Book Read Free


Page 11

by Sean Michael

  “Lovely. Are you ready to be picked up?”

  “Yes, if you have time.”

  “I’m making the time, lovely. It’s a rule, remember?”

  “Yes, Master.” The high was going to fade soon.

  “Won’t be long.” Matt noisily blew him a kiss and hung up.

  He leaned against the wall, sipped his water. Different people came up to him, chatted, but his mind wasn’t there. Matt came in, face lighting up when he caught sight of him.

  “Master.” He smiled, one hand lifted in a wave.

  Matt strode toward him, wrapped him in a gentle hug. “How are you, lovely?”

  “Horny. I was thinking about you, during. I have to learn to not do that.”

  Matt beamed at him. “I like knowing that even though another man is flogging you, you’re thinking of me.”

  “How was your evening?” How could he not think of Matt?

  “I pretended to read while I waited for your call.”

  “Can we go?” This was a place to work, and he wanted to be in Matt’s arms.

  Matt took his hand and led him out of the club.

  “Thank you.” It was raining, big, fat drops.

  “Come on.” Matt ran for the car, getting him settled without getting too wet.

  He was laughing as he slid in, tugging his seatbelt on.

  Matt grinned over at him. “That’s a great sound.”

  “Just happy.”

  “I know. It’s great.” They moved with the traffic. “My place is closer, okay?”

  “Mmm. I like your house.”

  “Cool. I like my bed. I like you in it even better. How’s your back?”

  “Sore.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t too intense. It just wasn’t fun.”

  “Yeah? So a little TLC for the back and a lot of not so T but lots of LC for the rest of you?” Matt gave him a grin, eyebrows waggling.

  That made him chuckle, nod. “I’ve been asked to do another scene tomorrow. Bloodletting.”

  “No.” Matt shook his head, his hands tightening around the wheel. “Our agreement is you have a day of rest in between scenes.”

  Adam nodded. “I. Can we sign a contract, please? So that I can...” He searched for the words. “Invoke your name if a Master is insistent?”

  “I’d like to sign a contract, and not just for that. I want you to know I’m truly committed to you.” Matt pulled up at his place and turned as he shut off the engine. “Do you have problems with Masters not taking no for an answer?”

  “Sometimes. Mostly it’s a problem with disappointing a client.”

  “They can’t expect you to be available twenty-four-seven. Or to do everything they want you for. If I’m honest, I’m very uncomfortable about you doing bloodletting with another master.”

  “Me, too.” It was dark outside, easy to admit.

  “Then no bloodletting. If anyone asks, you can tell them your master won’t let you.”

  “Thank you.” He reached over, fingers squeezing Matt’s.

  Matt squeezed back, then brought his fingers up to kiss. “You’re going to sign my contract.”

  “Yes. I am.” What he felt for Matt was honest, real. Unique.

  Matt leaned over and kissed him, then laughed softly. “Come on, let’s go in and do this properly.”

  He slid out of the car, heading to the house with its big windows, its soft bed. Matt locked up the car and joined him, the two of them going in together, shoulders rubbing as they approached the front door. He’d swear he could almost smell Matt’s desire for him.


  “Yes, lovely?”

  “I want to suck you.”

  “Fuck yes, please.”

  Matt took the keys out of his pocket, dropping them once and bending to pick them up before pushing the key into the lock. That’s what he’d been imagining while he worked. Doing a scene with Matt. That cock spreading his lips, fucking them.

  Matt opened the door and then took his hand, tugging him into the apartment. “On your knees, lovely.” The words were out before the door had even clicked shut.

  “Yes, Master.” He knelt, his cock hard and aching in his pants.

  Matt’s fingers stroked his cheeks. “Suck me.”

  “Yes.” He pulled Matt’s trousers open, lips wide, hungry for that fat cock.

  Matt groaned and his cock pushed toward his lips. Adam didn’t tease; he dropped over Matt’s cock, sucking hard. Matt’s fingers slid into his hair, wrapping around his skull. Yes. Please. Please. He opened wide, offering himself to his Master. Matt slowly fed the fat prick into his mouth. He gave his control up, let his throat relax.

  “Adam...” Groaning, Matt sank in all the way.

  Take me, please. He begged with his eyes, his heart. Matt’s breath caught in his throat, and then that hot cock slid on Adam’s tongue, pushing in and out. His prick was aching, throbbing in time with Matt’s thrusts.

  “So hot. Good. Adam.”

  The praise made him moan, made him pleased.

  “Feel that. Feel you. God.” Matt’s hips moved faster, cock pushing deeper into his throat. Matt grabbed him, fucking his lips, taking him hard. “Yes! Yes! Adam!” Matt’s cries filled his ears.

  Adam tightened his lips, swallowed hard. With another cry, Matt pushed forward and then froze, pouring spunk down his throat. Adam drank his Master down, moaning and sucking. So good.

  “God, yes. So good.” Matt’s words echoed his thoughts as Matt moved along his tongue, slowly now, the motions gentle.

  He cleaned Matt’s cock, his own cock aching.

  “No coming,” Matt ordered, voice husky.

  Adam moaned in response, his balls heavy.

  “You can come when I say so.” Matt’s fingers stroked through his hair.

  Adam moaned his agreement, forcing his hips not to move.

  “Let’s go get you clean. You’ll come when you’re mine again.”

  “I’m always yours.”

  “When you smell like mine, then.” Matt held out a hand, tugging him up.

  He stood, stomach rumbling softly.

  “Someone’s got more than one hunger.”

  Adam shook his head. “I’m fine.” He’d gone much longer than a day.

  “Your stomach says different, but don’t worry. I intend to doctor your back and then take you, let you come, hold you.”

  “Good.” He could eat any time.

  Matt took his mouth, sucking his tongue. He pressed close, opening to the kiss, to the touch. Matt’s fingers slid over his face, then moved down to slowly undo his buttons. The shirt was carefully removed, Matt always conscious of his sore skin.

  Matt ran his hands up and down Adam’s back -- not actually touching his skin. “A cooling salve, I think.”

  “Okay.” He stretched, wincing at the tug.

  That had Matt frowning. “Come on, bathroom.”

  “I’m okay, just sore.”

  “Uh-huh. You need to be taken care of.”

  He didn’t know what to say to that, not really.

  Matt drew him into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet, looking through the medicine cabinet.

  “Did you have a good day?” he asked, watching Matt.

  “It wasn’t bad. I was worried about tonight’s scene, about how harsh it was going to be on you.”

  “Don’t worry. The bad one is Saturday.”

  “Saturday?” Matt paused in his search and looked at Adam.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Which one was that?”

  “It’s a demonstration of striping on the feet.” He wasn’t particularly looking forward to it.

  “How many days off have you got booked after that?”


  Matt shook his he
ad. “You’ll have to cancel Monday’s, too. That’ll give you three days for your feet to heal.”

  “Monday?” He couldn’t. Isaac was his biggest private client, and he’d canceled on the man last week.

  “You can’t do foot striping and not have more time off. It won’t work.”

  “I’ll have to think about it. Isaac is a huge client.”

  “Reschedule him. Explain you won’t be at your best on Monday.” Matt gave him a serious look. “Tell him your Master said you had to.”

  “I.” He nodded. Fuck. Fuck.

  Matt tilted his head. “It’s not ten p.m. yet. Would you like to do it now, get it over with?”

  “I. What?”

  “We seem to have killed the mood here, and I’m wondering if you wanted to do it now.”

  “No. No, I’m off work now.”

  “Cool.” Matt seemed happy with his answer. “Then we should find the mood again, shouldn’t we?”

  “Yes.” He could deal with all... this later.

  Matt got down the antibiotic spray and he stood. Matt used the medicine, cooling down his back.

  “Oh.” Adam stepped forward, stumbling a little.

  Matt’s arm came around his waist, supporting him. “Cold?”

  “Yeah. A little.” It had surprised him.

  “It should take the sting out of the welts, draw the heat out of your back.”

  “It’s good. Thank you.” Good and a little shivery.

  “Good. If I’d put them here, I’d want you to feel every moment of them.”

  Adam’s moan surprised him.

  Smiling, Matt brought their mouths together, tongue slipping in between his lips. Adam stepped in, lips wrapping around Matt’s tongue. Matt’s groan filled his mouth. He sucked, focusing on Matt’s pleasure, Matt’s need.

  “Mmm, I’m supposed to be washing you now.”

  “Uh-huh.” He took another kiss.

  “I could give you a tongue bath.”

  “We could shower together.”

  “That probably is more convenient.” Matt gave him a wink.

  “Less tiring for your tongue, too.” He winked.

  “I can think of worse uses for it.”

  Matt pulled him in again, tongue sliding between his lips. That made him laugh, made him smile.

  “I love that smile, that laugh.” Matt tugged him into the shower stall, Matt’s so much bigger than his own.

  “I love you.” Oh. Oh, had he said that? Out loud? Shit.

  “Adam... Oh.” Matt kissed him again, the intensity nearly overwhelming. Matt’s fingers dug into his hips, hard enough to bruise. “Mine.” The word was fierce, joyful.

  Adam nodded, offering his mouth for another kiss. Matt took it, took another, small, happy sounds filling his mouth. The water was warm, beating on Matt, then pouring on him.

  Matt eventually grabbed the soap and slowly worked it over his body. The touches were slow and sensual, adoring. He turned and stretched, offering every inch of himself. Matt cleaned him everywhere, from head to toe. Each nook and cranny was stroked, caressed, the slick, unscented soap sliding on his skin. So good. That touch was so good.

  Matt made sure the water didn’t splash directly on his back as it rinsed him down.

  “Thank you, Master.” Matt bent him over slightly, soap-slicked fingers on his hole.

  “This is mine. You’re mine.” Those fingers slid in.

  “Yes...” His hole clenched, the touch unbearably intimate.

  “Mm. So tight. So hot.” Matt kissed his shoulder.

  The fingers spread him, cleaned him, and he found himself groaning, thighs shaking.

  “Want you. Want you so much. God.”

  “Yours.” He wanted Matt to fill him, fuck him, stretch him.

  “God, yes.” Matt’s fingers disappeared and there was a moment’s wait, then something far hotter was pressing against him instead.

  “Master.” He bore back, hands braced on the tile.

  “Right here, lovely.” Matt slowly spread him.

  “Please.” That fat cock pushed in deep, stretching his hole.

  “Yes.” Matt sank slowly all the way in. The pressure was perfect, the feel of Matt’s hands on his hips even better.

  “Oh, lovely. So good.”

  He nodded, spread wider. Yes. Good.

  Fingers wrapped around his hips, holding on tight, Matt began to move, sliding out, pushing back in. He felt each and every inch, each thrust.

  “Mine,” murmured Matt, pushing in hard. “Mine.”

  “Yes, Master. Yours. All of me.”

  “Yes!” Matt thrust in hard.

  He cried out, that thrust perfect, deep. Matt must have felt it, because the next push hit the same spot.

  “Fuck!” The single obscenity split the air.

  Matt made a satisfied noise and hit that spot again. Adam jerked, hands crawling up the wall as his body begged.

  “Mine. Mine.” Matt moved faster, hips pushing into him over and over.

  “Please!” Adam’s fingers curled into fists.

  One of Matt’s hands slid away from his hip to curl around his cock.

  “Please.” He needed.

  Matt squeezed and began to stroke.

  “Master. Master.” Adam moaned.

  “Love that. My lovely.”

  “Yours. More, please.”

  Matt drove into him, each thrust harder than the last, better. Adam shook, his entire body alight with the pressure.

  “Come. Adam.” The words rasped out from Matt, the thrusts getting harder.

  “Master.” He clenched hard, his balls emptying.

  “Adam!” Matt’s shout rang through the small bathroom, bouncing off the tile.

  He caught himself as he slumped forward, breathing hard.

  Matt kept hold of his hip and his cock, breathing just as heavily behind him. “Mmm.”

  “Uh-huh.” He agreed. Totally.

  Sliding out, Matt groaned, hands tightening on him for a moment. He turned as Matt disposed of the condom, hands reaching for Matt. Matt drew him close, bringing their mouths together.

  “Master,” he whispered into Matt’s lips.

  “My lovely.” Matt’s hands slid over him. “Mine. All mine.”

  “Yes. Yours. Yours.”

  “Come to bed. I need to hold you.”

  He nodded, happy. He could so do that.

  Chapter Nine

  Matt got up shortly before Adam was expected back from yoga and made coffee, set out a couple of bowls of granola, and settled in the little patio area of Adam’s lovely yard, drinking his coffee, head tilted back to the early morning sun. It was a beautiful day.

  He heard the front gate open, Adam whistling under his breath. It made him smile to hear Adam so happy. Adam who loved him. God. That made him smile, too; it made his heart beat faster.

  Adam turned the corner, smiled at him. “Master. Good morning.”

  He smiled back, waved. “Good morning, lovely. How was your yoga today?”

  “Excellent.” Adam came to him, leaned down for a long, slow kiss. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did.” He let his hand linger at Adam’s hip. “You?”

  “Just fine.” Adam leaned into the touch.

  “There’s coffee in the kitchen, and an envelope on the kitchen table.”

  “An envelope?”

  “Yes. It has our contract in it.” He met Adam’s gaze, smiling as he waited for his lover’s response.

  “Oh.” Adam’s smile grew wider, brighter.

  He petted Adam’s ass, enjoying his lovely’s pleasure.

  “Do you need another cup of coffee?”

  “No, I’m good, thanks.”

  “Okay.” Adam headed in; Matt
thought the man was bouncing a little. God, he was a lucky guy.

  He finished what was left in his coffee cup and enjoyed the sunshine as he waited for Adam to return. Adam brought the contract and a cup of coffee with him. “Did you bring a pen, too?”

  “I did.”

  “Excellent.” He patted the chair next to him and Adam sat. “It contains the things we’ve discussed. You should read it over before you sign.”

  “I will. You have that we’re exclusive, sexually, and that you understand I will perform scenes with other men?”

  “Yes. I also have that I can veto those scenes if I feel they’re going to tax you too much.” That was important to him, that he could keep Adam from overdoing.

  Adam nodded. “I have to work some scheduling things out. It may take a while.”

  “We’ll get it figured, lovely.” He gave Adam the pen.

  Adam nodded again. Matt knew there would be problems. In fact, Adam’s phone had been dinging with text messages all morning. “I feel like we should have champagne on hand or something.”

  “It’s very early for champagne.” Adam read the contract, then signed.

  “Maybe a sparkling screw, then.” He winked, taking the pen to add his own signature. Adam’s laughter filled the air, his sub settling next to him.

  Matt signed the document, feeling something... warm go through him. It was settled -- Adam was his now.

  “It’s done.” Adam smiled at him.

  “It is.” He leaned in and brought their lips together. The bowls of granola rattled as Adam’s hand rested on the table. Matt tugged on Adam, pulling the man into his lap.

  “Hey.” Adam’s arms wrapped around his shoulders.

  “Hey. Mine.”

  “Are you sure?” The gentle tease was accompanied with a kiss.

  He laughed into Adam’s mouth. Adam grinned, rubbed their noses together. He licked at Adam’s lips, hands sliding gently along Adam’s back.

  “Master.” Adam stroked his hair, his face.

  He nuzzled into the touch, humming happily. Adam leaned back and grabbed his cereal, offering him a bite.

  He opened up, let Adam feed him. “You next.”

  Adam muttered, took a small bite, then fed him another. Chuckling, he took the spoon from Adam and spooned up a big mouthful.

  “That’s a lot of cereal.”

  “It’s a spoonful. Eat.”


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