the important details. I was not going to let them do that, it was my presentation, so telling Jeff that I was sorry his people couldn’t see what was so clearly in front of their faces because even the lowest man on my crew could. The Ron guy speaks to his omega telling him to come over here and see what he can make of these pictures.

  Ryan thought now this could prove interesting because he would put money on the fact he’s the only one in the room with talent. Only problem was the other alphas gathered around wouldn’t budge because they wanted to touch all over him. His alpha was just standing there watching doing nothing, the poor guy was scared and out numbered as hell. “Move out of his way so he can get his job done. I had a long flight, I’ve been lied to and I have yet to eat.” He growled and they all scattered the omega hunching his shoulders. Well it had not been his intention to scare the guy even more but at least he had the room he needed now.

  He watched the young man methodically go through the sheets and turning some of them this way and that as the others made fun of him. He went back to a couple of them again then went over to his sketch pad while his alpha turned and watched. Ryan gathered his blueprints and put the back in their canister. About thirty minutes later there were four sketches in his shaking hands as he stood head down in front of his alpha.

  He looked them over then went through them again, then leaned down and whispered something in the omegas ear. He looked up fast through his lashes at me quickly then back down, shaking his head whispering, “Not even I am that good alpha.” I have great hearing due to so much time in enclosed spaces or I might not have caught that last part, which gave me the obvious choice for the alphas question. Soon as the omega whispered the words though the pissed alpha grabbed him by the throat and hauled him off his feet.

  There was absolutely no call for such barbaric ways, but I didn’t want to give away my hand either. So I stepped forward and stated, “I
can have a computer rendering emailed shortly if his sketch is not accurate enough. It is honestly no problem I just assumed I was showing these plans to professionals not homeowners.”

  Ron put the omega down and turn with the sketches handed them to me. I took them looking at them in wonder smiling. “You more than did them justice Seth, thank you for seeing the obvious where others failed.” Ryan said then handed the photos back to Ron and told him he was hungry and going to lunch that they could discuss whatever and he would be back after he was done eating.

  Jeff had offered to bring him to lunch he said he would just grab a cab, hitch a ride, or walk someplace, that they all needed to figure things out. He then promptly put his belongings in his rental and seeing a nearby street cart went to grab a quick meal. By the time he was done eating and back up there he wanted to be done with the place. While he ate he had text the brothers to let them know what was up and to be on standby for any possible scenario. He silenced his phone and went back in the door to the meeting room.

  Ryan had taken his laptop out of his bag so it was just clothes in the bag he tossed near the door once again. He walked over to the Green Valley Alpha cutting out the middle man. He spoke straight to the point once again, “You have seen everyone’s designs now, and I was told this was the final meeting before decisions would be made. I included a list in the folder on the table if you looked that listed the rooms, the cost per room, and additional costs should you want the fancier stuff rather than traditional. All costs are based on the supply markets here in your state an average of three suppliers.” He crossed his arms and asked the alpha, “Have you reached a decision? I still have time to catch a flight home if I am not needed.”

  He could see he had riled the alpha as apparently most others didn’t dare do, but Ryan was an alpha himself. The difference wasn't only being a powerful alpha, he worked day in and day out right along side his pack. This wolf while he may have power in him had become lazy and idle, his only strength came from the fact he was a shifter.


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