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Last Bride, Last Man (Book Three of the Red River Valley Brides Series)

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by Hestand, Rita

  "Hecklers, pay them no mind." Nadine firmed her lips. "I guess I should be going for now…"

  "How did you get here, I don't see no horses around, no buggy."

  "I walked." Nadine said.

  "Walked, from town? Every day?"

  "Yes, every day."

  "I'll take you home myself, then."

  "No, that won't be necessary. I enjoy the walk as it keeps me fit." Nadine protested.

  "What about them. What do they want?"

  "They want to torment me…" Nadine admitted, hanging her head, and moving to put her coffee cup up.

  "Why?" He frowned as he glanced outside.

  Nadine took a deep breath. He wasn't going to leave her alone until he got as much information as he could. She'd have to tell him. He'd find out soon enough on his own. "When I couldn't find a suitable husband, I've took a white lover…that's married. They don't approve…" Nadine said as though acid where in her mouth.

  "A white lover…" He repeated. His eyes changed in that moment. Scorn stared her in the face. Her honesty wasn't appreciated. He was judging her from the looks of his expression. She should have known, but she figured a man that had been around in the world, wouldn't.

  "Why on earth did you do something that foolish?"

  The acid of his words hurt. He scolded her as though he had every right to.

  She didn't have to guess how he felt about it, his tone of voice was spitting hate, just like his eyes.

  Nadine raised her nose to the air. "That's really none of your business."

  Reprisal was in his eyes now, as his eyes widened in surprise.

  "It is when people come throwing rocks at my sister's house. Now why have you done such a thing?"

  Nadine stared into his face as he came closer and grabbed her arms. This man presumed too much. He had no right to judge her.

  "I came here as a mail order bride, and there were no black men my age to marry. And believe me, I looked. Most of the men are already married. Others, like the ones outside are too young. John took an interest in me. Bought me supper and it seemed he was sort of courting me. I didn't know he was married until…much later in the relationship. It was too late then. I had feelings for him."

  "Feelings for him? A white man. A married white man?"

  "You don't understand. I don't come from your world. Besides, I would never have known except he slipped up and admitted it one night when we were together." She remembered that night so well, the way he held her, kissed her, told her he loved her…and that he was married.

  "But a white man…and married? Have you no shame in you?"

  Nadine slapped him, hard. "Shame had nothing to do with it. By the time I knew about his wife, it was too late, I had feelings for him and the colored community wouldn't have much to do with me, except for Gerty. I've been more in the white community than in the black. It's the way I've lived for years."

  "And his wife, you have no feelings for her either? She probably doesn't even know about it. Does Gerty? Surely not?"

  "You're wrong. I told her. I didn't want anyone hurting her, but….she needed me. And I needed her. That's why I'm here. I care for Gerty."

  Anger stirred beneath the surface now. This man had no right to judge her, yet he had. He was angry, his nostrils flared and his contempt was obvious by his frown.

  "And this white man…what of him?"

  "As I said, he liked me, and I liked him. By the time I found out he was married, it was too late, I was involved. He's very kind to me. He treats me equal to any white woman. John loves me, and I love him. We couldn't help ourselves."

  "I doubt that. Does he parade you in town around his white friends? No, I'll bet he doesn't. You are nothing but a black whore to him." His eyes widened with surprise and what she thought was alarm.

  "Okay, so I'm a whore…You've said nothing new to me. I know it's wrong, but…we have feelings for one another. When they are true, you can't turn them on and off. If not for his dying wife, I'd be in his home, taking care of him, having his children."

  He grabbed her and shook her, staring into her eyes with some sort of strange fury. "If you believe that, you are dumber than you look, lady. Why would a pretty lady like you do such a thing?" He protested standing up and looking down at her. "Surely you could find a black buck to take you in."

  "I told you. I came here as a mail order bride. There were no black males to marry. Either they are too young, like those outside, or too old, or too married. Besides, John Harcourt cares for me. None of the white folks have knowledge of it, only…our community. But I guess the real reason is I was lonely…and so was he. We turned to each other, that's all."

  "Cares for you?" The man seemed to barely control his anger with her. "White men don't care for black ladies, they use them. They use their bodies, their flesh."

  She slapped his face again. "It's none of your business. I'm leaving. I'll be back tomorrow to help with your sister." She insisted feeling his scorn.

  "You are whorin' for that man?" He questioned.

  She turned on him like a snake about to strike. "What if I am? There are no black men available. I wanted a home, a family. And don't judge me unless you are ready to judge yourself. John loves me…"

  "And is he providing a home and family for you?"


  "You will not see this man again…and you will not whore for him again, you hear me?" Gabe's voice held no room for argument, and for a moment, Nadine was stunned by his words. "It's a wonder you haven't been beaten and thrown out of this town."

  "What rights have you to decide my fate?" She seethed with new anger.

  "This…" He said and covered her mouth with his own. His mouth was hard and unyielding, but as Nadine wrapped her arms around him, the kiss changed, as heat rose between them. She could feel her own lips melding against his, feel the tension inside herself draining and a warm current flowing through her blood. She'd wanted this kiss from the moment she set eyes on him. She had to know if he was as good as he looked. And he was, maybe better.

  Shocked beyond belief that she could so easily react to this man, Nadine tried to fight him, but his lips easily conquered hers, with warm strokes of his tongue inviting her. He was experienced, maybe more than she. His lips tantalized her into submission. She wanted to fight him, because of his judgment of her, but his mastery won quickly. This man had kissed a few women, he knew exactly how to please, and Nadine was temporarily caught up in his mastery. She let herself go, giving him free reign.

  Warm and inviting, his tongue sought to mate with hers, dancing. She melted into him, allowing him every freedom as he tempted her complete submission.

  She struggled to be closer, to know more of this big strong man, who wanted to dominate her.

  Then suddenly he turned her loose and thrust her away from him.

  He stared at her, he breath labored now. "You get yourself a bride's dress; we'll be married before the end of the week." He instructed turning away from her, as though that were the end of it.

  She could hear him breathing hard, she even thought she heard his heart thunder against her own when he held her. Their fierce union for that brief moment had the effect of a canon going off.

  Nadine had never seen a man with such a force about him. Stunned she could only stare at him from the distance.

  She opened her mouth to say something and tried to form a coherent thought. Nothing came out. The man had completely dominated her and she had allowed it. No that wasn't right either, she welcomed him.

  Without another word, she opened the door and slammed it behind her.

  Trying to cope with this turn of events, she stared out into the yard, facing the young hagglers with wide-eyed innocent eyes. The two threw a rock at her, grazing her head.

  Nadine backed up against the door. She felt a small trickle of blood ooze down her cheek.

  Gabe came out, eyed the young black bucks. "You go on now. This is my woman, and we're to be married before the end of the week.
You tell everyone, you hear. This woman is taken. I'm claimin' her."

  Nadine wanted to protest, but shock had already set in again.

  He had completely taken control of her and the situation. She didn't mind him taking over so much as planning her future.

  "You gonna marry her?" They laughed.

  "That's right, and if I hear one more word out of the two of you, I'll kill you where you stand. Understand?"

  The boys seemed to think that over.

  They backed out of the yard and ran.

  He glanced down at her, "Get that dress. We'll be married in the church on Sunday."


  He went back into the house as though it were settled.

  Nadine shivered from anticipation, and doubts and just a little anticipation.

  Chapter Two

  "He just met you and he asked you to marry?" Jo Ella asked at the sewing circle that evening. All the other women stared at her with interest. "You'd never even seen him before?"

  "No, he didn't ask, he told me to get a dress that we'd be married on Sunday. Just like that. I was so stunned I didn't know what to do. He's Gerty's brother, and for her sake I'm glad he's here, but I'm not sure I know how to handle him."

  "And are you going to marry him?" Tilda, an older lady with white hair and spectacles smiled.

  "I guess I am. I mean, I came here to find a black man for a husband, and he came along. He's Gerty's brother and except for his overbearing ways, he seems to care about his sister and the farm. And even me…in some strange way. Why else would he want to marry me? He doesn't know me. Maybe he has…needs"

  Nadine looked up from her sewing and noticed some smiles.

  "Do you love him?" Jo Ella asked.

  "I don't even know him, how could I love him? I'll say this for him, he is forceful. And…I am attracted to him. He's so big and strong, a woman would be blind not to see the man in him." Nadine admitted. But the shared kiss told her she could easily fall for the man, if she let herself. That kiss shook her, and if his kisses were that good, the rest of him might be even better.

  "You have to consider what your chances of getting another black man to ask you, since there aren't many around the right age, or not married."

  "Oh, I guess I will marry him on Sunday like he said. We would have some beautiful children, that much I know. I have to make myself a wedding dress though, would you ladies help me. Doing it myself I'm sure it wouldn't be finished that soon."

  The others ladies looked at each other and nodded, "Of course we will help you."

  "I'll help too," Jo Ella said. "We'll get all the girls together and see you have a proper wedding. Only, Nadine, I can't help but feel your settling. I mean…you can't possibly love a man you just met."

  Nadine glanced at her friend. "My mama once said you can learn to love them. Thanks Jo Ella. I have to tell you all, I'm shocked at how this turned out. But I came here to marry, and he's available and willing. I might as well give it a try. It looks as though he's the only option I have."

  She fooled most of the women in the room, but Jo Ella knew her too well, and cast her a slight smirk.

  Jo Ella eyed her for a long moment.

  "Now, tell us, is he handsome?"

  Nadine's quick flush of the face and her hand going to her chest, said everything. "If he'd wipe that frown off that seems to have grown on his face, he would be. He's kinda big, broad shouldered, and built. But he does carry a gun, makes me wonder why. Not many black men carry guns. I have a feeling he's seen a lot of this world."

  The ladies all whispered about.

  Nadine thought about that, she'd have used another word to describe him, but being a lady she knew she better not. "He looks almost like a gunslinger."

  "What's his name?"

  Nadine glanced around the room, and then put her hand over her mouth. "Gabe."

  "Just Gabe?"

  "Gabrielle Martin Lewis." Nadine smiled. "Like the angel, he said."

  "Are you going back there tomorrow?" Jo Ella asked.

  "I told him I'd come and help take care of Gerty. She's not getting much better and he's gonna need some help if he plans to make that farm of hers workable. Her certainly can't take care of it, and her. The farm is a mess since her husband died, and Gabe wants to restore it. He said it was good rich soil, and all he had to do was tend it, regularly. So I'll help out, like I've been doing and hope his acid tongue will sweeten."

  "So it's Gabe, huh?"

  "Sounds funny calling him Gabrielle."

  Jo Ella seemed to consider her words. "Well Nadine, you been asked now, by a black man. And since there is little to choose from, perhaps it is best." One of the other ladies added. "Your mother was right, you can learn to love a man. I should know…"

  "Oh, you didn't love Martin when you married?" Nadine asked eyeing the young woman who made the confession.

  "No…not really. But since we've been married, he treats me so good, I had to love him. I couldn't ask for a better husband." She giggled.

  Jo Ella was expecting her first baby, and was barely showing but Nadine felt very protective of her. Nadine wanted children, lots of children. She wondered if Gabe would want her though. Did he want a woman to cook and clean and have his children? She didn't know. He kissed better than most men she knew and she didn't think she'd have a problem going to bed with him, but she didn't know if he could get past the fact that she had taken a white lover. And that was something she couldn't discuss, even with Jo Ella or Ma.

  That niggled in the back of her mind. Sadly, that was one thing she couldn't discuss with the ladies, with anyone in the white community.

  Nadine felt shame for the first time in a long time. She should never have gotten involved with John, but he'd been so kind to her when she first came to Vada. As a saloon girl she'd had plenty of white lovers, but they never stayed around long enough to learn their first names. She never became attached to any of them. But John was different. He sought her out. He wanted her attentions. She felt sorry for him, that he had sick wife that would get no better. He was lonely, she was lonely. They started by consoling each other. Then one day when he sought her out, he reached and cupped her face in his hands.

  "You are such a beauty…I cannot keep it inside me any longer." He whispered, coming closer. Close enough to feel his breath on her cheek, his body leaned into hers. His mouth poised just above hers.

  She waited with bated breath. She knew where this was leading, but his kindness and gentleness drew her in.

  He smelled so good all the time, clean and perfumed. She liked a clean man, it hinted at good character.

  She lifted her face to him, innocently.

  Nadine was already fond of him, but to hear those words again. To have someone feel anything for her, made her weak. And John knew all the right things to say to her.

  When he finally kissed her, it was no ordinary kiss. She knew it wouldn't be. His was the kiss of a practiced man, knowing where, when and how to titillate her. He didn't just ravage her willing lips, but her neck, her chin, her eye lashes, her ear, and then down, down to the cut of her dress where his hand reached in and boldly pulled out one pert breast for him to examine. The night air, cooled her skin. His eyes kindled with a fire she quickly recognized. She didn't protest. But her breath hitched, as she waited for his magic touch. They were standing in his barn that first time he touched her. She looked all about at his fine horses, the fresh hay scattered about, the neat way he put all his tools away when done for the day.

  Her body ached for his touch.

  She should have felt guilty that his wife was in the house just beyond, not knowing what he was up to but his lovemaking made her blot the wife out and cling to him. He looked at her, the beautiful bronze of her breast shone in the moonlight, as his thumb caressed her. She let out a soft moan, and she practically lifted herself into his hands. Slowly, savoring the feel of her puckered nipples, he bent his head, and took the round nub into his mouth, as his lips swelled around
it, his eyes watched her reaction, as her head fell backwards, leaving open the gap in her dress to his lustful needs. In that moment, she was his. She brought herself closer, availing herself to him. Not only did he take her nipple in his mouth, he romanced it with his tongue until she was ready to climb all over him to finish what he started. That one action took their relationship several steps forward, in a heated rush. "I must look at you. I want to feast upon you in the moonlight."

  She felt him reach around and undo her dress. She sighed with complete surrender when he dropped the vestige of her clothes, and he stood feasting his eyes on her.

  First he looked, then he touched, and finally his lips assuage the aching need.

  They spent hours together that first night, the light of dawn was dawning before he let her go. Lying in the hay he teased her body with a piece of straw. He smiled into her eyes when he saw how easily she readied herself for him.

  "I don't want to leave you, my darling…" He murmured against her ear.

  "Do you have workmen that work for you?" She whispered, as his lips caressed her body once more.

  "Hmm…not today, it's Sunday. There will be no one here. But I'm expected. My wife will wake up soon and I must fetch her breakfast, as she is unable to take care of such things."

  "I should feel guilty being in your arms like this…" She smiled.

  "You are mine now…you know that don't you?"

  "But your wife?" She sat up and frowned.

  "Yes, my wife…perhaps I should go now…" He murmured near her ear.

  "Just one more kiss?" She smiled and pulled him back down to her. Lying in the hay, he brought his body to cover hers and he entered her one last time. She moaned and pulled him closer. "You are mine…forever!" He declared.

  "Yes!" She almost screamed.

  From then on, they were no longer consoling each other. They were making love, in all manner of ways and places. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  Nadine felt from that first day he knew the art of making love better than anyone she ever met. He knew where to touch her to ignite the fires between them. He knew where to blow his breath so that she heated from it. He knew her body better than she did. He set her so on fire, she could never refuse his touch.


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